Life of Prince Pepe Peyronie

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A short biography of a penis.
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Pepe had been kept in a warm, dark but comfortable place for what seemed an eternity. Then suddenly a bright light appeared; his hitherto comfortable existence had ended. He looked around at all the masked shapes in wonderment -- flashes of light appeared before it went dark again. He wondered what on earth was going on as he lay there quietly, wondering what would happen next and as he did so, he took the opportunity to rest.

Little did he know, this was something Pepe would have to get used to. Then there was a bright light, a metallic flash which was followed by an intense pain. What had he done to deserve this, he asked of himself -- the pain was excruciating and then it went dark again. All he could do was to lie there and imagine what next and what would become of him. Again, he rested and healed; he gradually became a lot more sensitive to his surroundings - sometimes it was dark and sometimes there was light. He liked the light. Often times he lay quietly in a cushion of dry warmth, feeling at peace and suddenly, apparently without reason, his bliss would be shattered as the dry warmth disappeared. Strange smells appeared to surround him and the stench became over-powering. He was powerless to do anything about it. It would not be long before his discomfort would be replaced by the dry softness and clean scents and he would be returned to his resting place, he was most happy then. He loved to be dry. Although the periodic aromas seemed to be quite a regular occurrence, he grew to learn that they were to be short lived and he would soon be dry during which he would see the light again before being plunged into darkness once again. He looked forward to the light time. Pepe was beginning to understand this curious light and dark world in which he was living and as he was getting used to this routine until one day he saw himself in a mirror -- he was not alone!

He found something attached to him, an odd looking shape, of enormous proportions. It was Pepe's host. What was odd, was that it moved independently of Pepe and seemed to carry him around to wherever it wanted to go. His first sight of his host was very brief and unfortunately subsequent sightings were rare. Pepe lay there in his quiet darkness thinking; this 'thing' seemed to be harmless and it was not altogether unsightly, just odd looking!

Pepe's life soon entered a regular routine alternating between wet and dry, light and dark, unfortunately punctuated with brief interludes of suffocating smells which were inevitably and fortunately, a prelude to absolute luxury. This routine continued until one day Pepe's quality of life improved -- he was able to see the light a lot more often and now the claustrophobic darkness amid unpleasant sporadic odours soon became only a distant memory for him. Life was becoming pleasant as he often experienced the great outdoors, the fresh air and the sunny warmth of the big yellow light in the sky. He had accepted his host whom he often saw in the mirror and it seemed to be getting bigger each day ... but Pepe was not! He saw similar 'hosts' around and he began to learn quickly. Two large appendages below him seemed to be able to take him anywhere and everywhere. Pepe liked his adventuresome host. These idyllic moments of joy ended when Pepe was again plunged into, what seemed to be, interminable periods of darkness; he slept most of the time and only occasionally did he ever see light. He looked forward to these little events but they were always too short. Sometimes he would be plunged into warm sweet smelling water, which he loved -- it reminded him of his life before he saw the light for the first time. But it was also during this time he made some friends.

They seemed to hang around in groups and always five at a time. They sometimes wrestled with him and other times and smothered with a foam which smelled heavenly. He grew close to two of them in particular, Tom and Frank. They would regularly visit him and free him from his dank prison and gave Pepe a quick peek of the outside world. Pepe was always relieved to see Tom and Frank, but thought it odd their three other pals never came close, but simply stayed in the background. All seemed to be well in the world outside his confinement and he soon grew accustomed to this somewhat solitary existence.

As time passed, Pepe remembered little except the loneliness. He noticed that his host seemed to be getting larger and firmer but Pepe was not! Tom and Frank were getting bigger too and they weren't visiting him quite so often, adding to Pepe's seemingly solitary existence. He questioned his purpose in life or perhaps how he fitted into the grand scheme of things until he noticed that he was not entirely alone. They seemed to have sneaked up on him from below when he had least expected it. They too were small and appeared shy at first. One day, they introduced themselves as Bill and Ben and were twins. Pepe explained much of what he had learned over the years to Bill and Ben and over the ensuing years they soon became close friends. Pepe became their window to the events going on outside their world; the twins hardly ever saw the light. Tom and Frank came to visit occasionally but as always, their other three pals still kept very much too themselves.

Pepe grew slowly and imperceptibly. He enjoyed the company of Bill and Ben who were also growing slowly but most of all he looked forward to the daily visits from his friends, Tom and Frank, when they would take him out for a breath of fresh air and see a whole new world of light and sound, of different smells and climate changes. He was not fond of the cold and when he was forced into an icy world, whether it was under water or simply in the open air, he shrunk away, preferring to cuddle with Bill and Ben who were similarly inclined to avoid the low temperatures. Bill and Ben were meek and were glad that Tom and Frank always selected Pepe when they visited and introduced him to the wide open spaces outside. Pepe was sometimes handled rather brutally, as Tom and Frank seemed to be growing at a faster rate than Pepe; they were getting to be quite large in comparison to Pepe's diminutive stature.

Pepe did not know how, or when, he first began to notice the change to his appearance, but suspects that it was when he saw his reflection one day when he would be doused in the sweet smelling foam, which had become a regular routine. Pepe noticed that he was acquiring a new look that included some sort of fur jacket! It was dark and soft at first but after a time, it became less soft but always dark. It seemed to be confined to the area where he was joined to his host. Curiously, Bill and Ben were also taking on a completely new look. They were getting larger now and becoming covered in this furry mass of hair. It did not seem to bother the twins as they were shy and kept very much to themselves. The twins never seemed to care about their appearance, their hair was always messy. Pepe became aware of their heightened sensitivity, particularly to the occasional bumps and knocks that sometimes occurred and whilst Tom's whole gang of five often came to the rescue of Bill and Ben when they were suffering -- they were always kind to the twins.

It happened during the dark time, when Pepe's host was comfortably resting. Something stirred within Pepe. He awoke to find himself substantially taller than his usual stature. He had strength and body, he was firm and ... erect. He felt good, although he did not quite understand why this was so. Then almost as suddenly as his new 'persona' appeared, it was gone, he was back to his usual self. As he lay they and wondered, the whole episode repeated itself. He certainly liked the feeling but was still a little concerned as to what was happening; until he was sure, he would keep the matter to himself. These little 'firming' episodes began to occur quite regularly and he was becoming more confident. He was not sure, but he was sure that when he stood erect, he would be bigger than Tom and Frank, and certainly of greater girth. He concealed his inner excitement and each day brought an added confidence and cockiness. Bill and Ben noticed the change in Pepe too and were becoming just as excited about their new-found secret. It was not long before their heightened euphoria, that they issued a proclamation of their undying bond; so powerful was the issue and the subsequent euphoria that Bill and Ben dropped exhausted. Pepe reveled when the issue spurted and his head was set spinning - he had never before had such a climactic experience. He became totally weak, if not a little wet, but this did not stop him from enjoying this wonderful interlude. How did this happen and will it happen again? He hoped it would.

Pepe's life was about to change in a way which was to be considerably more than he could ever have expected it possible.

Pepe was to be bullied! How Tom and Frank found out about his recent experiences, Pepe was never sure. It was not long before Tom introduced Pepe to the rest of his gang. He had met Frank before and occasionally met Spike, the tallest of Tom's friends, but had never been introduced to him formally. Then there were the other two of Tom's gang, Ringo and Pinky. Pinky was the smallest and the shortest and rather shy but the 'Terrible Five' were inseparable and seemed to do everything together. Pepe was a bit of an outsider as far as the Terrible Five were concerned and they would occasionally taunt and tease Pepe whenever Pepe felt something stir within him. The gang would visit and encourage Pepe to show off his new-found physique. Pepe was not shy on such occasions and rather enjoyed showing off, his confidence had overtaken earlier boundaries and soon the six of them were having a great time encouraging and goading Pepe to showing off a lot more. At times it became quite rough but when Pepe had had enough, and Bill and Ben had arisen to the occasion too, Pepe's head began to jerk and eventually explode. All activity suddenly stopped except for the throbbing and euphoria felt. Everyone would quietly rejoice upon the successful and entertaining time.

And so life for Pepe had entered another stage. The rough handling of the Terrible Five sometimes became unbearable and abusive, mainly because of the frequency of their visits to Pepe, Bill and Ben. Most of the time everything took place in the dark but on some odd occasions, Pepe was able to enjoy the light and see his surroundings. Pepe was introduced to two dimensional scenes of similar looking 'hosts' and numerous other 'aids' as Tom would call them, to see if they produced the same and desired end result of giving Pepe a head-ache!. More often than not they did and at times Pepe became quite raw and sensitive to the point of being painful. Their romps were comparatively short lived and Pepe and his two pals, Bill and Ben, were thankful for the rest when all three of them could rest and recuperate. They were all gently cradled and comforted allowing them to be fit enough before the next handling.

There were times when Pepe became aroused when he least expected to be. These spontaneous events reminded him of when he first discovered his unique ability to expand and flex his presence. Whereas that initial discovery occurred in total darkness when his host was resting, he now found himself expanding his horizons when his host was not sleeping, but at various times throughout the light time. The Terrible Five on those occasions would not visit him but Pepe was aware of their presence outside the covers that his host donned at the beginning of the light time. The covers varied; some were dark and some pale, letting in the light; some were uncomfortable, requiring Tom and Frank to visit periodically to help Pepe "get comfortable"; the uncomfortable covers seemed to bother my host and fortunately those covers were rarely worn. Most of the time though, the covers were soft and comfortable and always supportive; Pepe nestled quietly most of the time until the uncontrollable urge to extend his length occurred. Space became a premium when this occurred and often with the outside assistance of Tom and Frank, comfort was found resting alongside my host to the right. Tom and Frank sometimes comforted, and perhaps teased Pepe with a gentle stroking from outside the covers. This resulted in Pepe increasing his girth and length making him feel even more constrained. Pepe's excitement rarely came to a head on such occasions. However, after a lengthy period, Pepe began to notice that his posture was being affected. When the Terrible Five visited for a bit of rough-housing and Pepe was released to stand erect, he found himself leaning a little; his length had assumed a gentle curve to the right. He cared not about it as long as it did not to affect his enthusiasm to 'perform'. Pepe worried more about being injured, when Tom and his friends took control. Life for Pepe seemed to be endless bouts of rough play with the Terrible Five alternating between light and dark. He obviously saw little during the dark times but in the light times he would see two dimensional images and sometimes moving visions which not only he enjoyed, but it seemed that his host also enjoyed. He began to learn from the images that he was not alone in the world. He was not one of a kind but that there were similar and unlikely looking hosts attached to organs exhibiting similar characteristics as Pepe. These organs intrigued Pepe -- some appeared longer, shorter, thinner, fatter and all were accompanied by two pals generally concealed by hair of different shades beneath, sometimes brown, sometimes reddish but more often black, like Pepe's fur! But what surprised Pepe was that some hosts were missing 'their Pepe' completely, nor did those hosts have any their 'Bill and Ben'! Pepe found this intriguing and it was fortunate that Pepe's host lingered when such images of these fascinating host bodies were displayed in front of him. Pepe became excited and craved a closer look. Tom, Frank, Spike and the gang came to look too, fawning over the delectable images. It also did not escape their attention that these two dimensional hosts also possessed what appeared to be soft mounds, two of them, each with darkened peaks. Frank and Spike were often treated to a close up view of them. These times were joyous occasions, full of excitement and arousal, culminating with issues that would be unforgettable.

And so the time passed until one day, nestled quietly under soft covers, Pepe stirred. He sensed something unusual and the expected routine differed in some, as yet, unexplainable way. His stature once again crept along the restraining covers to the right, and whatever was happening, he seemed to be getting harder than he ever thought possible! Tom and the gang were nowhere about either -- this was strange but Pepe had no time to think about them! He was once again enjoying this familiar but slightly different sensation.

Something was moving outside; then it happened, he was being moved, being freed, not by Tom and Frank but by some strangers, who were softer and more slender than Tom and his gang. Pepe liked what he saw; this was something new, a new adventure perhaps? These strangers gently closed around Pepe's shaft and massaged and rubbed him slowly, Pepe's excitement could hardly be contained. He looked up momentarily and glimpsed the Terrible Five caressing the voluminous mounds. Tom and his gang had found the three dimensional versions of those mounds that he had noticed in earlier images. Tom and his gang seemed to be enjoying themselves, but surely not as much as Pepe was! The soft fingers, wrapped around him, explored him and visited Bill and Ben, who were somewhat nervous of this sudden intrusion to their privacy. They hid for a short while within. The slim fingers stroked and tickled Pepe sending him into a delirious rapture until the Terrible Five visited and everything stopped temporarily. Thanks to Tom's intervention, Pepe was able to take a much needed breather as he wanted to prolong this new adventure for as long as possible. Pepe was enjoying every minute of it so far; these strangers were showing skills that far exceeded the ability that Tom and his gang had ever exhibited.

Just as he thought that it could not get any better, he heard "my prince, my prince " and his head disappeared between two soft red cushions and is world when dark. The slim expert fingers continued to caress his shaft and search for Bill and Ben but his head was now entombed. Pepe's world was now wet, warm and ... and he met another stranger within. He felt a gentle vibration as this slippery stranger concentrated on caressing his head; he felt a sucking sensation as the two soft and previously red cushions moved and began exploring Pepe's length -- these cushions were kissing and caressing him! The soft slippery stranger also joined the cushions and together left their red mark upon his shaft. Once again, Pepe was plunged into darkness, excited at the prospect of a one-on-one tussle with the soft slippery stranger, with whom he was becoming very attracted. This whole experience, this first-time adventure came all too much for Pepe and he exploded with overwhelming pleasure. His new found slippery friend licked him clean as he softened slowly, thoroughly exhausted. With heightened sensitivity, Pepe was feeling so very, very satisfied with himself. Who was this soft slippery friend that he had met and what was her name? He was destined never to find out but she would be in Pepe's memory forever.

'Prince Pepe' had a nice ring to it -- he was happy, he was content. He couldn't wait to tell Bill and Ben how he felt, although they seemed to have completely disappeared immediately after the climactic moment. They soon returned and Pepe had stories to tell. All in all, Pepe had decided after that first encounter that much preferred the softer treatment of those feminine fingers than the rough-housing usually exacted upon him by the antics of Tom and his gang, but he could not forget the mysterious soft slippery stranger and her excellent gyrations -- life could get no better.

Asleep during the dark time, Pepe dreamed of his first adventure and yearned for a repeat of it. As time went on, Pepe was not disappointed -- those soft fingers were so appealing and so skillful that he was to have similar adventures, too numerous to mention here, but little did Prince Pepe know, he was going to discover more joys in his life, that even the stories of Frank and Spike could not top. Frank and Spike had began to tell Pepe of their stories too and reminisce about some of their adventures in a world unknown to Prince Pepe. Despite Pepe's earlier euphoric adventures, it was not long however, before Pepe started to fantasize. He was captivated by Spike's stories and soon, with confidence growing, Pepe felt sure that where Spike had gone, Pepe was sure to follow and hopefully, exceed even Spike's experiences.

Life for Prince Pepe continued to alternate between dark times and light times and he always looked forward to the times when he was fondled and caressed; he did not care who was fondling, caressing and kissing him, but he always stood to attention and was on his best behaviour during those times -- life was good. Tom's gang began to treat him a little more kindly and they continued to assume a protective role particularly towards Bill and Ben. Pepe loved the company of strangers who always had something new for him to experience, a particular touch, a particular caress and a particular order in which things were done. Then Pepe would show his excitement and prove to the world how completely satisfied and grateful he was for the attention being paid to him.

It was dark time and he was asleep when it happened. He felt a twinge of excitement; he knew the signs and he stood ready. His host finally removed the cover that had been constraining his volume and Pepe sprang free. In the dim light, he noticed the two long appendages below him, below Bill and Ben, who were also now celebrating their release from within the cover. Pepe then noticed a similar pair of appendages opposite those of his host and gazed at their smoothness, admiring their shape, right up to the top where there appeared only to be a small tuft of hair, similar to the fur jacket owned by Pepe! But no 'Pepe'? His host moved closer until those soft slim and expert fingers clasped Pepe and started to caress him. They introduced Pepe to Kitty, gently allowed Pepe's head to nuzzle in Kitty's bush. It was as soft, so soft that even without the fingers touching him, Pepe felt ready to explode. He was about to embark on another new experience and it looked as if he would share this new experience with his, oh so beautiful friend, Kitty.