Left Alone Ch. 05


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"You don't know how good that feels, oh my god." Liam certainly didn't- his ass was something he didn't play with. He told himself though, that if what he was doing made Caleb feel that good, then he'd definitely have the other boy try it on him sometime soon.

Liam continued to finger fuck that hole, getting them down to the knuckle while he took his free thumb and massaged the underside of Caleb's balls. As he did this, he turned his head slightly and took the younger boy's curled toes in his mouth. He tapped up the soft flesh and looked down to see a mouth gaped open as he let himself be watched. After a switch to the other foot, the beautiful tan boy moaned out in a voice that practically begged, "I need you, Liam."

The older boy retreated his fingers from the still tight pucker and leaned down, biting on his boy's wet lips. He breathed into that mouth as he asked, "Are you sure about this?" He didn't think the boy would change his mind- the mere thought would send him into a tailspin. But he needed to be certain, so let the question escape as he rubbed the wet tip of his head against Caleb's hole, dragging precum along the ridges.

Caleb replied in a low growl, "I swear to god if you don't fuck me right now I'll do it myself." He wore an expression that was made up of half seriousness and half prolonged anticipation.

Liam laughed along the way as he kissed the boy's lips a final time, replying, "Only cause you asked so nicely." And with that, he aligned the tip of his cock against Caleb's puckering hole. The sight along would have been enough to make him shoot- but he had other plans for that. He pressed his cock against the soft skin and pushed slowly, letting the lube coat the edges of Caleb's hole as he opened up for the first time. Liam shuddered, feeling the boy's walls against his flesh as he inched his way in, knowing that if he moved even just a little faster, he'd be a goner. He looked down to see Caleb, biting down on his lip with so many stars in his eyes, he could make out constellations. His perfect boy, offering himself up and letting him take total control- he always hoped he'd be in a situation like this, there was just no one before who'd ever come close.

Caleb meanwhile did his best to keep his breathing steady. On the inside, he fought against the slight pain that washed over his body; Liam was a lot thicker than he was used to- granted up until a few seconds ago, what he was used to consisted of two slender fingers. But soon, as he felt the boy's dick start to bottom out and the edges of his hole was met with trimmed pubes, he knew that he had Liam- all of him- inside him. He looked up at the handsome face that consisted of a pair of thoughtful eyes and lips that exhaled short, heavy breaths.

"I'm ready" was all that he said, and that proved to be all Liam needed to hear.

The older boy started to thrust into Caleb, hearing the cheap metal frame on his bed creak slightly as he moved. He placed a palm on Caleb's chest- with part of the reason to steady himself while the other part served to remind him that he wasn't having sex with just anyone. This was Caleb Torres- the only boy who mattered and who he cared so much for, he wanted to make this as good as possible.

Liam moved his hips, feeling his cock slide in and out of Caleb's hole with ease. The younger boy was a moaning mess below him: gripping on loose bedsheets and with his head so far into the soft pillow, he could see that pronounced Adam's apple at his neck. Liam shifted a bit, causing the tip of his cock to gently scrape against Caleb's particular spot with every motion.

"Oh fuck do that again" the younger boy moaned out as he felt that sensitive part of his body explored for the first time.

"You like that, baby?" Liam asked in a cocky tone, knowing that he'd been the only person to bring the boy that sort of pleasure. It was also the first time he'd ever call Caleb that word that practically rolled of his tongue as if it had built up momentum from the second he saw those deep brown eyes.

Caleb replied, "Hell yeah" as he moved his arms up and felt his boy's body.

After twenty minutes of this, Liam could feel the droplets of sweat, running down his body like a river looking for some place to empty into. Caleb noticed too, catching that sheen of sweat as it glistened against the incandescent bulb from a lamp in the corner. The room too was blanketed in musk- a scent that neither boy wanted to air out anytime soon. Between their warm bodies, Caleb's cock thrashed, flipping against his abdomen with every stroke. He could feel that orgasm rising as Liam massaged that spot- something he wanted to prolong; the fucking was just too good.

Liam leaned down, taking the boy's jaw in his hands as he pressed their foreheads together. "You're getting me so close Caleb" he said, almost pleading to the boy to take him there. He felt the Caleb's hands on his waist, running up his sweat soaked skin until they took refuge in his brown curls. He was fighting off every instinct that begged him to let go and release everything he had right then and there. If he was going to cum, he wanted it to be with his boy. But little did he know that they were playing a game of chicken- waiting to see who'd crack first except in this game, no one would really lose.

Caleb picked his head up and kissed that boy hungrily, letting his tongue explore the inside of Liam's mouth as he muttered a series of fucks as he was pounded into. He wrapped his legs around the small of Liam's back, begging the older boy to keep fucking him because he was impossibly close. And with a few more strokes, he could feel that big cock start to throb inside him as he tightened up, determined to milk that boy for everything he had. But after holding out for so long, Caleb's body broke first as ropes of his thick cum shot out of his cock just as Liam's strokes became shorter and more frantic. He moaned out deep, feeling that release and causing his hole to clamp down on all of Liam's eight inches. He was on a sinking ship, determined to take his lover with him.

"Cum for me, Liam, I want you to cum in me." He moaned, rubbing at the boy's abs.

The sight of Caleb's cumshot was all Liam needed to finally let loose. He held onto the boy's muscular thighs as his cock blasted cum deep inside his hungry hole. Liam, the mixture of lust and sweat that he was, had emptied himself into his boy, filling that hole to the brim with more cum than he'd ever managed before. He pulled out slowly, licking his lips at the sight of that pink pucker that he'd claimed as his while catching his breath that was so far from him, he didn't think he'd ever get it back again.

Liam set the boy's legs flat on the bed and dipped his fingers into the pool of fresh cum that Caleb had shot for him. He brought it up to his mouth like it was second nature and tasted it, savoring the load that he worked hard for. He'd never get over it- how badly he wanted to take Caleb over that edge as many times as he could. Finally, fatigue took over as he laid himself down along the boy's side, molding his flesh with Caleb's until the only thing between them was a layer of sweat. Liam curled his arm under the boy's head, and before taking his rest, he kissed him, softly and slowly.

"Is it always this good?" Caleb asked as his breathing turned to normal.

"No" the older boy replied, "But I don't see any other way it could be- with you."

And with that, Liam rested his head over Caleb's chest, feeling the boy softly stroking the back of his neck, luring him to sleep. They lie there, two naked bodies without anything to cover who they were or what they did- with their clothes scattered all throughout Liam's small apartment like breadcrumbs. Anyone could walk in to find the two of them and piece it all together. But somehow Liam didn't care, in fact part of him wanted someone to find them like that. He felt a sense of pride that Caleb had trusted him with something so intimate and as sleep took over his body, he knew that there was no place he'd rather be than here.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love their connection via lovemaking. Love the fine hairs that coat Liam's muscular chest, and love how Caleb loves to stroke those fine hairs. Keep them loving each other!

dnsontndnsontnalmost 3 years ago

Very different than your other writing that I've read so far. Different in the best way. True erotica...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Great story. I love the fine detail. Definitely a "hall of fame " worthy piece of prose. Thank you.

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