Karen, Biomechanical Lesbian


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"It must be part of my programming," laughed Karen.

Michelle had heard what Karen had said earlier, and the lust in Karen's voice. Now Michelle was starting to see Karen in a different light. She kept her eyes on Karen now, looking at her with the same lust that the biomechanical lesbian was feeling. Michelle smiled lewdly at Karen, and then redoubled the pace of her eating.

Soon Michelle's clothes started to tear. Michelle couldn't deny that her tightness of her undersized clothing against her fattening overweight form was immensely enjoyable. Then the strained clothing became to give under all that pressure. Her belly was already visible from under her shirt, but it was her widening form near her breasts that finally ripped her shirt open both front and back. Her bra was so tight against her breasts it was coming uncomfortable.

Karen saw the problem, walked up to Michelle, and undid her bra. Michelle's growing breasts spilled out from their lingerie prison. Karen looked at the rest of Michelle's clothes. The sleeves of her shirt and jeans shredded and tore under the pressure of Michelle's fat. Her poor jeans zipper finally broke, ripped in half, and not long after the rest of the jeans were ripped apart as the beautiful plump flesh spilled out.

Now Karen began helping the amazing sexy Michelle devour the food before her, as she was starting to have trouble eating it all. Neither one could deny there was something extremely sexy and intimate about that.

More and more fat became to accumulate. Michelle had three chins now; a very soft face;
an extremely wide, round form; a tender, enormous belly; big, soft, fat, round arms and legs; gigantic love handles; many, many rolls of glorious fat; an amazing fat, plump, round, fleshy ass; and absurdly oversized breasts.

But Michelle wasn't about to stop, and she quadrupled the amount of food she ate per minute. So her now nude form ballooned outwards with even more fat. Finally she couldn't move, so Karen feed her directly until the chemical wore off.

When it was over, Michelle had big puffy cheeks; an extremely wide and fat ass seemingly as wide as an armored car; breasts that were so large they would have looked like ridiculous exaggerations on a thin figure; an astonishing big belly that looked like it was the size of a small car; gigantic love handles; countless thick, ample folds of gorgeous fat; several chins; and her fattened arms and legs looked as wide as small tires.

Karen arousal at the sight of this sexy, unbelievably overweight, immobile woman was difficult to understate. It didn't make her any less aroused that Michelle had orgasmed several times while eating. Karen almost cried in excitement, as she knew this is all meant. This human woman was just past the weight needed to bypass the code for the second stage. "So there's a chance this could work," Karen thought.

Michelle signed contently, "That...was....a hell of a thing."


"Well Michelle, are you ready for stage two? Because it is even weirder than stage one." smiled Karen faintly.

Michelle nodded slightly, "I've gone this far. I might as well go all the way."

Karen shrugged, "All right then. Just trust me, don't panic, and you should be fine."

Michelle raised an eyebrow, "Should be? Haven't you done this before?"

Karen shook her head, "Never. This is my first time."

Michelle rolled her eyes, "That really inspires confidence. Okay, let's proceed."

Karen looked at Michelle's massive form, "My cables and telekinetic ability should be enough to carry you."

From various places on her body, several dozen metallic segmented tentacles snaked out.

Michelle couldn't help but freeze.

"Trust me Michelle." said Karen softly.

And with that, Karen's tentacles grasped Michelle's body and then slowly lifted it a couple of feet off the floor.

"This isn't as easy as it looks Michelle. Even though these extensions are tested for your weight it is still difficult to achieve balance." said Karen in obvious discomfort.

So Karen carried Michelle's heavy body over to the bedroom, and placed her on the bed. The strain on the bed was very visible.

"Ok, Michelle, here's comes the part about swallowing I told you about. Just relax, my false stomach has a life-support system specifically tailored for your needs. You won't be in me for more than a few hours, four at most, more likely it will be three." said Karen very tenderly.

"How will you communicate with me if your mouth is full?" asked Michelle.

"I have the short-range, why am I not surprised, ability to communicate telepathically with total biologicals. And no I can't read your mind. I can only broadcast my thoughts into yours. As for you communicating with me, my interior is laced with intercom systems to inform me of the second mother's progress. I'll be monitoring you the whole time. All you have to do is say something and I'll hear it, it is part of my design. If there are any problems, I'll extract you for my false stomach and we can discuss what to do next then. But I think this will go right the first time." said Karen.

"I've never been swallowed and stored inside another life-form for three hours before." said Michelle somewhat concerned.

"And I've never swallowed another lesbian life-form before for the purpose of artificially inseminating her. So I guess we are both new to this. Hopefully this will be an exciting experience for the both of us. I'd feel bad it if only I enjoyed it, or vice versa. By the way, there will be plenty of light for you to see. Darkness is no fun." said a slightly embarrassed Karen.

"Ready when you are Karen." said Michelle.

"Hey Michelle...I want you to know.....I appreciate what you've done for me. All of it. I never would have gotten this far without you. Thanks." Karen said quietly.

"Think nothing of it. It was the least I could do." smiled Michelle.

Karen positioned herself in front of the bed where Michelle was.

"This may be easier for you if you close your eyes. The sight of my jaws extending outwards to an impossible width might be discomforting." said Karen.

"Okay. Let's get started." said Michelle.

Karen's powerful tentacles wrapped themselves around Michelle's legs and started to pull Michelle towards Karen's closed mouth, which was aligned with the bed.

Soon Karen's feet were right next to Michelle's mouth, and Karen's tentacles adjusted themselves so that they were wrapped across Michelle's midsection.

Against her better judgment Karen couldn't help but extend her tongue and start caressing Michelle's delicate feet before she caught herself.

"Sorry Michelle, I got carried away." said Karen hurriedly.

"It's all right Karen. I don't really mind." said Michelle, who had enjoyed the feeling of Karen's tongue on her feet more than she let on.

So for a while, Michelle resumed pleasuring Karen's foot. Karen was starting to really get into it, and then she heard the sound of Karen's mouth expanding. "So...it begins." thought Karen, half-nervous and half-excited.

She felt the expanded mouth of the biomechanical lesbian close over both her feet, and Karen's tentacles start to gently pull her body back...towards the soft jaws that were now delicately closed over her feet.

Karen indeed had Michelle's feet in her expanded mouth, and was now started to suck Karen's lower legs in. Her mouth and throat stretched outward to draw Michelle's fat legs in, slowly but surely. Soon Michelle's feet were being pulled down Karen's expanding throat.

Surprisingly, Michelle was enjoying this. For some reason she felt strangely calm, being swallowed slowly. Partly it was because she didn't feel like she was in danger, and partly it was because Karen's lips and mouth felt really good against Michelle's skin.

Karen found this all very surreal. The sensation of having part of a woman's legs inside her impossibly wide mouth was mind-blowing. A tentacle from inside Karen wrapped itself around Michelle's feet, and started to pull them further down.

Eventually Karen had almost all of Michelle's legs inside her mouth, down her throat, or going down her false esophagus. Karen's body was starting to stretch and expand to accommodate Michelle's large legs.

Michelle felt so comfortable with almost all of her legs inside this strange woman's mouth, and when Karen's soft lips closed over her gigantic ass she quietly moaned. With one hard swallow, Michelle's behind was pulled down Karen's throat. Now Karen's lips stopped at the middle of Michelle's massive belly. Karen now wrapped her tentacles around Michelle's shoulders, and started to delicately pull Michelle further in.

Another swallow. Now Michelle's entire belly was down in Karen's throat, and Michelle's breasts were partly in Karen's mouth. Everything else below Michelle's belly had now entered her false stomach.

"Adjust your arms Michelle. Put them on your sides..it will make it easier." Karen telepathically told Michelle, who complied.

"I don't know why, Karen, but for some reason I feel at peace." breathed Michelle softly.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Karen's sentence echoed in Michelle's mind.

Karen realized that her last swallow would pull Michelle's entire body in. "This is it, Michelle. Do you still want to proceed?"

Michelle nodded, and Karen swallowed again for the last time. With that swallow, Michelle was completely inside of another woman's body. The first thing that surprised her was how much interior light there was. Nothing blinding, just enough light to see everything well. The second surprise was the large amount of oxygen. She could feel Karen's warm, soft, wet, humid insides pressing all over her body. Two more swallows, much less powerful, and Michelle was pulled down a muscular tube into what had to be the false stomach Karen had been talking about. She was surprised how comfortable it was.

"My monitors say your life signs are all good. If anything goes wrong or you want out, please let me know. My cables are on standby. Ok, let's get this over with. The safeguard preventing me from using my insemination equipment had done been temporarily disabled: you weigh the right amount." said Karen's intercom system.

Michelle nodded, "This is incredible. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced...ever."

Karen's voice came over the comm system, "I can only imagine. Beginning the impregnation process...now."

Michelle was startled by the feeling of thin cold metal sliding up between her legs. She looked down and saw a cable entering her pussy. For a few minutes, the cable slid deeper and deeper up until stopped suddenly. Then she felt a great deal of liquid suddenly moving around inside her.

"The apparent liquid I just released into your womb isn't really a liquid at all. It's a series of complicated microscopic biomechanical machines that fuse to several dozen biological eggs at a time."

Michelle was confused, "How is that possible?"

Karen's voice came back, "It's an extremely difficult process to explain. But one thing that is definitely part of our lifecycle is the inducement of the release of many eggs as opposed to just one. My species has the technology to cause the rapid formation and release of biological ovules at will. I consider it a much more efficient system of mass reproduction than how humans conceive."

Michelle looked concerned, "Exactly how many offspring does your species have, on average?"

Karen's sign could be heard over the intercom: "Because of the large number of offspring, they are coded to develop in groups. One group of infants develops, then upon completion the next follows. It is the only safe way for the second mother to give birth to that many children."

Michelle repeated, "How many?"

Karen sounded slightly worried, "Theoretically, each development group averages 3-5 hybrids, for an average total of 75 infants."

Michelle looked sad, "There's no way in hell a teenager my age can take care of that many. It just isn't humanly possible."

Karen replied, "That's why I going to take care of them elsewhere until they reach maturity, which should be about four weeks. Again, in theory. The Martian government probably insisted on rapid development. Apparently, once the hybrids reach their physical prime the aging process slows dramatically. I imagine the colonial government is already mass-producing the soldiers of the future, and who knows what else. I dread to think of it....but oh well."

Michelle was still upset, "Will I ever see them again?"

Karen's sympathetic voice came back, "For security reasons, I'll have to keep them in separate groups. But yes, it wouldn't be right for me to keep them from you. We'll work that out when the time comes."

Karen was astonished by how strange and intimate this current arrangement was. She had a living human woman in storage inside her massively overstretched body. Karen was now very close to being as immobile and helpless as Michelle. Oh, Karen could move using her tentacles, but it would be very slowly. Too slow for comfort. "My designer was a true genius," she thought sarcastically. Yet another way for her to be under that scientist's thumb.

"I suggest you get some rest. Just for a few hours." said Karen.

Michelle was already falling asleep; she was so comfortable being inside this woman.


"Wake up darling. It's time." said Karen.

Michelle awoke, and realized she was no longer inside Karen's body but lying on a bed. Karen was looking down at her.

"I pulled you out an hour ago. You've been asleep ever since."

Michelle looked down at her belly, and she was very pregnant.

Karen smiled in barely restrained excitement, tears running down her eyes, "Yes Michelle...it's going to work. Tonight our children will be born. I've made arrangements with some recently discovered biomechanics to move them elsewhere...in a more remote location. I won't have some evil scientist dissecting one of my babies in a fucking laboratory. I won't let them be taken away from us for some immoral experiment. I don't want them to grow up like me. I want them to have a half-way decent life at the very least."

Michelle nodded; she was crying as well, "I perfectly understand. I don't want them to wind up like that either. Not in the least. You know, up until now, I never knew what it was like to be a parent. Now, sitting here, I understand."

Later that night, it happened. It was a complete success. It is difficult to overstate how emotional that night was for the two of them. When it was over, Michelle had lost the majority of her weight as all of that stored energy had been used to ensure the pregnancy was successful. Michelle was still several dozen pounds overweight: she was now the same weight as when she had the fully-visible double-chin and everything that came with it. She didn't really mind any more. The only regret Michelle and Karen had was that they were going to be separated for a few weeks. Before Karen left, they shared a very intense, passionate kiss. As Karen walked out the door, Michelle couldn't help but wonder if they would ever see each other again.


Michelle had done her best to stay calm during "the long wait". It seemed to go on for a eternity. Several people had come to the door: a representative of the Jehovah's Witnesses, a pizza delivery man, the mailman, and a UPS worker. But no Karen. In spite of herself, Michelle worried that something might have happened to her. Her thoughts were interpreted, "I need you to sign here for this package." For some reason the UPS worker had insisted that she had ordered this package. Which of course was utter nonsense. "For the last time, young lady, I did not order this package. Here, take it back." Michelle started to hand the teenage woman the package, but it slipped out of her grasp and started to fall. Before Michelle could react, a metallic tentacle shot out from the UPS woman's shoulder and wrapped itself around the package.

"You are correct, miss, you didn't order this package. Nor do I work for UPS." the teenage woman smiled, and then she dropped her human disguise.

She looked like Karen in many ways, but her whitish-blue eyes had a noticeable tint of green, and her white hair had several streaks of light red in it. The grey parts of her skin were even lighter in tone than Karen's.

"You are not Karen, nor one of the others who was present at my pregnancy. So who are you?" asked Michelle.

"My name is Colleen. Look closely at my face. Who do I resemble the most?" said Colleen.

"You look a great deal like Karen....but you look even more like...me." Michelle said slowly, having trouble believing it with her own eyes.

"That's because I have the features of both my parents...Mom." Colleen smiled broadly, tears coming down her eyes at the last word.

At that moment, the restrained emotion was released. Michelle quickly reached out and tightly embraced her daughter. Colleen returned the embrace with as much emotion. Both of them were extremely glad to see one another, mother and daughter.

"Oh thank God! I couldn't help but worry about you all! There's so many of you....I was worried that some of you had been captured or killed!" sobbed Michelle, her voice a mixture of relief and joy.

Colleen smiled, tears running down her eyes, "Believe me; it wasn't easy for our first mother to hide us all. We had to be scattered about, some on this world, most were sent to other worlds. It seems that many of the original first generation survived the Luddite attack, so your offspring had a support group."

Michelle signed, "I'm so glad you are all right. Are you the only one here?"

At that moment, three other teenage women in their late teens in varying outfits appeared.

"May I introduce three of your children: Ellie, Catherine, and Lucy." smiled Colleen. Then she whispered in her mother's ear: "Lucy's the one who has trouble controlling her hormones."

Lucy looked annoyed, "I heard that Colleen! Stop teasing me."

Michelle smiled, "We have so much to talk about. Please tell me how everything's been...."

Colleen nodded, "I look forward to spending time with you. I'll tell you everything."

And so Michelle was reunited with four of her daughters. Of course, she could only act as their mom when no one was not around. But since her parents weren't back from their trip yet, she could act in that role. Michelle still couldn't believe she was their mother... as her four daughters were the same physical and mental age as herself. They talked of many things...but the one thing that they discussed above all else was how to find mates. Her daughters' programming compelled them to find at least one single human woman to impregnate. "It will take a while....but I'll help you with this."


It did indeed take time...but eventually a number of suitable, willing women were located. Michelle had suggested they find women who were in there mid-20s, in the middle to upper class income brackets. She also helped them figure out how to control how many offspring they would have....Michelle suggested they keep her daughters minimize the number of offspring they produced. And most importantly of all, find women who wanted to have sex with life forms from outer space. That was the requirement that took the longest by far. But finally Michelle found women who were suitable for her late-teenage daughters. Then came the preliminaries, which took more time. It was essential to establish relationships. The briefings...had to let them know what they were getting into. But sex with "aliens" was what these human women were interested in, and they didn't care much about how the sex was done just as long as it happened. Then came the final day, where all the players were to meet for what they were all interested in.