Kristen Helps Tina Breaks Through

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Kristen helps a friend make up for lost time.
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Tina interrupted her usual Wednesday lunch companion in mid-sentence - "Sorry to stop you but I just remembered something I think will interest you. You live on Monroe Ave, right?" Her friend nodded, yes...Tina went on, "My cousin Chris lives on the 500 block, is that near you?"..another nod, allowing Tina to continue; "Chris looked out the window last Sunday afternoon and saw a woman strip naked on the roof of a building across the street! Completely nude!"

Kristen spit out the mouthful of sandwich she had just started chewing, and coughed a couple of times, eyeing Tina suspiciously. "Where exactly did Chris see this, on which building?" Kristen asked. Tina's response made Kristen's head swim, "The 5 story building in the middle of the block on the west side, is that your building?". "Yes, Dave and I have an apartment there, on the second floor," Kristen answered, reminding Tina that she and Dave had her over for dinner about a year ago.

Kristen calmed down as Tina told her the story as she had heard it from Chris; the second hand account was pretty much in line with Kristen's memory of the event, but it became apparent Tina didn't seem to be connecting the rooftop stripper with her respectable professional friend sitting across the table.

Kristen smiled as Tina finished her account, thinking about how shocked Tina would be to know the truth. She asked Tina a couple of questions she already knew the answers to so it would seem like she was hearing about her own act for the first time. She also asked about one detail she couldn't have known; was Tina's cousin a Christine or a Christopher? She felt a familiar tingle when Tina said he was definitely male.

"I can't stop wondering, who would do such a thing?" Tina finally asked. Kristen said she didn't know, but thought a lot of people might in the right situation, people had all kinds of fantasies and repressed urges. Tina looked down at the table and said quietly "you're right about that, when Chris told me what he saw it reawakened my oldest fantasy". Now it was Kristen's turn to be shocked, and against her better judgment she asked Tina what she meant.

Both women stretched their lunch way beyond the normal 60 minutes, which was not a problem considering that Tina was in charge of the Accounting department Kristen worked in. Tina told Kristin at some length how when she was in her teens she often fantasized about being seen naked outdoors, in school or in a store. She even thought she'd like to dance at a strip club amateur night once she was old enough. By the time she left home for college and could have gone a little wild she was dating her future (now ex) husband Lou, and was focused on her education and boyfriend.

Tina had a wistful expression as she told Kristen about the one time she came close to living out her fantasy - "Senior year at college I actually signed up for a wet t shirt contest in a bar on Spring break, but I thought I saw a friend of Lou's in the bar and didn't dare get on the stage. A couple months later I started work as an entry level clerk at our office; now it's twelve years later and I think I've probably missed my chance."

Kristen held her tongue when Tina told her that living out such wild fantasies was "just not the kind of thing women like us do."

Seeing how regretful her friend was about never getting to live out her most cherished fantasy and having felt strangely offended at being told she wasn't someone who could do such a thing, Kristen impulsively confessed to being the woman Chris had seen, that she had done exactly what Tina had heard. Her admission was intended to let Tina know she wasn't some kind of freak for having such a fantasy. Tina laughed at first, thinking her friend was just joking to lighten the mood, but was was dumbfounded when Kristen told her a few details Tina had heard from Chris but left out of her account.

Kristen told her that she wouldn't have believed herself capable of it before the fact, and how the event started as a bet, morphed into a dare then took on a life of its own as she went along. Kristen agreed that neither of them was a likely public stripper and she didn't expect to ever do it again, but she had no regrets.

Although she didn't think it was a good guide to life in general, Kristen told Tina she thought YOLO applied to this situation. She now felt her adventure had just been a thrilling but harmless few minutes; nobody was harmed and she and Dave (and apparently Chris) had an exciting memory. Kristen also told Tina she definitely wasn't too old to take the YOLO view now if she really wanted to do something like this herself. Tina sat silently for a moment then changed the subject. saying they should get back to work.

Kristen wasn't sure her confession had been a good idea, but thought Tina was close enough of a friend to share a secret with; Tina had certainly shared some really personal stuff with her when her marriage to Lou was coming apart. Weeks went by and Tina didn't mention their discussion, so Kristen stopped thinking about it.

A couple of months after their intense lunch conversation a handful of people from Kristen's office stopped by a pub around the corner from their building for their regular Friday happy hour couple of drinks. As usual, Tina and Kristen were in the group; when the last of the other co-workers said their goodbyes, Tina asked Kristen if she had time for one more, on her. Since Dave would be working late and Kristen would be taking a cab home she was glad to stay.

After a few minutes of small talk, Tina said "I'm glad you stayed, I have a favor to ask of you." Kristen assumed it was work related, so she said "sure, what do you need?" After a pause, Tina said "Well, I've given it a lot of thought, and what I really need is to be naked and be seen naked, like you were, or some other less daring way, but very inappropriately exposed somehow". After a pause to decide if she really wanted to know, Kristen asked "How exactly do you think I fit into this scenario?"

Tina admitted that she had nothing like a plan, just a few disconnected ideas, but pointed out that Kristen actually had some first hand experience which could help Tina plan an adventure. Kristen pointed out that Dave had done all the planning and preparation for her adventure, and asked if he could help. Tina was okay with accepting his assistance, but was adamant that he not be an observer; she wanted to be exposed, but not to any man she knew in "real life".

After another couple of rounds of drinks the two friends agreed that Kristen and Dave would be Tina's, what exactly? Support team? Mentors? Coaches? They agreed that a title didn't matter; the important thing was helping Tina fulfill her fantasy!

Dave was amused and a little bit flattered to be considered an expert in setting up exhibitionist scenarios, but pointed out that Kristen had vastly improved her show with her own inspired improvisations. She blushed a deep crimson, saying "I still don't know what came over me that day!". Dave noted (for about the 50th time) that whatever it was, he was glad it did; he accepted with pleasure the challenge of setting up Tina's exposure, though he admitted to being disappointed at not being allowed to watch the fun.

Over the next few weeks Kristen and Dave tried to develop a plan within the guidelines Tina insisted on:

No one could be allowed to touch her

Nobody who knew her should see her naked or partially so

She should only be naked for a short time, less than 5 minutes

She should only be seen naked by a small number of people

At least one man had to see her naked

These conditions ruled out a lot of options; strip clubs, wet t-shirt contests, streaking in a park, repeating Kristen's adventure were just some of the possibilities to violate one or more of the rules.

When Dave pointed out that Kristen's rooftop show might have broken 4 out of Tina's 5 rules; Kristen smiled and said "I'm glad I had less rules for you to work around, but I only know for a fact that my adventure broke 3 of Tina's rules!" She then sat back and enjoyed watching Dave try to work out which rules she was referring to; she hadn't told him about Chris...

When they finally had a plan worked out, Kristen stopped by at Tina's office to tell her they were ready if she was, but told her it would be more exciting for her if they only told her what she needed to know, and only when she needed to know it. Tina reluctantly agreed, asking Kristen to look out for her. "Of course, always!" said Kristen, and gave Tina a hug; they agreed to meet at Kristen's apartment at 10 PM Wednesday night.

Tina arrived right on time; Dave and Kristen greeted her warmly, offering her something to drink and some snacks. She had a gin and tonic, finished in a few quick gulps; though this adventure was her idea, she clearly was very nervous.

After a little small talk and a second G&T, Kristen asked her if she was ready to change into her outfit for the evening. Tina hadn't anticipated this, and asked what was wrong with what she was wearing. She had chosen a pretty sexy outfit by her usual standards; a fairly tight black mid length skirt, a red button down blouse with a fair amount of cleavage and a bit of a lacy black bra showing, black stockings and some strappy high heels.

Kristen assured Tina that her current outfit was fine, with Dave chiming in "pretty hot, actually!", earning him a scolding glance from his wife. Kristin explained (sort of) that for reasons to be made clear later in the evening a different look was needed, and that everything she would be starting out the evening wearing was in a bag in the bedroom.

Tina, nervous already, was a little shaken by the "starting out" part of Kristen's explanation, but this was what she had asked for after all, so she headed in to the bedroom, starting to unbutton the blouse as she went.

Tina was surprised that the outfit she found was not particularly bold. Undressing quickly she put on the skimpy thong and sheer strapless bra, then the long baggy belted chino shorts and the loose fitting camisole with spaghetti straps, cropped slightly above navel height. The camisole was made of a fairly thin material but was opaque.

Other than showing off her belly the ensemble was not the daring look she had expected. The sexy underwear was well hidden, and the rest was pretty conventional. She finished dressing, putting on the sandals she found underneath the rest of the clothes and put all the clothes she had been wearing in the bag.

Once Tina came back to the living room Kristen asked her if she was ready to head out, and told Tina to bring her phone but to leave her purse behind. Tina noticed that Kristin hadn't told her where it was they were headed. They said goodbye to Dave, who wished Tina luck and told her to enjoy herself.

Taking the elevator down to the building's parking garage, Kristen and Tina got in to Kristen's Miata; since the night was warm and dry she kept the top down, joking that they were starting off topless already, which brought a nervous chuckle from Tina .

By 11 PM they were driving on a busy suburban commercial strip; Kristen pulled in to a McDonalds parking lot. Tina asked why they were stopping there; Kristen reached behind Tina's seat and pulled out a cheap purse. Telling Tina to put her phone in it and take it, but not to look inside until she was alone in the Ladies room. Tina was both comforted and nervous when Kristen mentioned that Dave had checked to be sure there were no security cameras at the place. Apparently this was where her fantasy was about to become real.

Once Tina was alone in the rest room she looked in the bag, a little puzzled to find only a hand written note, one five dollar bill and a pair of scissors.

The note explained that young as some of them seemed, according to state law the staff on duty had to be at least 18 to work until midnight on a school night, so whatever happened she wasn't corrupting any minors.

The rest of the note was all about what she was to do next; her instructions were to take off all her clothing, cut the bra, the panties and the belt into unusable pieces, and trim the straps off the camisole. The shorts and what was left of the camisole were now to be held up entirely by her body's curves, or if that didn't work out, her hands. Tina shivered and thought to herself that this was really about to happen!

The note further instructed her to go to the counter once she was dressed again and ask for a small order of fries and a small coffee. Dave had made the menu choices, knowing that at this hour it wasn't unusual to have to wait a while for fries, and wanted time for Tina's wardrobe modifications to take effect. The transaction also would occupy her hands, leaving her remaining clothing to fend for themselves in their doomed struggle against gravity.

Kristen had closed the note with a reminder that Tina always had the choice of carrying the plan out or not, it was up to her to decide if she could go forward.

Tina cut up the designated parts of her ensemble as instructed before she had a chance to talk herself out of it, but was shaking so hard as she did that she began to doubt whether she could go all the way to actually exposing her body.

She thought again about all the times she had dreamed about being seen nude and knew she had to at least try. Six minutes after she entered the rest room Tina shuddered as she dumped a handful of useless bits of fabric in a garbage can, her heart racing as she opened the door.

Kristen had chosen a table with a view of the rest room door and was pleased to see her friend emerge without a belt or straps on her camisole; she waved to Tina to make sure she knew where they would be sitting. Tina looked a little flushed and seemed to be in a daze, but she headed to the counter as planned, glad to see only a handful of other customers, all clearly adults. It hadn't occurred to her that they would be staying here, but judging by Kristen's location that was the plan.

Tina was usually annoyed when men talked to her chest instead of looking her in the eye, but she could understand the predicament of the young man now taking her order. The front of the camisole was resting precariously and fairly low on the ample curve of her breasts and the clerk clearly didn't want to look away just in case what little friction there was between the silky fabric and her skin failed to keep the garment in place.

Tina tried to move as little and as slowly as possible, and managed, barely, to stay covered as she handed over the fiver. Despite her efforts at modesty the distracted clerk accidentally set events in motion.

Never looking away from her chest, he completely missed getting the change into Tina's outstretched hand, and a rain of coins dropped on the counter. Tina reflexively reached out to try to catch the change, allowing the camisole to slide completely off her right breast! Her left breast stayed partly covered, though the upper part of its areola was visible!

Though shocked by this development, Tina managed to act as if she was focused on the scattered change and hadn't noticed her exposure, She quickly realized that with the camisole literally hanging on her nipple she had a perfect opportunity to show off her breasts for the entire crew behind the counter; living at least part of her fantasy was about to finally happen!

Tina made another lunge towards some coins still rolling away, completely releasing her top, which ended up bunched up down near her waist. As she hoped, the commotion had caused every staffer to stop whatever they were up to and look to the counter. Looking across the counter at a half dozen young men staring at her topless body. she shrieked as she felt a jolt like she was touching a live wire, except the jolt was actually pleasurable.

After as long a delay as she thought plausible without letting on how much she was enjoying herself, Tina pulled up the top and carried her order to the table where Kristen was waiting. As Tina made her way to the table she saw her reflection in a window and noticed a lot of the upper slope of her butt was uncovered, so she took one hand off the tray to keep from losing the shorts entirely,

She told Kristen that she had never felt such a rush, and thanked her for the experience. Kristen picked at the fries for a minute, then said: "I'm glad you enjoyed the preliminaries; are you ready for the main event?". Tina crossed her arms, enjoying another pleasurable shudder before slowly nodding her head.

Kristen put the convertible's top up, and after a short drive she pulled in to the parking lot of a small shopping center. Tina looked the stores over and, seeing that they were all closed, wondered what Kristen had in mind; she thought even a fully nude run along the sidewalk would be something she could do, but as she thought about such a jog, it seemed a little too tame with no one there to see her.

Eventually Tina realized that Kristen wasn't stopping, but was headed to the far end of the parking lot, where she could now see a small building set back from the rest of the center. A small building with its lights on. A tiny open all night convenience store.

Kristen parked at the edge of the store's parking area, leaving Tina with about a 60 foot walk to the entrance, and put an envelope in Tina's purse telling her that everything she would need was now in the purse.

Kristin told Tina to go in to the store and look around for a few minutes, telling her that this would give her a chance to be sure there were no children present as well as locate an item mentioned in a new note in the envelope. Kristen really called for this delay because she knew from her own experience that a little pause before taking a risk can be useful in calming jangly nerves.

Knowing without even opening it that following the instructions in the new note in the envelope was going to lead to her soon being naked in front of some stranger, Tina already felt exposed and she hadn't even left the car!

After another pleasurable shiver she slowly opened the car door and set out for the store entrance. She wasn't sure she could really go through with whatever Kristen and Dave had thought up, but saw no harm in looking around the store and going into the rest room to see what was in the envelope.

As Tina approached the store she was relieved to see only one car near the store. As she opened the door a chime went off, alerting a man in his mid twenties behind the counter that he had a customer; he looked up from the book he was reading, his bored expression vanishing the second he saw her. She thought he was pretty easy on the eyes; if she needed to be naked in front of a stranger she could do a lot worse.

She had almost gotten used to the barely decent camisole and low riding shorts, but the look in the clerk's eyes reminded her how slutty she must have looked. She nodded a silent hello and smiled at the thought of how different she looked compared to her usual corporate executive style.

After about 5 minutes of browsing Tina thought she knew the place inside out and decided it was time to go to the restroom to think about whether she should continue. and if the answer was yes, how to proceed. She walked up to the counter, actually enjoying how her outfit was continuing to slide just a bit lower every few steps, though she quickly hiked up the shorts when she spotted some pubes barely peeking over their top edge.

Following the plan, Tina asked if she could use the rest room. The clerk came out from behind the counter to unlock it, explaining that it had to be opened with the key, and since they only had one copy he needed to keep it with him.

She joked "Must keep you hopping on a busy night like this"; he smiled and told her that this was actually the busiest he had been all night, and that he generally didn't see any customers until the bars closed at 2 AM. As he walked away he asked her to close it again when she was done, and that it would lock as soon as she closed it.