Love Is All You Need Pt. 02

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An unexpected twist. Will Matt & Chloe end up together?
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/11/2015
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This is a second and final installment of this story. For the first part, please read 'Love is all you need Part 1" by hfernandez1983.

This is a work of pure fiction. Everything written here is a figment of my imagination and has been made up. Any resemblance to anything and anyone living or dead is completely unintentional. The story may seem to be in bit of a raw format. I am an amateur writer and reading stories of a specific author has inspired me to write something a little more content oriented rather than just wish-fulfillment. If you have any comments, suggestions, feedback etc., please do feel free to write to me via my contact on my profile.

NOTE: Thank you to Joscelyn2tg for going through my story and helping me edit this story.


Chloe woke early that morning to warm sunlight shining bright throughout the room.

"What a beautiful morning." she thought to herself.

She then gazed back at Matt, who was still sound asleep. She couldn't have hoped for anything better. In these few days they had spent together she knew she had lost her heart to him. She knew he was attracted to her, just as much as she was attracted to him. Of course she couldn't really know how deep Matt's feelings went. But right now, right at this moment in time, she only knew she wanted to be laying in bed with this man.

Matt stirred a little now and opened his eyes. He saw that Chloe was awake. She saw him wake up. Matt moved on top of her in one swift motion.

"Hey you." said Matt.

Chloe smiled and moved her hands to the sides of Matt's face and pulled him in close to her lips, as Matt returned her soft, passionate kisses.

"God you're beautiful." said Matt.

Chloe gave a shy smile and kissed him once again with even more passion this time.

"I think you'll have to stop that, unless you want a repeat performance of last night."

"Aren't we ambitious." she said playfully.

"That we are." replied Matt.

"Mmhm... but we need to get out of bed." said Chloe.

"No we don't." said Matt mischievously.

"Yes we do. We need to meet your sister in a few hours." she replied.

"Yeah, but think of all the fun we could have right here." Matt said as he moved in to kiss her... but she stopped him in his tracks.

"Easy there. Come on. Get up. It's 11am already. I'll go down and get some coffee started, while you can go and take a quick shower." said Chloe.

She moved out from under him and off of the bed.

"All right. All right. I'm going. I'm going." said Matt.

She laughed as she saw him behave like a little school boy being forced to get ready.

"Maybe you'll join me?" said Matt a little naughtily.

"Go!" said Chloe.

"Fine." said Matt a little disappointed.

He moved into the bathroom and shut the door. Chloe then removed a pair of clean pajama bottoms and a T-shirt from her bags and then proceeded to head down into the kitchen so she could make some coffee.

She rummaged around in the kitchen looking for some clean coffee mugs and found them. Right next to the cups was the coffee powder. Since there was no coffee maker around, she had to make do with what was available. She removed a kettle and filled it with water and put it on the stove for heating. Once the water was hot, she put some of the hot water into one of the mugs and made some coffee for herself.

About 10 minutes later she heard footsteps coming down. Matt walked in dressed in a plain dress shirt and a pair of jeans. His hair was all over the place and looked a little floppy. She giggled as she saw him.

"What is it?" said Matt annoyingly.

She giggled and pointed to his hair, "Bad hair day?"

Matt ran his fingers through his hair and realized that he had forgotten to style it at all. He then started to run his fingers through his hair sort of styling it with just his hands.

"All done." he beamed.

Chloe giggled and leaned in and kissed him.

"I'm going to go shower now. There's hot water in the kettle and the sugar and coffee powder are right there. I'll be down in a bit." she said.

Matt moved over to the kitchen island and then started to make his coffee. He then proceeded to move into the living room . He sat down and sipped on his coffee and turned on the TV. He perused through the news channels to see the current events going on around the globe. He then moved on towards the global stock market channel and proceeded to see how business were doing around the world.

After about 30 minutes, Chloe walked into the living room. She was wearing a nice casual white sun dress and opened toed flat sandals.

"Is this ok for lunch?" she asked.

"It works for me." he said smiling.

"Well come on. Lets get moving. I want to meet your sister." said Chloe.

"Let's just stay here for a few more minutes. I was watching this show and its almost over in a bit." said Matt.

"Typical male response." said Chloe.

She moved over to him and grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

"We need to get moving." said Chloe.

"But the hotel is just 5 minutes away." said Matt.

"It's already noon. Why don't you just call her and tell her we're on our way. We could always sit down for a drink or two and then have some lunch with them." said Chloe.

"Fine." he said disappointed again.

Matt removed his cell and called up the hotel.

"Hi, I am looking for a guest. The reservation is either under Carver or Styles." said Matt.

He waited for a while on hold and then heard a click.

"Hello?" said a man.

"Jason? It's Matt." he said.

"Hey Matt. How are you buddy?" said Jason.

"I'm good. Been a long time. Hows everything going?" asked Matt.

"Well, I am good. But your sister is freaking out as usual over last minute details." said Jason.

"Sounds like Sarah alright." said Matt.

"Tell me about it. It's driving me insane. Anyways, what's up?" asked Jason.

"We're on our way over. We should be there in say 10 minutes max. Do you think you can calm Sarah down and meet us in the lobby by then?" asked Matt.

"Don't worry, we'll be there." said Jason.

Matt kept the phone.

"Well, they will meet us in the lobby in 10 or so minutes." said Matt.

"Great! So, what are we waiting for. Let's go." said Chloe.

Matt smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Ok. Let's go." said Matt.

Soon they were in the car and driving down to the hotel. It was only a few minutes away from Matt's place. Sarah had conveniently chosen to stay there as it would be easier for everyone to commute. Soon they were driving into the hotel.

Matt stopped at the front entrance of the hotel. Two valet's walked over and helped Chloe and Matt out of the car. Matt handed the keys to one of the valet's and took the ticket. He walked over to Chloe and they walked into the hotel hand in hand.

Chloe marveled at the sheer size of the lobby.

"Wow. This place is fucking huge!" she exclaimed.

"After everything you have seen around the city, it still astounds me that you can be amazed." smiled Matt.

"I mean just look at this place. I don't think we have hotel's like this back in the US." said Chloe.

"I can name a few." said Mat..

"Show off!" cried Chloe.

Matt smiled and the moved further down into the lobby. Once they reached the center they could hear a woman going hysterical on the staff. Matt had a bad feeling about the all the yelling going on. As they moved in further, his suspicions were confirmed. It was Sarah and she was going off on the staff at the front desk.

"What do you mean there is a problem with the catering!?" yelled Sarah.

"Ma'am our catering chef is not available today and we are trying our very best to make sure that the event is not ruined for you." replied the woman at the desk.

"I don't care. I need everything setup properly. I had booked this a few weeks in advance and this is highly unprofessional behavior. Everything should have been ready!" exclaimed Sarah.

Matt walked over to Jason who was sitting on one of the chairs near the reception.

"Hey Jason. What's going on there?" asked Matt.

"Well as usual Sarah is going off her rocker. The staff just told her that the chef isn't available today for the cocktail party." said Jason.

"What cocktail party?" asked Matt.

"Oh! Sarah didn't tell you? We're having a party with all the guests tonight. Sort of like a rehearsal dinner." said Jason.

"I thought the dinner was tomorrow night." said Matt.

"No. We're gonna do it today. We decided... sorry... Sarah decided that we should have the rehearsal today and skip the bachelor & bachelorette parties all together." said Jason.

"Okay. Why aren't you there trying to defuse the situation." said Matt. He could still hear all the hysterical yelling in the background.

"I tried. Apparently, I am part of the problem." said Jason.

"Okay. I am going to try to defuse this before they kick us out." said Matt.

Chloe moved and sat down next to Jason.

"Hi, I am Chloe." she said.

"Hey. I'm Jason." he said.

Chloe watched Matt walk over to Sarah and try to calm the situation down. He was doing his best to mediate between the hotel staff and his sister. Jason went back to reading a magazine he was holding. Chloe sat there for a few minutes until Matt had calmed the situation down. Both the brother and sister duo were moving towards them.

"You have to calm down Sarah." said Matt.

"I cant be calm. Everything is always in a mess. I wont get any rest until this snafu is fixed..." said Sarah and then she trailed off as she looked into Chloe's direction.

"Hi. I'm Chloe." said Chloe.

"Hello there. Nice to meet you Chloe. I am Matt's older sister." said Sarah.

"I know. Nice to meet you too. Oh and congratulations." said Chloe.

"Aww. Thanks. Aren't you sweet. So are you and my brother an item?" said Sarah.

"Sarah!" said Matt.

Chloe could only giggle in silence.

"SHHHH. I'm talking to her not you! If it were up to you I wouldn't know what's going on in your life!" said Sarah.

Chloe continued to chuckle under her breath. Even Jason was snickering on the side. Matt made a face at Sarah that motioned her to be quiet.

"Okay. Okay. Fine, be a sour puss." said Sarah.

"Well, we're... friends. He invited me to be a part of your special day." said Chloe.

"Well, I am glad you are here. After his recent break up with his ex-girlfriends he has been a bit grouchy." said Sarah.

"SARAH!" said Matt.

"Well its true isn't it! And she was a good friend. Well I am not going to let you drive away this one!" said Sarah.

Chloe giggled. "You know Sarah, you and me are going to get along just great!" she said as she continued to giggle at Matt.

"So are we ready to eat!" chimed in Jason.

They all smiled and moved towards the restaurant. Chloe seemed to be getting along with Sarah like a house on fire. Both women spoke to each other as if they knew each other for ages. They spoke about everything under the sun. Fashion, beauty tips, weddings. It was endless.

Once they reached the restaurant, they were all seated at a nice spot. The waiter came over and handed them the menu's. They ordered their food and got comfortable.

"So, how did you two meet?" inquired Sarah.

"We..." Matt said but he was quickly cut off by Sarah.

"Shh. I'm asking her!" said Sarah.

Chloe chuckled. "Well we met at a benefit last week. He was there alone apparently. We ran into each other at the bar and ended up spending the evening at the benefit together." said Chloe.

She looked over at Matt and smiled. Matt blushed a little as he smiled back at Chloe.

"That was so spontaneous of him. He has never been spontaneous in his life!" said Sarah.

"What do you mean?" chimed Matt.

"Oh come on! You're so wound up tight! You're always at work. You hardly do anything else." said Sarah.

"Really?" said Chloe.

"Oh yeah! Even when we were young all he did was work hard. Never really did have too much fun. He's always been like that I suppose since Mom and Dad passed away." said Sarah.

"What else could we do? If I didn't work so hard, I wouldn't be where I am today!" said Matt.

"Yes, that's right. But you forgot to have fun along the way. You took working hard too seriously. It's exactly why Shannon left." said Sarah.

"Can we not mention her?" said Matt.

"No offense sweetie. I am glad you are here with my brother, but I always thought he would have ended up with her." said Sarah.

"Sarah. I don't think this conversation is appropriate right now." said Matt.

The waiter soon came over with their lunch. So everyone got distracted from the topic at hand. The environment soon changed as everyone ate and had a good time. They had a good witty conversation between each other and everyone was mellowing out. Soon they were done with lunch. Chloe continued to make good conversation with Jason and Sarah. It amazed Matt how well Chloe could blend into any situation. He could only keep smiling and looking at her as she continued to talk about Sarah & Jason's wedding.

"Well that was a good meal! Matt, you wanna join me for a drink at the bar?" asked Jason.

"Sure!" said Matt.

The boys left the two women alone at the table and proceeded to the bar to get a drink.

"So, you both only just met last week?" asked Sarah.

"Yes. It's only been a week." said Chloe.

"Well like I said. My brother has never done anything like this before! Never has he introduced me to any of his girlfriends so fast." said Sarah.

"Girlfriend!" thought Chloe. Well she hadn't said it. Sarah had assumed, and it was the best way to steer the conversation. "Well he is a good man!" she said.

"My brother has gone through some really difficult times in life. He has seen life's harsh realities. I guess that is one of the reasons he has always worked hard after our parents died. He always thought that he was being a burden while I was in college and he was in school. One of the reasons why he put himself through everything and just reached where he is." said Sarah.

"Well, he is a great human being. I can tell that he has gone through some tough times. But he is kind and generous. He's been nothing short of gentlemanly all the time we have been together." said Chloe.

"Well... I am happy to hear that." said Sarah as she smiled.

Chloe smiled back and they both looked towards the boys who waved back at them from the bar. The girls then started to talk again about various girlie things and the boys continued on with their drinks. Soon all 4 of them were back at the table and they continued on with their witty banter and teasing each other.

Soon it was almost 5pm. Time was flying by. They all noticed that it was getting rather late, and got up and headed back towards the lobby.

"So you and Matt have to come to the party tonight. Its here at the hotel. Now... remember... it starts at 7:30pm." said Sarah.

"We'll be there... and on time." said Chloe.

"If there is a problem, call me. I will be right over to help out!" said Matt.

"Don't worry about it. You guys just show up on time." said Sarah.

They proceeded towards the front entrance of the hotel and continued their small talk. Jason and Chloe were talking to each other as they were walking towards the exit, when Sarah pulled Matt to the side.

"Sorry about the whole Shannon thing. I was out of line." said Sarah.

"It's okay. It's all history now." said Matt.

"Regardless. I am still sorry I bought it up. Chloe seems nice." said Sarah.

"Yeah. She is something isn't she," said Matt as he gazed at Chloe as she & Jason were laughing away at something funny.

"You really like her, don't you?" said Sarah.

Matt could only look at his sister and look back at Chloe.

"Well don't take too long to tell her. Or you will miss out on something special." said Sarah.

Matt looked back at Sarah and flashed her a warm smile.

"Bye sis. We'll see you tonight." he replied, as he gave his sister a peck on the cheek, and moved towards Chloe.

"Ready to go? We have to be back here again in a couple of hours." said Matt.

"Ready whenever you are." said Chloe.

Matt & Chloe bid the wedding couple farewell and headed outside the hotel. Matt gave the valet his ticket and they waited for the car to arrive. Soon they were driving back to the house.

"Sarah is wonderful." said Chloe.

"I know. She really liked you too. She said she had fun talking to you." said Matt.

"She's really sweet. You have a wonderful sister." said Chloe.

"I know. She has taken care of me most of her life. She has made a lot of sacrifices to see me where I am. But she never gave up on herself either." said Matt.

"She loves you a lot. She cares so very much. But... why do I feel that you two do not spend a lot of time together?" said Chloe.

"Well, I admit I haven't spent a lot of time with her lately. I have been working hard and that's cost me a lot in my personal life." said Matt.

"Is that the reason why you broke up with this Shannon," said Chloe.

Matt remained silent. The inevitable topic was coming up in discussion. They were soon driving into the driveway of the villa. Matt parked the car and moved towards the front door. Chloe followed behind. She could see that he was a little disturbed with the topic.

Matt unlocked the door and they moved inside. Chloe grabbed his hand as they walked inside and stopped him.

"Hey... what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing." said Matt.

"Was it because I mentioned Shannon? You can talk to me." said Chloe.

Matt remained silent. He looked into Chloe's eyes and he saw a questioning look in them. She seemed to have this look of concern and sincerity in her eyes. His mind raced to thoughts of how to tell her about his previous relationship.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I said something. I just thought that since the topic came out and you were trying hard to divert it, maybe you needed someone to talk to. I didn't mean to pry. It's not really my business." said Chloe.

Matt just stood there. Finally he spoke.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach. We can talk there." said Matt.

Chloe smiled and grabbed his hand tight. She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Sure... let's go." said Chloe.

They moved out onto the beach and began their long walk.

"Shannon and I just broke up a little over a fortnight ago. She was supposed to be here with me for the wedding. Actually she got her own invite to the wedding. She and Sarah have known each other for a long time." said Matt.

Chloe looked at him as he spoke and continued to hold on to him to comfort him.

"Shannon and I met a couple of years ago. I met her at a social gathering. Our families have been friends since before my parents died. I asked her out and we dated for a while. It was going smooth, but then we started to hit a rough patch. My company started to do well and I began to really concentrate on work. At first we tried hard to keep the spark alive. But the more I worked the farther we drifted apart. It took a toll on everything and finally... she left." said Matt.

Chloe squeezed his hand hard and stopped him.

"Maybe you should have been more attentive to her needs." said Chloe.

"I always thought she was the one. Which is why I worked so hard to make something of myself. So that I could give both of us a good life." said Matt.

"I understand. I know you have seen a rough life, but what's in the past is in the past." said Chloe.

"That's how I try to take it everyday. And now you are here with me. And I haven't really thought about Shannon that much until Sarah spoke of her today." said Matt.

Chloe smiled and faced him and held his head in her hands. "Remember what I told you. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift." said Chloe.