Little Red Haired Girl Ch. 05

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Conclusion; Don faces the Board of Inquiry.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/21/2019
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Part 26 - Crowbar's Crew

Cindy Ross was running up the hillside along the edge of the cliff. Several kids had seen her and yelled "That way!" and pointed up the hill.

"AIEEEEEEE!" she heard someone scream, a man. She saw a shadowy form falling from the cliff down into Point Hollow. Then she saw a red crowbar also falling. Then, more slowly as it rode the thermals... a Tilley hat.

"Nooooo!" she cried out to herself as she continued up the hill and went over a rise that was obstructing her view...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


As Paco swung down, Davie Marsdon and Timmy Austin drove themselves into the back of his legs like football players. I jerked my head left and Paco's swing went over the top, the crowbar thudding into the ground next to me.

My legs were in motion and I kicked up, catching Paco right in his balls. He was even more off-balance now. And then Davie and Timmy again pushed him in the ass... and over the cliff!

As I sat up, I saw that Susie Haskins had also run up, and was now cradling Frieda. "It's okay, Frieda." Susie said confidently. "The bad man can't hurt you now. Mr. Crowbar and the Crowbar Crew took care of him."

"Yes, yes you did." I said. "Thanks guys! You were all very brave." I got up and picked Frieda up. "You were very brave, too, Frieda. Let's get you to the hospital to get checked out..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cindy looked up and almost began crying with relief. A redheaded man was carrying a redheaded little girl, and Davie, Timmy, and Susie were walking with them with huge grins on their faces.

"What happened?" Cindy asked as paramedics came up. I put Frieda on the stretcher they'd brought up.

"Crowbar's Crew took care of business." I said.

*ZZZT!* buzzed the Police radio in Cindy's hand, which then said "Lieutenant Irwin to Commander Ross."

"This is Ross. Go ahead." Cindy replied.

"I'm in Point Hollow." said Irwin. "The perp is dead. His head was the first thing that hit the ground. We also found Commander Troy's red crowbar and hat."

I took the radio, and said into it: "The crowbar is evidence, Lieutenant Irwin. But I'll be needing that headgear back..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The other children had been herded back onto the school buses. The principal was furious, especially when I said that Timmy, Davie, and Susie had to come with me to Police Headquarters and give their statements.

"I told you fucking cops to stay away!" yelled the principal, not seeming to care that he was cursing in front of 'the children'. "You've put children in danger! What kind of example are you setting for them? They're young and impressionable and you're scaring them---"

"SHUT UP!" Cindy yelled, getting right into the principal's face. When he recoiled in shock, she said "Commander Troy just saved one of your students's life! And that's despite your every effort to keep us from protecting her!"

"And these kids were anything but scared, I daresay." I said, rubbing it in far more than I should have. Timmy, Davie, and Susie beamed.

"You can't talk to me that way!" snarled the principal, who didn't seem to think there was a problem with the way he was talking to us, much less having treated us. "I'm reporting this to the Council!" he yelled. "I'm going to have you both fired!" With that he walked off in a huff.

"Is that a promise we can count on?" I retorted. The kids giggled. Cindy just nodded vigorously in agreement.

Part 27 - After Action Reports

Wednesday, February 27th. Captain Orosco of Internal Affairs interviewed Davie, Timmy, and Susie separately in the Chief's Conference Room, videotaping the sessions. While they waited, the kids got to be the guests of the Police Chief in his office, where they learned a lot about the U.S. Army Air Cavalry.

"Okay, kids." I said when they were done and their parents were picking them up. "Mark May 1st on your calendars. I suspect your class will be here for the ceremonies that day."

"Kewl!" Timmy Austin exclaimed.

"Awww, am I going to have to wear a tie again?" Davie asked.

"You look good in a tie." said Susie Haskins. Cindy and I just looked at each other at that, thinking the same thing...

"Is Frieda okay?" asked Timmy Austin.

"Yes." Cindy said. "She's already been checked out, interviewed by the Police, and released to her parents, the Barkers. They're taking her home."

Captain Orosco came up. "Commanders both, we need your statements." I headed to the Chief's Conference Room with them. Cindy would follow after I was done.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

5:30pm, Wednesday, February 27th. Present at the meeting in the Main Conference Room were Sheriff Griswold, Chief Moynahan, Commander Troy, Commander Ross, Captain Croyle, Captain Perlman, and FBI Agents Jack Muscone, Martin Nash... and Melina Allgood.

"First the really bad news." said Tanya Perlman. "Commander Troy, you can't have your red crowbar back yet. Paco's prints are on it, so it's evidence... evidence that confirms your story, so that's good for you."

"Good thing I've got a stash from Susie Haskins's latest nail drive." I said. "But seriously, I understand. I'm sure someone is chomping at the bit for a Board of Inquiry, so definitely keep all the evidence."

"Yezzz." said Chief Moynahan. "Kelly Carnes has already demanded one. The school principal called her and whined about your presences, Commanders. I told Ms. Carnes that I was going to have that principal arrested and tried for gross dereliction of duty in doing all he could to keep us from doing our jobs. That shut Carnes up, for a few seconds anyway."

"The best we can really do is ask the Mayor to assemble a Board of Inquiry to investigate the principal's actions in all of this." I said. "If that Board finds him negligent, he can be fired. The NEA will be fierce in their defense of him, however."

"Yezzz." said the Chief.

"My only question," said Sheriff Griswold, "is why you didn't have the kids agree with the story that you pushed Paco over the edge, literally. You're indemnified; they're not. Now it's a huge issue."

"I was going to." I said. "But it struck me that I didn't know how many people saw what happened. And the boys were claiming credit already."

"And Susie told me she wasn't going to lie, because Mrs. Veasley and the Iron Crowbar would be disappointed if she did." Cindy said.

"Har." said Sheriff Griswold. "The silver lining is that the Iron Crowbar's reputation for integrity is wearing off on his young friends. That's a good thing, though their families might have to get them lawyers."

"Taken care of, sir." I said. "Mike G. Todd is going to represent their interests, and paid for by my retainer. He says it is very unlikely there will be any issues, but he will be right there like a pitbull if he needs to be."

"I doooo have one question." said Chief Moynahan. "How did Paco manage to get that close to Frieda?"

"That's my fault, sir," said Teresa, "and I take full responsibility. My plan for Frieda's safety utterly failed."

"No, don't blame yourself." I said. "First, even if the Chief wasn't serious, I really am considering asking for a School Board inquiry for that principal, whose hostile attitude stopped us from doing any reasonable protective surveillance. It was a brilliant idea of the Green Crowbar, Commander Ross, to have the Seasoned Citizens of the Veasley Community Center help with that, and Mrs. Boddiker has done it again by observing the off-road vehicle and calling me, which let me get there in time."

"I should have considered that possibility, and been better prepared." said Teresa.

"I'm going to say to you what Captain Perlman always says to me." I said. "Stop beating yourself up. I should've realized it too, and been better positioned."

Sheriff Griswold said "Well, I'm not sorry Paco is dead, but I know you Fed people wanted to talk to him. Have you found out anything about his movements?"

"Just that he bought that off-road vehicle yesterday." said Jack Muscone. "Cashier's check from City & Counties Bank, drawn from his own account. He must've heard about the school trip, and figured out that plan and prepared for it within hours."

"I'd even say he had a lot of help in the preparation, as well as money for the vehicle." I said. "And he completely exposed himself while going after Frieda. There was almost a kamikaze attitude about it. His value to the Enemy was essentially over, even if he had lived."

"That's true." said Jack Muscone. "We're also considering that he was trying to draw you out, Don."

"Noooooo." I said. "That does not fit the pattern. Frieda saw something, likely some-one, that she was not supposed to see. Paco was sent to eliminate her. His first two attempts via proxies failed. Then he tried to take care of it personally. I'm not sure he expected me to show up at all."

"I have a question." said Melina, her voice flat, level, and a bit menacing. "I warned you about how dangerous Paco was at the martial arts, and suggested that you shoot him instead of engaging him in personal combat. But you did so anyway. Why?"

My eyes bore into Melina's as I said just as flatly "Because Frieda was right behind him. And the risk of her getting hit with gunfire totally outweighed the risk to me of fighting it out with Paco."

"That's an excellent point." said Sheriff Griswold.

"And from what I've read of the Police reports of witnesses to the fight," Tanya said, her eyes sparkling, "the Iron Crowbar was winning until Paco threw Frieda over the cliff and Don had to pull her to safety. Chief, I'd say you might as well cancel the Police Boxing Matches and just give Commander Troy the trophy."

"Harumph, as Sheriff Griswold would say." retorted Cindy Ross. "I want my shot at the title."

I grinned. "And you shall have it. Chief, set those brackets up just right."

"Hoo boy." the Chief groaned.

"Nevertheless, you were lucky, Don." Melina said.

"Yes." I said, looking hard at Melina again. "Yes I was. I'll be the first to admit those brave kids saved Frieda's life, and helped me live to fight another day."

A bunch of iPhones chimed. We'd gotten emails from Martha the M.E. I said "Stating the obvious, Martha says he died of blunt force trauma when he fell on his head. She's also asked for further testing of his blood. She thinks he was amped up on something."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

7:30pm, Wednesday, February 27th. The doorbell rang at the Barker home. Mr. Barker opened the door to admit Your Iron Crowbar and the box in my hands.

The back door had been repaired and an alarm system installed, courtesy of the CEO of BOW Enterprises and his lovely wife. Susie Haskins and her mom were present, and Susie was trying to cheer Frieda up.

"You better cheer up, Frieda." I said to the little red haired girl as I came in. "My patient here needs to see your happy, smiling face." With that, I put the box down on the floor. Police K-9 Corporal Barky poked his head up to see what was going on.

"Barky!" Frieda cried out in pure joy, a huge smile on her face where just a second before, misery had presided.

"Be careful with him." I said. "He's still healing up."

"The vet called me about caring for him for the next few days." Mrs. Barker said as Frieda sat down on the floor, let Barky sniff her, which caused his tail to wag vigorously, then petted him. Frieda 'introduced' Susie to Barky, and he soon had two young ladies gently petting him.

It brought sheer joy to my own heart to see Frieda and Barky together again. Girl and dog would nurse each other back to full health, both mentally and physically. And Frieda and Barky would be inseparable family for the next fourteen years until the redoubtable Barky passed away of old age, by which time Frieda would have graduated college and become engaged to be married... to International Chess Grandmaster Timmy Austin...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cindy paused before going into her apartment, trying to set the pain of this day behind before she let Betsy see her. Finally composed, she opened the door and went inside.

"Hi!" Callie said brightly. She was holding Betsy, who smiled brightly, also.

"Hi there." Cindy said. "How are my two favorite girls?"

"We're great." Callie said with her beautiful smile. "I ordered Chinese delivery. It should be here soon."

"That's good." Cindy said as she sat down by Callie. "I just hope we have some extra beer to go with it."

"Uh oh." Callie said. "Bad day?"

"We'll talk about it later." Cindy said. "Right now I want to hug this beautiful little girl!" Betsy held her arms out, and Cindy took her and gave her a biiiiiiig hug, making Betsy giggle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the Chinese food was completely consumed and Betsy put to bed, Callie brought Cindy a beer and said "So... tell me about your day. You were working very hard to stay cheerful for Betsy, but even I can feel the vibe you're putting out right now."

"That bad, huh?" Cindy quipped. Callie just nodded with a look that said 'yeah, that bad'.

"Well," Cindy said, looking more forlorn, "Don went nuclear on Bettina after her morning broadcast. I said something he didn't like in the morning coffee klatch, and he literally cursed me and then walked out... and not just out of the room. Out of Police Headquarters."

"I heard." Callie said. "He came to Laura's office, and she told me that he and you got into it. Did you talk to him about it later?" Callie asked.

"The next time I saw him," Cindy said, "he had just engaged Paco Domingo in personal combat... and won, sending Paco over the cliff to his death in the Point Hollow grove of trees beneath that cliff. Two school kids, Davie and Timmy, helped Don throw Paco over the edge, while Susie Haskins helped Frieda Franklin after Don saved Frieda's life. Sooooo, we were a bit busy from that point on. But I could feel the vibe in Don... he's still bitterly angry about it."

"Mad at you?" Callie asked. "Why? It's the Press he hates."

"And to the point that if I even suggest for him to scale back instead of ratcheting up the Press war, he considers me on their side... against him. And he's not considering any middle ground or third opinions. At all."

"Wow. What are you going to do?" Callie asked. "Beside the family aspect, you guys have to work together, or the Police Force will suffer."

"I know." Cindy said. "I talked to the Chief... well, I was talked to by the Chief. He said he supported me as Deputy Chief, that Police Press Relations was my job and he'd back me up. But Teresa talked to me, too. And she laid it out: she thinks that the Police Force can't hold both of us, me and Don, if we're this far apart on this."

"Well, you guys have to find a way to patch it up." Callie said.

"I was thinking about it, all day." Cindy said. "Callie, I love the TCPD, and I love my job within it. And I love Don, and I know he loves me in spite of what he said this morning. But Teresa was right. Don and I are not aligned on this, and Don is more intractable about this war with the Press than I've ever seen him be about anything."

"I also know" Cindy said, "that while I help the TCPD do an outstanding job, I'm not the one that's irreplaceable. Don... he's the soul of that Police Force. If I leave, they'll be hurt, but they'll get over it and move on. If Don leaves, the damage would be more devastating than a nuclear bomb. And everyone from the Sheriff on down knows it. And Don is so intractable in his hatred of the Press that he'd rather leave the Force than submit to them in even the slightest way. I don't want it to come to that, and I don't want to see the TCPD devastated by this."

"So... what does that mean?" asked Callie.

"It means..." Cindy said thoughtfully, "... that I'm considering putting in my retirement papers and leaving the TCPD..."

Part 28 - Good Morning Town & County!

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded reporterette at 7:00am, Thursday, February 28th, from in front of the State Office Building. "Channel Two News has learned that a Budget bill is going to be voted on in the State House today!"

Bettina began: "In a shocking development in Midtown, the Budget bill cleared the State House Ways & Means Committee, chaired by Representative Elijah McKinney of Southport, with strong bipartisan support. The State House Minority Leader, Republican Wilson Hammonds of Pottsville, is trying to muster a coalition to stop the bill from passing, but sources are telling Channel Two News that Mr. Hammonds has lost the support he once considered enough to stop Governor Val Jared from getting anything at all on Immigration Reform in the State."

Bettina continued: "And in local news, Police Commander Donald Troy is coming under heavy criticism for engaging a wanted suspect in personal combat in front of schoolchildren, and pushing the alleged criminal over the cliff that overlooks Point Hollow. Roll tape."

Tape rolled, showing that school principal being interviewed by Amber Harris, saying "Those cops came through here like jackbooted thugs, scaring our school children. Then those kids had to witness a man being thrown off a cliff, right in front of them! Our children should not be subjected to that kind of Police violence!"

Then Kelly Carnes was shown, saying "The school principal requested that the Police stay away from the school children and allow the children a 'safe space' free of the overt aggression of the Town & County Police Force. This request was obviously refused, and what Commander Troy did to that suspect in front of those children is more than reprehensible."

Back to Bettina live: "Councilwoman Carnes has promised a full Board of Inquiry to investigate Commander Troy's actions. As to the victim, Paco Domingo was pronounced dead on arrival at University Hospital with massive head trauma injuries. Captain Damien Thompson of the Town & County Police issued a statement saying that Paco was attempting to murder one of the students when Commander Troy intervened, and was forced to engage Domingo in personal combat in order to save the child's life. Commander Troy has refused repeated requests by KXTC for comment on the incident."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Good God!" Julia Rodriguez exclaimed as the Detectives watched in MCD. "That was worse than irresponsible, 'fake news' journalism. That was slander! Well... libel, anyways."

"Yeah." said Joanne Warner. "The Press is so despicable!"

Theo Washington said "I really believe they're trying to goad Commander Troy into doing something rash."

"They should be careful what they wish for." said Teddy Parker. "He might just give them more than they bargained for." All eyes went to him; the 'southern gentleman' Parker's voice connoted a menace they'd rarely heard from him before...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Good God." Chief Moynahan said as he, the Sheriff, and Crowbar's Angels watched in the Chief's Conference Room.

"That was worse than irresponsible journalism." said Sheriff Griswold. "And we don't have to take that shit from KXTC."