Kitty & Teddy, LLC Ch. 05


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I picked up Long John, my 14" vibrating dildo, shoved it all the way to CC's cervix and turned it on high. CC jerked, but did not whimper. I picked up my favorite flogger and had at her. The blows struck on or around the dildo as much as possible. After ten lashes, CC was limp as overcooked pasta, but there was a pool of her juices on the floor behind the horse.

I went back to her front end and rubbed her cheek with the rough sharkskin of the flogger's handle. The answer to my question was obvious, but formalities must be observed. I held her gaze and asked, "Is this what you really want?" CC's big green eyes filled with tears as she nodded. "Very well. I will accept responsibility for your training. It may take a few days to move your things and settle you in, but from now until I say otherwise, you are mine." I unbuckled her from the horse. "Now get down and clean up your mess. Be quick about it, because you have to dress before we leave." CC climbed, stiffly, off the horse and began licking her juices off the floor.

Why could not Sean have gotten me a puppy? On second thought, maybe he did.


The meeting with the printers ran on rails. Everything had been covered and re-covered by the time Sheila arrived. She stomped in, doing a very good impression of Sigourney Weaver, from Working Girl. She spent some time talking and gesturing with an empty water bottle. Then, she took the keyboard and made a few changes. My big contribution was switching her empty water bottle for a full one. Often, that is the best way things can be. When you are the boss, always hope for people that can work without you, but especially for people that can work in front of you.

On the way out, I wanted to introduce Sheila to the old man, Harold Johnstead, owner, founder and CEO. At first, it was polite meet and greet, then Hasrold's face turned puce. Sheila smoothly covered. She explained that they had met at the gym. Harold had not recognized her dressed for business. That Harold had not recognized her was so obviously true, that everyone overlooked the nature of the gym. We exited quietly, but I was feeling much better about the level of support they would provide us. It was very close to crunch time, and we needed all the help we could get. Have I mentioned how much I loved this woman?

George took Sheila back to her studio, while I went back to the office. Other than the usual progress reports, nothing much was happening on the auction. Printing the catalog was the final hurdle, and that project finally looked doable. Accordingly, I told Helen to compile a list of people to commend.

Down the priority list a ways, I had a response from Francis. I had purchased the wedding band, for £17,250, plus 15% commission and insurance. It was being air shipped, with an expected Friday arrival. Francis warned me that the ring would likely fit only a pinky finger. He was already modeling a casting blank for a modern sized hand. I love working with competent people.

Further checking on Elizabeth Barrett produced nothing new. She was simply too famous. Most of her personal items were already in museums. I did obtain an original photograph of her, wearing the choker brooch. I made notes concerning the picture. It was to be expertly preserved and mounted in a suitable period frame.

That was it. It was time to start looking for the next big project, but the biggest thing on the horizon was proposing marriage to Sheila. This made for a difficult afternoon.


After meeting Harold, our group parted, with Sean heading back to HQ. One thing I liked about Sean, is that he knew how to get out of his people's way. He clearly had aptitude as a micromanager, but he was willing to let people do their job, rather than make them spend time answering to him. This was gratifying, but frustrating as hell, since I had no excuse to consult him. I wanted to crawl into his lap and let him stroke my hair.

Such was not to be. As soon as we got to the warehouse, I told George that he was to take CC to her apartment and gather everything she owned in the way of clothes and personal items. I did not expect it to be much. I then called my building Super and informed him that Christine Collins, age 19, niece, would be moving in for the foreseeable future. I asked that he let her deposit her things and said I would come by in the morning, to sign the paperwork and pick up a key.

CC's green eyes were getting big, again. I told George to get whatever help he needed, but he waived me off. CC would not have, in his opinion, much that would be worth stuffing into trash bags. One look at CC confirmed his opinion. It looked like a trip to the mall would soon be on the agenda.

At the warehouse, I checked through security, and went up. Everyone was playing nice, which was a change from the first time I met them. Lately, Justin and Peter had worked separate tracks, while Jason was much less annoying. I expected CC to arrive in about an hour. The interactions between Jason and CC would be interesting.

About the job, progress was visible everywhere. The layout formatting was essentially complete. The order of presentation was roughed out, and the indexing automated. What was left were the artistic decisions, which I, supposedly, had been hired to do. First, and most importantly, Peter, Justin and I went through the final selection of hey shots. These were images which would serve as background. We narrowed our final group down to eleven pictures of Jason, three of myself, six pictures of the Marquis letter and five file shots of ancient ruins.

There was never much discussion about the prime shot. We had an unforgettable image of Jason, just before he exploded into his jock strap. I did some fine-tuning and we had our cover shot. The other choice selections were the source of much argument, since each of us had a favorite. I tried to use my position to overrule the others, but they claimed bias, and threatened to call Sean. We settled on a long shot, of both Jason and I, for the reverse cover. The table of contents was of me, getting my corset tightened. Guys.

Once the shots were chosen, we refined the images. In this, Justin and Peter bowed out and let me do the work. Instead, they worked on the archeological items, which were the easiest. About this time, CC arrived. I gave her to Peter, to serve as his go-for, just as Jason already did for Justin. The afternoon was full of fussy detail work, which kept us going late. Sean finally called a halt, at 11:00 PM.

The ride home was odd. I was driving, so CC rode in the back. Neither of us spoke. When we reached my building, I saw that the Super's light was on. We knocked, and I made the formal introductions. He had paperwork for me to sign and a key ready. Suddenly, I had officially acquired a roommate, for the first time in eight years. I took CC up to my apartment and let us in. As soon as we were inside, she dropped all pretense and hugged me. I returned the embrace, for a long while.

Eventually, I broke apart so that I could look into her eyes. "CC this is now home for you. It is going to be a lot of work. You will clean this apartment, to my very picky standards, plus you will need to learn both sides of the business, at the gym and at the studio. I may, on occasion, ask you to service me sexually, again to my exacting standards. When your work is not up to those standards, you will be disciplined. When your work is perfect, I will, occasionally, tie you up and whip you til you cum. Do not confuse one with the other. Do you understand?"

CC's eyes never left mine. They welled with tears as she nodded. I said, "Very well. Welcome to your new home. I will not force you to leave without first arranging a suitable place. In this you must trust me.

"Now, go to the bedroom and strip off your clothes. In this apartment, you will usually be naked, unless you are cooking. In that case, you will wear a full length apron for safety. Can you cook?" CC shook her head, then cocked it to one side. That was clear enough, based on her background. "I understand. You know how to serve at table. That is good, as I may have guests. Go get naked and start my shower. I will teach you how I like my back scrubbed and then we will sleep. Tonight, you will sleep with me in the bed, since this is a special occasion. Tomorrow, I will get you a proper rug and blanket. Go."

CC lacked skill, but she did have enthusiasm. My back was soon well washed, and my pussy received attention. It was not quality attention, but that was not unexpected. CC had no experience, and I doubted she had ever studied the process in theory. Still, she would get better or she would sleep cold. But, that was for later. She curled up on the bed and I wrapped myself around her. I fell asleep thinking how much our relationship resembled Sean's and mine.

Thursday morning, I shook CC awake. That was another thing she would learn. I told her to practice 2nd position while I dressed. Then, she would have five minutes to dress, while I made tea and toast. That eaten, I had CC bring me her clean clothes. As I suspected, she was better off as I had dressed her for the gym. I selected a T-shirt and gave her an old pair of running shorts. That, and the warmups, would get her through the morning. Hopefully, Saturday would feature a trip to the mall day.

Once at the studio, I showed her the office and pointed out what was private and what was confidential. She needed to know that distinction. I showed her the cameras and the editing room. That area would take time. I showed her the storage locker and watched her eyes get big. I showed her the costume locker and watched her eyes get bigger. CC was a closet exhibitionist. Good to know.

Then it was over to the gym, where I walked her through Wednesday's lessons. This finally forced words from her lips. She told me the names of the machines and the body parts they worked out, at least as the machines were configured the day before. Then I put her on a machine and worked her through a set. For me, it would have been a warm up. By the end of the set, she was dripping sweat and gasping for breath. I handed her water, and taught her how to cool down. Sylvia was conducting beginner classes that day. I arranged for CC to participate.

After my last workout, at 11:00 AM, I collected CC and went to the warehouse. Amazingly, things were well on their way to being done. This meant that what remained was dog work. It still needed to be done, then checked, then rechecked by me. There was already a pile waiting for my attention. I asked Peter to find something for CC to do, and got started. I was startled when my PDA pinged 12:45 PM. We confirmed a 3:30 meeting with the printer, to finalize layouts.

Then CC and I went back to the studio for three afternoon sessions. Like the day before, I had CC strip naked. I cuffed her feet together, then had her sit on her ankles. A leather cuff fastened one arm on top of the other, behind her back. I added a gag and a collar. It was simply Second Position, enforced by leather. In addition, I placed a small bell on the collar. This was her first real training session.

I told CC that if the bell rang during a session, I would cane her in front of the client, and she would have to sleep on the bare floor, in the kitchen. If it did not ring, I would introduce her to anal plugs and ben wa balls, before I forced her to orgasm. As I said, she needed to understand the difference between punishment and a whipping. I had enough faith in CC that the ben wa balls had already been pulled from storage. I let her watch as I slipped them into myself, just before my first session.

Just under two hours later, I pushed the ben wa balls through CC's dripping cleft. I had already inserted the size one anal spreader. CC was untaught, but very willing. Then, I showed her Spanking Position #1: kneeling, knees and ankles together, elbows and forehead on the floor, hands clasped behind the neck. The balance is tricky, and falling over is bad. Three strokes of the flogger brought her orgasm, but I gave her the regular dose of ten lashes.

Afterward, she looked at the leashes on the wall and asked if she could have one. I explained that those were earned by specific clients. As such, they were very personal. However, as a reward for learning her lessons well, I permitted her to wear a collar from the locker, til we purchased her a fitted one. Our trip to the mall would start at Petsmart.

At 3:20 PM, I told CC that I had a meeting. She was to practice stretching. I wanted her able to do a full split, by the end of the week. She was not to tie herself up, in any way, until we had done a safety lecture. I did allow her to use the gag, if she wished, and wear the leather cuffs, without locks or chains. In addition, I told her that her skin, and her privates, belonged to me. I would be looking for any mark on her skin, which I had not applied. CC was good with all of that.

I went to the car, wondering about the kind of roommate I had acquired.


Wednesday passed into Thursday. Other than that, little changed. Francis had good reports on the two jewelry projects. All of the potential copyright issues had been resolved, save two minor ones. One was settled by agreeing to specific language regarding intellectual property. The other owner wished to publish the contents of the document, so his attorney recommended retaining the original. He was allowed to withdraw, without the usual charges. I obtained a gentleman's agreement to conduct the sale, if he chose to sell after publication.

Other than that, business was business. The auction was not the only thing on my plate, but it had been the big one, and my part was essentially finished. There is no point in hiring good people and then bumping their elbows while they work. It made for a lot of fidgeting and doodling. Finally, I had a call that required input, rather than a rubber stamp. There was a lead on an estate in Romania. The ownership of a castle, and its contents, was in hot dispute. In many similar situations, things were resolved by selling everything and dividing the money. We wanted to conduct the sale. At least, this gave me work for the next few hours.

I went to the 3:30 PM meeting feeling like I had lost a day.


The mood at the printers was notably different than the day before. For one thing, Harold was in attendance. I had worn red lipstick, just for him, so I blew a kiss as I entered the room.

The other new thing was a feeling of accomplishment. From what I had pieced together, the work had been far behind schedule, due to Sean's problems with the photography. Monday, Justin and I had provided the photographs. However, the printers had anticipated a huge mess, which had to be untangled, against a strict time limit. Peter had resolved a big part of their concerns, by getting the layouts done in a timely manner. There was still a lot of detail work left, but everyone now knew the job was doable, on schedule. I made sure Peter took a bow. Off to the side, I could see Sean taking note.

As the meeting broke up, Harold went up to Sean and complimented him on the quality of our team. I said thank you, and gave Harold a lipsticky kiss on the cheek. We were surprised by a flash. Justin had shot a picture. You cannot take some people anywhere.

On the way back to my studio, we discussed food preferences. Sean had been catering in dinner, and they were tired of Chinese and Pizza. I suggested D's Grill, where I had taken Sean. Everyone thought gyros would be a nice change. It was all rather festive.

When I entered my studio, I found CC sitting on the floor, in Position Two, in tears. I could guess what the problem was, but I was not about to cuddle her for feeling inadequate. Instead, I told her to get dressed for the gym, including removing her collar. I may have a new submissive roommate, but I would not accept her as a pet. People as pets was for role playing, not for a life choice.

While CC dressed, I went into my office, and logged in as the GM for my XTreme Fitness location. I verified all I had told Marcia. In addition, I signed CC up for the cheer leading package. One of the trainers, Sondra, specialized in getting girls fit and flexible for competitive cheer leading. CC was a bit older, but she needed all the same exercises.

When I was finished, I led CC through the rabbit hole to the gym. The rabbit hole was my name for the series of locked doors and empty rooms, that divide the studio from the gym. It can be a pain to use, but it allows me to avoid going outside. As usual, CC took it in without a word.

As it happened, Sondra was about to begin a class in basic warmup techniques. I knew from experience that most teenage girls did not consider this class to be at all basic. I introducing them and told Sondra that CC was hired by the GM, that she needed to learn all the basics, and do it quickly. After all, it was nothing but the truth.

I also told Sandra that she would have to watch CC closely. The usual problem with teenage girls is a low pain tolerance. CC's problem was the opposite. She did not know what to tolerate and what signaled injury. This is not an uncommon problem in gymnastics. In this case caused Sondra to do a double take, which was good. There was a message. CC may be the GM's pet, but Sondra was authorized to push her very hard, to the point injury. Sondra's lips twitched, as she nodded understanding. I warned Sondra that CC was extremely quiet, so any vocalization should be considered important. Then, I left them to the class.

Two hours later, I came to collect CC. As I expected, she winced when she walked. However, the wink I got from Sondra told a better story. To CC I said, "If you were not walking gingerly, I would know something was wrong. I signed you up for Sondra's full course. By the end of it, your usual duties will be a cake walk. Just see that you progress as quickly in other areas. As a reward, I will get you a tag for your collar. Provided, that is, that you tell me, right now, what to put on it. Well?"

CC turned pink, then darker shades. Finally she whispered, "Truly Scrumptious." I nodded, getting the reference immediately. "From Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang. That would be too long, and TS is too short, so from now on you are Tess, unless you misbehave. If I ever call you Christina Renée Collinsworth, be very, very afraid. Do you understand?" Tess' eyes almost bugged out when I gave her full name, but she nodded. I confided, "My middle name is also Renée, but don't tell anyone." This time the big eyes were followed by a small smile.

For the first time that week, unless you count Monday with Sean, I broke for lunch. Tess and I went to Soup & Such. The afternoon was light. I put Tess through some stretching exercises, naked, with butt plug and ben wa balls. Those comleted, I told her to put on her workouts, with nothing under them. I had an idea, which I hoped to try later, workload permitting,

I spent the next half hour showing Tess the filing system. When the time came, for the first two clients, I told her to learn all the clients, by name and preferences. An hour later I came back and tested her. For correction, I used a small rod on the palm of her hand, but Tess seemed to enjoy that, so I was not sure how helpful the process was.

One thing was painfully clear. Tess lacked all but the most basic computer skills. Something needed to be done, and I thought I knew where to start. When it came time to do my last appointment, I set Tess to searching techniques for fellatio. I told her that if she did well, I would let her practice on Jason.


As usual in meetings with Sheila, I sat back and watched her orchestrate. I needed to get this woman. I flashed to one of my many business card hires, such as Sheila's assistant CC. A plan had begun to form, when I was startled by a camera flash. Justin caught Sheila giving Harold Johnstead one of her trademark kiss marks. Funny.