Journey Into Service

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A submissive's development.
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thank You to silver_77 for helping me with editing.

Chapter One

Marcy carefully places the pan of lasagna into the oven and turns it on low, just enough to keep it warm while she waits for Him to get home from work. The table is set perfectly - salad tossed and waiting in the refrigerator, garlic bread buttered and spiced, ready to be warmed, wine bottle opened and breathing, goblets polished to a fine shine.

She quickly disappears into the bathroom for a last check of her appearance in the mirror. Running a brush through her long dark hair, she debates putting it up in a twist. Pulling it up, she looks at herself from every angle, wrinkles her nose, and lets the soft tresses fall gently down her back. She flips her hair quickly forward and then flings it back, fluffing it up and letting it settle. Moving closer to the mirror, she examines her make-up. Pursing her lips, she decides it hasn’t changed much since she last checked it.

A loud noise outside startles her, and she rushes to the window in hopes of seeing His return. A low sigh escapes her lips as her shoulders drop in disappointment. She sits down gently in the recliner, recalling how she came to this point in her life.

It was 1999, and she had been divorced for several years. That’s when she met Brandon. He was tall, a few years older than she, but He’d obviously taken good care of Himself. The first time T/they got intimate was good, but nothing unique or adventurous. However, she recalls, as time went on, He became more and more demanding, exhibiting more controlling behavior, and speaking quite gruffly to her at times. She remembers how surprised she was that this behavior excited her so much. One evening, He became quite aggressive.

“Drop to your knees,” He said as He walked in the door. “I wanna fuck MY sweet mouth.”

She was so excited knowing that she was doing exactly what He wanted her to do, exactly what would bring Him the most pleasure at that precise moment. She dropped to her knees. Looking up at Him, she opened and lowered His pants, exposing His semi-hard cock. As she began to gently lick and kiss it, she felt His hand on the back of her head, shoving her mouth completely over His cock. She could feel it growing inside of her. His moans told her it was just what He needed. She held Him deep in her throat, while her tongue played over the length of His cock, tasting every inch.

He looked down at her and said, “That’s right, suck My hard cock you slut. You know you’re My slut, don’t you?” She nodded gently, moaning onto His cock. “You know that soft mouth, that hot pussy, and that tight ass are all Mine, don’t you?” She nodded, beginning to squirm in her excitement. “And I can have them anytime I want, anywhere I want, and in any way I want. Isn’t that right, slut?”

She tried to pull off of His cock to answer Him, but He slammed her head back against Him, pressing her face hard against His pubic hair. She gagged slightly, and then resumed her tongue’s caress of His hardness buried deep in her throat. He held her head still, and began sliding His cock in and out of her mouth, slowly at first, then increasing in speed. She tried to keep her tongue moving, then finally gave up, and allowed Him to make all of the movement. He fucked her face hard and fast, pulling out just in time to shoot His seed over her lips and cheeks. She felt it splash hot and hard against her skin, tasting it as it landed on her tongue, and feeling it drip off of her chin. She recalled how loved she felt as He caressed her hair and told her what a good little slut she was.

Chapter Two

The sound of the car door brings her back from her memories. She positions herself at the front door, waiting for Him to enter, giving her hair a quick fluffing, and her sundress a quick smoothing. She knows that the stark whiteness of the soft cotton fabric accentuates her well-tanned skin and her dark facial features. She lightly runs her tongue over her lips to give them a delicate sheen and places her hands behind her arched back, knowing this is how He likes to see her present herself.

The door opens, and Kevin steps in. She feels her heart flutter at the sight of Him. Tall and handsome, His body is kept in good shape from the hours He spends hiking, skiing, and from the physical labor He performs on the job each day. He sets down His lunchbox and sees her standing there. She can see the adoration in His eyes as he admires her appearance. He leans in to kiss her, careful not to get her white dress dirty from the grit of work. She moans softly at the feel of His lips on hers, a feeling she craves all day while He’s gone. Now that He’s home she feels complete again.

“I love you, baby,” He says.

She smiles and responds, “I love You too, Daddy.”

As He heads for the shower, she quickly places the garlic bread into the oven to warm it and then follows Him to the bathroom. He is already in the shower, the mirror fogged over from the hot moisture. She slides open the door from the back and stands on the side of the tub, reaching for the shampoo. He smiles to see her there, and moves closer so she can reach His head. She places a small amount of the thick blue liquid onto the palm of her hand, closes the lid with the other hand, and places it back into the caddy. She rubs her hands quickly together, and then places both hands in His hair, gently massaging His scalp as the lather thickens and removes the grime of His day’s labors. As He steps back into the stream of water, she admires His body, glistening with moisture, muscles rippling, and feels a twitch deep inside. She sighs, knowing how blessed she is to belong to Him. He disturbs her quiet meditation with a quick plop of lather on the tip of her nose. She giggles, almost falling into the shower.

“Careful baby,” He chuckles.

She quickly sticks her tongue out at Him, and hops down off the side of the shower, closing the door.

When He steps out of the shower, she has everything prepared to shave Him. He wraps a towel around His waist, closes the lid, and sits on the stool. She straddles His lap, and begins to lather up His face. When His face is totally covered with shaving cream, He kisses her, hard, smearing the foam all over her face. He then sits back, chuckling, looking very proud of His prank. Giggling, she retaliates by blobbing a little on His bare nipples. He wipes it off, cleans the shaving cream off of her face, and gives her a warm hug. She proceeds to gently glide the razor over His face, removing all unwanted hair, and perfectly shaping His goatee.

She applies a warm washcloth to remove all of the remaining foam, and announces, “It’s smooth as a baby’s butt.”

He tickles her ribs a little, “Hop up baby, I can smell dinner”.

She runs to the kitchen before the garlic bread burns.

Chapter Three

She pulls the garlic bread out of the oven just in time, steam rising off of it, and places it into a basket, wrapped in a tea-cloth. She cuts through the gooey, cheesy lasagna, placing the hot, layered creation carefully onto T/their plates. As she works to serve up the salad, her mind again wanders to a time not really so long ago.

She was invited to a party at the home of a colleague. She really didn’t know very many of the attendees, but she entered one room, and there was a distinguished looking man, who seemed to be quite the center of attention. He was not that attractive, but He carried Himself with a strong sense of self-confidence, and seemed to be charming the many ladies who clambered to gain His attention. She became intrigued, and decided to find out just what His appeal was. She made her way to where He was standing, and joined into the conversation. She discovered that His name was Trenton, and she found him to have a pleasant demeanor, a quick wit, and a quiet intelligence. She spent the remainder of the evening talking with Him.

As the evening progressed, and T/they began to exchange more personal information about each O/other, He revealed that He was a Dom. Remembering her experiences with Brandon, she was very inquisitive, flooding Him with questions. He eagerly answered them all, and asked for Her e-mail address, so that He could send her the links to some sites that might give her some great insight. He also took her phone number, so that T/they could see each O/other again.

The following day, she received an e-mail from Him, with several links. She read through these sites, and was amazed at what she found. These people were describing exactly the kind of relationship she wanted, exactly what she was looking for. She now knew that she wanted, no, needed a Daddy/Dom to complete her.

A few days later, T/they met for coffee, and He asked her a few questions about herself.

“Do you see yourself as a responsible woman, able to take care of daily necessary tasks?” He Asked.

She wasn’t quite sure what the purpose of that question was, but she answered truthfully. “Yes, I am a responsible woman.”

She was somewhat concerned that He would tell Her she was not submissive if she could be responsible for herself.

But, He just nodded, and continued to His next question. “Do you see yourself as needing to be cuddled and held sometimes, just loved and spoiled?”

She nodded, “Yes, I really do like that sometimes.”

Now she feared He would think she was unsure of what kind of person she was.

But, again, He just nodded, and went on to a third question. “Do you consider yourself to be playful? Playing harmless pranks and just generally being kind of ornery?”

She giggled a little to herself, but admitted, “Yes, I like to be playful and ornery, mischievous at times.” Now she was really worried. “He probably thinks I’m schizophrenic,” she thought to herself.

But, He just chuckled, and asked His fourth question. “Do you consider yourself to be a submissive? Willing to relinquish control to another who would have only your best interests at heart?”

After the research she had done, she had to admit that yes, she wanted that desperately. She looked down, and only nodded.

Then He asked her one more question. “Do you think all of these different personas that you possess make you crazy in some way? That they cannot possibly coexist in one sane human being?”

“Ok,” she thought, “here’s where He’s going to tell me I’m crazy.” Her expression must have tickled Him, because He burst out laughing.

“Don’t be alarmed, little one. The existence of all four of those personas simply confirms my suspicions. You are a brat/babygirl, a very special breed of submissive. One that requires a very special breed of Dom, a Daddy/Dom.”

“Hey baby, something smells good in here.” His voice brings her back to the present.

She turns to Him, and smiles with pleasure and pride at her good fortune in finding her own very special Daddy/Dom. “It’s all ready Daddy, I hope You are hungry.”

Chapter Four

She smiles, and motions for Him to sit. He lights the long, baby blue tapers in the crystal holders as she dims the harsh overhead light. The flames flicker, causing the light to dance over the elegantly set table. She presents Him with the bottle of wine, and anxiously watches as He pours the sweet, red liquid into His goblet. She barely breathes as He takes His first sip. She prays He will approve of her choice. He allows the liquid to roll around on His tongue, and then swallows. She breathes a proud sigh of relief as He smiles and fills her glass.

“Very nice wine baby, I’m quite proud of your selection.”

She beams, knowing she has pleased Him.

She sits, keeping her hands in her lap until He begins to eat. He eagerly cuts into His lasagna, and places the morsel into His mouth.

“Mmmm, very good baby.”

She smiles, and begins to eat. She passes Him the garlic bread, and watches as He eats heartily. He is always hungry after a hard day’s work. She is so proud to be His, and so proud of all that He does.

“How was your day, baby?” He asks.

She smiles. “It was a good day, Daddy. I did some research online, and did a little shopping.” She giggles softly, knowing she will surprise Him with her purchase later.

“Another shopping spree?” He asks, brow cocked.

“No Daddy, I only bought one thing. I think You will approve.” She knew He would tease Her, but in reality, He loves her little shopping sprees.

T/their banter continues throughout dinner. He tells her about work, and the little pranks between the men with whom He works. She tells Him about her expedition to the mall. T/they laugh, enjoying the opportunity to share T/their stories. She ponders how comforting it feels to have Him here to listen to her ramblings, and how eager she is to hear His. It is as if the two of T/them have the need to merge T/their separate experiences to maintain their sense of being O/one. She feels such love for Him, and revels in the love she feels from Him.

“That was an excellent meal, my love,” He says.

She smiles, satisfied in her success. Pleasing Him is the most important part of her existence. “Thank You, Daddy.”

Chapter Five

She begins to clear the dishes from the table, and as she is rinsing and stacking them for washing, she feels His arms slip around her waist from behind. His breath feels hot on her neck. She shivers slightly as His lips find that perfect spot right below her left ear. His right hand slides up to cup her left breast, and give it a firm squeeze.

“I’m going to check My e-mail. Be done with these dishes before I finish, and join Me. I want to see your new purchases.”

Her breath quickens. “Yes, Sir,” is all she can say. She knows she is His, and must do exactly as He requires. As He slips away, she remembers the first time she felt such total submission.

She and Trenton had been having an argument. Hell, you couldn’t even really call it an argument. It was more like a playful exchange. At least it was to her. With no warning, Trenton ran His hand up the back of her head, locked His fingers in her hair, and firmly pulled her head back. She remembers physically feeling her will leave her body. She could no longer argue. She could no longer disagree with Him about anything. All that existed was Him and His voice, His needs, His desires. At that moment, she knew she was completely under His control. She had gone deep into what she later learned was “sub space”. There were no signs of a responsible woman, baby girl, and especially not a brat. All she could say was “Yes, Sir”.

How free she had felt at that moment. She didn’t have to think. She didn’t have to plan. Her only responsibility was to please Him, to listen to His voice, feel His wants, needs, and desires, and do whatever it took to meet them. Even after He released her, she was in a sort of trance for well over an hour. She was so amazed by that experience, that total surrender. She hadn’t known she had it in her.

As she puts the lid on the salad bowl, and places it into the refrigerator, she realizes she should hurry if she is going to be ready for Him when He finishes His e-mail. She double checks that everything is taken care of, quickly wipes up a small puddle of water from the counter, and scurries off to the bedroom to change.

Chapter Six

She peeks into the den, and sees Him reading something on the internet. She watches as He snaps His head from side to side, popping His neck. She cringes slightly at the sound, but she knows it relieves the tension in His neck, and helps Him to relax. She fights the urge to sneak up behind Him and plant a warm kiss on the back of His neck. She knows she should hurry to be prepared when He is ready for her.

She rushes into the bedroom and removes the Victoria’s Secret bag from her dresser drawer. She loves getting new lingerie. And she really loves how much it pleases Him to see her in it. She smiles as she pulls the garment from the bag. She shakes the fabric loose, and watches it softly fall into place. The bright red, satin ribbons starkly accent the sheer black lace of the baby doll top. The matching red satin thong falls free, landing on the bed.

She contemplates donning stockings and garters, but chooses instead to show off the deepening tan of her own lean legs. She removes the sundress, and returns it to a hanger in the closet. She admires her body in the mirror. Pushing her breasts up a little, she wishes they were just a bit perkier. But, at 40, she figures they’re not too bad. She giggles. He seems to like them.

She removes the tag from the thong, and slips her left foot in through the soft fabric. The right foot follows, and she pulls the garment up over her hips. The small triangle of fabric barely covers her mound, and she is glad that she had shaved this morning. This would never be able to hide pubic hair. The feel of the satin between the cheeks of her ass is mildly erotic, providing slight sensations of pleasure to heighten her already sensual mood.

She runs her hands down her flat tummy and over her mound, feeling the heat beginning to rise. She quickly removes her hands, not wanting to moisten the fabric before Kevin even gets to see it. She slips the baby doll over her head, and allows it to fall gently down her body, the thin straps landing softly on her shoulder. The lace against her nipples causes them to harden immediately, a fact that cannot be hidden behind the sheerness of the cloth. She loves the little swooping gathers around the bottom hem, accentuated by the bright red satin ribbons. She brushes through her hair, letting it fall gently down her back and over her shoulders and chest. She practices a sexy smile, gives herself a wink, and heads off to the den to see if He is ready for her. She hopes so, because she is feeling very ready for Him.

Chapter Seven

She peeks in, keeping herself hidden behind the doorframe. He is still reading e-mail, unaware of her presence. This time though, she does enter the room, stopping about two feet behind Him. She waits for Him to sense her nearness.

Without turning, He says, “I’m almost done, baby. Stay right there.”

She stands patiently, watching as He finishes responding to the electronic letter. She places her hands behind her back, pressing her chest out slightly. She gently bites her lower lip, nervously awaiting His reaction to her appearance.

He finishes that correspondence, and when He turns, it is easy to see His pleasure. A quick grin adorns His face, but is quickly replaced by a neutral stare. He motions for her to turn around. She slowly turns, allowing Him to admire her from all angles. He holds His hand out to her, and when she takes it, He silently guides her to lie across His lap.

Her mind starts racing. Had she done something wrong? Had she displeased Him in some way? She remembered the first time she had received a spanking as a punishment. Trenton had found out about a prank she had pulled on a friend, and He thought it had been a sign of disrespect. He concluded that she needed a spanking as punishment for her behavior.

He told her that this was not going to be pleasant. “This will be nothing like the erotic spankings you like so much.”

He raised His hand and brought it down hard on her left ass check. He did not rub it or smooth out the sting, but just continued to swat her ass, alternating between right and left cheeks. She could feel the heat rising in her skin. She kept waiting to feel Him harden beneath her, but He never did. He just continued to spank her reddening bottom, bringing her to tears. When He finished, He told her to stand, and then He pulled her up to sit in His lap.

She did not get the cuddling and groping and caressing that she so wanted at that time. He held her, but continued to chastise her for her behavior. He made it clear to her that it was not pleasant for Him either.

“I do not enjoy spanking you for punishment. It is not erotic, it is not fun, it is not pleasurable. But you left me no choice, little one.”