Just a Jab Ch. 09

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More treatment needed but there are some bugs.
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Welcome to the 9th instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

To date:

John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing major changes to his reproductive system. He now needs frequent sex to survive, and long term female friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana jumped in to help him and his wife Linda. John has an unexpected re-occurrence of his blackout and is rushed to hospital for a second time. While there Linda arranges for the nursing staff to help with his treatments. John is coming to terms with having sex with other women and finds himself attracted to another woman at the hospital. Another friend, Glenda has agreed to help with John's treatments and Bronwyn is thinking about it. They learn that the pharmaceutical company tried to spy on them in the hospital, and subsequently meet another sufferer from the injection who is a security consultant.


All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination and may not match anything in real life.

Biology and medicine are not my strongest points and sex is just a hobby, so I have not been encumbered by any silly preconceptions.

Expect some ridiculous ideas as I alter reality to fit the needs of the story.

Yes, it does look like a harem story because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



Wednesday Day 24

Linda and John arrived home late in the morning after a very bizarre time in the hospital. They had talked about it during the drive but this '007' stuff was way beyond their experience to be believable. Making it more difficult was that they would not be able to discuss things at home for fear the house was bugged. Coincidence does happen but how would anyone guess that 'Spy vs Spy' would visit your own normal life. As they neared home John asked Linda to pull over and stop for a minute.

"Sweetheart this is gong to be very difficult and very awkward, but my tingles are hitting me something chronic at the moment. I am not sure what we should do to help."

They were quiet for a moment and Linda gave an angry toned answer, "If these bastards are going to try and invade our lives then we will strike back at them when we can," giving a calming sigh she continued, "Dear, we are husband and wife and have been married for a long time and I don't see how us scratching an itch can be taken as anything abnormal for a loving couple. I may not like the idea of someone eaves dropping without asking first but," and Linda paused for a moment feeling a stab of guilt over her actions just five days ago. She shook off the feeling and continued, "we have to live our lives. You need your treatment and we have a perfectly good comfortable home."

John added, "Yes dear I see what you mean. If we do not mention anything about my health and treatments then whatever happens in our home would be, more or less, normal. However, I do not want to expose Sophia or anyone else to this so we need to come up with some alternatives and that must be today. I am going to need more later this afternoon and then again tonight, let alone over the following days."

"Have you forgotten the little box Matthew loaned to us to find any microphones?"

"Oh, that's right I had forgotten that. So at least we can find a safe room if it comes to that. Plus Matt did say he would be over this afternoon some time after he finished at the hospital. Gee, how odd that mess is turning out to be. I always thought corruption was for the politicians and government, but it seems to be in all sorts of places. I only hope it hasn't affected the patients care at the hospital. It'd be one thing to bribe to get supply contracts to improve profits. But if they go that far what would stop them from supplying crap product for even better profits."

John thought over his stay at the hospital and the younger guy, Paul came to mind, "I met three people in the hospital, each there for different reasons, but one was a young bloke about twenty years old. It seems he goes into the hospital for a night or two every month for treatment. I did not learn exactly what was wrong but after a nurse took him off, the other two told me they only knew he was putting off the inevitable. Even with the treatments every month he has at best a year to live. You wouldn't know it to talk to him because he seemed, well, normal, just a bit on the quiet side. I just took that as expected from a young guy when your companions range up to about seventy. It made me stop and think a bit about my problems and how insignificant they would appear to be to some other people."

Linda turned and looked him directly in the eyes to ensure she had his whole attention, "Oh honey, your probs are not insignificant and are just as life threatening as others can be. Stop and think about what would happen if you did not get treatment again and nobody was there in time who could help revive you. It gives me nightmares when it creeps into my head," having a shudder as if to emphasise her words.

John reached out and held his wife as best he could in the confines of the front seat of the car across the centre console. Linda may not have cried but it was a close call.

"I know it could all go belly up for us, but I still feel that I have been given this chance at survival. What chance does Paul have; even with his treatments he is still on borrowed time. I guess what I am really trying to say is that I have an opportunity to live and will take it, but alternatives are a sobering thought. Now we are going to be parents and can only hope our child is fit and healthy. It must be extremely hard to be a parent and only be able to stand by and watch as your child is ill."

They cuddled for a few minutes longer until the tingles got the better of John and Linda became uncomfortable bent around in the car seats.

"One blessing is that we are coming home to an empty house and I get to enjoy your body again."

"Here here, I have to agree with that one John."

That is what they did as soon as they were inside the house after checking their bedroom and getting a red light, moved to a spare room where a green light showed it was clear. They considered it was quite normal for a married couple to have sex, but it was too off putting knowing someone was listening to their private times. They certainly would have heard enough for entertainment. John may have had to be careful not to overdo physical exertion with Linda, but he did not need to be cautious giving her orgasms. She had those in spades as his fingers, mouth and cock all played with her erogenous zones. Having been sidetracked with the listening devices they had forgotten the towels and by the time they finished and actually exited the room a large wet slippery spot adorned the bedding.


Matt arrived at the front door mid afternoon and as John opened the door to him Matt signalled for silence before he started speaking.

"Good afternoon Mr Smith, I am here for the appointment I made with Mrs Smith to inspect the house for pests. I hope she has not forgotten it as we made it a few weeks ago," John stood there open mouthed gaping at Matt as though he had spoken Chinese to him. Matt raised his eyebrows, rolled his hand at John to join in, and continued, "Perhaps you should check with Mrs Smith."

They were saved by Linda coming to the door and giving John a hip shove aside, "Why of course I had not forgotten, just forgot to mention this to my slow husband. Please come inside. Would you like a cool drink?"

"Maybe after I have finished checking the house that would be nice. If I can set my bag somewhere on a table or bench and I will get started right away."

Linda pointed him to the kitchen where he set his bag and unpacked some gadgets and a large bottle of water, and like in the movies he moved around the rooms checking all around each room. He had a CD running to disguise his movements and to ensure microphones would be operating if they were sound activated. Linda poured drinks in the kitchen as they waited for Matt to finish his inspection. They sat together quietly in the family room and waited, feeling very out of place amidst the cloak and dagger. It took nearly two hours for Matt to be completed and report back to the couple.

"Unfortunately Mr and Mrs Smith you have a bad case of bug infestation in a number of points around the house," Matt spoke clearly to the pair, "It is not critical but I would suggest you get it treated straight away before they overrun every room. Here is my notes with a few sketches of where I found the worst spots."

They both peered at the pages that Matt had spread on the kitchen counter. They were horrified that apart from their own bedroom, the lounge and kitchen were included. Without thinking they looked around the room at the indicated locations of where the bugs had been placed. By this time Linda was getting quite upset at the thought that she had probably let the people into the house who had placed these things. She was becoming very emotional when John noticed and ushered her outside before she made any noise to tip someone listening and give her a chance to regain control. Matt followed them and checked the patio and pool areas. When satisfied they were clear he sat with them and explained what needs to be done.

"I am sorry this has happened, but we can rectify it."

John asked, "Matt I really do not understand this at all. Why would anyone go to such lengths for just a simple thing. A mistake was made in the manufacture of the serum and all they have to do is admit it and pay up. Surely they have contingency funds for this type of thing, it must happen enough to be catered for. Besides, this behaviour must be illegal."

"Yes and no John. To start with the company did not admit any culpability and will not step down from this standpoint. Remember this is not their first time and they have successfully dealt with problems in the past. We are not talking thousands of dollars here but millions, perhaps tens of millions in direct compensation to all of us," and John looked dumbfounded at him, "Yes there is a lot of money at stake, but also the main problems for them is from their own shareholders. Too much bad stuff and the board of directors and top management of the company would be out on their collective arses. There would be no cosy large payouts either if found in breach of their contracts, and believe me they would be found in breach somehow. The major stakeholders are not people to put up with any sloppy management of their money. So the board will do whatever they can get away with to help themselves, even a few shady dealings. I have had some brushes with this type of thing before, but like you it is my first time at being the target as well."

"Okay Matt, what should we do from here?"

"I will suggest you go ahead with a full house treatment totally blanketing the building. This is total overkill but would be an effective way to destroy the microphones without undue suspicion. With total immersion like this we could destroy the 'bugs' and it would be blamed on the treatment chemical vapours. This would work because they again used the same guy who has no real idea on how to go about these things. Down side to this is that you would need to vacate your house for about a week and the cost can be quite high for both the treatment and the professional cleaning afterwards. If this was not done properly even the bonehead investigator in charge would see through the sham. This has the advantages of then being able to talk freely inside your own home, and any real bugs hiding here will be exterminated."

With that Matt stopped talking to let his companions think through his advice as he took a slurp from his bottle. John was the first to say anything.

"It would be hard to hide anything for any length of time and we would eventually mention something that a shady lawyer could use against us. It would also be too obvious and suspicious if we suddenly moved out of the house on a more permanent basis. How soon would the work be done?"

"If I can organise it now the exterminators should be able to get it done this weekend, which is very quick as I have an agreement with the guy who owns the company. To answer your next obvious question, we have to use proper chemicals because their use, or non-use, is too easy to confirm. What do you think?"

Linda answered after she and John had a look to each other, "I think we have to go through with it thanks Matt. I have to say though that this is all so foreign to me and extremely hard to get my mind around it. We will go with your suggestions," and at this point a voice called from the gateway to next door as Sophia entered the yard and walked up to them, curious at seeing a stranger sitting with them. This man was as different from most men she met with his bald head and such a large body. He really filled out his clothes as very few men could ever aspire. As Matt rose to shake her hand in greeting she got an eye full of his height, shoulders and muscles and more muscles. She could see that he would have trouble fitting through a doorway he was so broad and tall, and did she mention about his muscles yet in her thoughts.

Linda made the introductions explaining only that Matt was helping them with a few problems, until John decided that Sophia needed to know more information because they would need her help over the next week and she needed to be warned of what was happening. He went into as much detail as he could with added help from Linda and Matt. Sophia got that boggled look on her face until near the end of the explanation when she was getting excited.

"You mean that Matt is a real life Mission Impossible agent and he has more gadgets than James Bond could even dream of. That would have to be the most exciting thing to ever have happened in this dreary town, aaannnd I am the first you have said anything to. I love it," she squealed and clapped her hands like a little child receiving the best ever birthday present, "Do we get to wear disguises and hat and cloaks like in the spy movies. Should we be talking about this in the open like this, what if they have a parabolic microphones, or perhaps a drone is flying overhead watching and listening to us," as she started looking around and into the sky.

The three people sitting with her were laughing at her antics, "Hold on my dear, it will be OK as Matt here has set up the invisible cone of silence, but unlike the original Get Smart version, this one works," and the four of them laughed for a few moments at the silliness of this.

Matt was first to return to control, "One thing Mrs Brampton," and Sophia butted in.

"Please call me Sophia."

"Okay thanks Sophia, I am Matt. I did find some listening devices inside the house we believe could have been left by some delivery men the other day. It is highly unlikely they would know to target you as well, but we will need to be thorough. Have you had anyone in the house in the past week? Can I give your house a once over to be on the safe side? I will also need to check you mobile phones and protect you against any intrusion."

Sophia thought about it for a second and said, "No we have had no visitors of any description except for old friends. You can check the house, and my phone is on the kitchen bench. We should also check the kids phones, I will ask them. Do you want to do that now?"

Linda had been listening while watching John closely as she was concerned this abnormal stress could be affecting him.

Linda spoke up, "A couple of things that we need to get out into the open, and I hope I am correct that we can fully trust you Matt. Nothing personal but there are things in our lives that have to be done and if you are going to be around off and on you are likely to witness or hear certain things. Damn that sounds gross. John, Sophia is it alright if I tell Matt about the treatments. I am bringing this up because I can see John is probably needing one now before we go too much further, and I have already tried to help him today."

This did not startle John as he had expected that Matt would find out everything eventually anyway. Sophia was a bit embarrassed, not by what they were doing but just that she had not expected it to come out to a newly met stranger so soon. She did, however, see the sense of it and blushed profusely and she agreed to Linda's request.

"Thank you Sophia, I know what you are thinking as we are in the same boat in that," and Linda held a hand out for Sophia to grasp as she continued talking, "Matt I know you too were affected by the same type of injection as John was, but for Sophia's benefit could you explain what has happened to you. Sophia is one of our best and trusted friends and she is helping John and his treatments. This is a very personal thing so I am not asking just for the sake of it."

Matt nodded and spoke to them, "I had been told a little about John by Dr Kendall, but only the overall picture with no details so that I could be effective in your protection. Sophia, I too had the injection but mine came out in my build as you can see," spreading his arms out as though showcasing himself like a new car.

Sophia mumbled to herself, not realising they all heard, "Ooh I can certainly see that body."

Matt smiled as he continued, "I was a small weedy weakling and grew twelve inches in height and doubled in weight, all muscle and bone, very quickly. Much like John I spent some time in hospital to stabilise my condition and work out what I needed to survive. The TV report actually had it wrong about me as I do not need exercise. This would produce bigger muscles and give me more problems. So apart from normal living I basically do nothing, I vegetate. My diet must also be careful excluding any of those healthy foods that promote health and growth. It is all much harder than it sounds but at least now I never get bullied. The one thing you will probably see me do a lot of and that is drink water, tons of it all day long. Now this last part is embarrassing, but I feel I need to share all of it with you to fully gain your trust. All this growth and muscle is due to overactive steroid production in my body, and like the athletes who overuse steroids my sexual function has suffered. I can still use it but most of it is lost," as he demonstrated by putting his thumb and index finger close together, "and is most unimpressive in action."

Sophia reached out and held his hand in thanks for sharing his story as he blushed a bit at telling this, "I am not used to blushing, but this is the first time I have told anyone not already close to me about this part."

Linda spoke up, "Thanks Matt, I know that must have been very difficult," and she continued to explain John's reaction to the injection including the help they were getting from good friends. He did get wide eyed at various stages of the explanations as it did sound like a boys-own porn adventure.

Continuing with her talking, "So I think now that the most embarrassing things are out in the open, perhaps I should take Matt next door and leave Sophia here with John and they can join us there as soon as they can. Oh one other last thing Matt, the twins Sally and Kim are still at school and only know that their mum helps with John's treatments. They do not know the full nature of his problems nor what the treatments actually incur. Please do not say anything to them. They are also going through their final exams at the moment and then it is their birthday at the end of next week. I hope this is sorted out by then as they were wanting to hold it by our pool and their tennis court. I would hate to have to cancel it as they have been looking forward to it for ages."