Little Sis Ch. 05

Story Info
Jamie plans his split with Gabi, but an egg gets in the way.
6.6k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/03/2017
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CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work.

This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

Author's Notes

Foreword #1 : All sexually active characters in this story are over 18.

Foreword #2 : This is a story and intended purely for pleasure.

Foreword #3 : The author does not condone nor encourage the practice of incest.

Foreword #4 : This is a fifth chapter in the Little Sis series. Although there is a little recap at the start of the story, you may want to read the earlier parts to get up to speed with the journey so far.

Foreword #5 : Thank you so much to xxxxx for being kind enough to read the draft story and provide his edits. Very much appreciated.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gabriella, or Gabi to her friends, will always be my "Little Sis". Not because she was younger than me, in actual fact she was a year older, but because she was . . . how can I say it simply . . . little.

OK, so she was not really my sister. She was my step-sister. I'd watched Little Sis grow up from young wannabe gymnast/dancer, through to sexually charged seductress. It was the latter which had really taken me by surprise. The sweet innocent Gabi, who I had known for years, went away to university and what came back was a totally different young woman, a woman who knew what she wanted and knew how to go about getting it.

It started just after my eighteenth birthday with a strange present of two tickets to a rather old fashioned retro cinema. Not wanting to upset her feelings I went along with the idea and soon found out that the tickets were just an excuse for a little private time together. The real present was to cum a little later, Gabi on the end of my finger and myself flooding my boxers.

Christmas though was when things really heated up. Gabi had it all planned. A discreet blowjob one night was followed by full on sex the next. That Christmas would be forever etched in my memory. Christmas was followed some weeks later by a most enjoyable weekend at Little Sis' place with her and her lesbian lover. Quite unexpectedly, I came to enjoy both women.

There was a twist though, in the form of a Valentine's card slipped under the door to my flat. An unsigned card, hand written with two simple words . . .

"Te Amo"

Life had become just that little bit more complicated when I found out who my secret admirer was. Unbeknown to me, whilst I was drooling over Little Sis, one of my study mates, Mara, was dreaming over me. One step led to another, culminating in the two of us making music together back in my apartment. After one such session she ended up staying the night. It was only then that I realised my tendency to talk in my sleep. OK, I didn't realise it, but Mara certainly did, and now I had a dilemma to resolve.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was the morning after the night before. Mara had already gone and I was left pondering those words.

"Who's Gabi?" followed by "I know. Invite her over one weekend. Let her spend some time with the two of us."

How could I not have known about my sleep talking? More importantly though, why did I have to mention Gabi on that night of all nights? So here was the dilemma. No sooner had I gotten to know Mara than I was risking throwing it all away. She was different to Gabi, physically and emotionally. With Gabi it was about the sex, the raw wanton passion accompanied by the excitement of the taboo. It couldn't be anything else as she was, after all, my step-sister. Mara though was different, yes there was wonderful sex but there was also . . . I pondered thinking of the right word . . . love. That wasn't it . . . I loved Gabi as much as Mara. I guess though that being with Gabi was as much about the risk as it was about love, the risk of being caught, of being found out. We would, I hoped, always have feelings for each other but with Mara on the scene I wanted to true love to blossom.

And that was the dilemma. I wanted Mara, but I so didn't want to hurt Gabi's feelings. Now Mara wanted to meet Gabi, and I had to let it happen or I would hurt Mara. Getting the two of them together though was likely to expose my secret which, I had to assume, would end up hurting both of the loves in my life.

So, after a single night together, I could end up losing everything. How could I have let this happen?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was a few days later when I met Mara once more, in the library, the place where we first came to realise our attraction for each other. Just like that time, the library was rather quiet and in between reading we chatted for a while.

"So, Jamie. Have your made the arrangements?" came a soft inquisitive question.

"What arrangements?" I replied trying to play the ignorant.

"Oh Jamie, you can't have forgotten already. Let me remind you. Now who's name were you calling out the other night."

There was a silent pause.

"Yes, I remember . . ." continued Mara. "It was Gabi . . . Gabi . . . your so called step-sister Gabi. And now you are going to invite her over so that we can meet. If you dream of her then she must be rather important to you."

"Gabi is just my step-sister, nothing more. I told you that and you'll just have to believe me."

"Yes, yes," Mara replied, a slight sarcasm in the tone of her voice. "So, if she is only your step-sister then what is the problem with inviting her over? I seem to think you went to hers not so long back, so surely it is time she came to yours."

I swallowed hard, hoping Mara wouldn't notice my hesitation. I had really hoped she wasn't being serious about getting together, but here she was pushing the issue once more.

"But that was different. She lives off campus in a house with a spare room, not to mention with her partner. If she came here, where would she stay? It's not like we live off campus with spare . . . "

I never finished my sentence, Mara's stare burning deep into my eyes and causing me to lose my thread.

"That's just a minor detail and one I've already got a plan for. You remember my room mate Alejandra?"

How could I forget. It was our first time alone and, having reached first base, our night of passion was broken by a rather upset Alejandra coming back at the most inopportune moment.

"Yes," I replied, not quite sure if I liked where this was going.

"Well, she studies languages and in a few weeks time she'll be away on a placement at a university in France. I think she's off for about three weeks, which means there's an empty bed at mine whilst she's away."

Damn, I hadn't thought of something like that. Not only did Mara still want to go through with the plan, but she had come up with the idea of Little Sis sharing her apartment for the night. Leaving the two of them together, alone, was certainly asking for trouble.

"I don't know Mara, she's quite busy with her own studies."

Before I knew it a phone had been shoved hard into my chest, the impact followed by a sharp pain.

"Ow," I snapped as I reacted to the impact. "What was that for?"

"That's a phone Jamie," Mara replied, laughing sarcastically. "And it's for you to phone Gabi with. Now I'm sure you must know the number, but let me check the dates before you hit dial."

There was a pause as Mara checked her diary.

"Yes, there it is. After the Easter holidays, the first three weeks of May is when Alejandra is away. So you just phone your step-sister and ask her over!"

There was no option, so slowly, one press at a time, I keyed in her number, pressed dial and waited. I waited, and waited. The longer I waited the happier I felt inside. Little Sis wasn't answering so maybe this would be the end of it. I even thought to myself that I could have half a conversation before passing the phone back to Mara to confirm that Gabi was busy, replied with a thank you for the invite but couldn't make it this time. I was about to do just that when there was a response at the other end of the line.

"Hello," came a very familiar voice. "Gabi here, can I ask who's calling?"

My heart rose and sank at the same time. Yes I knew it was a physical impossibility, but suddenly I was elated at hearing her sweet voice yet at the same time I knew that I had to ask the question.

"Hi Gabi," I replied.

"Big Boy? What are you doing phoning from this number? I nearly didn't answer as it wasn't in my contacts list."

"Oh, it's a long story Sis and I don't really have the time now. I'll fill you in on the details over Easter but Mara and myself wanted to ask if you fancied a weekend with us in May? I know you'll be busy with study but I thought I would ask you anyway."

I was expecting a long pause whilst Little Sis considered the offer and made her excuses. I had barely finished my sentence though when a reply practically jumped down the phone line.

"Oh, I'd love to Big Boy. Just say the date and I'll be there."

I was still taking in her excited reply when I was met with another question.

"And by the way . . . who's Mara? I haven't got a rival, have I?"

"No, no, nothing like that. She's just a close friend. I'll fill you in when we get together at Easter and I'll let you know the date."

I hung up and looked back at Mara. Her eyes were still staring daggers at me, and the straightness of the smile was one to rival even the Mona Lisa. For some reason Mara was non too impressed.

"Close friend!" she exclaimed.

"Look, I needed to tell her something and I didn't want to go into our relationship on the phone. Anyway, Gabi said yes so I guess you've got what you wanted and you can meet my step-sister. Tell me which weekend works best and I'll let her know during the Easter holidays as we'll both be back at our parent's for a few days."

The daggers faded, and Mona Lisa became more like the Cheshire Cat. A gentle kiss on the lips followed.

"Thank you Jamie," came the reply. "I'll look forward to that weekend."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rest of the term seemed to fly by and before I knew it I was back home, knocking at the side door, a rucksack on my back holding the usual student fare. I'd traveled light, carrying a mix of clean and dirty clothes and not a lot else, apart from the expected Easter eggs. Yes, just like every student I was still frequenting the laundry that was Mum . . . come on, who doesn't. This time round I was staying just for the long weekend, the temptation to be back with Mara influencing my travel plans.

This was literally the time to show my face to the family, do the expected and then get back to my own life. The only complication now was having to explain all to Little Sis. It was Gabi herself who answered the door, greeting me like an over excited pet. She was up and down on tiptoes, a kiss on the cheek, another one on the lips, holding herself in a close embrace with one hand discretely reaching behind and squeezing my ass. Somebody sure was happy to see me. I practically had to force her off so that I could close the door and drop my bag off.

"Who is it Gabi?" I heard a familiar male voice.

"Oh Papa, it's only Jamie," came the reply.

That was all it took, the remainder of the day taken up with the usual welcomes, some wholesome home cooking and an evening recanting tales of my time at university. I guess I was expecting it, but there was one topic I steered a wide berth from and that was Mara. I really wasn't prepared to open the debate in front of our parents. It's just a shame that sometimes you never see the icebergs appearing.

"So where's Mara?" came a teasing question.

I tried to ignore Little Sis, but Mum was so quick to pick up on the conversation.

"Who's Mara, Jamie?"

Again I played coy, but Little Sis was obviously enjoying herself.

"Oh, I think Jamie's got himself a girlfriend. Is that it, Jamie?"

"She's just a friend," I retorted, for some reason suddenly embarrassed. "We are on the same course together, nothing more."

Gabi had obviously noticed the way I had turned a shade of red. I was waiting for her next attack but it never came. Instead, spotted out of the corner of my eye, came a quick wink and the merest of blown kisses. I did think she was taking a risk here in front of our parents and I tried my best not to react. The rest of the evening was back to being uneventful. It was good to be home, even if Gabi was her usual teasing self.

For me the best thing about Easter were the eggs. They were everywhere. Baskets of painted pisanica were a throwback to Gabi's Croatian roots, a bare branched tree covered in brightly decorated plastic eggs could have come straight out of rural Germany and finally the British tradition of chocolate eggs. Easter was second, in my opinion, only to Christmas. It was a time for family, for indulgence, for enjoyment. Yes, I knew there was more to Easter than that, but I hadn't yet submerged myself in religion, nor was I likely to do in the short term.

For me, Easter was purely a time to enjoy. And this one was no different. The weekend was flying by and before I knew it Easter Sunday was already upon us-just one night left before I returned back to Mara. Amid excitement, chocolate had been distributed all round followed by the hustle and bustle of getting the roast in the oven for our traditional Easter meal. A couple of hours later and the house was once more a scene of moderate tranquility, our parents having disappeared off for a church service, leaving just myself and Gabi to keep an eye on the dinner. I glanced around the kitchen, taking in the mess which was the aftermath of the morning's cooking. Something was missing . . . oh yes, not something, someone . . . Gabi was nowhere to be seen. There was nothing for it, I would just have to tidy up myself-boy would she owe me one.

Cleaning over, I sat myself down at the large wooden table, in need of a quick rest. In half an hour I'd transformed the place from bombsite to kitchen, clean and tidy bar for a pile of papers positioned at the other end to where I sat. I'd pulled my chair out a little from underneath the edge so that I could slouch back a little as I waited for the disappeared to final show her face once more. Finally, I heard the sound of tiny footsteps coming downstairs, getting louder as they approached the now tidy kitchen. It was now or never-the time to come clean with Little Sis. I chuckled inside at the idea. Last time I was with her I did cum, several times, and not always cleanly. Donning a serious face, I waited for her appearance. I was starting to think she wasn't coming when I heard a quiet voice from outside.

"Big Boy, oh Big Boy, where for art thou Big Boy?"

"In the kitchen," I replied, my eyes now staring at the almost closed door as it slowly swung open.

Little Sis walked in, as usual exuding seductiveness in her every move. My heart skipped a beat and it took all of my determination to keep a serious face. No sooner had our parents left, and whilst I had been getting on with tidying in the kitchen, Gabi had disappeared off upstairs. I now knew why and what she had been up to. Having the perfect body was a feature of my step-sister come lover but in this see-through dress there was nothing, just nothing, left to the imagination. Her pale skin was now a shade of grey from just off the shoulders down to mid thigh, the only variation being the darkness of a black pair of knickers and strapless bra.

"Do you like it?" she whispered, winking at me and then turning full circle like the dancing doll on top of a music box.

Again, as always, she was a tease; in the way she danced and also in the clothes she had chosen. I stared at her cute ass, watching the fabric of her knickers, either a thong or a g-string, disappear into the void between her two firm cheeks. Facing me once more she bobbed me a curtsy followed by the sweetest of blown kisses. It was then that I noticed she was carrying a small box in one hand.

"It's been a while Big Boy. I've missed you so much. I even bought you a special Easter egg. Here, why don't you open it?"

She walked towards me, swaying her hips seductively with every step. I was trying desperately to keep my composure. She handed me the box, about the size of a TV remote control and wrapped in shiny black paper. A kiss on the cheek followed. I had already decided that, this time at least, I wasn't going to let her distract me from what I came here to tell her.

"We need to talk Gabi, why don't you sit down for a while."

I was being as serious as I could without being rude, but still I wasn't getting the response I wanted. For sure Little Sis sat down, but instead of pulling out her own chair she literally threw one leg over my knees, inched up the bottom of her dress and sat on my lap, her eyes staring straight into mine. I could feel the warmth from her naked legs permeate through the fabric of my jeans, and I really wanted to glance down at her snatch encased in the blackness of those knickers. "Why?" I thought to myself. "Why did she make me feel this way."

"Gabi, the other day when I called you . . . " I started without getting very far, my words becoming a muffled sound as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulled herself in and locked her lips down on mine.

"This wasn't part of the plan," I thought to myself, trying as best I could to release myself from her grasp. OK, so I may be have been exaggerating just a little with the "as best I could". Yes, I was trying to break free, but it wasn't really a concerted effort and I wasn't really an unwilling partner in that embrace. Finally I did manage to pull away, holding onto Gabi's shoulders to keep her still. I could see the disappointment in her eyes, imagining her state of confusion as to why I had suddenly become resistant to her advances.

"What is it Jamie?" she mouthed at me, barely an audible word coming out of her mouth.

The fact that she had used Jamie and not Big Boy told me she was now being serious and I relaxed my grip on her shoulders. I stared deep into Gabi's eyes, remembering vividly our wonderful encounters. Something inside tugged at my heartstrings. Here I was about to tell my first love, yes Gabi was my step-sister but she was indeed the first woman I had loved, that I had found somebody else. Part of me wanted to get it over with and part of me wanted to just resume that embrace. I wasn't dumping Gabi, at least that wasn't my intention, but I guess that love under a backdrop of taboo was just a little limiting. I swallowed hard as I composed myself.

"As I was saying Gabi, the other day when I called you and asked you over, I mentioned that Mara and myself would like you to visit. So, that's what I wanted to tell you Gabi. I've found love, or rather love has found me."

I paused, wondering if this was coming our right or not and whether Gabi would understand the difference between making love and finding love. Composing myself once more, I continued.

"So, you see, what we had was wonderful, you are wonderful, but it isn't love. It's exciting, it's taboo and we shouldn't be doing it but at the same time I loved being with you. I wasn't planning for this to happen, it just did. A card, a kiss and . . . well you can probably guess the rest of the story."

I paused, waiting and watching for a reaction. It came but not in the way I expected. As if in slow motion, starting at the extremes and then spreading across the whole width, a smile emerged across Gabi's face. A smile becoming a beam. I sat and watch as she kissed me once more, full on the lips but a definite kiss and not an embrace.