Just a Jab Ch. 05

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John and Linda get a surprise & Janet joins in.
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Welcome to the 5th installment

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

To date: John Smith had an injection of testosterone that was contaminated. This caused major changes in his reproductive system that ultimately means he needs frequent sex to survive. His wife, Linda fell ill and they recruited their neighbour Sophia to help with his treatment. Linda discovers she loves seeing John with other women. Linda managed to persuade John's specialist doctor to get his semen sample the fun way.

Any sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination and may not match anything in real life.

Biology and medicine are not my strongest points, so I have not been encumbered by any silly preconceptions.

Expect some ridiculous ideas as I alter reality to fit my perception of life.

Yes, it does look like a harem story because it is one. If you are hesitant about this tag then read no further.



Thursday Day 20

After a very eventful Wednesday John was happy to be able to begin this new day with nice slow 'n easy sex with his wife. He was finding this morning glory was a good way to charge his battery for the day. He got out of bed feeling fresh and ready to face the day ahead. He was still unable to return to his regular morning exercises that had been a ritual for his adult life. Uncertainty of how his tingles would react kept him cautious, hoping that soon he could return to the gym room and swimming. He did feel that his upscale sex life might help compensate for some aerobics, or at least his cardio workouts.

Linda was right behind him in the bathroom humming a tune to herself. He thought she was feeling good about herself as well, so he could relax knowing they were rock solid together. A couple of quick kisses between routine items then breakfast together. The morning news was full of the current world problems that made his own seem trivial. He could not imagine living in a place where bombs exploding were a normal occurrence, or people being gunned down just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It seemed the world was going down the toilet and the flush wasn't working. He started to wonder if those crazies had it right and he should stockpile lots of guns and ammunition, plus food and water supplies to survive the coming apocalypse. Then his next thought brought him back to normal, would he even want to survive if carrying and using weapons was necessary just to survive day to day. Shivering to himself he returned to his real world and helped clear the kitchen and go get ready for work. Linda had already started her preparations for the coming day.

John went to work in his eco-friendly buzz box, while Linda would work from home before heading out to meetings with her clients or check on the work in progress. John settled at work making contact with current clients and making certain his company was meeting their requirements and doing all the boss type things in the office. He rarely had any time to himself and any quiet time not being used on his own work was taken organising business with his personal assistant, Janet. He spent a lot of time with her as she liaised with the others in the office on the small minutiae of day to day things, and took on a lot of the donkeywork involved in running a company. Someone had to organise the office specialists, sub contractors and suppliers the business used.

It was near lunchtime and John was feeling his tingles getting stronger. He stopped working and sat quietly at his desk hoping that Linda would arrive soon. He might need to relieve himself soon if she did not get here in time. Masturbation did not provide any long term relief from the tingles as he had found out and he would need to go home to enable him to rub it as often as needed.

He was about to give Linda a phone call when Janet entered the office carrying his lunch bag. He always had lunch delivered from a local cafe. Janet bringing him lunch was not really odd although Bronwyn normally brought it to him if he hadn't grabbed it first. It was that Janet turned and locked the door behind her that was odd. He thought maybe something had gone wrong and she need to ensure they were not disturbed. He looked at her with his eyebrows raised in a silent question. She paused at the door listening to the noises in the building hearing a phone ring, someone talking and footsteps down the hallway. After a moment she seemed satisfied and turned back to him. Then he noticed she carried her personal phone in her hand as she approached him with a small grin and a flushed face.

He was becoming more curious as her silence continued. Without saying a word she handed the phone to John for him to talk.

"Hello?" he tentatively inquired without taking his eyes off Janet who remained standing beside his chair.

"Hi darling, good, Janet is finally with you," said Linda.

"Hi dear, what's happened? Are you OK?" he asked with rising concern.

"No problems John, I'm OK. The car decided to break down this morning and I am waiting for the auto club mechanic to arrive. Sorry but I cannot make it to you today."

"Oh no problems then, boy got a bit scared there for a moment. I can handle things until we get together later then."

"Unfortunately John I have more appointments after lunch and I might just make them if the car gets fixed soon. I will not be able to get home until nearer dinner time as I am running behind already. But, now wait till I finish talking OK, promise to sit there and keep quiet and listen, promise please."

"OK sweetheart what are you planning?" although he was starting to get an idea of where she was heading with this and he was not certain if he was going to be happy or not.

"I'm not planning anything, well not really planning as much as organising. Now I assume your tingles are in full swing, right?"


"So I want you to survive today until we can be together later. You want this as well don't you?"


"So dearest I want you to let Janet help you. She is still there with you, right?"

John looked at Janet and saw she was still standing next to him and looked scared as though she was going to be scolded like a naughty child. She had trouble looking him in the eye, staring at her feet instead. Her blush was even deeper than before making her look really cute. He suddenly saw her in a totally new light, as though a cover had been removed. He thought to himself that Janet really wants this, she wants to be with him and he felt the same towards her. She is very attractive and he wondered to himself that he had obviously missed something over these years. He knew she had a nice body having seen it in bikinis at their pool many times. But this was maybe the first time he looked at her as a sexy woman instead of as a friend or coworker. But, he was not going to let Linda off the hook this easy.

"Yes she is."

"Well John could you do this for me and get rid of your tingles with Janet?"

"I don't know Linda, have you convinced Janet that she has to do this? Janet, are you really OK with this. Ignore Linda if she has talked you into this. I do not want you to feel obligated, you are in no danger of losing your job or us as friends."

Janet frowned at the ground for a moment before lifting her head to look directly at John. She squatted down beside him and took his spare hand in hers. Looking deeply at him she spoke very clearly showing her determination for this. She heard talking coming from the phone speaker and asked Linda to wait a moment as she talked to John.

"John, we have worked together closely for years and been friends for almost as long. You showed a confidence in me that nobody else ever had, even myself. You and Linda took me into your home and befriended myself and Adriana. You have become more family to us than my own family could ever be. Linda already guessed that I have been in love with you for a long time, but would never have acted on it out of respect and love for Linda and for you. I want to be able to help the two of you with your tingles. I am upset that you are having this problem. Please say yes, I really want this and I hope you do as well."

She stopped talking and John sat there holding her hands and the phone to his ear. From his position he was finding it difficult to concentrate on her words and keep looking in her eyes. He had a great vantage spot to see up her mid length skirt and see her pale blue panties stretched across her crotch. Shit, he could even see her camel toe and her crutch was damp. He could even see down her blouse to her full cleavage and a hint of a matching blue lace bra. With her words and obvious emotional feelings, his wife pushing for it and the tingles screaming at the site of her crotch and cleavage, what hope would he have to say no even if he wanted to. He was honest enough to know that he was feeling like she was with a lot of emotion, and a lot of hormonal lust to back up his love.

"Dear, or dears I am about to hyperventilate. Janet I do have felt a strong tie to you, I think it may be something like love but it is too new to say so. Damn Linda what is happening to me? I need you Janet and not just because of the great view up your legs and my physical needs."

Janet surprised at this last statement looked down and noted that he did have a great view of her panties and breasts, and yes they were damp and tightly drawn across her crotch.

"John, Janet what's happening there?" Linda asked loudly.

"Linda, its OK he does have a good view of my covered pussy frlom how I am squatting next to him. I didn't realise that much would be showing, but I'm not worried as I think it sent his tingles into overdrive," she said to Linda with a smile, "Don't worry, things will work out."

"Good because I have to go, the mechanic arrived, finally. See you later. I love you John."

"Love you sweetheart, bye," he said as Linda had closed the connection.

He checked the phone was reset and turned fully to face Janet and took one of her hands in his now free hand. They sat there looking at each other for a moment before he pulled slightly towards himself. She got up on her knees and John moved his hands to the sides of her head and gently pulled her into a kiss. She held his waist as they gently kissed for short periods looking at each other in between lip touches. At one break he started to talk to her, but she put a finger to his mouth and shushed him quiet.

"Don't talk John. I have wanted this for a long time. It will change our relationship, but it will be for the better. I can feel this in my heart. Please love me, I need your love."

He did the only thing he could do, pulled her closer put his arms around her tightly and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. She returned it in kind as they changed from friends to lovers allowing the lust between them grow. It took very little time for their clothes to be loosened and pushed aside to enable skin contact.

"Janet, I will need to cum quickly as my pains are getting hard to take. Please can you just take it in hand and get it to come."

Janet complied and removed his pants and jocks to gain access to his cock. She stopped briefly after taking it in hand to admire it and was astounded at its size. She thought to herself about how she could never have imagined this even after being told about it. Hearing about it was worlds apart from actually seeing up close and touching it. She was wetting her panties now and they had not really started. A small groan from John brought her back to reality and she began stroking this cock. She used both hands as she concentrated on his appendage and built up her speed, pressure and stroke length. John was enjoying the manipulation and leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. When Janet added her lips to her ministrations he moaned in delight feeling her warm moist mouth on his penis head. She licked then sucked on his cock head for a while as she became familiar with his taste and feel.

She felt him getting closer to orgasm so she opened her mouth fully and pulled him into her until he hit the back of her throat. Tightening her lips around him and fluttering her tongue as best as she could she pulled on him with a strong suction. This sent him into nirvana and his peak was quickly reached. Soon his cum was rocketing out of the end of his cock into her mouth. She was surprised at the amount and intensity of the stream, then at the temperature that warmed her mouth and tongue. She swallowed what she could but some did weep out. Next came another surprise at the taste of him, his cum was like a creamy fruit punch. She loved the tangy flavour and smooth texture as though it was a fruit smoothie. Addictive, yes and loving it, went through her mind.

When he was totally spent she felt him relax and let out a long breath that he must have been holding. She then realised that she too had been holding her breath and made herself relax and let him slip out of her mouth. Janet then realised her panties were drenched with her own cum as it was released during his orgasm. She could not recall having climaxed but was not surprised as this was an experience like none before. Now all she felt was cold as a draft of air played across her wet crotch and bum. Wriggling around she opened her eyes to see that although John looked relaxed, his cock was still hard. It had only slightly retreated from full size. Blowing a gentle wind over his penis got his eyes open and his cock returning to full glory.

"Thank you Janet."

John slid forward on the chair, held her by the shoulders, pulled her to him and kissed her. Janet was surprised as guys had never wanted a kiss after a blowjob. She quickly increased her kiss and pressed her body against his making her large breasts billow out the sides. John was loving this contact as he could feel her boobs with their hard nipples and his hard cock pushing into her flat belly. Janet was not finished yet, although she knew the blowjob could be enough to allow him to last till mid afternoon. Her pussy was on heat and need his cum to douse the fire.

She stood up pulling John with her so they were face to face with bodies in full contact. Janet was swaying her hips with Johns hard penis between them rubbing against her. Being in the office they knew options were limited and leaving the room to find alternative, more comfortable accommodations would not be feasible or practical. Getting dressed right now was not high on their priorities with lust running their brains.

Janet knew what she wanted but not how best to get it when John moved her to back against the desk. Janet deliberated for a moment on how best to go about this and decided to go with her favourite. Pulling back from the kiss and full body hug and grabbing his cock she spun around to face the desk, pushed the office junk away and leaned forward. Supporting her body on the desktop and spreading her feet as far as she could she pulled John by his cock to place him at her vaginal opening. John took over the activity from here and pressed himself forward a little and wiped his cock head along her slit. Janet gave an involuntary shudder as he touched her sensitive areas.

When he was sure he had moistened his dick he returned to her opening and pushed in a little bit further until the head was inside. Janet was breathing heavily by this stage as her anticipation of his penetration raised her ardour. She began humping her hips a little to get more of him inside. John slowly moved his hips forward more, inserting himself further into her vagina. As more entered, so Janet's whimpering increased and the faster she humped backwards. She was ecstatic over how this felt, never before was she so full and turned on, even allowing for the added thrill of being in the office and having to keep quiet. She had the added benefit of this being her favourite position. With this thought she noticed that she was actually becoming noisier and placed one hand to her mouth to try to muffle the sound. John had reached full depth and began his own humping which sent Janet into raptures, causing her to cum in a continuous stream.

John could not believe the effect sex was having on Janet, he was not complaining as it made him feel like a king. He was finding it harder to hold back his own orgasm and Janet's erratic movements and not so quiet sounds were making it more difficult. As he was almost at the end of his control, Janet stopped moving and her entire body tensed. A low growl emitted from her throat as her vaginal muscles clamped tightly around his cock stopping his movements. After a few seconds of this John reached his peak and his semen was pushed out into her vagina. Feeling the pulsing on her walls and hot liquid hitting her sensitive insides pushed Janet into her orgasm peak causing her to grunt and twitch on his pole. Fluids were pushed around his cock to seep down their legs. They did eventually calm down and stayed still, panting to catch their breath and get heartbeats nearer normal pace.

John was perfectly at ease resting peacefully until he was repeatably hit in the side by Janet's elbow.

"Hey buster, can't breathe down here. Move your butt mister."

"Damn girlie, why you waking me up for? This was real comfy." whined John as he laughed and stood back up to fall back into his chair.

Janet twisted around to give him a big smile then as she stood up opened the bottom drawer of his desk to retrieve a box of tissues. Grabbing a bundle of them she padded her pussy to collect any more leakage, then followed him to his chair sitting on his lap. With some extra tissues she managed to wipe most of the wetness off their legs and laps. Achieving this she leaned back onto John as he gently hugged her. Swiveling a bit to be across his lap she managed a kiss before nestling in with a contented sigh as John slowly rubbed her side.

A knock on the door made them both jump as a voice called out if they were OK.

"Yes Barry, no problems. Sorry if we were talking too loud, sort of got carried away with our discussion," responded John.

"OK John, just checking. Be going out for a while so probably see you tomorrow then."

John bid him bye as Janet started giggling burying her face into his neck to keep any noise down. John joined her and they had trouble controlling their mirth. They were like kids caught doing something naughty. Well they were doing something naughty, they just weren't kids.

"Janet I will say this regardless, thank you."

"John I have wanted you for so long it's silly. I want, no, I need to help you."

They cuddled for a short while when his phone made its normal sounds until John grabbed it and hit the green button.

"Hello John, you OK?"

"Hi Linda, yes we are OK. Janet is still here with me. Say hi," he said followed by the two women calling "Hi."

"I must say Linda dear, for a damsel in distress you make a better CQ."


"Next time dear you really don't have to make up a break down to satisfy your CQ urges, and yes we are finished although we are still feeling a bad draught. I think everyone in the office today thinks Janet and I just went three rounds of extreme wrestling. Had them knocking on the door ready to charge in to the rescue."

They could hear Linda's laughter over the phone joining their own giggles.

"Well then sweetheart I'll just push them your way in future. Gotta go to my next meeting, glad the tingles are beaten again. Bye for now," Linda cut the connection before John did.

Not needing to say anymore they kissed for a minute before Janet rose to wipe away any excess liquids. They got dressed before John opened his windows as wide as they would go to try and disperse the telltale odour of their time together. Janet gave him a quick peck then left the room to go to the bathroom and try to clean up a bit more. She hoped her slight limp from a sore pussy would not be too noticeable. John hurriedly ate his sandwich while pretending to read a report on his desk.