Layla Ch. 02

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Layla's life becomes more complicated.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/11/2004
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Layla felt the guitar player stir in his sleep beneath her. His breathing was slow. He snored softly. She could feel the heat of his flaccid cock, which remained tucked inside of her cum filled pussy. She gently flexed her sheath around him, trying to keep him from slipping away from her. She felt him swell slightly as she applied the soft pressure.

She clenched him again and felt him lengthen perceptibly. His breathing increased slightly as she continued to milk on him with her hot cunt. She lifted her head and stared at his face in the dim light of the boarding house bedroom. A soft smile eased across his lips as his shaft continued to respond to her pulses.

Layla extended her tongue and flicked his hairy chest. She searched for and found his nipple and closed her soft lips over it, sucking lightly.

"If you're trying to get me horny, it's working," Dave whispered.

"I thought it might be by the way you're growing inside of me," She answered.

Dave flexed inside of her, his cock extending still deeper into her already cum drenched cavity. Other than Layla's tongue and lips on his nipple, the only part of either of them that moved was the flexing of their loins. Dave had grown to his full proportion within her. She remained securely wrapped around his cock. Their breathing had become more rapid.

Layla pushed down on him with increased intensity as he started to push up into her. They began a mutual easy humping motion, which gradually grew longer and stronger as their passion built. Layla started to rotate her hips in small circles as Dave eased his prick in and out with greater determination.

"Jesus, I need this so bad," Layla hissed. "Please keep doing what you're doing to me."

"Just relax and let the old man do his magic," Dave whispered in her ear.

Dave's cock was dragging firmly back and forth across her erect love trigger, sending intense currents flashing through her body. Her orgasm started quickly and lasted a long while. Dave kept a steady beat while she rode it out. Then she returned again to match his undulations, rocking to and fro on top of him.

"Lay still, Baby," Dave told her. "And just feel me inside of you."

She did as he instructed her to do, while he continued to rock up into her from below. Each time he pushed up, he would flex his cock, threading it firmly against her cervix. The sensations were so thrilling that she quickly climaxed again, sending yet another flood of her female ejaculate flowing around his intruding phallus and seeping between their already slippery bodies.

Four times, Layla erupted on top of him. The wet sucking sounds of their lust filled the ancient room. The odor of their seeping sex fluids and sweaty bodies filled her nostrils. Pheromones permeated the air around them.

Then Layla felt him grow steel stiff and extend to an unimaginable depth. He pushed into her and held her high off the bed. She felt the scorching heat of his man-seed as it spewed into her womb, so far inside her quaking belly.

They lay together again.


Reality returned slowly to the sated woman. The grey light of morning had crept upon the dusty curtains covering the window beside the bed. Layla could hear the cars moving on the street below. She pulled her pussy off his cock and heard it plop on his stomach as it slipped free of her clutching hole. Rising to her knees, she felt a thick flow of ejaculate drool from her open lips and looked down as it pooled next to the big man's cock, then drained down past his balls onto the sheets.

She retreated to the bathroom and quickly washed. The clock on the bedside stand warned it was 6:15 AM. Layla had stayed out much longer than she had anticipated and knew she must get her little fanny home before the kids woke to her absence.

Dave was sitting on the side of the bed when she stepped out of the bathroom. She quickly found her clothes and dressed hurriedly.

"What's the big rush?" Dave questioned.

"My kids," She muttered. "I gotta get back home before they wake up."

"Will I see you again?" He asked. "We're at the Gateway for two more weeks."

"I don't know," Layla grunted, pushing her feet into her shoes. "We'll see what happens."

Grabbing her purse from the floor by the door, she walked over to the guitar man and kissed him softly on the lips, turned and left without another word.

Fortunately, she saw a cab and hailed him from the balcony. He was waiting with the door open when she came out of the boarding house. She gave the cabbie her address and slumped into the back seat of the musty smelling cab.

Her mind raced with the events of the past thirty-six hours. First the dream, then the encounter with Lisa and Ronny, and then the near miss with the piano player and then the double-header with Dave, filled her swirling head with eroticisms she had never imagined. Suddenly she felt herself becoming wet again.

'My God, Layla,' She thought. 'What's happening to you?'

"That'll be $24.55, Sweetheart," The cabbie announced, braking in her driveway.

She snapped back to real life, handed him $30.00, and rushed into the house. All was quiet. Layla heaved a sigh of relief and tiptoed down the hallway to her bedroom door.

"You're out kinda late, weren't you?" A soft voice questioned just as she prepared to close her door.

Layla spun and locked eyes with Rachel, her eighteen-year-old daughter, who stood in the bathroom doorway across the hall. Rachel smiled at her mother. Layla was unaware that Rachel had spent the night before hanging out with her brother, Ronny, who had filled her in on all the details of the previous days activities.

Layla's heart stopped beating for several seconds. Her whole world was suddenly becoming very complicated.

"" Layla was having difficulty finding her thoughts.

"Get some rest, Ma." Rachel said. "You can tell me all about it later."

Layla closed the door and leaned against it. Her chin fell to her chest and a great sob surged from deep within. Tears welled in her eyes and she gasped for breath as the emotion ripped through her body. Falling on the bed, she let it all out, bawling into the bed covers so as not to wake the rest of the house.


The ringing of the telephone on the nightstand wrenched her from sleep. It stopped ringing before she could reach for it. She heard a tapping on the door.

"Momma, it's Daddy," Cindy, her youngest daughter squawked through the bedroom door."

Layla picked up the receiver, fighting for consciousness, "Hello, Honey!"

"What the matter with you? You sick?" Gene barked into the phone.

"Lisa, Leafa and I went out for a drink last night," Layla defended herself.

"And?" He questioned.

"I was out late and slept in. So what?" She rasped.

"Forget it! I'm coming in for a couple of days, there's a storm headed for Florida and they're telling all the non residents to go home." He said. "I'll see you sometime Sunday."

"Okay, Sweetie, I'll look forward to it." She said tiredly.

"You don't have to get all excited," He grated. "It'll only be for a couple of days until the storm passes."

"I love you, Gene." Layla stated, "See you on Sunday."

He hung up without a reply. Layla dropped the receiver back on the hook and flopped back on the bed. Her mind wandered back to the night before. She recalled the piano player's hands on her wet panties. And the big guitar player's hot cock shooting her full of scalding hot cum. Suddenly the guilt and remorse she'd felt earlier was gone.

The phone rang again. Layla answered it.

"So tell me, how are you feeling this morning?" Lisa asked.

"I feel just fine," Layla answered.

"Well?" Lisa asked. "Are you going to tell me about it or not?"

"I'll come over there later," Layla said. "The walls have ears around here."

"I can't wait," Lisa confessed.

Layla showered and put on a pair of faded cut-offs that bunched tight up into her pussy, and a beige tank top that fit like skin. Ronny stared at her in disbelief when she told him she was going over to Lisa's dressed like that. She told him she'd be back in an hour and drove her BMW sedan over to Lisa's apartment.

Layla spent the next hour reliving the carnal events of the night before with Lisa. Lisa sat with her hands wedged between her thighs; hanging onto every word her friend spoke describing the time she'd spent with Dave, the guitar player from Florida.

"Are you going to see him again?" Lisa asked.

"God, I don't know," Layla said. "Gene's coming home for a couple of days. And Rachel caught me coming in at seven o'clock this morning. I've got to talk to her about that."

"She makes me hot," Lisa proclaimed.

"Who doesn't make you hot?" Layla snapped.

"Gene," Lisa answered, acidly.

"Gene's all right," Layla said. "He's just too dedicated to his job. And without the money, it would really be a bummer around our house. Besides, for all his faults, I love him."

"Oh?" Lisa queried, "Is that the reason you were out getting your brains fucked out by some stranger last night?"

"I don't know what's come over me," Layla whined. "All I can think about is sex, anymore. Jesus, Lisa, my pussy gets wet for no reason. I go on line and get hooked up instant messaging with guys I've never met or even know what they look like and I talk to them about suckin' them off and God only knows what all else."

"Fun isn't it?" Lisa giggled.

"Oh for crying out loud, Lisa," Layla gasped. "Can't you be serious for even a minute?"

"I am being serious," Lisa promised. "I do it all the time too!"

"You do?" Layla asked, astounded at her friend's admission.

"Of course, Silly," Lisa answered, smiling. "I sit naked in front of my computer, frigging myself with one of my vibrators or whatever else is handy and absolutely drench the seat under me telling some dude I'd fuck him senseless if we ever met. What's so wrong with that?"

"But, what about your boyfriend?" Layla questioned. "Aren't you doing him?"

"Sure, but why not take advantage of whatever comes along?" Lisa continued. "It can't hurt anybody as long as you don't go out and do it with some real freak, can it?"

"You mean like the guitar guy?" Layla asked, dejectedly.

"Did he hurt you?" Lisa asked.


"Did you enjoy it?"



"He was a mind-bender!" Layla sighed. "I was totally fucked out when I got home this morning. And Rachel ruined the whole thing when she saw me coming in."


"Because, I felt dirty for cheating on Gene." Layla admitted.

"But the sex was great?" Lisa probed.

"The sex was fantastic," Layla admitted.

"So then I am to assume you'll be visiting the guitar man again, soon?" Lisa smirked.

"I suppose you could make that assumption, if you'd like." Layla said. "Can I ask you a question?'


"Why are you sitting with your hands between your legs?" Layla giggled.

"Because, I'm totally flooded from talking about all this sexy stuff and I'm dying to get myself off as soon as you leave." Lisa said.

"Me too, see?" Layla said, spreading her legs so Lisa could see the dark crotch of her cut-offs, which nestled tightly into the lips of her aching pussy.

Lisa stood up and reached for Layla's hand, pulling her to her feet and toward the door to her bedroom.

"Time to get naked and do something about this," Lisa purred, stripping out of her shorts and halter-top.

She turned as Layla finished shucking her drawers, and stood back up straight. The two friends stood facing each other merely inches apart. Electricity and heat filled the space between them. As if on cue, they moved together in a scalding kiss, falling to the bed. Arms and legs wrapped them together in a fierce embrace. Layla's thigh pushed up onto Lisa's pussy, instantly becoming smeared with her discharge. Lisa pushed her hand between them and threaded two fingers deep in Layla's cunt, searching for her clit. Layla went off within seconds of contact, stiffening and issuing a long growl as her orgasm gripped her. Lisa followed within seconds.

"I want to taste you," Layla gasped.

They untangled and Lisa swung her leg over Layla's face and presented her wet pussy to her friend. Layla reached up and pulled her down, covering her smoothly shaved sex with her mouth. She jammed her tongue deep into Lisa, just as Lisa crushed her face into Layla's wide-open hole. All reason was lost to the act of passion as the two forty-year-old women gave in to the attraction of the other.

For more than an hour they lavished each other with fingers and tongues, until at last, all energy had waned and they lay resting in each other's arms on the bed.

"Sure beats the hell out of jerkin' off!" Lisa finally whispered.

Layla giggled. "I think that was my first time with a woman."

"I trust it won't be your last," said Lisa.

Layla giggled again. "I gotta get my ass home. My kids have probably torn the house down."

They kissed hotly at the door, as Layla departed. Lisa went back to the bedroom, and pulled a long, thick, pink rubber dildo from the drawer in the night stand, lubed it quickly from a bottle of Wet, and flopped back on the bed, cramming the huge fake dick deep in her pussy. Closing her eyes, she imagined Ronny was connected to the cock inside of her and swiftly blossomed into another hard orgasm.

"You gotta try him, Layla." Lisa said aloud, to herself. "Your son will take you places you've only dreamed of going."


Layla steered the shiny Beemer through the light traffic from Lisa's apartment back to her house on Sinclair Street. The chilled air from the air conditioning vent under the steering wheel drifted up between her legs, turning the wet denim of her cut-offs icy cold. She shivered as she drove, her mind wandering back to the night before and the way she felt when the piano player had felt her up. And the rapture she felt when Dave's hard cock exploded inside of her. The thin strip between her legs remained soaked as she drove.

Stopping when she pulled up in front of her garage door, Layla killed the engine and sat in the warming car for a long half hour, composing her thoughts, before entering her home. It was quiet in the house. She heard music from down the hall and surmised that there was life in the house and all was well. Making her way to her room, she closed the door, undressing and hurrying into the shower. The scalding water seared her skin and relaxed her. Lathering, she washed Lisa's scent from her body.

All through her shower, her mind raced with a myriad of carnal pictures of herself and her sexual adventures of the previous two days and nights. She stood dripping after she had turned the water off. Toweling dry took many minutes, as she seemed to be operating in slow motion.

The banging on her bedroom door thrust her back into the present.

"Ma, we need some money for the movies." Duane, her nine-year-old son, announced as he burst through the door.

"Duane!" Layla shrieked, clutching her towel around her still naked body.

Duane stopped dead still in his tracks, staring at his mother.

"In my purse, Brat!" Layla grumbled. "Take a twenty and make yourself scarce, Pronto!"

Duane grabbed the bill from her purse on the dresser, and charged out the door into the hall. He collided head on with Ronny.

"I just saw ma's butt!" He blurted out, racing for the front door.

"I'm gonna break your neck, Duane!" Layla howled.

Duane's raucous laughter could be heard from out in the yard.

"Rough night, Ma?" Ronny asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"Um....yeah....sort of," She stammered.

"Rachel told me what time you came in," He said.

Layla heaved a great sigh and stood staring directly into her handsome son's eyes. Ronny was still smiling.

"Rachel should maybe learn to keep her big mouth shut," Layla snapped. "I don't need her permission to come and go around here."

"Things cool with you and dad?" He asked softly.

"Ronny, I don't think this is the time or place to talk about this," She insisted.

"Look, Ma," He said. "What you do is your business. If the old man ain't takin' care of things, I understand. He's always on the road. I don't know why you've waited this long."

"I love your dad. I just get so freaking horny some times." She whispered.

He wrapped his strong arms around her and hugged her tightly. He could sense her nakedness beneath the towel she held in front of her. His hands dropped to the smooth cheeks of her butt and he squeezed her gently.

"If I had a woman who looked like you in my life, there's no way I'd ignore her needs." He said.

Layla pushed up against him and kissed him lightly on the lips, "Easy, Big Fella. I'm your mother, remember?"

She could feel his thick member pushing against her belly and shivered. She stepped back, gently pushing him out of the room and closing the door.

Layla sat on the bed trembling.


"What was that all about?" Rachel asked as Ronny stood facing the closed door.

She stood just behind him in the dim hallway. Ronny turned to face her, his hard cock making a huge lump in his shorts. Rachel's eyes grew wide with wonder when she saw her brother's erection.

"Damn," She whispered. "What's up with that?"

"Can't help it, Sis," Ronny sighed. "I've seen ma naked a couple of times lately, and every time I do I get a boner. She's hot!"

"And she's been fucking around on dad." Rachel stated. "How do you feel about that?"

"Given the chance, I'd add a little incest to her list of sins!" He smiled.

Rachel stepped close to Ronny and reached down to cup his balls under the still prominent bulge in his shorts. Her other hand crept around his neck and she stretched up to kiss her older brother firmly on the mouth.

"We could always create our own incest," Rachel whispered, breaking away from the prolonged kiss.

Rachel kneaded his balls gently, then, she ran her hand slowly up the length of his pulsing erection. Her fingers found the elastic at the top of his shorts and inched their way inside. She pushed down until Ronny's cock filled the palm of her searching hand. His cock head oozed a trail of thick pre-cum onto her skin as she reached farther down along his shaft.

"I think ma would have a stroke if she caught us like this," Ronny gasped as Rachel started to slowly jack his cock inside of his shorts.

"Then let's go in my room where she won't catch us," Rachel purred.

"You can't be serious!" Ronny whispered, gruffly.

"Oh, I'm very serious," Rachel, insisted. "After watching Lisa vacuum you dry yesterday, all I can think about is your cock in my pussy."

"How did you know about that?" Ronny gasped?

"I was laying out in the yard in the sun, and I heard her come into your room," Rachel began. "Your window was wide open and I was right under it on the patio. I heard her tell you how she was going to take care of your little problem, Lover Man. And I when I heard you groan so loud, I just had to peek in the window. That's when I saw her sucking on you big schlong, Lover Man. And that's when I decided I wanted some of it shoved in me."

Ronny groaned again, as Rachel slowly rubbed his rock hard dick.

"Either that, or I'm tellin' ma Lisa was blowin' ya in your room yesterday, Lover Man." Rachel concluded. "And besides, this ain't a little problem, this is major meat and I want some, NOW!"

"Geez, Rach," Ronny wheezed, "What if ma finds out?"

"Then we do her like you and Lisa did yesterday, and everything will be great," She said. "Anyway, you do want to fuck her, don't you?"

"Well ya, but....." Ronny stammered.

"Then, slip me some pork and we'll ambush her together after while," Rachel purred in his ear.

"You better stop jerkin' me now, then," Ronny said. "Or there won't be no slippin' it to ya after I lose my nuts in your hand."

Rachel snatched her hand out of his shorts, just as the door to Layla's bedroom swung open and she stared at them from the doorway.