Katie Takes Her Obsession Indoors

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Too cold to be nude outside, she heats things up inside!
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With the Christmas and New Year holidays well behind her and another couple of weeks before the start of the Spring semester, Katie was at loose ends. Her part time job at the local mall was good for some spending money, but 16 hours a week folding clothes at Old Navy left her with more free time on her hands than was probably healthy. She knew all too well what kind of trouble she could get herself into when she was as bored as she was now.

Her surprising discovery the previous spring of a previously unknown penchant for exhibitionism had shaken her self image. Her recognition of this tendency began with a completely accidental, thoroughly tame incident where she really didn't expose anything at all. The feelings stirred up in her by just being close to inappropriately showing a little skin led her to a handful of outings which all did include some level of exposure, each slightly more daring than the last. Her early experiments led her to accept that she enjoyed being exposed as long as it was in a fairly safe way, with a very small, very controllable risk of actually being seen by someone.

She had been able to rationalize those early experiences as a harmless way of relieving end of semester deadline induced stress; since nobody actually saw her, it was almost as if it never happened. That theory crumbled the night she was finally caught while naked, not just seen but forced to interact with a couple of strangers! Though terrified at first, she was shocked to find herself becoming aroused by the situation once it bacame clear the couple meant her no harm. After that night she was afraid to risk getting caught again, though the urge to try it again came to her often! She hadn't dared to get naked in public since that night, except in her vivid fantasies. She tried posting anonymous nude photos online for a while, but didn't get anything like the thrill actually being nude out in the world provided. She gave that less personal way of exposing herself up after a few weeks.

In this lull between holidays and the beginning of the upcoming semester's classes, the appeal of doing something, anything, to break up the monotony was overwhelming. One evening as Katie was straightening a table full of sweaters marked down for clearance, the idea of doing some sort of naked escapade forced its way into her thoughts, for probably the tenth time that day. "Forget it, not gonna happen," she thought, "Besides, I'd probably get frostbite if I tried to repeat any of my previous outings this time of year." Satisfied that she'd batted away the idea, she went back to concentrating on organizing the sweaters by size. Ten more minutes of getting the merchandise in order was enough to get her daydreaming again; "If I had somewhere warm and safe, or at least sort of safe, maybe, but I don't," she said, trying to banish the ill-advised but exciting idea one more time.

Fifteen minutes before closing time, Katie was folding shirts customers had strewn about wherever they'd decided not to buy them when a brand new idea forced its way into her consciousness. She froze in place and warily looked up at her surroundings. "Warm...check," she thought, "safe?" Maybe, lots of possibilities. Safe enough? Yes, depending on which options were taken..." She felt herself blushing, already thinking of scenarios, but shook her head, thinking, "NO FREAKING WAY. I work here! People here know me!"

By the time she punched out and headed home, her sensible reluctance to get anywhere close to naked somewhere in the mall was struggling to fend off her excitement to at least have a chance at some excitement. She was already considering the pros and cons of doing something daring:

"You work at the mall, this is a really bad idea."

"It's a huge place, I wouldn't have to be anywhere near where I work."

"Someone could see you, maybe someone you know! It's still a bad idea."

"I'm sure if I plan it well I can do it safely."

"You thought that before, but still got caught. It's just not a good idea."

"I'm sure I can find a place where nobody would be likely to see me."

"Maybe you could, but what if you're wrong? It's probably not a good idea."

"I could just take some clothes off, not get completely naked."

"As long as you stayed more or less covered, maybe it's not your worst idea ever."

"As bored as I am, if I don't do this I might do something really reckless!"

"If it really was well thought out, a careful escapade would probably be better than some impromptu recklessness; maybe it's a good idea after all."

By the time she went to bed she had made up her mind to do something daring at the mall, and drifted off to sleep thinking about which of her many options to pursue.

Over the next few days Katie settled on what she wanted to do and when she wanted to do it. She decided to avoid the Mall's more crowded days and times, settling on a weekday afternoon and evening. She was determined to be totally naked at some point in her adventure, and intended to leave the mall wearing less clothing than she would be wearing when she arrived. Preferably a LOT less. Her only other hard and fast rules were to not expose herself where any children could see her, and not do anything to draw the attention of Mall security or the police. She decided that while she wanted to get herself in a position where there was a slim chance she could be caught, she would try to enjoy the risk without actually being seen.

Katie enjoyed planning her escapade; the preparation itself was a pretty good antidote for her boredom. A side benefit was having an excuse to do a little shopping to put together her ensemble; part of her outfit was brand new clearance sale stuff, made even more reasonable with her employee discount. Even while planning this thoroughly crazy dare, her generally practical personality made its presence felt; items she planned to wear to the mall but thought she might not still possess, let alone be wearing when she left the mall, were mostly thrift store finds. She was pleased to keep her expenses for what might end up being disposable clothing under $40.

The following Wednesday, Katie was too nervous to have much lunch; knowing what her plans for the day included, she was already feeling butterflies in her stomach. She showered, and shaved anyplace on her body normally covered up which might soon, with luck, be uncovered for at least a little while. Her fine blond pubes were done away with completely, as was the hair on the parts of her legs not typically seen once bathing suit season was over. She put in a bit more time than usual doing her makeup, not going overboard but taking it up a notch, figuring the bold behavior she planned deserved a somewhat more dramatic look.

With her body and face readied for her outing, Katie began to get dressed; she hadn't actually put her whole outfit on at the same time before, so she was a little nervous about how it would all work together. She put on her new black thong, the sheer black bra she was lucky enough to find in size 38C at a thrift store, black stockings and a matching garter belt, also from the thrift store, as were the short houndstooth skirt and a long sleeved, pink button down blouse. A long fitted grey cardigan with a full length zipper down the front, bought the day before at her workplace, some chunky black heels from her closet, and a somewhat beaten up mid-length taupe trench coat rounded out her outfit. She looked herself over in a full length mirror before leaving home and was pretty pleased with what she saw. She snapped a few selfies for posterity, knowing that if she followed through with her plan for the day, this particular outfit would never again be seen all together!

The only real complaints she had about her outfit was how much of it there was, and how much time it might take to get things off, and, if necessary, get them back on; she couldn't really complain, since every item had been chosen by her, all with the intent of making her disrobing more challenging, thus more drawn out and exciting. The very real possibility that something could go wrong, requiring her to get at least some of the outfit back on in a hurry, increased her stress level but didn't get her to alter her outfit. She tossed a beat up baseball cap left behind by an old boyfriend into her purse, thinking it might be wise to have some cover for her hair and eyes at some point later in the day. The pink anti-Covid mask she normally wore to work would help keep her somewhat anonymous, and was the one item she was sure to keep on throughout her adventure. The fact it matched her blouse was a happy accident, "but probably only temporary anyhow," she thought, shivering a bit as she went over her plan one last time before leaving her apartment.

Her usual ten minute commute to the mall was a blur to Katie; as distracted as she was, she was probably lucky not to have an accident. She parked in what would normally be a very inconvenient spot, far from any Mall entrance, in a tiny parking area next to a loading dock and near an emergency exit, a choice all about being able to make a quick getaway if necessary. She hiked around the outside of the mall until she reached the main entrance, joining the trickle of shoppers heading in to shop in mid-afternoon. She made her way to her first destination, pausing once or twice to check her reflection in a store window, each time still a little bit surprised to see the woman looking back at her. "I know what you're up to," she whispered to her reflection, whose only reply was a smile, hidden by her mask. She made her way to a set of escalators and rode up to the mall's third level. Looking at a mirrored wall next to the escalator ,she spotted a man a few steps below her who appeared to be trying to look up her skirt! On any other day she'd have been furious and might well have called him out, but considering what she had planned for the day she figured the normal rules didn't apply, and let it slide.

Katie arrived at her first destination, much earlier than necessary. She wanted to be sure of getting the seat she needed at the 3:45 showing of "Promising Young Woman", chosen as much for its R rating as anything else; she wanted to be sure there were no children in the theater if she dared to carry out her plan. As it turned out, arriving half an hour before showtime really wasn't necessary, since only a dozen or so other people ended up joining her; "Who else would have wanted to sit in the back row, anyway?" she grumbled to herself as the previews started. All her early arrival had accomplished was to give her a solid 45 minutes for her anxiety about what she had planned to build.

As far as the theater was concerned, showtime was 3:45; including the fifteen minutes of ads and previews and the usual mid-show scan of the theater by an usher or two, Katie reckoned her own personal showtime to be somewhere around 5:00 PM, which would leave her nearly half an hour to do whatever she was going to do. She took off her coat and sweater before even being seated, then once settled in her seat she unbuckled her heels and slipped her feet out of them. While there was nothing very unusual about her behavior yet, the feel of her stocking clad feet on the the cool tile floor reminded her why she was there.

Katie checked the time on her phone around 40 minutes into the movie, then again every ten minutes or so until the movie was well over an hour into its 1:53 running time. "Where are the damned ushers?" she wondered. She'd never been to a movie here where they didn't make a cursory sweep, usually just before the halfway point in the movie, so she couldn't safely take much off until they came through. Near the 1:20 mark she did about all she dared with ushers likely to cruise through at any minute, unbuttoning and unzipping her skirt, then unbuttoning most of the buttons on her blouse. A lone usher finally strolled in a few minutes later, taking a leisurely walk down to the front of the theater, looking over the sparse crowd and slowly returning up the aisle and out the door.

Glancing at her phone to check the time, Katie estimated she had less than 20 minutes before the credits would come on; at least a few of her fellow moviegoers were bound to get up and leave at that point, so she needed to be dressed in some more or less appropriate way by then, or be ready to live with being seen while not so attired. Now, with the coast finally clear, she hesitated for almost four minutes; in her limited experience of public nudity, she had never actually gone from clothed to undressed in the presence of other people. Though everyone else was busy watching the movie, she was having a hard time making herself strip within sight of all these other people, a few of whom were only three rows away from her! She wavered for a moment, and considered just getting herself zipped and buttoned back up, but absolutely hated the idea of giving up so easily after all her planning. Eventually she thought to herself, "Fuck it! I can do this!"

Once her decision was made, she lost no time in getting the three remaining buttons keeping her blouse closed unfastened, and pulled her arms free. She raised her butt off the seat long enough to slide her skirt down her thighs and past her knees, and let it drop to the floor. Now wearing nothing but lingerie, she already could feel her pulse quickening. Thinking about her next few moves sent it even higher; she decided that it would be better to have her bra be the last piece of her outfit to come off, since she could always pull her coat over her lap to hide everything below her waist if someone decided they just had to have a bathroom break.

If her bra was going to stay on for the time being, the garter belt had to be the next item to come off, since her panties couldn't be removed with the belt still attached to her stockings. Katie had never actually worn a garter belt before that very afternoon. She discovered that what had been easy enough to get on earlier, in the privacy of her well lit apartment, under no particular time pressure, turned out to be not so easy to get out of while seated in a dark theater, trying to not draw the attention of any of the other people in the room, and aware of a hard deadline not too many minutes away. Struggling for a minute or two to separate her stockings from the belt, she finally got the belt detached, allowing her to slide the stockings down her legs, over her feet and off. She draped them both over the back of the seat in front of her; a few seconds later the no longer needed garter belt joined the stockings.

As determined as she was to reach her goal of complete nudity, having reduced her outfit to only a sheer bra and a tiny thong was clearly getting to her. She noticed her breathing was becoming fast and shallow, and her hands were starting to shake. In her agitated state she forgot about her plan to make her bra the last piece of clothing to come off, sliding the shoulder straps down and pulling her arms free. After scanning the rows ahead one last time to be sure every head was still facing forward, Katie reached behind her back and popped the hooks free, then paused, asking herself, "am I actually going to do this? Do I really want to?" Seconds later, she heard a voice within answering both questions, "Yes, yes I am going through with this. Ohhhh, yeah, I definitely want to!" She took a deep breath and released her bra, letting it fall into her lap. Looking down at her breasts, lit well by the reflection of a particularly bright scene on the screen, she couldn't help smiling.

"Almost there, just one thing left," she whispered to herself. She hooked her thumbs into each side of her thong and pulled her final piece of clothing down her thighs and past her knees; a slight wiggle of her legs was all that was needed for the tiny garment to drop to the floor. She reached down and picked the thong up, and set it and her bra in a row with her stockings. Completely free of clothing, she stood up and raised her arms in triumph, whispering to herself, "I did it! I actually fucking did it!" She shuffled sideways a few seats, feeling chills as she moved ever farther away away from her pile of discarded clothing. Before her euphoria subsided a bit she actually wondered if she could get away with moving down a couple of rows to take in a few minutes of the movie. As it was, she hadn't checked how long the movie had left to run in quite a while; she knew that the longer she remained naked, the greater her chance of being caught. Each second felt like another dare, with the odds of her nudity being discovered increasing quickly.

Katie reluctantly went back to her seat and thought about what clothing she should put back on, what to keep off but put away in her purse, and what to just leave behind. Before giving in to the increasingly urgent need to get dressed, she pulled her phone out of her purse and took a few selfies, hoping it was able to document this amazing moment despite the low light level. After her brief photo session, she slipped back into her thong, but put her bra, stockings, and garter belt away in her purse. She was still naked from her head down to her waist and zipping up her skirt when she noticed the screen go dark and credits begin to roll! She dove for her sweater and quickly slipped her arms into its sleeves, turning her back to the rest of the audience as she fumbled with getting the zipper started. She got the zipper aligned and already had it zipped up as high as it could go when she noticed a couple walking out had stopped as they neared her row and were staring at her! Katie hadn't had her sweater on and zipped for long, but she was sure she had made it without anyone seeing anything unusual. "I suppose they might think there's something unusual about having stockings and a bra dangling on the seat in front of me," she thought, "or having my blouse still pressed against my seatback like some kind of skin I just shed." She blushed but returned their stare with a smile, which turned into laughter as the woman pulled her companion towards the exit. Katie stuffed the telltale lingerie into her purse, folded her discarded blouse and coat, setting them down neatly on her seat, and made her way out of the theater, still buzzing inside as she replayed the last 25 minutes in her mind.

A quick stop at the theater Ladies room to check out her new look confirmed Katie's suspicion that she was still decent without the blouse and bra, though the neckline of the sweater put a whole lot of her cleavage on display. She thought about fishing her bra out of her purse and putting it back on, but wasn't sure having a lot of sheer black bra showing would attract any less attention, so the bra stayed in her purse.

Katie took an escalator one level up to the mall's restaurant district. She found a quiet bar at a Brazilian steakhouse and hopped up on a barstool, in a mood to celebrate what she'd been able to get away with in the theater, and possibly psych herself up to do a little more. She had several more ideas about how to indulge in her developing obsession, and the rush she had felt at her first stop had her craving more excitement. Whether it was because of the pandemic and it's constantly shifting rules or just too early in the evening, she appeared to be the only customer at the bar. The lone bartender was efficient; he had Katie's Martini prepped and in front of her in less than 2 minutes, even allowing time for the glass to chill. He was almost too quick, appearing in front of her, bearing her drink while she was absorbed in reviewing her selfies from the theater! Focused on the surprisingly clear shots showing her nude in the cool light of the theater, she didn't notice him at first, not closing the image until several seconds after his return! She blushed as she realized that after making it through being completely naked in the theater without anyone seeing her she'd just given the bartender a good, if brief, look at her nude body!