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Suppressing a groan, she looked around and slipped her hand into her bra, circling her erect nipple and imagining it to be his fingers caressing her. She moaned and stealthily lifted her skirt with the other hand enjoying the cool evening air on the lips of her vagina. She felt incredibly sexy and terrified of being caught, either by him or by someone else. But she couldn't stop. It felt delicious to be touching herself in such an intimate place in the open air, her pussy slippery and wet with the arousal she was feeling.

She pulled her skirt all the way up and opened her legs, facing the open fields so she could see if anyone was coming, but she wasn't aware of him coming up behind her until she felt his lips on the back of her neck.

Annie jumped, her hands hastily pulling her skirt down as she turned to face him. He kissed her deeply and then took her hand and lifted it to his mouth, tasting her juices and smiling.

Annie could feel herself redden as he gazed at her, her fingers in his mouth which was warm and soft. He pulled her skirt back up and knelt before her, stroking the skin on the inside of her thigh. She shivered and a shot of arousal made her feel weak as he bent to kiss her outer lips.

"Ahhh," she moaned as he pulled her hips closer to him and probed with his tongue. Her legs were wide apart now and she felt herself drowning in pleasure as he explored her inner depths, lingering on her clitoris and sucking the small nub into his mouth. Please don't let anyone come along, she prayed silently. Never had she known this pleasure from a man. He was moaning along with her, a deep sound that fitted his physique perfectly. She wanted to know his name so she could call it out when she came, but he still wouldn't speak when she asked, he was so focused on giving her pleasure with his lips and tongue.

Just when she felt she could stand it no longer, she climaxed in a shuddering orgasm that spread from her groin to the rest of her body in a series of waves. She tried not to call out, but she couldn't help pulling his head closer and moaning out loud, making a curious Sam look up and growl.

It took her a while to come down and he sat and held her close, stroking her back and hair. She wanted to do the same for him and he smiled as she struggled with the zip of his jeans. He knelt before her and freed his penis which was everything she had imagined it would be, warm, firm and beautifully shaped. Their eyes met while she stroked him gently, cupping the sensitive head and enjoying the look of pleasure in his eyes. They kissed and she stroked harder and harder, wrapping her fingers tightly around the shaft and making him groan deeply like he had before. Breaking away from him, she bent and kissed him on the tip, tasting the warm skin and inhaling a fresh scent of leaves and cold air.

Not caring about her surroundings, Annie concentrated on giving him as much pleasure as she could, her lips and tongue moving over the entire length of his cock, her mouth hot and moist against his skin. She caressed him rhythmically with her hand which acted in unison with her mouth, enjoying the groans and sighs which seemed loud in the silence of the wood.

They were both lost in desire and sensation now, his hands on her shoulders as she sucked and kissed him. She could feel him tense up and knew that he was close, but carried on, sucking harder and harder, her hand cupping the base of his cock as she moved her lips around and around the tip before moving almost all the way down to meet her fingers which curled around him in a firm grip.

When he came he groaned out loud, his juice spilling out of him in a flood. Annie swallowed, something she'd never done before, but she loved the taste of him and the way he trembled and shook beneath her lips and fingers.

Again, they held each other for a long time afterwards, until it was almost dark, the sky an indigo blue sprinkled with early stars. She felt him growing away from her and then he stood, zipped up his jeans and smiled. Still he said nothing. She stood as well, looking for the dog in the gloom of the forest. He took her hand and led her to the open fields and then after a kiss on her lips, turned and disappeared back into the trees.


Over the next few days, Annie could barely concentrate on anything. She'd loved what had happened between them and trusted him implicitly now. But she wanted more. She wanted to feel him inside her, to have him thrust into her and bring her to orgasm as she held him close. A part of her was terrified that she'd had all there was to him and he would now disappear for good. She'd told Elizabeth a shortened version of what had happened but had felt that she was somehow betraying him by relating what had happened. He was too pure, too good for a giggle over a bottle of wine.

A week had passed and she hadn't seen him at all. Feeling bereft at his absence and convinced that he had gone for good, she tried to concentrate on her work but found her thoughts straying to the countryside and the deep woods where she was convinced he came from.

On Friday she went to the local pub with the other teachers, but left before the sun had gone down completely. Sam had been in his kennel all day and he desperately needed a walk before it was dark.

A feeling of anticipation ran through her as she collected the lead and called out to Sam. He bounded ahead of her in the growing dusk, delighted at being so free. They made their way across the fields and into the fringes of the wood which looked dark and mysterious in the evening light. I can't go in there, she thought, stopping as she reached the first line of trees. In the distance an owl hooted and she looked around nervously, hoping upon hope that she would see him again.

Sam disappeared into the undergrowth, hot on the scent of a rabbit and she felt a soft kiss on her hair. Spinning around she found him standing close behind her, his eyes lit up with love and desire. They kissed for an age and then he held her close, his chin resting on the top of her head. She took in his delicious scent and pulled him into her, yearning for him to be as close as possible.

Without a word, he took her hand and they entered the forest, the trees on either side black against the evening sky. They walked and walked but Annie didn't feel worried. She'd never been so deep into the wood before and the silence was complete. She could hear Sam scrabbling along behind them but he was having the time of his life sniffing out all the new and exciting scents so she relaxed and gave herself up to the experience of being with him and anticipating what was going to happen next.

They reached a small clearing in the wood and Annie gasped when she saw an oak tree that seemed to tower over all the others. It was beautiful, clothed in new green leaves which rustled gently in the evening breeze. Her lover led her over to the base of the tree which was soft with springy moss and sank to his knees pulling her down with him. They kissed, his warm tongue probing her mouth and making her feel a mixture of nervous excitement and lust.

Breaking away from her he removed his shirt to reveal a broad, muscular chest lightly sprinkled with hair; Annie yearned to know what it would feel like pressed against her own full breasts. She lay down and he bent over her, kissing her once more on her lips, his hands unbuttoning her top and stroking her nipples through the lace of her bra.

Above them the moon was the only source of light, bathing them both in a silver glow that added an air of magic to their union. Annie removed her top and bra and he gazed down at her as she lay there, his eyes taking in her smooth skin and rounded breasts with their erect nipples begging for his lips and tongue. Her long hair shone in the moonlight and she felt beautiful and powerful as he kissed a trail down her stomach and then slipped off her skirt.

With a quick movement he removed his jeans to reveal no underwear beneath, just hard muscled thighs, his erect penis framed by a mass of dark hairs. She could feel her heart beating faster as he gently removed her knickers and stroked the silky depths of her pussy, his eyes never leaving hers as he slipped his fingers in and out, making her gasp and arch her hips towards him.

She leant forward to stroke his beautiful cock and he moaned and closed his eyes, bending closer to enable her to touch all of him. He was hard and warm and she parted her legs in invitation, hoping that he would enter her and satisfy the amazing yearning that drove out every other thought she had.

Her wish was fulfilled. He parted her legs wider and knelt before her, the tip of his cock probing the outer lips of her vagina.

"Please..." she moaned as he teased her. "I want you so badly."

She looked up at him and he smiled, rubbing his penis up and down the opening and covering the head with her slippery juices. He leant forward to kiss her breasts and softly nibbled on her hard nipples as if they had all the time in the world.

I can't take much more of this, Annie thought as she looked down at his head buried in her chest. He seemed to want to take his time with her and savour her slowly, as if she were a delicious meal. She stroked his firm back, nuzzled into his shoulder and tried to commit every second to memory in case he disappeared and never came back. What would I do, she wondered, if he went? The thought made her blink back tears and concentrate on the pleasure he was giving her, his smell, the feel of his hard body over hers and the magic of the moonlight.

When he eventually entered her, slowly and deeply, she thought she would never experience arousal like it again. He filled her up and thrust hard into her, their eyes locked on each other, each reading the emotions on the other's face. His eyes were dark grey and full of love as he took possession, each time going a little deeper and making her gasp with need. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, drawing him in ever deeper and matched his rhythm with her own so they were joined as closely as a man and woman ever could be.

He continued to love her and Annie felt her orgasm begin and grow, spreading out from deep within her until it touched every fibre of her being. She'd never felt like this before with anyone, never felt as if she was completely at one with another human being like this and she could feel the tears gather again, threatening to spill from her eyes and roll down her cheeks.

He seemed to sense her need and quickened his strokes, almost pulling all the way out of her before thrusting back deeply again. Annie reached down and massaged her clitoris slowly, her eyes locked onto his. He smiled and kissed her breasts again, nibbling and sucking until she felt like she was going to explode.

Which she did, her cries echoing through the woods like those of a wild animal and making Sam, who had lain down in disgust at the lack of activity, stand up and growl menacingly.

Annie could feel herself trembling and shaking, her whole body alive under his touch. He kissed her on the lips and smiled, then gently stroked her pussy until she lay still under him. He was still inside her and she nudged him onto his back, making sure that the ground was soft beneath him. He lay there as she straddled him and she gazed down at his body in the moonlight, not quite believing that this gorgeous man was in love with her.

He put his hands on her hips and pulled her towards him, kissing her deeply. She was at peace now and determined to give him the same pleasure as he'd given her. She moved slowly up and down, each movement controlled so he fitted her exactly. The rhythm was delicious, her breasts bouncing in time with her strokes which made him smile and reach up to touch them, his hands stroking the fullness of each one, his thumb rubbing the nipples. She could feel her arousal building again and leaned forward so he could take each nipple into his mouth at a time. With his hands once more on her hips they moved slowly in rhythm, his upward thrusts matching her downward ones. Annie could feel her arousal exploding again as she watched the emotions on his face. They both seemed to be in a delicious dream that she never wanted to end : the exquisite pleasure, the deep dark woods that would hold their secret and the feeling that this was meant to happen.

Annie's lover moaned his ecstasy out loud and manoeuvred her so she was lying beneath him. His movements became harder and faster and she knew that he was about to come. He held her tightly and then came in an explosion that matched Annie's second orgasm. This time, as they climaxed together, she felt as if she were going to faint. She felt dizzy with the sheer euphoria that enveloped her as they clung to each other.

For a long time they lay together, their breathing slowing and calming. He held her close to him, keeping her warm against the chill night air, but she knew that the time had to come when the spell would be broken.

"Come home with me," she pleaded. "Please...I don't know where you come from, or anything, but I want you to come home."

He smiled down at her and then stood. She gazed at his beautiful body, scrutinised each inch of his face and committed it to memory, just in case... Once dressed, he walked her back to the edge of the woods but he would go no further. She could feel his eyes on her as she made her way back across the fields and although she looked back almost constantly he made no move to follow her.

* Annie never saw him again. Over the weeks that followed she walked the fields and woods constantly but he'd gone. At first she'd cried rivers of tears, sat up late into the night with Elizabeth and agonised over what had happened, why he'd disappeared and how she would be able to go on without him. Her friend tried her best to comfort her, but Annie wanted just one person and he'd gone.

"He must have gone home," Elizabeth said, one evening as she sat with Annie in the garden. It was early summer now but the season had done nothing to help her mood. "I'm so sorry, Annie. I don't know how I can help."

"No-one can," Annie sighed. "I've just got to face up to it. He's gone, probably back to his wife and children."

The next day she decided to try just one more time. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and she awoke at 5am, the sunlight streaming in through her windows and making it impossible for her to go back to sleep. Dressing hurriedly, she called the dog and they made their way out of the village and over the fields. Each time she went it was full of memories for Annie, but this morning she brushed them away and concentrated on the view over to the lake. As she neared the woods, she stopped and listened. The birds were waking up and she suddenly decided to see if she could find out where they'd had their last encounter.

It was very different from the moonlit night of before. Today, the trees rustled gently in the wind and she plunged deeper and deeper into the canopy, somehow remembering the route they'd taken. She thought back to the huge oak tree that had towered over all the others and looked up. She could just see the uppermost branches and hurriedly made her way towards it, her heart beating frantically in her chest.

Within a few minutes she came upon the clearing and stopped. Directly in front of her was the huge tree, it's trunk massive compared to the others. She went up and stroked the bark, feeling a deep sense of belonging as she looked up at the network of leaves and branches above. She sank down onto the ground and cried, her tears mingling with the moss and fallen twigs that carpeted the floor of the forest.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been there when she noticed a branch that was lying right in front of her. It was long and thick, about six or seven inches in length and was shaped like...Annie gasped. She picked it up and caressed it, turning it this way and that in her hands. With a little sanding and some loving carving it would be a replica of his magnificent manhood that had taken her to the heights of pleasure. Was it a coincidence, she wondered?

Annie sat up and looked around some more. Perhaps he came here regularly. Was he even watching her now? But the forest was still and nothing stirred except something brightly coloured that she could just glimpse...

Standing up she walked towards it and gasped once more. There on a branch on the other side of the oak was her scarf which she'd been wearing that night. It was looped loosely among the leaves and there'd been no way it could have got there by accident. She hadn't even been near this side of the tree.

As she reached up to retrieve it, the tree seemed to tremble and all the leaves rustled even though the wind had dropped. Annie stood stock still and listened as a tremor moved through the branches and all the birds nearby were silenced. For one unbelievable moment she felt as if the tree itself were trying to communicate with her and she moved to wrap her arms around the trunk which felt warm and smooth beneath her skin. The tears flowed again but this time she felt happier, as if something magical had happened which she couldn't explain.

A week later, Elizabeth sat with her mouth open in amazement as Annie showed her the newly carved wood. It was beautiful, an exact replica of a penis carved lovingly and with the utmost care over several days and nights.

"That is so naughty!" Elizabeth giggled. Then she stopped. "Have you used it yet?"

Annie laughed. "No! Don't worry, you can touch it."

Both girls stroked the magnificent specimen and giggled again. "You just found it, under the tree?"

"Mmm...I mean it's like his..." Annie paused and blushed. "I don't know whether it's sheer coincidence or what, but it's mine and I'm going to use it!" They burst out laughing. "But on a serious note, when I was standing under the tree I had the strangest feeling. I'm not normally given to flights of fancy, but I really felt as if the tree were him. Perhaps I'm going crazy..."

Elizabeth put her arm around her friend and held her tight. "You're not going mad, don't worry. You just miss him that's all."

"I looked up tree spirits, Liz. A lot of it was nonsense, but some of it made complete sense. Perhaps that's what he was, I don't know. All I do know is that I feel as if everything with Dave is behind me now, all the pain from him leaving me has gone and I have this amazing memory, and, of course, this..." Annie looked down at the carving in her hand. "This will help, I know it will. It feels as if this is a gift from him to help me until I find the right person to live the rest of my life with. Do you understand?"

Later that night, Annie opened the window in her room and took out the carving. She was naked and held the wooden object against the soft skin between her breasts. If she looked carefully, in the distance, she could just make out the oak tree, standing in magnificent splendour, head and shoulders above all the others in the wood.

The End

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TelozTelozover 13 years ago
Yet another...

...nugget of gold amongst the dross on this site. True erotica instead of the usual stroke stories.

humminbeanhumminbeanabout 14 years ago

Slow, easy, and really hot. This site needs more writing like yours!

Best wishes in the contest.

JaymalJaymalabout 14 years ago
A roll in the woods

A sensuous, sensual and (literally) earthy tale. Very enjoyable.

PEATBOGPEATBOGabout 14 years ago

Well Jane, you have done it again! A wonderful, sweet, romantic tale and again a successful change of style for you. You are truly a skilful writer and your style, so very, very English. is a delight to read. "Hair the colour of autumn conkers" is an excellent example. However, I doubt that many of your readers know what a conker is! Best of luck in the competition! Looking forward to your next, Pete.

KOTKKOTKabout 14 years ago
One word -- Magnificent.

It was like the title - Magnificent. The story plot, descrpitions were crafted so well. Will there be another chapter? It'll be wonderful to read another chapter. Thanks for sharing.

All the very best for the contest.

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