La Contessa Ch. 17

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Roberto fucks Becky in human puppet show.
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Part 17 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/16/2008
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Chapter 17: The Puppet Show

Soon after La Contessa's encounter with the Archbishop, I'm summoned to the changing rooms behind the theatre to prepare for the performance. I put on the mask of the inamorati with its lovelorn expression, puckered lips, and bright red, painted cheeks. I strip off so the puppeteers can attach the complex arrangement of wires that will manipulate my movements. One wire is tightened around the base of my cock. I'm aware it's important for the story to maintain an erection, though I don't have any fears on that score. The wires allow for the limited manoeuvrability necessary to perform the role effectively though to the spectator it will appear as if my movements are being controlled by the puppeteers. I slip on a turquoise silk robe which also has wires attached to it.

Becky, having foregone the chance to join the reception for La Contessa's guests, is in position when I appear. She looks stunning. Her mask also depicts the expression of wistful lover but with a beatific smile, rosy cheeks, and exaggerated eyebrows and eyelashes painted on it. She's in a yellow silk kimono, hers decorated with lotus flowers, which hugs the curves of her breasts and hips seductively. Looking at her, there's no chance of me not getting a hard-on when I need it!

"Are you ready, Becky?" I whisper.

"Mm, yes Roberto. It feels good to be trussed up in wires," she purrs.

I see the far-away glaze in her eyes through the holes in her mask. Yes, she's already in the zone and ready to perform. She too is secured by a maze of wires. They are manipulated by the crew of puppeteers hidden in the rafters out of sight from the audience, holding control bars with wires attached to them. It looks complicated, but I trust them not to get the wires in a tangle and mess-up the show. Having been given this opportunity to demonstrate his skills, Vincenzo will want to impress his mistress.

From the other side of the curtain I hear La Contessa's voice, muffled by the barrier of thick velvet.

"Welcome to my theatre. I have laid on a special puppet show for you. This is a tale of two lovers, and the vicissitudes they encounter in pursuit of their love in the face of a cruel guardian."

There's polite applause as the curtain rises.

I've a moment to take in my surroundings. The theatre is magnificent. Its façade is decorated in rich reds and gilded wood in baroque style. Fixed to the top corners are two solid-gold masks modelled on Greek theatre depicting comedy and tragedy. Smaller golden masks with various dramatic expressions: joy, sorrow, anger, quizzical and confused, cover the columns of the theatre. I take a peek at the audience arraigned in rows on luxurious, velvet-covered seats. At the centre of the front row in pride of place are La Contessa with an expectant and mischievous smile, her breasts bursting out of her dazzling, indigo gown, and her principal guest, the Archbishop, looking thoroughly miserable and uncomfortable.

I feel the tug of the wires pulling me around. It's a strange sensation, one of being led rather than a complete loss of control. Whilst the wires direct my movement, I have to relax my whole body to allow them to do their work, creating the impression of being manipulated by the puppeteers to the audience. My actions are jerky and quirky as you'd expect with a real puppet.

I find myself facing Becky. My arm is raised and lifts up to touch her cheek. My hands are pushed down to brush against her shiny silk robe. The touch of the sleek silk is exquisite. As my hands are directed to run over her breasts, I finger the hardness of her nipples pulling against the tight material. I hear Becky gasp. Our roles are meant to be played out in silence, but it's a barely audible expression of her arousal the audience can't hear. And I'm turned on too. My cock instantly swells until it presses against the sensuous silk. Surely the audience must be able to see my cock tugging at the robe as it becomes erect?

The puppeteers raise Becky's hands to make them run against my robe. I hadn't noticed how erotic the silk was to touch when I put it on as I was focused on getting ready. But now, with the girl's fingers running across the silken material, the sensation is erotically mind-blowing, especially as her fingers stretch towards my groin and touch my hard cock through the silk. I sense the anticipation in the audience as they watch the display of fondling, and the erotic tension building up between us.

The puppeteers execute a swift manoeuvre so the next thing I'm aware of is my arms being wrapped around Becky, and hers around mine as the wires thrust us together. I feel the pulse of her heart racing with sexual excitement as her breasts press against my chest. Then the wires gradually pull our faces together until our masks touch. Through the holes in the masks our lips brush against each other's. Her tongue reaches out into my mouth, and we kiss through the masks. On her lips I taste the sweet malvasie wine she drank before the show to calm her nerves. I wonder what Julia is thinking. I haven't seen her costume yet, but I know she'll be waiting in the wings watching every moment.

The masks part, and our bodies are twisted around by the stiff cords to face the audience. I watch as the ingenious arrangement of wires allows Becky's robe to slip from her body into a crumpled heap on the floor. There is a collective gasp from the audience as La Contessa's slave girl is revealed, standing naked, waves of blonde hair tumbling over her bare shoulders with only the mask of the inamorati to cover her face.

There is a tug on the wires securing my robe and I realise the costume is cleverly designed to split into parts so the puppet wires don't impede the silk's stately progress as it slides over my flesh. There's one anxious moment when the robe snags on my erect cock, and the puppeteer has to jerk a wire so it can slip onto the stage. There's another gasp as my hard-on is shown to the audience. Through the eye-holes in the mask, I see Lady Rudston swooning into a faint. Now, I'm not one to boast... well no, that's not true! I know my cock is a great asset, and when it's fully erect, as now, standing out proud, thick, and hard, I know it's a magnificent tool. Far from being embarrassed at having my cock exposed to a crowd, I revel in it, and get turned on by it.

So the scene is set. The two inamorati stand naked on the stage. The audience is expectant, waiting to see if their love for each other will be consummated. The wires push Becky onto the floor so she's on all fours. One jerks her bottom up into the air, her cunt lips hanging there waiting to be penetrated. The puppeteers tug at the wires to pull me onto my knees and pull my arms forward under Becky so I can grasp her tits. My penis hovers tantalisingly over her crack. The puppeteers use the wire secured to my erection to adjust the angle of my cock. It's a manoeuvre requiring deft skill and precision. If the slant of my cock is only a fraction out, then my penis will miss its target. Vincenzo has trained his performers well. My cock probes the entrance to Becky's vagina, and at just the right moment I've the freedom of movement to push my member inside her. Her cunt tightens around my cock, and then I thrust into her harder, taking her doggy style before the assembled guests. I warm to my task. The movement of the wires guides me, but I can add my own force to it. What the audience see, to their delight, is one puppet fucking another.

As I push myself into Becky, my thoughts turn to Julia. Although she claims she's not jealous of the girl, it must be hard for her to see her lover fucking another woman in such a public spectacle.

Whilst I pump my cock into Becky trying to hold back from coming inside her, I hear a splutter of laughter. I should explain that the set is designed in the style of an Italianate garden, and at the back of the stage is a row of bushes. As I glance out the corner of one eye, I realise the audience is amused at the antics of Julia. She's dressed as the zanni, a clown in a harlequin suit of blue, red, and yellow triangles, white stockings, a tall white hat, and a white mask with a shocked expression. I must say she looks great in the part and, I have to hand it to her, whatever her misgivings, she's entering into it with gusto. She's hiding behind a bush spying on us, and then every so often, indeed in time with my fucking motions, her head pops out from above the bush. Then she dances behind another bush and sticks her head out from its side each time my cock thrusts into Becky's cunt. We have to pretend we haven't seen her and carry on with our lovemaking, regardless of the zanni's antics at the rear of the stage.

La Contessa loves it. She's laughing, as are her guests, except for the Archbishop who sits there po-faced. At one point Julia does cartwheels to the front of the stage jumps up, points at us feigning shock, and then runs out to stage left. We continue our fucking throughout her performance. Becky rolls her backside into me and, as my cock pushes into her, she emits quiet grunts. We aren't meant to climax, but it's obvious we are both turned on. It's an effort for me to hold back from ejaculating, and poor Becky is straining her whole body to prevent herself from collapsing into orgasm.

Relief comes with appearance of Lucio dressed as the vecchi, the girl's cruel guardian. He's dressed in tunic, stockings, tri-cornered cap, and mask, all in black. Vincenzo has gone to town with the mask. It's black with a bulbous nose and decorated with lines and huge warts. He's made to look incredibly ugly. I should add that he's carrying a fearsome whip with leather thongs in his hand. Julia, who has gone to her master to report what she's seen in the garden, is bouncing up and down excitably pointing at us whilst we carry on screwing.

Lucio marches forward, grabs my ponytail, pulls me out of Becky and throws me to the ground. Becky's juices on my cock glisten in the glow of the candles used to light the stage. The vecchi aims a few carefully aimed strokes with the whip across my backside. They sting. Old Lucio, who out of the staff, has never particularly taken to me, uses his mistress's puppet show as an opportunity to vent his hostility with a severe whipping. My arse is smarting, and I can feel the welts swelling up out of my flesh.

But I'm lucky compared with Becky. I guess it's in keeping with his role in the play as the girl's master and guardian, and probably with instruction from La Contessa. My pain threshold is high, and after these months of service under the La Contessa it has increased, but her slave girl's levels of endurance are outstanding. Lucio sets about her with the whip and I can see he's not exercising any restraint. The tongues of the whip slash against her backside with heavy slaps. There is a collective gasp from the guests at the punishment Becky takes though all I can see from La Contessa is a sadistic glint in her eye. Do I also detect a certain pride in what her girl can take? Becky receives it with resigned silence, never allowing a moan or whimper pass her lips.

The performance moves on apace. A cage is lowered onto the stage and puppeteers use the wires to drag Becky into it. In the meantime Julia surreptitiously helps Becky change her mask from the inamorati to one showing a sad face. I'm banished by the master and retreat out of sight behind the bushes for now, where a stage hand passes me a mask exactly the same as Becky's. So, now the lovers are parted. I've been expelled never to see my love again whilst the girl is imprisoned by the vecchi as punishment for succumbing to her lusts. Lucio attaches wooden, sprung clamps to her nipples, pulls them tight and ties them to the bars of the cage, so any time Becky moves, the cords tug at them.

The vecchi leaves the stage to a cacophony of boos and hisses from the crowd. Julia, sorry for having betrayed the two lovers and the punishments she has unleashed, changes her role to one of intermediary between them. She prances around the stage in a comic pose, looking around her to make sure the master is not watching, and passes paper and pen to Becky to write a message. She takes the slip of paper and, putting her hand over her eyes, does an exaggerated search in the bushes for me. At this point the wires lift my head over the bushes. She excitedly does cart wheels across the stage, leaps up and hands me my lover's message. I'm impressed. I never realised Julia was such a good gymnast! Maybe a career on the stage beckons her.

The play follows the zanni's antics in acting as intermediary between the two lovers until Lucio returns. He comes to get his ward out of the cage but as he leans over to close its iron gate, the zanni pushes him inside and locks the door. Now the two lovers are re-united the sad masks are replaced with the masks of the inamorati again. The irony of Julia playing the role of bringing Becky and myself together as lovers is not lost on me, and neither will Julia have missed it.

We now come to the climax of the performance where the love of the re-united inamorati is consummated. The puppeteer's wires manipulate Becky onto the stage, lowering her onto her back in full view of the audience, and lifting her legs up so everybody gets a view of her puffy labia, red and swollen from its earlier attention. It's a brazen show of Becky's sex, flaunted for all to see. The Archbishop looks especially disgusted at the performance. The wires lead me towards Becky. I stand over her, framing her cunt between my legs. Then I'm lowered down and my cock manoeuvred into position. I get the chance to fuck Becky again, but this time I know we have permission to come, providing a fitting climax to the entertainment.

Becky lies there helpless, held into place by the puppeteers' wires, her legs splayed, her cunt wet and inviting. The puppeteers tug my cock closer and closer towards Becky's waiting sex. She's gasping with anticipation, urging the puppeteers controlling me to feed my member into her. My arse is directly facing the audience. I try to visualise their admiring looks at my muscular backside. The tip of my penis brushes against the folds of Becky's cunt lips as the puppeteer's manipulate the wires to line it up to the exact spot. When my cock's in the right position, they release the tension on the wires holding me back and I pound into the girl with one long push. Becky squeals in delight. She wants it. She needs release by now as urgently as I do.

When I'm finally nestled deep inside her and start fucking her there's a ripple of applause and calls of encouragement from the audience. They've come to see a performance, and they want to see La Contessa's slave girl fucked. Lucio, still in the cage as the vecchi, is forced to watch whilst Julia, still in character as the zanni, jumps up and down in her harlequin suit clapping as I fuck Becky senseless. Unable to control herself any longer, Becky squeals with pleasure as she takes the frenetic strokes of my cock. The wires are slackened so she can move in time with my thrusts, and to allow her hips to buck and twist as, reaching her climax, she screams out in ecstasy. I respond, and empty my seed into her. At this moment the curtain starts to lower and the audience break into applause.

We listen to the clapping and whooping of appreciation from behind the curtain as we disentangle ourselves. The wires are fully slackened now so we can stand up. Julia is alongside us, as is Lucio, now out of the cage, and we are joined by Vincenzo and his puppeteers. When the curtain rises, we take a bow. I see La Contessa on her feet applauding, a beaming smile across her face as we receive a standing ovation. Her guests shout out, "Bravo, Bravo Contessa, Bravo." Even the Archbishop, not wanting to be the odd one out, stands up, however reluctant his applause.

La Contessa climbs up the steps at the side of the stage to join us. She kisses Becky on the lips and gives Julia, Vincenzo, myself and even old Lucio a hug. Believe me it's a rare tribute to receive from a strict mistress and dominatrix. I try not to look too pleased with myself, as I don't want to be guilty of vanity, but inside I'm glowing with pride for myself and the other performers. It's rewarding to please your mistress.

"What a splendid entertainment," calls La Contessa above the applause. "I'd like to thank Vincenzo for his artistic direction, the puppeteers, and my servants, Becky, Julia, Lucio, and Roberto for entering into my little production with such enthusiasm, and bringing it to a fitting climax. There will be champagne and patisseries served in the reception room after the performance."

When La Contessa returns to the floor she's greeted by her guests congratulating her on such a fun, erotic and delightfully disgusting piece of theatre!

The performers are buzzing with the thrill of delivering a performance. We are chatting excitedly amongst ourselves. Even Becky, who is often detached, is smiling, and gratefully accepting compliments from the staff. Even Julia is excited, and seemingly unphased by my role. I tell her she was brilliant in the part of the zanni and praise the exuberance of her performance.

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