Leader of the Pack Ch. 05

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The mating ceremony & secrets revealed.
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Part 5 of the 26 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 11/16/2007
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Aislinn found herself back at her apartment. She had originally intended to pack up and run. She had about $200 in cash from tips hidden beneath her mattress and she figured that she could catch a bus and get out of town before Rafe finished with the wolves. But as she walked inside she only barely managed to lock the door behind herself. She had never had a premonition that strong before or during the day. Not to mention the court case and then Cullen. Just thinking his name hurt. It briefly occurred to her that her premonitions had always given her information about the future in a fuzzy way. She knew that usually what she saw was a warning and not guaranteed to happen that way. But the one she had tonight was awfully close to happening for there to be much that could change it.

She walked over to her bed and collapsed onto. She didn't even manage to get her shoes off. Falling into a fitful sleep she just prayed she didn't have any more visions for now.I know I'm in trouble. I know he's coming. I know that Cullen Arnauk is someone else's. I don't need to know anymore right now,she thought at whatever forces brought the premonitions on as she felt herself fall into oblivion.


Cullen paced in the elevator. When the doors finally opened into the great room his friends cheered his entrance. Until they saw the look on his face. "Every able fighter, even the ones who didn't plan on attending, need to gather in the garage and get out to the reservation. There's going to be a raid tonight."

They all stood in shock a moment, not wanting to believe what he was saying. It made no sense. Why would there be a raid on a lycan reservation. Was the source of their troubles recently that stupid?

"NOW!" Cullen shouted when no one moved. Suddenly the room burst into action. An alarm that hadn't been used in decades was sounded and the pack snapped into action as though they had never left war footing. There was a reason that the Arnauk enjoyed the peace they had.

A caravan of black vans and SUVs with tinted windows filed out of the parking garage at the Madadh-Allaidh Saobhaidh and roared down the road toward the reservation. The reservation was a 20 mile square of land that Cullen had acquired when he had first founded the pack. It was mostly wooded and there was a small mountain range that bordered one side. A manor-like cabin was nestled into the forest at the foot of the mountain. There were a number of older pack members who had retired there. There were also a number of cabins that Cullen had allowed to be build in various locations around the forest. The manor itself was just as elaborate at the den in the city. But it was also built to be self sustaining. There were not electrical lines that led out there and there were no cell towers that reached far enough into the territory for a signal. The manor ran on generators and solar power. The only outside contact was through a satellite phone. And that was only when the satellite was in the right position. There was no way to call ahead and tell people to watch for an attack.

The trip was only three hours long. But it felt as though it took all night. When they arrived in a rush of concern and warning the people who were there were all stunned with disbelief. It just didn't make sense. Who would be stupid enough to attack such a large group of Arnauk on their home territory?

And then there was Jenna. The minute the announcement was made and the possibility of the ceremony being canceled became possible she started screeching and didn't stop. She followed along behind Cullen blaming the situation on him and accusing him of making excusing to cancel the mating. Cullen couldn't help but wonder what had her in such a panic. There was more going on with her right now than he knew but he didn't have time to figure it out. The current plan was make things look like everything was normal. But in a way that result in everyone being ready when the attack came.

Convincing Brennus of the trouble was the hardest part. He was inclined to agree with his daughter about Cullen's motivations, even if he was making the accusations in a more diplomatic way. In the end Cullen agreed to setting things up for attack and going through the motions of the ceremony. If the attack never came then the mating would be completed and it wouldn't matter. But if the attack did come then everyone would be ready and they might not lose as many lives.


Aislinn felt herself being pulled into her dream. She fought against it as hard as she could.I don't want another vision,she cried into the blackness. As the scene flashed into view she was standing in the woods beside one of the large stones she had seen before. Rafe was standing next to her.

"I'm glad you could join us," he said in that sweet tone of voice that she had believed was sincere for so long. He had this ability to get into her head and change her perceptions. He had her doubting herself for so long. That was until she realized that he was doing something to her mind. At first she had thought he cared about her, then she thought he was drugging her, but after she escaped she realized that he could get into her head and make her think things. Like the jedi mind trick.

Aislinn tried to leave but when she turned to go there was nothing behind her. No where to go. When she turned to face the scene again she could see the people milling about and Cullen and Jenna. She had her hands all over him and although he didn't look very happy about it, he was allowing it. When Jenna reached down to stroke Cullen's cock Aislinn turned away. She found herself looking at Rafe who was watching the scene with great interest.

"You know. I had originally thought to bring you here when I first took you. This place holds power for people like us. You'll see. You'll come to appreciate me once I show you." His eyes never left the couple. He seemed to be waiting for something. "We're the same you know."

"I'm nothing like you," Aislinn hissed at him.

He just smiled. "I don't mean morally or ethically. I'm referencing our abilities. That's why I had to have you. You know how few of us there are left. The bloodlines have thinned over the years and most of us don't know what we are. But there are some. Once I have all of what was stolen from us I'll find the others as well. I'll make us strong again. If you really want the pet wolf so badly perhaps you can keep him once I've relieved him of his throne."

Aislinn's mind was racing. She was trying desperately to think of something she could do. But it wasn't as if she was really there. When she looked back to the scene playing out in the stone circle she saw that Jenna had dropped to her knees in front of Cullen. He was breathing slowly and looking about as she sucked eagerly on his erect cock. Her hands toyed with his balls and inner thighs. He had his hands clenched into fists at his sides and was staring up at the sky with a frustrated expression. Aislinn was torn.If he truly didn't want this then why is he letting it happen?, she thought.

"Because he has no choice," Rafe answered her unasked question.

"Get out of my head," she spit at him.

For a brief moment Rafe seemed pained. Aislinn realized that she had done something. She needed to think. But if he was listening... She did her best to clear her mind and try to understand without thinking anything specific.

Rafe wasn't surprised at all. He knew she would learn quick. But he was annoyed when he felt the wall go up and was thrown from her thoughts. He would have to get to her quickly when this was over. And he needed to shake her up more. Her spirit wasn't completely broken yet. "You see, Arnauk doesn't realize that the real danger is sitting between his legs," Rafe chuckled. "Jenna was easy to manipulate. She truly believes that when she gets rid of Cullen that I'll take her as mine and together we'll run the two territories. The woman is blinded by ambition. She has no idea what's important."

"Fine, so what is important?" Aislinn said, deciding to play along. Carefully keeping her guard up and watching as Jenna ran her tongue along Cullen's shaft. She felt chills run through her body. She wanted to rip the woman's throat out.

Rafe smiled and looked at Aislinn. His eyes were shining silver in the darkness, giving his face an otherworldly glow. "Power. Not political, or physical. But power like we had when we created them." Rafe walked forward and stared at the closest set of wolves rutting in response to their leader's example. "Look at them. Not even God himself was clever enough to create these creatures. These were made by our ancestors. Yours and mine. The power of life and change. They're magnificent. And I've improved on them. If you hadn't left so quickly you would have come to see what I mean. But now that I'll have you back, I promise that I'll finish." He smiled at her in a way that she was certain was meant to be sincere.

"What did you do to me?" she whispered in fear.

"I gave you the gift of the change. Oh it's not complete yet. But as I said. It will be." He walked over to Cullen and Jenna. She had reached between her legs to play with herself. Her fingers danced deftly over her clit, down into her wet slit, and then back to her clit. She was trying to convince Cullen that she needed him to mount her. But he wasn't going for it just yet.

As she reached down between her legs again Rafe seemed to get rather excited. At first Aislinn figured it was because he was getting off on watching the woman toy with herself. But then she noticed that the movements of Jenna's hand were real consistent with any kind of masturbation that Aislinn could think of.

Rafe smiled at her pleasantly. "You are a bright one. Our children will be amazing."

"So what's going to happen when she does whatever it is she's going to do?" Aislinn asked hoping he was one of those moronic bad guys who liked to monologue before his big plan could come to fruition.

"His death is the signal for the others to attack. First his own men that I've gotten to, then my men will come out of hiding. It's exceedingly simple."

Aislinn closed her eyes. There had to be something she could do.Fuck it, if he can get into my mind because he wants to I should be able to get into someone else's.

"In time, pet," Rafe said with that awful smile. "I'll teach you in time."

Aislinn thought back to the earlier vision. The one that showed her Cullen's friend and she realized that there had to be a couple of lycans who had finished rutting and were sleeping off their exhausted energy lying around here somewhere.

Rafe glared at her and she glared right back. She turned away from watching Cullen and Jenna only to hear Rafe call after her that it was too late.

She plunged into the darkness outside of the circle of stones and willed it to be as she had seen it before. Suddenly the forest in her mind lightened and shifted. She looked around and managed to find a couple of sleeping wolves. She knelt down next to them. She didn't really know what she was doing. She tried touching them, hoping that something would just happen like it had before. There was nothing. But the woman stirred. Something had happened. Aislinn touched the woman's face and closed her eyes. She brought into her mind pictures of what she had seen Jenna doing and tied a fearful emotion to it. The woman suddenly sat upright as though she had awoken from a bad dream. Jenna didn't know if it had worked but she leaned down and did the same thing to the man. When he sat up and looked at the woman they spoke to each other. Aislinn couldn't hear what they were saying and she was feeling drained. She looked around the clearing for more sleeping lycans. Everyone she found she woke in the same fashion. Aislinn was unsure how many she had touched when she dropped out of the vision into darkness again.

"NO!," she screamed into the black. "I need to know what happened!"


The only thing keeping Cullen hard throughout the blow job was the image of Aislinn in his mind. He was praying the attack would come soon. He wanted it to interrupt the mating, buy him time to figure a way out of this. After having held Aislinn in his arms earlier that night there was no way he could go through with this. But with the prospect of an unknown enemy surrounding them he couldn't take the chance of starting a war with the Tairneach right here and now. If he stopped this mating ceremony at this point he would need a better than damn good reason.

Jenna was bringing him dangerously close to cuming. He didn't want to give her the satisfaction. But the relentless assault of her tongue on his cock was getting to him whether he wanted it to or not. He looked down and watched her pretty face bobbing up and down on his shaft. Her eyes half lidded staring up at him with a terrible devious glare. She seemed pleased by what she was doing, but not because she wanted to be sucking him off. Something she was thinking was pleasing her and he was afraid of what that was. Especially since he was in such a vulnerable position.Muin galla,he thought angrily and wanted desperately to say it out loud and throw her off of himself.

He noted a number of his own gathering at the perimeter of the standing stones. They looked concerned and they were watching the mating. Jenna finally pulled her mouth off of him. She had been going at him for so long her jaw and neck were sore and he was showing no signs of stopping her any time soon. She glared up at him and turned onto her hands and knees, presenting herself to him. The group that had taken up position between the stones started to advance. Cullen looked at Ranaild. His eyes were stone and Ranaild shifted his look from Cullen to Jenna in warning.

Jenna was starting to panic. This wasn't how Rafe said it would go. He had made it sound so simple, she almost thought the plan had been hers. She had a short stiletto blade, tipped with poison held nicely in her cunt. Since it was a stiletto the sides were dull and wouldn't pierce her flesh. But the tip would jab Cullen the minute he penetrated her. The poison was virtually instantaneous and Cullen would die, the fight would start and the Tairneach would take over.

As she watched the advancing Arnauk she knew that something had gone wrong. And then as she began to think about it she wondered why she had agreed to this anyway. It was far too obvious for her. She looked around for Rafe. He had said he would be there. Every time she thought his name she seemed to become more confident in the situation. She knew that he would come and save her.

"What is this Arnauk?" Brennus growled at the interruption in the ceremony.

Rafe continued to watch from the shadows. He was getting tired and was cursing himself for bring Aislinn here. That was a miscalculation and he would see that she paid for what she had done. But at the moment it was all he could do, even with using the power from the stone circle, to keep the lycans minds from noticing the enemy hidden among them. He was trying to come up with a way out of this. He needed more numbers and the only way to do that would be to take on a pack. He didn't like direct confrontation. Staring at Jenna at Cullen's feet call out his name he realized he needed the bitch. As Cullen began to argue with Brennus Rafe extended his influence over the lycan's minds to hide Jenna from them and to bring Jenna to himself.

"You tell me Brennus. Your daughter seems to be following in her mother's footsteps," Cullen growled back.

"She's done nothing save try to please you," Brennus replied coming toe to toe with Cullen.

"She has a knife," someone yelled. Cullen turned to see what was going on but Jenna seemed to vanish.

Jenna braced herself for the attack that never came. "Come here girl," Rafe said to her in annoyance. "I can't have you killing him now. This plan will have to be changed. Complications have arose. But if we want your father to believe that Arnauk was the cause of the bad ending here then you have to leave him to be the target of Brennus' anger. That will make it easier for me to convince him that you should be mine. And that we need to go to war."

Jenna smiled at him dully. He hated the simpering look they got when he had to use his influence on them. He couldn't wait until he was done with this one.


With Jenna's disappearance the mating ceremony was over and when the attack never came the pack was generally confused. The Tairneach left with promises of retribution for the embarrassment caused this night and threats should Jenna not reappear in short order. If Brennus hadn't been standing there when she vanished, arguing with Cullen he would have blamed it on him and possibly started the war right then. But as it was, Brennus figured it would be best to remain on tentative terms at least until Jenna was home safe.

Cullen had his hands full explaining away the events of the evening. But the strongest members of his pack were with him and there were at least a dozen people who claimed to have dreamt that Jenna was going to knife Cullen with a stiletto that she had hidden on her person. No one said exactly where but the implication had most everyone chuckling.

By the time everything was sorted out and calmed down dawn was on the manor. Cullen took one look at the rising sun, felt his body begging for sleep, and looked around at the tired faces of his men. The best he could do was pray that Aislinn was safe.

It took a great deal of convincing and then finally an order to get a set of keys handed over so that he could drive back into town without sleep. He just had a bad feeling and knew that he wouldn't rest until Aislinn was safe inside the den. Keith insisted on going with him but fell asleep halfway there. Cullen let his friend rest. It had been a long night for everyone.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I would also like longer chapters, but not fewer. I would like to see many more.

lonewolfalphalonewolfalphaabout 8 years ago
so there are a lot of chapters

i would rather fewer chapter with longer chapters but that is just me but that is just me other than that i love it hope you keep up the good work and start to make your chapters longer the short chapters just give it that spank story feel to me but like i said eairlyer that is just me

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eover 9 years ago

Why would the Alpha of the other pack promise retribution when his daughter just suddenly vanished? Shouldn't they think something was up when everyone was watching them????

Doesn't make much sense

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eover 9 years ago
Good Story

Thanks for posting

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great story...but

only 1 page a chapter is really much too short.....and inconvenient...but nonetheless a well thought out story...

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