Lisa's Second Chance Pt. 13

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Lisa makes a name for herself.
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Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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Lisa is an attractive, blonde 25 year old human living and working on earth. Alien life had been found over 100 years ago and various shady government existed but were kept secret from the population. Space travel had become affordable and a growing industry blossomed. Fresh from a broken relationship and with no prospects, she meets a new friend. This encounter will change her life forever as she joins the secret Interstar breeding programme, initially, not of her own choice.

Part 13 -- Promoted and loved.

It had been a week since Martha and I resolved the situation with Interstar and Jo in particular. In the days since, things were slowly returning to normal and Jo had returned to the main base. The science group were returning some of the creatures, along with some new species and slowly, some of the women were also being returned. The best bit though, was that I was really enjoying being Martha's assistant. I was able to look at more of the lab and see more species than before, but some things Martha still had to keep secret, even from me, but that was fine.

Last night had been a happy one. Sophie had returned to our island and we had shared some wine in the lounge area. I was really happy to see her and even though she was a transgender woman and had been through a lot fitting in with us, she was more confident than ever and seemed happy to be back with us. It made me feel good. I had been with her during her first mating some months before.

It was a hot morning as I dressed in my new denim shorts and a plain vest top. It was even hotter outside as I walked from my hut to the lab complex. There was silence except for the distant noise of the sea, the insects and birds. Yet again, I reminded myself what a paradise this was and how lucky I was to be here. I reached the lab building and let myself in. I soon found Martha in her office and we hugged each other as we always did.

Once we had chatted about our evening we got down to the usual work and today, Martha had a couple of species that needed some attention and we would need two women to join us for that. Firstly, the Gradulan, which was the first alien species I ever saw breeding with a human, needed to breed again. Martha and I talked about it and decided that Erica would be the best person for this. Martha said she would handle that one. I was secretly disappointed as this was a creature I was wanting to try myself. But Martha asked me to take charge of a pregnant Dolorcer. I had heard about these and even seen a woman breed one. They looked like a giant jellyfish and they had a kind of breeding appendage on their back. They needed to expel the eggs, usually two or three into a woman where they would remain for a few hours before hatching small tennis ball sized creatures.

"Who do you want?" asked Martha.

I thought for a while, almost suggesting I would do it myself. But then I asked, "What about Sophie?"

"Interesting, no reason why it wouldn't work." Martha mused. "You think she can take it."

"I think we need to help her up her game a little if she is staying."

"Good for you, I'll leave you to handle that."

Martha and I went about getting our respective creatures ready. I decided that we'd use one of the basic breeding rooms for the Dolorcer and I set up a room on the ground floor with a rubber mat on the floor and a couple of chairs. Once the eggs were inside Sophie, I would take her to the habitat room for the birth if all went well.

There were two women who worked in the labs lower level but didn't take part in breeding. Mostly, they kept out of our way, but I sent them a message to prepare the Dolorcer in the breeding room by 2pm. Next, I would need to get Sophie to agree.

I left the lab at 1pm and went to find Sophie. It didn't take too long, she was sitting in the sun outside her hut. She looked really peaceful and cute with the sun reflecting from her sunglasses and making her skin look like it glowed. I thought she was asleep as I approached her, but she turned her head as she heard my footsteps. I felt a little strange, I must admit, usually, I was on the other side of visits like this.

"Hey Lisa."

"Hey baby, how are you?" I asked her as she sat up on the ground.

"I'm happy to be back and really looking forward to spending some time with you again." She said with a giggle.

"That's sweet, I can't wait for that either." Sophie pulled her knees up and rested her hands on her knees. "It's actually, kind of why I'm here now." I said, suddenly feeling really awkward.

"You wanna hang out with me this afternoon?" Sophie asked me with a smile.

"Kind of." I replied. "Actually, I really need you in the lab this afternoon. Will you come by at 2pm?"

Sophie's smile faded, and she blushed. "What for?" she asked.

I sat next to her, I could see she was still nervous, even though she'd mated with a couple of creatures it had not been easy and this would be her first breeding, which would be hard for her.

"Sophie, baby, I have a creature there that really needs you today. You'll be fine, and it will be just you and I there. I promise it will be OK."

"I-I-I'm not sure, I only got back yesterday." Sophie stuttered.

"I know, but this is why we're here. Please, will you get yourself ready and come over? You can trust me."

Sophie nodded slowly.

"Good, thank you. I'll see you at 2pm, I'll be waiting."

"OK." Sophie stammered.

I got up and walked back to the lab slowly. I was glad she'd agreed and that had gone easier than I had expected. Even so, I worried for her as I knew she was a lot more fragile than the rest of us. I made up my mind that I would make it as easy as I could for her. Of course, I had deliberately failed to tell her that this time would be an actual breeding, but I would deal with that a little later.

I returned to the breeding room and added some rubber cushions. I had read up about the Dolorcer and it can take a while and I wanted Sophie to be comfortable. While I was there I also double checked that there was some lubricant there and some towels and wipes. Taking a last look around, I was happy that all was ready.

It was about ten minutes to 2pm when I got back to the reception area of the lab and waited for Sophie. I received a message from the lab workers that the Dolorcer was in place. All was ready for my first solo breeding session. I waited for about twenty minutes and was just thinking that Sophie wasn't going to turn up and I'd have to go looking for her, when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to see a visibly nervous Sophie standing in front of me. "You don't need to knock honey, come in." I said with a smile. Sophie entered the room and I shut the door behind her. Before I said anything else, I put my arms around her and held her close, kissing her cheek as I did so. I could feel her trembling a little.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Scared, I guess." Sophie said quietly.

"I promise, this is will all be fine. Remember your first time when you were so frightened at first but ended up cumming all over yourself!"

Sophie managed a little giggle as she nodded.

"Come on, shall we get this over with?" I asked her as I let go of her.

"OK." Sophie muttered.

I took her hand and we walked into the lab. I took Sophie to the prep room and asked her to undress. "You can leave your panties on for now if you want to." I added.

Sophie nodded, and I watched as she took off her tee shirt and bra. It was hard not to stare at her cute little titties. Sophie kicked off her sandals and slide down her white shorts and stood up again wearing just a little pair of sexy black lace panties. Damn she looked hot, but I had to keep my own urges well under control for now.

Reaching out, I took Sophie's hand and we walked out of the prep room and around to the right-hand wing of the lab. In just a few moments we reached the door to the breeding room.

I was just about to open the door when I thought I had better explain to Sophie, or at least ask if she wanted the details.

"Sophie, it's just in here, but this creature is a little bigger than the ones you've seen before and it's already in the room and ready. Do you want me to explain what will happen or shall we just go on in?" Sophie looked up at me with wide eyes. "I think, urm, we should go in."

"OK, let's do it!" I said with a smile as I swung the door open.

Sophie took one step into the room and gasped as she caught sight of the huge, pulsing, jelly-like creature on the mat in front of her.

I quickly closed the door and put my hand on Sophie's back. "This is a Dolorcer." I told her as she stared at it. "The thing is that this one is pregnant and needs to get it eggs out and into you." Sophie turned and looked at me.

"Eggs?" she said, her face turning more red.

"Yes, there will be about two or three and they'll be forced out of that little tube on the top of the creature. They need to be kept warm for about an hour and then you'll birth them, and they'll be soft and slippery little Dolorcers."

"That's gonna hurt me!" Sophie exclaimed.

"No, baby, it isn't and I'm not leaving your side."

"You promise me?" Sophie asked

"Yes, honey, if you trust me, it will all go OK."

Sophie took a closer look at the creature and I decided that the longer we waited the harder it would be.

"Sophie, can we get started now?"

Sophie looked back at me and then back to the creature again. There was a little look of resignation in her eyes as she nodded.

"Ok, I don't think you'll be needing these panties for a little while." I said as I grabbed them and slid them down, being careful to lift them over her little dick. Sophie stepped out of them and stood, naked, looking at me.

I grabbed the bottle of lube and poured a generous amount into my hand and stood next to Sophie who stuck her butt out for me. She made a little whimper as my hand rubbed the lube between her ass cheeks. I gave special attention to her ass, massaging the lube in nicely and then gently probing her tight little ass with my finger ensure a good coating inside and out. I really didn't want this to hurt her.

Once I'd finished with the lube, I gathered some cushions and put on the floor either side of the Dolorcer. I glanced down at the breeding tube on the creature, it was only a few inches long and looked quite firm and was covered in small pea-sized bumps, it was also quite thin, no thicker than my thumb and smooth looking despite the bumps. There was a visible hole in the end.

Turning to Sophie, I took her hands. "Right then, one leg either side." I said as I guided her over. She quickly did as I asked, and I could hear her panting with nerves.

"Drop to your knees and lean forward honey." I said as I watched her slowly get on all fours. Sophie winced a little as her thighs touched the creature but pretty soon she was in the right place, her ass just in front of the tube.

"OK Sophie, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna guide this into your ass as you sit back, I want you to end up sitting on this. Are you ready?"

Sophie managed a week "Yes."

I took the tube in my fingers and asked Sophie to sit back on it. She slowly moved until her lubricated ass touched the tip of the tube and she stopped and squealed with surprise.

"OK baby, a little more." I asked as I rubbed the tube around her ass. Sophie moved back, and I pressed the tube into her tight hole, watching as her ass opened around it. Sophie yelped and pushed herself back. The tube slid easily into her ass and she sat upright gasping for breath, her legs open, she straddled and mated with the Dolorcer perfectly.

I breathed a sigh of relief that this bit was over.

I went around to be in front of Sophie who was looking straight ahead and breathing deeply.

"What happens now?" She asked, her eyes were almost pleading with me.

"Now baby, you slowly, really slowly, slide yourself up and down, just like a man."

Sophie obeyed and began to ride the creature which responded with an increased level of throbbing and pulsing.

"Does it feel OK?" I asked

Sophie nodded and let out a little moan.

"You see! I told you you'd enjoy it."

"It's good." She said as she rocked her hips like a pro.

A few minutes passed, and Sophie was getting into it. I noticed her little she-cock was starting to get hard and I was suddenly so happy for her. All of a sudden, she looked up at me and said, "It's growing."

"Ok, time to stop moving for now, press yourself down firmly and stay still."

"Yes, OK." Sophie said and grunted as she pushed her ass down hard on the creature.

"Ohh Fuck Lisa, it's really swelling up. My ass is stretching."

"It's OK, this is meant to happen, it won't be much longer, soon it will start pumping a thick liquid into you and then the eggs will come."

"Oh God its so fucking big!"

I put my hands on her thighs and gave her a little rub to calm her.

"I can feel it throbbing now, OH fuck Lisa!"

"I think it will happen soon baby." I assured her as she sat, impaled on the Dolorcer, her mouth wide open.

I actually heard liquid squirting at the same time Sophie screamed out, "Oh it's so hot, I can feel it squirting into my ass!"

"The eggs are gonna come real soon, that is gonna stretch you a little more, just relax, you're doing so well baby."

I looked down at her little cock which was rock hard and straining upwards.

Suddenly, the creature began to spasm hard and Sophie let out a grunt and gritted her teeth. I knew the first egg was coming.

"Fuck Fuck Oww Fuck!" she screamed as the first egg stretched her ass as it was forced in. By now Sophie was panting and grunting and rocking herself on the bloated tube in her ass.

"Another one's coming!" She squealed and let out a sustained growling sound. She'd just caught her breath when a third egg was forced in and she suddenly looked down and then back at me with a pained frown. "It's making me cum!" she grunted between pants.

At that second, she screamed again and threw her head back and her cock, quite literally, erupted with a long jet of white cum which splattered the creature and the floor. It was followed by a long gush of sperm which dribbled from her cock and onto her thigh.

"Ahhh shit I think it's shrinking." Sophie panted.

I realised I was crouching in front of her with my mouth open.

"OK, baby, it's done it's job now, you wanna get that out of you?"

Sophie nodded.

"Slide up slowly and try and clamp your ass as much as you can, we don't want the eggs coming out yet."

Sophie grunted as she slowly leant forwards and I watched in awe as over 15 inches of swollen breeding tube slid out of her ass and flopped down on the creature. There was a little gush of thick blue semen as she stood but nearly everything stayed inside.

"It feels a little weird." Sophie said as she stood.

"It won't be there for long." I promised her. "It looked to me, like you quite enjoyed that?"

Sophie giggled a little. "Yes, it was really good but pushed my limits. I shouldn't have been so scared. I've never cum like that but there was so much pressure inside me that it made me cum. God it felt so good, so intense."

"I'm so happy for you, I knew you'd like it once you got over your fear."

I hugged Sophie and she held me tightly. I loved this girl.

"You want a shower and get cleaned up while we wait?"

Sophie nodded and so I took her next door to the shower room and while she was in the shower, I cleaned up in the breeding room as much as I could and sent a message to the lab assistants to come and get the Dolorcer.

Sophie appeared from the Shower room and I took her hand and we walked back down the corridor to the habitat room and we went inside. Sophie looked around at the fresh plants and grass as well as the pool on the far side. "Wow, this is amazing, I had no idea this was here."

"It's lovely and we often use it for births."

My words brought the reality back to Sophie and she started to look nervous again.

"How long do I have?"

"Not long baby, they'll be out soon, let's sit near the pool, it's nice there."

Sophie nodded, and we walked over to the little pool and sat near the edge. I put my arm around Sophie and whispered, "Tell me when you feel them move, OK?"

"Uh huh." She replied, quietly.

We sat for a while, not really saying much and then Sophie moved herself a little. "Feels like so much pressure in there again."

"It's been about an hour so should happen quite soon."

"Yeah I think I feel movement now." Sophie said, surprisingly calmly.

Sophie opened her legs and giggled. "Look! It's made me hard again!"

I looked down to see her little cock once again rock hard. I was happy that she was getting some enjoyment from this, like I would if it was me.

"I think you should lay flat and open your legs for me now."

Sophie smiled nervously and did as I asked. I got myself between her legs and as she lay back she made a little grunt and some blue semen started oozing from her ass.

"Really relax now baby?" I said, which I was guessing would be easier said than done.

Sophie began to breathe quickly and panted, "It's really moving now!" She squeaked.

She let out another squeal as I watched her ass being opened from the inside and a gush of the blue liquid dribbled out followed by a pink mass which was stretching her open as she screeched and grunted. With a massive grunting noise, the first Dolorcer slid out and Sophie came hard again, her sperm hitting her own titties as the second Dolorcer started to push out. Sophie moaned and panted as it forced her ass wide open before slipping easily out.

"Just one more baby." I said as she let out a huge scream and the last Dolorcer appeared from inside her. I watched as it forced its way out. As it fell from her ass, Sophie, threw back her head and her legs shook as she collapsed into the ground. The remainder of the thick blue semen was leaking from her gaping ass.

"It's all done now, you've done so well, and we've got three healthy new Dolorcer." I gently picked them up and placed them in the small tanks that I had prepared earlier, then I returned to Sophie who was still getting her breath back. As she opened her eyes and looked at me a huge smile spread over her pretty face.

"I can't believe I managed that." She said.

"It was my idea for you to do this today, "I confessed to her, "I really wanted you to experience it and I knew you'd do it."

I leaned down and kissed her softly. "I think we should get you back in the shower."

Sophie nodded, and I helped her up and then took her back to the shower room. I went in with her and helped her clean herself up. I enjoyed the feeling of my hands on her body, it had been too long since we spent time together. I checked that she was feeling OK and nothing hurt from the birth and she assured me with smile that she felt great.

"I really want this again, and soon." She said as she dried herself.

"That's good, I will make sure of it." I promised her.

Once Sophie was dry we went I popped back to the breeding room and recovered her panties from the floor and then took Sophie back to the prep room so that she could get dressed. I walked with her back outside and into the sun where she turned and hugged me, kissing my neck. "Thank you, you mean so much to me." She whispered just before she turned and began to walk back to her hut. I was left standing outside the lab with a massive smile. I couldn't wait to tell Martha how it had all gone.

Once Sophie had disappeared out of sight, I went back to work. I took the Dolorcer young back to the incubation room in the lab from where they'd be sent to another facility on or off the earth and I cleaned up both rooms properly. It was dark when I went back to Martha's office and checked my messages.