Meeting Adriana Lima

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Renee meets Adriana at a party.
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Oh man, another one of these damn PR parties. A new club was opening up in New York City and it was my firm's job to help promote it and get all the big celebrities to come out to the opening. Not to say that these parties weren't fun and I loved being able to get into virtually anywhere I wanted, but this had just kind of been a bad month for me. I had been having some money issues, having huge blow-outs with some of my closest friends and I was really feeling lonely. I didn't feel like being out at all, I just wanted to eat a pint of ice cream and sit in front of the television watching some VH1 countdown by myself. I tried to make the best of the night, drank a couple of drinks. Well, several drinks. But I just couldn't get into it. I found a relatively empty room in the VIP section and I sank into a huge loveseat. I sat my cosmopolitan on the table and laid my head back into the chair. I closed my eyes and just tried to relax. A few moments later I was awaken out of my half-consciousness.

"Hello. Renee?" An accented voice said.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see Adriana Lima staring back at me. Her beauty made me so taken aback that it took me a few seconds to respond to her.

"Hi," I barely mouthed.

She smiled and extended her hand, "Hi, I'm Adriana."

"Of course," I said, shaking her hand. "I'm a huge fan of yours."

"Really?" She asked, looking a little puzzled.

"Um," thinking of a way to make it not sound weird that I'm a fan of someone who models lingerie, "well I really like Victoria's Secret. In general. Like, their clothes and stuff." Made that awkward enough.

"Oh, I am glad then," she said. "I saw you come in here and wondered why you sat alone?" Her english was so cute.

"To be honest, I'm just not in very much of a party mood."

"I am sorry to hear that. I wanted to tell you that you threw a very good party."

"Thank you so much, but I really must tell you I didn't do this alone. There were a lot of people who helped me."

"But you planned this? You were in charge, no?" She asked.

"Well, yes, I guess so-"

"So YOU, planned a great party!"

I smiled and said, "thanks." I couldn't stop blushing. Why would this beautiful woman ever pay attention to me?

"I wanted to ask you about your next, um, account. The P. Diddy party, I believe?"

"Oh." And I just found the answer to my question. "Okay."

"Where exactly is it to be held?"

"It's going to be in the Hamptons."

"Oh, I did not know that," she said looking down.

"Is something wrong, Adriana?"

"No. It is just that I have to go to that party, I am obligated, and I do not know anyone who is going. That probably sounds stupid but," she laughed, "to be honest I do not really like parties that much either."

"You don't?

"No. There are so many fake people that you meet in the industry and I am just really sick of the whole thing."

"Yes, I understand."

"Oh no, I am very sorry, I was not referring to you. I- " she paused. "I am sorry, I made a mistake, I did not mean to offend you."

"No, no. You didn't offend me. I know exactly what you mean. I'm a little sick of some facets of this industry myself."

She smiled at me, "Thank you."

"And if you want, I'll be at the party. I don't know how much fun I'll be but, you can hang out with me."

"Yes, I would like that very much."

I talked to Adriana for the rest of the party. I was supposed to mingle and do a lot of other things for the party, but I couldn't leave her. And having her conversation was amazing. We talked about everything – what it was like for me growing up in Manhattan, what it was like for her growing up in Brazil, ex-boyfriends, cool celebrities we had met, bitchy celebrities we had met, everything. We exchanged numbers at the end of the night and continued to talk over the two weeks that led up to Diddy's party. She was on location at various photo and commercial shoots though, so much of our communication happened through text messaging. We would send messages about how our day was going, dumb jokes or just random comments that could be seen as borderline flirting. I wondered so much if she felt the same way I did, I was really starting to like her. I even found myself looking at my cell phone every ten minutes to see if I had gotten a new text from her. She was all I could think about.

By the time the party rolled around I was so excited to see her. I had to get there kind of early to help put on the finishing touches and make sure everything was perfect. Hours later, once the party had already been going for a while, I finally saw Adriana. She walked in wearing a tight mini-skirt, loose tank top and heels that made her nearly 6'0; all in white (it was one of Diddy's white parties). I watched her walk in and was nearly mesmerized by her beauty. Goodness, those legs went on forever. When I snapped back to reality I hurried off to a bathroom to check my make-up and hair and make sure my appearance looked good enough for her. I walked back out and found her. We locked eyes almost instantaneously. We hugged and she told me she had missed me very much.

"I missed you too," I said, smiling. "Um, would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please."

We walked over to the bartender and I ordered our drinks.

"So how were your photo shoots in all those beautiful, exotic locations?" I asked her.

She laughed, "They were okay, I guess. I missed New York though."

"Really? But the weather's been so ugly here lately, you haven't missed anything."

"Well," she paused, "maybe I missed you most of all."

I was shocked she said that. But I laughed and mumbled "Yeah right," as I looked away from her. It was impossible that she was coming on to me. Wasn't it?

We sat together talking for most of the night. Occasionally a guy would come up and ask one of us to dance, sometimes we would accept and sometimes we wouldn't. Whenever I would dance with a guy I would look back at Adriana and she would be staring back at me, watching me dance. I knew what she was thinking, or at least what I hoped she was thinking, so I tried to give her a little show. I used the guy as a prop and danced and grinded on him as sexily as I could. One time I looked back over at her and I could have sworn there was a smile on her face and she licked her lips. I was a little drunk, so I figured it was just my imagination. When I went back to sit down she didn't say anything about my dancing or anything like that, but I could tell her vibe had definitely changed. She was a touching me a lot more, on my knee or my hand or wherever. The look in her eyes was different. She WANTED me. And I say that with no conceitedness, I couldn't believe it either. I had rode to the party with one of my associates, but Adriana said she could take me back in her limo. So her driver began the nearly hour ride back into Manhattan. For a while we sat in silence and looked out of the windows, then she scooted closer to me.

"I am sorry, but I am very tired," she said, as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"It's fine." My heart was racing, I knew she could feel it pounding out of my chest.

She eventually fell asleep and I had to fight the very strong urge I had to kiss her. Her arm was on my leg though, so I held her hand in both of mine and stroked her wrist gently with my thumb. When we were about ten minutes from my apartment she woke up.

"Oh no, how long have I been asleep?" She asked.

"Not that long, only about 30 minutes."

"Oh, I am sorry, that was rude of me."

"No, you were tired. Not rude at all."

She smiled at me, "Thanks."

After a moment I looked at her and asked, "Why don't you smile more?"


"Like right now, you're smiling. You always look angry or pout in your pictures," I said, as I imitated her pout.

She laughed.

"Not saying that the pout isn't great, because it is, but you're really cute when you smile."

"I hate my smile."


"My teeth are," she paused, "I don't know how to say."


"Yes," she said, as she covered her mouth with her hand and looked down.

I pulled her hand down from her mouth and said, "No, your smile is beautiful."

She smiled at me and our eyes met for a long time. Unfortunately we had just arrived at my apartment.

I looked out the window, then back to her. "I guess this is me then."

"Yeah. I will walk you up."


The driver opened the door for us and we walked in. We rode the elevator up to my floor in complete silence. But I could see her glancing at me out of the corner of my eye. We got off the elevator and walked to my apartment. I stuck my key in the door then turned back around to her.

"Would you like to come in?" I said nervously.

She looked almost as shocked and nervous as I did by my question. "I would, but I have to be up very early in the morning."

"Oh okay."

We both looked at the ground for a moment, then she said, "We will see each other soon though, no?"

I smiled and said, "Of course."

She smiled back and said, "Well, have a good night."

"Thank you, you too."

Then she leaned in and pecked me on the lips.

"Bye," she said as she walked away.

I just stood in the doorway stunned, my jaw dropped to the ground. I watched her until she was out of sight, then walked in to my apartment.

That did not just happen. I paced around my apartment in shock for about 10 minutes. Then once I came to the realization that I had just been kissed by Adriana Lima, I became hornier than I've ever been before. I had to do something about it. I went to my bedroom, got a Victoria's Secret catalogue and found a picture of her. I don't mean this in any disrespectful or mean way, but she just had a face that screamed "fuck me!" And if that was what she wanted, I wanted to be the one to give it to her. I laid down on my bed and immediately put my hand down my panties. I found my clit and rubbed it furiously to try and relieve some of the pressure. Our kiss kept playing over and over in my head. I wanted her so bad. I needed her. After a while, my orgasm had built up to such a blinding height that I had to throw the magazine down and close my eyes. I mumbled her name under my breath and moaned for her as if she was there. As I came I pictured her kissing my body all over. I knew it would have to really happen soon. I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later.

The next evening Adriana called me and asked me if I wanted to go to dinner. I told her I was just about to make dinner and she could come join me if she wanted to. She accepted. Shit. I hurried around the apartment to fix everything up and most importantly, make myself presentable. I only had about an hour to get everything done before Adriana got there. I put on a pair of my tightest jeans and a black tank top, and did my make-up and hair in record time. I finished cooking the chicken stir-fry and set everything up on the table. I lit some candles, 2 on the table and several more around the dining and living room, then turned down the lights. I looked around the room and worried that maybe it was too much, so I turned the lights back on, but then it was just too bright and looked bad. I flickered the lights on and off for a few more minutes, then there was a knock at the door. I decided on leaving the lights down and took one last look in the mirror. I opened the door and told Adriana to come in. She looked amazing. She had on very dark jeans, a yellow halter top and her wavy hair draped over shoulders. Once I closed the door she kissed me on both cheeks. She had put both her hands on my face as she kissed my cheeks and when she backed away she let one hand linger a bit longer, then drag it down my neck as she removed it.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"Pretty good, I guess. Can't really complain. How was yours?"

"Mine was good also," she paused, "but I was looking forward to seeing you all day."

I smiled and said, "Yeah, I like hanging out with you too." It was a dumb thing to say, but I wasn't sure of how else to respond to her blatant come-on. "Please, have a seat," I said. Adriana sat down at the table and I went to get some champagne. "Is champagne okay with you?"

"Yes! I love champagne," she said.

I opened the champagne and poured two glasses for us.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome. Do you like stir-fry?" I asked, preparing to spoon some onto her plate.

"Yes, very much. Chicken and beef, yes?"

"Well this one is chicken only. Is that okay?"

"Yes, I enjoy it."

We ate dinner and talked about everything, mostly job stuff. Once we were done I cleared the plates from the table.

"Do you need any help?" She asked.

"No," I said looking back over my shoulder, "I'm good, thanks." I walked into the kitchen and started putting the plates into the sink. "Do you want dessert?" I asked.

"Um..." A few seconds later she appeared in the doorway. "I don't know."

"Well, I have cheesecake and um," I looked in the refrigerator, "I can make brownies if you want them?"

She just stared back at me.

I laughed and walked back over to the sink, "What?"

"I was just thinking about what I wanted for dessert."

"What?" I asked, completely oblivious.

She didn't say anything, but walked over to me and turned me around. She put her hands on the counter, on either side of my waist, and pushed her whole body against me, pinning me back onto the counter. She leaned in and kissed me. Her tongue made its way into my mouth, but I was nearly paralyzed in fear, so I don't think I kissed back very well. She broke the kiss and looked at me puzzled.

"Do you not like me?" She asked.

"No, no, I do. Very much."

"You did not kiss me back."

"I know, I'm sorry. I was just nervous. I've been wanting to kiss you though, for a long time.

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because you're, you know-" She stared blankly at me and shook her head as if she didn't know. "You're you. You're freaking Adriana Lima! This is a lot of pressure, you know. I can't be bad for you. I can't leave you disappointed. I can't-" I continued to nervously ramble.

She put her hand on my face to silent me and said, "Bonita, you are not going to disappoint me. I want to be with you and that is all that matters."

"But why me? You could have anyone you wanted."

"I want you because you are nice and you don't talk to me differently like so many people do, like I am dumb or something. Renee, I want you because you are so incredible and you don't know it yet. I want to prove it to you. And I want you," she paused, "because of your heart. You have a huge heart and that is important to me."

I smiled and looked down. "Wow. Thank you so much."

"You do not need to thank me. It is only the truth."

"One thing though."


"What does 'bonita' mean?"

She smiled and said, "It means 'beautiful' in Portuguese."

I smiled and put my hands on her waist, then I looked at her and said, "You are bonita."

She smiled and shook her head 'no.' Then she leaned in and whispered, "No, você bonita." The last word was almost swallowed by our kiss. This time I gave her all I had and wrapped my arms around her waist as if she could drift away if I didn't.

Adriana broke our kiss again and said, "Can we go to the bed?"

"Yes," I said as I took her hand and led her into my room.

Once we were beside my bed I turned back around to her, put my arms around her shoulders and kissed her again. She moved her hands up from my waist, over my breasts and grazed both of my nipples with her palms, making me moan into her mouth. She brought her hands up to my shoulders and pushed me back onto the bed. With a wicked grin, she began taking off her clothes. First, she pulled her halter top off, she wasn't wearing a bra. Very nice. She took off her shoes, then undid her belt buckle and pulled her jeans and panties down. I sat up on my hands and stared in awe at her beautiful body. She started walking towards the bed and climbing on top of it. I began scooting backwards to give her more room to get on. She started laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"You are running away from me."

I smiled and put my right hand on the back of her head to pull her face closer to mine. "Never," I whispered as I leaned in to kiss her.

I pulled her down on top of me and let my hands roam freely over her back. She started to kiss around my neck and move down towards my shoulder. I knew what she was preparing to do, but I had to have her first, so I rolled her onto her back and said, "You first." I took my jeans and panties off and straddled one of Adriana's legs. She reached her arms up and pulled my shirt off, then I took my bra off and threw it on the ground. I leaned down to suck on her ear and began grinding myself against her leg. She picked up on what I was doing and began doing the same to my leg. I could feel how wet she was and as I stuck my tongue in her ear I could hear her breaths becoming very short and rapid. I put my left hand in her hair and raised my right hand above my head on the bed to grab the bed sheets as we both neared orgasm. We were moaning and at times, almost screaming together. She bit down on my shoulder to try and muffle her screams, but that just sent me over the edge. I screamed "Oh fuck!" and came. A few seconds later she did the same. We just laid there for a while, trying to regain our breath. While she was still recovering, I moved down in between her legs and began licking the cum that had come out of her. She moaned something in Portuguese, then put her hand on the back of my head to try and guide me to where she wanted my mouth to go. I grazed my teeth against her clit and she jumped. I put my arms on her thighs to keep her under control and began licking her clit. I sucked her clit into my mouth, then went back to flicking it with my tongue as fast as I could. Her hips were rapidly moving up and down off of the bed now and I had to use all my strength to keep her under my mouth. She finally came and I continued to suck and eat her out through at least three more orgasms. After that I held her trembling body very close to mine. She was so tiny. Her head was below my chin, so I kissed the top of her head and forehead as she calmed down. She looked up at me and kissed me, tasting herself on my lips. She continued kissing me as she got on top of me.

She licked all-around my lips slowly, then said, "I have to know what you taste like now."

And with that she began kissing all the way down the front of my body. Just like I had imagined it the night before, it was incredible. When she began to suck on my nipples I began bucking involuntarily against her. The lightning that came from her sucking went straight to my clit and it was having a lot of trouble being patient. She kissed down my stomach, then skipped down to my inner thighs and began licking the insides of them. Once she finally made it back up, she stuck her tongue in as far as it could go into my pussy and began moving it in and out very slowly. I rocked my hips back and forth along with her tongue and played with my nipples. She kept moving her tongue in and out and used her nose to stoke my clit. Eventually she removed her tongue and focused all of her attention on my clit. She sucked as hard as she could on my clit and it only took a few seconds for me to cum. She continued sucking my clit and grazing it with her teeth until I had to push her head away. She put her arms around my waist and held me tightly as she spoke to me in Portuguese.

Once I could breath again I said, "I have no idea what you're saying, but it sounds really hot."

She laughed and kissed my forehead. "It does not matter what I said. I can not put into words what tonight was anyway. But I know you feel it too. You already understand my language."

We kissed and fell asleep in each others' arms.

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I rolled over to put my arm around Adriana, but my bed was empty. I shot out of bed, so surprised that she had left. Then I thought maybe she's in the bathroom or somewhere else. I looked all over my apartment and she was gone. It made me really sad that she left, I thought that last night meant more to her. I was walking back to my room when I noticed a note on the TV from Adriana. I quickly opened it and began reading.