Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 01


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"I have stated repeatedly that it was not necessary. However, Duchess Kate pointed out to me that it was a sign of respect, not only for me, but for Steve and my fellow owners of Lady in Red Productions. People appreciate the efforts we've made and continue to make for those experiencing difficult times, for whatever reason.

"I will not ask these wonderful people to stop their gracious gestures if it is something they want to do. As I stated earlier, many brave people have fought for the rights we enjoy in this great country. People can legally make all sorts of gestures, and often do, even if they're not always nearly as polite. I reiterate that these signs of respect aren't necessary in any way, but I do appreciate that so many thoughtful people choose to honor us in that manner.

"I've been the face of Lady in Red for years. I'm very proud of our company and the things we have accomplished. I cannot, and will not turn my back on those that wish to thank me and my company for our efforts. Sometimes, a simple bow or curtsy is the only way they can demonstrate it. I understand that and I always try to acknowledge them. It's only polite. If no one ever bowed or curtsied to me again, I would be fine with that, but as long as they do, I will respond as graciously as I can.

"I did not respond to them so I would become President of the United States. Rather, I became President of the United States because I have listened and responded to those voices that are never heard in Washington. All of our citizens deserve respect, the opportunity for education, health care, and decent employment. They do not need or want handouts from the government. They do need opportunity, and my administration is going to work every day to provide those opportunities to as many citizens as we can."

A portly man in the second row asked the next question. "Will you stop performing in concerts and movies, and curtail your music career now?"

"I will not rule out anything at this point. Obviously, finding time will be a big factor," responded Gwen. "I won't limit my future by making rash assertions this evening."

Gwen ended the news conference a few minutes later and once again met with her inner circle in the meeting room in Valhalla.

"That seemed to go well," observed William Patterson. "I'm glad we discussed the probable questions the press would ask, but you handled everything perfectly. Everyone broke into smiles at your response to the question about trusting a mere 'football player' with such delicate negotiations."

That statement caused Gwen's thoughts to linger on Steve's football successes. Her undergraduate career at Stanford had been far from average. After the success of her movies, especially her Oscar for 'Rise of the Queen' and her music career, she was the single most recognizable person on the large campus. Being the girlfriend of Steve Hammer only increased her visibility, although a new acquaintance named Colt Chance had required some time to understand that fact.

Gwen had found herself taking a required history course in the fall of her senior year. On the first day of class, a tall athletic looking guy took the seat next to her. He smiled and nodded at her as the instructor called the class to order.

The male instructor noticed both Gwen and the fellow sitting to her right. "Ms. Anderson, it seems that you attract quarterbacks."

"If you're referring to Steve Hammer, then your supposition is accurate," responded a somewhat confused Gwen.

Gwen was surprised at the chuckles her response drew from many of the other students as her instructor continued. "Actually, I was referring to the gentleman to your right."

"Oh, are you a friend of Steve's?" asked Gwen of the man next to her, while trying to determine the reason for the snickers from the other students. To her total surprise, the entire room broke into gales of laughter at her innocent question.

"Ms. Anderson, allow me to introduce you to Stanford's All American quarterback, Mr. Colt Chance. Many expect him to lead Stanford to the national championship this year," explained the grinning instructor, clearly enjoying the situation.

"Oh, I see," managed Gwen as she turned to shake hands with the man seated next to her. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Chance. If you're serious about playing for a national champion, you really need to get appointed to the Naval Academy, as in yesterday. They could use another good safety."

"Miss Anderson, you're the first person I've met in two years that didn't already know who I was," chuckled Colt. "I appreciate your suggestion, but I'll take my chances with Stanford. Navy isn't even rated in the top ten. It's the first time they've ever broken into the top twenty, and they're eighteenth. We're the top rated college team in the nation, so I'm sure you can understand why I won't be joining the Navy anytime soon."

"I think it's probably because you prefer to remain a starter," quipped Gwen as the laughter increased in the room.

The Stanford quarterback's smile grew bigger. "I admire your loyalty, misplaced as it may be. I was runner-up for the Heisman Trophy last year. I didn't even see your boyfriend at the presentation in New York. Oh, wait! That's because he wasn't one of the finalists!"

"Steve isn't big on individual awards," allowed Gwen with a smile of her own. "I don't even know where he keeps his Oscar, his Emmies, Grammies, or other awards. I wish you luck if an individual award is important you. Steve's goal this year is for Navy to go undefeated and win the national title. He's never mentioned the Heisman."

"Except for a couple of good teams, they have an easy schedule, so they may go undefeated, but the title is out of reach for a team like Navy," declared Colt. "They don't have the horses to run with the big boys."

"January isn't that far away. We'll see how it all plays out," replied Gwen sweetly. "I'd caution anyone that bets against Steve Hammer that they're making a big mistake."

After that, Gwen and Colt would often exchange trash talk and light banter before and after class. In mid-October Chance went a little farther.

"My fraternity is having a party after our game with Notre Dame Saturday night. I was wondering if you'd like to come. It's going to be a great time and we'll be really jacked after beating Notre Dame."

"That should be a good game," acknowledged Gwen. "Navy beat them 45-17 two weeks ago, so you'll have your work cut out for you."

"It'll be more like a tune-up for USC next week," laughed Colt. "If you want to come to the party, I'll give you a pass. No one gets in without them. Not even you."

"It does sound pretty cool," admitted Gwen. "Could I bring a friend? If not, I'll just do something else."

Determined to show his influence within the fraternity, Colt quickly agreed. "Here's a pass. I'll just jot down a note that it includes a friend. Look me up when you get to the party and I'll show you around."

Saturday evening at the party, Colt was keeping his eye on the door as he waited for Gwen to arrive. Stanford had narrowly defeated Notre Dame earlier in the day and the school was abuzz about a shot at the National Championship. Colt Chance was considered the major cog in a great team and he was proud of the recognition. After the game, he had hinted to some of his friends that Gwen was going to be his date for the evening. His jaw almost hit the floor when she made her entrance, on the arm of Steve Hammer!

Suddenly, Colt was not the most important person in the room. Partiers gasped and clapped with glee when they saw Gwen dressed like a movie star and accompanied by one of the sexiest men on the planet. Gwen introduced Steve to people she recognized, which really wasn't very many people. Then she spotted Colt standing off to the side and led Steve over to introduce him.

"Colt Chance, please meet Steve Hammer. He played Thursday night on ESPN, so he has the weekend off. Colt plays football for the Cardinals," added Gwen as if it were an afterthought. "He says that he's very good."

"You sure had a good game today," praised Steve as he held out his hand to the other quarterback. "Throwing for three touchdowns and running for another against Notre Dame is pretty darn good!"

"Wasn't that the team that you threw five touchdown passes against?" asked Gwen innocently as she watched the two men shake hands.

Steve turned to look at Gwen. She knew his stats by heart and was a great football fan. She had to know that she was getting in a dig with Chase. He decided to ask her about it once they were alone.

Gwen beamed as she watched Steve stand near Colt. The two men were the same height, but Steve was broader in the shoulders and much better looking, at least in Gwen's opinion. She had been quite confident that once Colt Chance had the opportunity to meet Steve, he wouldn't be trying to ask her out again.

Gwen let the two men chat for a couple of minutes and then dragged Steve around to mingle with others. As she knew would happen, the students were quickly drawn to Steve and her. They posed for dozens of pictures and signed numerous objects for the party-goers.

Before they managed to leave, Steve and Gwen were prevailed upon to perform a few songs. Steve wrapped it up by singing the Elvis tune 'Can't Help Falling in Love' while playing the piano. The applause was loud and long as Steve and Gwen bowed several times before they bade everyone goodnight.

Gwen recalled how Steve had asked about her comments to Colt Chance as soon as they were alone. "The guy thinks he's the best football player in the world, so I wanted to bring him down a notch by introducing him to the actual best. Besides, he's been sniffing around my little panties lately and I wanted him to know exactly why I won't be dating him."

Gwen had been pleasantly surprised when Colt apologized before class the following Monday. "Gwen, I'm sorry for being such an ass. I was way out of line to even think you'd be interested in me. Steve really is an amazing guy."

"Apology accepted," replied Gwen with a smile. "He is something special, isn't he?"

"Jake Baron, our starting center, asked me if I knew what Jake's hometown was," related Colt. "I told him that I had no idea. Then he told me that Steve Hammer knew and had asked him about it. It made me realize how much I've become focused on myself, and how little attention I pay to others. I still have some time to get it right. I'll thank Steve next time I see him. I learned something about leadership Saturday night."

"I'll tell him that you said that," promised Gwen. "His interest in others isn't something he does to garner favor. He actually does cares about people."

It was funny how things turned out, mused Gwen. Steve and Colt went on to become good friends, as well as to forge one of football's greatest individual rivalries.

Gwen's brief daydreaming was interrupted by Lisa's next statement, which returned Gwen's focus to the meeting. "I'm already being contacted by various senators. You're going to have some work to do if you want to get Naomi, Kate, Jeff, and Jason confirmed. There's a lot of concern about so much change so quickly."

"Well, they'd better get used to the idea because I've already asked the current office holders to resign and they've all indicated that they would. They weren't too happy about it, but I'm not very happy with their efforts for the country," replied Gwen firmly.

"That's exactly what I told everyone I've spoken with," agreed Lisa. "I told them it was full speed ahead and that you'd be expecting the confirmations in a timely manner. I was more or less told that the Senate wouldn't act in haste just because you want speedy confirmations. I think they're going to stonewall the nominations until they get a feel for how you're going to handle this looming war."

"Then they're really going to be disappointed," retorted Gwen. "Steve and Naomi are going to do everything that they possibly can to find a peaceful solution. You know as well as I do that neither one of them tolerates failure very well. They'll find a way if it's at all possible."

The Red Lady landed at Heathrow shortly after eight AM, London time. Steve and Naomi departed through a VIP gate, which was located away from other travelers. As soon as they left the tunnel and reached the almost empty gate, Steve was enveloped in a fierce hug.

"I can't believe it! Gwen's President of the United States! Now she's sent you on the toughest mission of your life. I'm so proud of you both and love you to pieces."

"It's good to see you again, too, Steph," chuckled Steve as he held the woman tightly against his chest. "I hope this Limey is treating you well. If he isn't, I'll take a few minutes out of my schedule to have a little talk with him."

"Thanks for looking out for me. Regretfully, I have to tell you that James has been very bad. He's gotten me pregnant again!" revealed Stephanie with a big grin.

"Oh wow!" declared Steve as he drew Gwen's cousin even closer. "It looks like we're going to fill Valhalla up on holidays. I bet your folks are excited about having another grandkid."

"I just had it confirmed yesterday evening, so you're the first person I've told. I knew you'd be happy for us. Please don't tell anyone. I'm going to call Mom later this morning, when it's a decent hour back in the states."

"James, it's great to see you. Congratulations on the addition to your family," managed Steve as Stephanie clung to him. "I understand that you'll be joining us for the rest of the trip."

"Prime Minister Blake has felt from the outset that things weren't been going very well. When President Crawford passed and Gwen became president, he decided to shake up his team. Since you and I are practically related, he selected me to accompany you on this rather epic mission. I'm pretty much to keep my mouth shut and follow your lead. The prime minister will fill you in when you meet him in just about an hour.

"Stephanie and I are delighted at the prospect of having another child," admitted James Hawthorne. "We're trying to keep up with the cousins."

"Lots of luck with that. Lisa has been talking about having a fourth," revealed Steve. "Jordan seems content with three, but we all know how quickly that can change."

Steve thought back to the day Stephanie had approached Gwen and him with a worried look on her face. It was the week following Gwen and Steve's wedding. James was preparing to return to London and it was obvious that Stephanie was concerned about something.

"James asked me to marry him and I told him that I would. I'm so sorry to let you both down like this, but I really love the guy. We'll probably get married around Christmas. I know you guys depend on me, but I have to do this. We'll be living in London, so I won't be able to work for you after the wedding."

"Congratulations! This is great news and there's no reason to apologize," assured Gwen. "To be honest, Steve and I aren't overly surprised. We could see how James looked at you, and how he treated you. He's a great guy!"

"I'll miss working for Lady in Red Productions," admitted Stephanie. "I'll especially miss being able to be with you two while you change the world. It's been quite a ride for me."

"Steph, I've been discussing the future of the company with Lisa, Jordan, Charlie, Kate, and Gwen," confided Steve. "We've decided to expand globally and think London would be a great place to begin. Would you be interested in overseeing our expansion to England and the rest of Europe?"

"You're serious?" marveled Stephanie. "You'd place me in charge of a European division of Lady in Red Productions? You're not doing this just so I'll have a job, are you?"

"Hardly," laughed Gwen. "It's been something that Steve and I have been discussing for almost a year. We're missing many opportunities by not having a bigger presence in Europe. We should be selling more music, movie tickets and clothing, plus taking advantage of other business opportunities. It began looking likely that you'd be headed to London, so we thought we'd take advantage of your skills once again."

"I have to have the best friends and relatives in the world," sobbed Stephanie as she hugged Gwen tightly. "I'll take that position and make sure that you never regret putting me in charge. I can't wait to tell James. He was concerned that I'd not be willing to leave my family and job."

"Don't even suggest that you're leaving your friends and family," cautioned Steve. "That'll never happen. One or more of us will fly over to London as often as we can. I wouldn't be surprised if Diane, Will, and your little brother came along on some of the trips. Plus we'll be flying you back home now and then for business, and to see the family.

"I should train someone to assume my duties. It'll take some time to learn such a big and complicated business. Do you want to interview some candidates as soon as possible?" asked Stephanie.

"Actually, we already have someone in mind," revealed Gwen. "We've been spending some time with Tyler this week. He's qualified, but more importantly, he's a friend that we know we can trust. That means more to us than any other skill or training he could have.

"Would you be willing to work with him and show him the ropes? By the time you move to London, he should be up to speed and ready to step in," reasoned Gwen.

"Tyler? That's a great idea. He's always liked you two, he's smart, and his resume is very impressive," admitted Stephanie. "I think Sybil is falling for him, so there's yet another reason to keep him in Sparta. I know how much she means to you both. She's risked it all for you guys, and I know that you'll always be there for her."

Then Steve's mind snapped back to the present. He realized that there were several reporters watching the interaction between the friends, although they were too far away to hear the conversation. He quickly put on his poker face and addressed James and Stephanie.

"You remember Naomi, of course. She's Gwen's choice for Secretary of State. She'll be very much involved in any negotiations."

"Now I know I'll enjoy the journey," remarked James. "You're more beautiful than ever, Naomi."

"Don't let him sweet talk you," warned Stephanie. "He starts out low key and the next thing you know; he's gotten you pregnant."

"Don't worry about me. I know how to handle these Romeos," chuckled Naomi. "Steve has been trying to get into my little panties for years and I've managed to hold even him off."

"Is that any way for the Secretary of State to talk?" questioned Steve. "Now I'm concerned about your mental acuity. You should know very well that I prefer you without panties, or clothes of any kind."

"I certainly do," laughed Naomi. "I also know that I've been the cause of more boners for you than anyone but Gwen. Little Steve doesn't lie. He's made it very clear many times. He wants to get closer to my little kitty."

"Little Steve has a mind of his own, but big Steve makes the final determination," assured Stephanie. "There's a rather long list of boner causing women in his life, and I'm rather proud to be quite high on that list."

"Ladies, lest we forget, the world is on the verge of war. Boasting about who causes more erections is not appropriate in these troubled times," cautioned Stephanie's husband. "Besides, my money's on Stephanie's mother after seeing her and Steve in those movies."

"You're so lucky you've already gotten me pregnant," exclaimed Stephanie, "Because after that comment, you won't be getting any for a year. Steve, defend my honor! Tell my husband that you always get aroused when you see me. I bet you're hard right now. Give him the unbending truth, the hard facts, the... "

"Never mind!" interjected a grinning Naomi. "If he is feeling frisky, it's because he was admiring my ass when I walked down the stairs from the Red Lady in front of him."