Love & Peace Ch. 02

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Daniel's Story.
6.9k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/17/2006
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Daniel's Story

I drove away from Kate's cottage wondering how I could have been so stupid. So fucking stupid. I banged one hand on the steering wheel as I accelerated out of the village, my mind full of the images of sweet, lovely Kate and the look on her face as I cried out Louise's name. I told her it was a mistake making love to her but I understand how she felt. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. The feel of her soft welcoming body was just too much for me and my wife certainly wasn't keeping me happy at the moment. I needed her so badly and now I was paying for it.

What the hell would it take to make it up to her? And how would she react back at work? A feeling of guilt ran through me as I realised I was worrying more about my damn career than her feelings. But she could easily cause trouble if she was so inclined. And it had taken me a long time to get where I was. Years of working awful hours and making sacrifices. I wasn't about to give that up easily.

But the real problem was Kate's similarity to Louise. That was real and scary. Not immediately obvious, I must admit, but there were so many similarities - same shape face, hair colour, eyes, smile, even the way Kate walked was just like Louise. The more I saw her the more I saw Louise. Had I noticed at work? Probably not. The stress of the job meant that I never really looked at anyone who wasn't working directly for me or had any importance. I can't ever remember seeing her before in the office and it wasn't until I looked out that stormy night that I saw it. Saw her, I mean. My Louise.

I drew up outside the house, the large pile that came with my position at Jefferson's but was empty most of the time. Tonight it was cold and dark, no welcoming lights shone in the windows, the heating was off and I stood in the large echoing hall feeling a despair that I knew would stay with me for a long time. Making my way to the kitchen I noticed the ansaphone flashing and pushed the play button. The long distance sound of my wife came down the line, asking where I was, had I managed to do some chore or other. I silenced her voice and went into the pristine kitchen that never seemed warm. I thought back to the kitchen of my youth, the hub of the house, my mother always there, always cooking.

Pouring out a large measure of whisky I made my way into the living room. Again, there was no warmth here, no cosy chairs, no family pictures crammed onto mantlepieces. A cold and impersonal room that matched my cold and impersonal marriage.

I switched the television on to lessen the oppressive atmosphere but my mind was elsewhere. Back to the summer of 1976 and a sweet-faced girl on the brink of womanhood.

We had always been friends for as long as I could remember. We lived two doors apart and our parents knew each other from way back. I have pictures of us in the paddling pool together or laughing as we attended some party. They were happy times and it wasn't until we were about 14 that we realised our friendship was different from all the rest. We loved being together and I would track Louise down to show her some model I had made, her delight and interest making me feel warm inside.

Our parents were happy of course. My friendship with Louise kept me occupied and although I had plenty of male friends it was Louise I turned to when I was sad or lonely. Our future seemed assured.

On Louise's 16th birthday, her parents held a big party for her at her home. It was such a happy day and I knew then that Louise and I were more than just platonic friends. We kissed for the first time and I could sense in her a growing wonder. Of course, nothing ever happened between us. Neither of us were ready for a physical relationship and we were too young, but I knew that one day, when we were older, things would be good between us. Our level of understanding and affection would guarantee that.

On the day of the accident we had rowed over something silly. I wanted to go someplace and Louise didn't. It was as simple as that but I was never able to make it up to her. She went home and then was sent on an errand by her mother. On her way to the grocery store a car mounted the sidewalk and killed her instantly.

The pain is as real today as it was nearly 30 years ago. I can close my eyes and see her parents crying and the terrible look on their faces as they returned from the hospital. I couldn't express the pain I felt, not at first anyway. I became moody and sullen. A withdrawn teenager who took to staying out late and blaming everyone else for the hurt I felt inside.

Years passed and although the pain subsided a little, my memories of Louise never faded. I kept a doll that used to belong to her and it would sit on my shelf in the bedroom looking at me in silent reproach. One day I gently took it from the shelf, placed it in a box with some other stuff I was throwing out and took it to a charity shop. I decided then to live my life and try and put Louise behind me.

At University I met lots of women but it wasn't until I went home that day and removed her little doll that I could start to date them. At first they resembled her in some way or another. Same colour hair, same eyes but never all in one person. That would have been too much. I made up for my lack of experience with women and slept with a lot of them. I would close my eyes and think of Louise - the way it should have been with her if some monster hadn't mown her down...

And then I met my wife, Jessica. So different from my love. Such a strong and capable woman who was destined to achieve a lot. I admired the way she initiated our relationship, almost hunting me down until I gave in and surrended. Sex with her was intense, erotic and she knew what she wanted from me. Never once did I think of Louise when I was with Jessica. She would make me look into her eyes as we climaxed together and obliterated all thoughts of Louise. She was a demanding, forceful woman and at first I loved that about her more than anything else. She let me forget.

The sudden harsh ringing of the telephone startled me out of my reverie and I went to answer it, trying to stifle a tiny hope that it was Kate, after having somehow tracked down my number. But it was Jessica, her voice impatient with irritation despite the immense distance between us.

"I've been trying to get hold of you all evening. Did you get my message?"

"Yes, Jess. I've just been tied up with work."

"Well, have you sorted out next week?"

I sighed as my wife continued to talk at me down the line. Her parents were coming to stay and she expected me to take a couple of days off work to pick them all up from the airport and show them around.

I reassured Jessica that it was all in hand and she rang off leaving me even more miserable but with a good measure of guilt thrown in as well. This was the first time I had ever been unfaithful and I hated myself for the deceit even though my marriage was as good as dead. The months spent trying to salvage it had been a waste of time, tears and recriminations being the only product of our counselling.

For now, we had reached a truce. I was needed at work for a few more months and we agreed to hold off our separation until into the New Year. I was sad that we had decided on this outcome but I knew Jessica wanted her freedom and the chance to pursue her old career. It was ironic that what had attracted me to her in the first place was now the reason for our parting.

Sighing I turned off the television and climbed the stairs wearily, my thoughts now turning to the evening with Kate and the bad way it had ended. Another wave of guilt washed over me and I wondered what reaction I would receive from her at work and whether she would decide to wreak any revenge...


As it happened I didn't see Kate at work for over a week. I was needed at one of the company's offices in the north of the UK and when I returned it was time for my wife and parents to arrive from the States. I am sure Kate must have thought I was avoiding her but there was nothing I could do. I had sent a huge bouquet of flowers to her home but she hadn't tried to contact me and I thought it was best left at that. I didn't need any more complications in my life and her similarity to Louise left me feeling disturbed and uneasy.

The week spent in the company of my wife and her parents was sheer hell. Jessica seemed to take pleasure in maliciously teasing me about our imminent divorce and her poor parents became more bewildered and confused by the day as most of my exchanges with their daughter were of the hissed and angry variety. Jessica was brittle and resentful towards me even though she now had what she wanted - her freedom.

On the last night of her parent's visit, I booked a table at a beautiful country house hotel in an effort to make at least one evening an enjoyable one. It had been a favourite of Jessica's and I hoped that the surroundings would soften her mood a little and give her parents one happy memory of their stay.

We drove in silence to the restaurant, Jessica staring straight ahead and not even bothering to make polite conversation. Her make-up and clothes were immaculate and I couldn't help but compare her with the sweet and natural Kate who had, I realised, just wanted me for myself. I never suspected her of any ulterior motives and there had been no discreet conversations with the other Directors concerning my lapse of professionalism. Obviously revenge was not one of her objectives either.

As we approached the hotel, I turned to my wife to see her reaction, hoping for a hint of a smile to relax her stern features. The lit-up windows were warm and welcoming in the velvet blackness of the night and I heard Diana, her mother, gasp behind me as she glimpsed the subtle spotlights trained on the ancient stonework. I smiled, happy that I had done something to alleviate the tension of the last week, but my wife just shrugged her shoulders and continued to stare out of the window. It was a weekday in early November but the car park was full and the only space was on the far side some distance from the house. Of course, Jessica moaned and stalked off in front without once offering to help her parents who I caught looking at each other in despair.

Her mother, always such a sensitive and kind woman, linked her arm through mine and offered some excuse. "I have to apologise about Jessica, Daniel. She's so different these days. We tried to speak to her when she was over with us, but she refused to let us help."

I looked down at her warm and concerned face and couldn't help but wonder where Jessica had inherited her ruthlessness. "Did she say why she was so unhappy?"

"I think she sees herself as a failure. And now a double failure with your marriage breaking up."

I looked at her again in surprise. "She told you?"

"Yes, she did. Last night. Her father and I were so worried about you both. We felt we had a right to know."

I stood aside to let Diana through the heavy wooden door and stole a glance at John, her husband, who was looking at me with eyes full of sympathy as well. I would be sorry to lose them as parents-in-law and realised, with a pang, that I had never got to know them properly.

The meal was uncomfortable and tension hung in the air between the four of us like a palpable cloud. My wife toyed with her food while her mother took to whispering, almost as if anything she said would ignite the sparks between Jessica and I. The reason for the busy car park soon became obvious when I realised it was Guy Fawkes Night and fireworks would be let off after the diners had eaten. The hotel had a broad terrace overlooking a valley and the display was to be set against classical music.

I for one, was keen to watch, always having had a fascination for this eccentric British tradition, but my wife and her parents were content to sit and sip their coffee in the luxurious lounge area that still had a good view over the valley. I fetched my heavy coat from the cloakroom and made my way outside with the small crowd of diners, relieved to be away, for a short time at least, from the heavy air of misery that hung over us.

The night was cold and the sky speckled with stars. It felt good to be out in the open and for one insane moment I had an urge to take the car and go see Kate. She had been on my mind almost constantly over the last couple of weeks and the need to see her and touch her was becoming unbearable. When I saw her standing by the stone balustrade I at first imagined my mind was playing tricks on me, the craving for her and the stress of the evening becoming too much. I looked again and realised it was her. She was standing with two people who could have been her parents and she was laughing, her cheeks glowing in the cold air. I gazed at her and again saw that stunning similarity with Louise. She wore a vivid red coat with a fur-lined collar and she looked beautiful, her long dark hair cascading over her shoulders and her dark eyes sparkling with happiness. She certainly didn't seem to be suffering like me.

I made my way towards her, knowing as I went, that it was a mistake, but not being able to stop myself all the same. The yearning to see her and touch her was overwhelming but I wondered if it was Kate I needed, or Louise?

"Kate? What a surprise!"

She spun around at the sound of my voice and the shock on her face was evident. I saw a faint glimmer of pain there but then she smiled and those beautiful dark eyes sparkled once more. "Daniel! Wow, what are you doing here?"

I explained about the meal and her face fell once again at the mention of my wife and parents. Presumably she thought I was playing happy families.

"Can I talk to you a minute?" I murmured as her parents, after saying hello, turned to watch the first of the fireworks explode into the night sky. "Look, I really think we should talk about the other evening."

"There's no need, Daniel. Please - just let it drop. Oh, and thanks for the flowers. They were lovely." She turned back to watch the spectacle but I tried again, desperate to talk to her and just connect with her.

"Kate. I'm so dammed sorry about what happened. Can you believe that? I feel such a jerk."

She ignored me, concentrating on the fabulous colours that erupted all around us, the bangs echoing around the valley disguising our conversation from those around us.

I took her by the arm and she looked at me in surprise. "Kate? Let's just talk about this and then we can get over it. What do you think?"

"I didn't think there was anything to say." She looked at me with her big brown eyes and I melted inside, my cock stiffening as I thought about how much I would like to make love to her there and then.

I gazed at her, impressed by her cool attitude and dropped her arm. "Can we start again?"

"What about your wife, Daniel? How would she feel about you cheating on her?"

"Look, Kate, my marriage is long over. It's dead. Completely."

"OK, maybe I believe you about that. But my problem is with Louise. How can I compete with someone who means so much to you but who is dead? How can I compete with her?"

I saw a shimmer of tears in her eyes and realised that she was hurting just as much as I was. The thought that I had hurt her made me twist inside and I tried to pull her towards me but she shrank back and turned away again.


She looked at me and this time I saw a tear run down her cheeks. She looked so sad and I wanted to take her in my arms and soothe away the pain, but I couldn't.

"Do you know how it felt to hear you call out her name? How I felt so utterly rejected?"

I looked at her and went to say something but she turned away from me. I saw her whisper in her mother's ear and then, without even looking at me, she was walking away, her coat billowing in the cold wind. I followed her rapidly as she headed towards the car park, her hair streaming out behind her as she sped away. I started to run and finally caught up with her, taking her by the arm again as she finally slowed her pace.

I realised she was crying and I pulled her close, wrapping my arms around her as she sobbed against my shoulder. I could smell her sweet scent, perfume mixed with hair shampoo and I held her more tightly as she leaned in to me. Every instinct in my body screamed that this was wrong, I shouldn't be doing this but I needed to feel her against me, her breasts pressed to my chest, her soft skin so close to me.

Her sobs died down and she relaxed, her breathing returning to normal after her flight across the dark gardens. We stood in silence for a while. both of us frightened to break the spell, but I knew that soon we would have to talk and it would be painful for both of us. I kissed the top of her head and this time she didn't pull away so I gently lifted her chin and kissed her lips. She tasted salty from the tears and I softly probed her mouth with my tongue, longing to savour her sweetness, needing so much for our lips to meet and entwine. She responded and I kissed her deeply, my tongue doing what my rock hard penis ached to do. I heard her moan and I moved my hand under her coat to fondle her breasts. She was wearing some sort of thin blouse and I could feel her nipples through the material. I undid the buttons and stroked them firmly. She moaned some more and I flicked my thumb over her swollen buds, feeling the need within her matching my own lust.

"Daniel," she gasped and I leant down to run my hands along her legs. I felt her silky stockings under my fingers and glided up towards her waiting warmth, the soft skin of her thighs such a contrast to the slight friction of her under-garments. She moaned into my ear as I gently ran my hand over her pussy, the heat emanating from her dampness like a miniature furnace. My fingers found her panties and I rubbed my palm over the silk as she squirmed against me, all thoughts of resistance gone. We both knew how much we wanted each other and I needed to feel her so badly it hurt. I softly prised away her panties and stroked her soft lips, feeling the moisture and the heat, knowing that she ached for me just as much as I ached to plunge my cock into her soft sweetness.

While I kissed her, I stroked her puffy lips, my fingers probing gently as she moaned and pulled me tighter. "I want to make you come for me, Kate," I whispered and she gasped as my index and middle finger gently prised her folds apart and entered her soft pussy. I glided my fingers in and out, my tongue massaging hers as we kissed passionately, my cock pushing against her lower stomach as I felt her tighten around my fingers.

"I need you to come for me now," I urged as my fingers found her clitoris and I rubbed in small circles. Our kisses grew more urgent and I could feel her wetness grow under my fingers, her clitoris slippery with her juices as her breathing quickened.

"Oh, Daniel," she moaned and I pulled away from her, my left hand squeezing and massaging her hard nipples while my right continued its relentless rubbing of her clitoris, my fingers drenched with her fluids as she finally shuddered and cried out.

As she orgasmed I held her close and she leaned into me, her breathing hard and fast. I remember her calling out my name and the feeling of guilt that accompanied it, but most of all I wanted to give her pleasure without any pressure from me and I had achieved that tonight. I removed my hand from her vagina and held her close, my actions seeming to speak louder than words ever could. My erection was harder than I had believed possible but I knew there was little I could do about it except take her to my car and ask her to satisfy that need. I knew she would but the thought of it seemed sordid somehow and I resigned myself to dealing with the problem later as I lay next to my cold and unloving wife.
