Melissa Ch. 01

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A Weekend of Babysitting.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/06/2017
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"Melissa," my mom called from the kitchen.

"Yes," I answered from my bedroom.

"I want to talk to you for a moment,"


"What's wrong?" my mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Even with my scholarship I'll never be able to afford the tuition to..." I began as I plopped on a stool at the island.

I'm eighteen and a week out of high school; all I want is to attend a excellent university, get a degree, and start a life for myself.

"Stop...stop right there," she smiled.

"What, did you win the lottery or something?" I asked.

"No," she laughed.

"Okay...I give, what's so funny?"

"The Downey's are going away for a few days and wanted to know if you wanted to babysit," she told me.

"I don't know if I'm up to babysitting in my depressed state," I sighed.

"They're willing to pay you a thousand dollars from Friday to Sunday night," she happily told me.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked cheerfully.

I just graduated high school.

"They said you did such a great job with their nephew Kyle they wanted to ask you first," she informed me.

"This is a joke, right?"

"They said they wanted someone they could trust and you were that person,"

"Great, when do they want me there?"

"Around five,"


"All right, I'll call them and you pack what you need for Friday,"

"Mom, it's only Tuesday, I have plenty of time to pack,"



Friday rolled around and my mom dropped me off at the Downey's because I couldn't afford a car of my own. My mom kissed me on the cheek and wished me good luck.

I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door.

"Hi Mr Downey,"

"Melissa, come in,"


"Honey, Melissa's here," he called.

"Be right down," she yelled from upstairs.

"Thanks for agreeing to babysit this weekend, we really appreciate it," Mr Downey told me.

"No problem Mr Downey,"

"Hi Melissa," Mrs Downey greeted me with a hug.

"Hi Mrs Downey," I hugged her back.

"Jason's sleeping right now; the baby monitor is on the kitchen island and there's plenty

of milk in the refrigerator," Mrs Downey told me.

"Sounds great,"

"Please help yourself to the kitchen; we don't to come back to a skeleton," Mr Downey joked as we all laughed.

"Oh, one more thing, feel free to sleep in our bedroom; I just changed the sheets today and we're not trying to dirty the other bathrooms until Jason needs his own," she told me.

"Thank you Mrs Downey,"

"No, thank you, it's hard to get away with a little child," she admitted.

"And here, here's a credit card, it's good up to a thousand in case you don't like what we have in the fridge feel free to order something,"


"Are you ready honey?" Mr Downey asked his wife.


"See you in three days Melissa," Mrs Downey said.

"Okay; have fun," I replied.

"Thanks, bye," she said as they left.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, the baby monitor, and turned on a movie in the family room.

Half way through the movie my cell phone buzzed, it was a text from Derrick, my ex-boyfriend.

"Sorry, I need to talk," it read.

"U broke up with me there's nothing to talk about," I texted.

"I'm will never happen again. I was stupid. I miss u!!"

"What happened to Shelly?"

"She's not u!"

"Last time I saw u Shelly was giving u a bj in ur living room,"

"Come on Melissa give me another chance!"

"What to fool around on me?"

"I'm sorry 

"I'm deleting ur number. Bye Derrick!"

That was that; I finally got rid of that two-timing jerk.

"Hey Jason," I sweetly whispered as I picked him up.

"Wah-wah!" the baby cried.

I ran to the kitchen; there was already a pan of water on the stove. They probably kept it there just in time of need like this so I turned on the burner and ran to Jason.

He was wet; I quickly changed him and carried him back to the kitchen with me.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed one of the many bottles of milk and put it into the boiling water than turned it to simmer.

I bounced and swayed him until the milk was ready.

He took the milk, I threw a kitchen towel over my shoulder, and waited for him to finish.

Once done I took him into the family room and put him in his play pen.

This was the norm until my mom called me early Sunday morning with horrible news.

"The Downey's were at dinner and Mrs Downey passed out...Mrs Downey is in a coma that's all I know and Mr Downey is going to stay by her side," she told me.

I was now the permanent live in babysitter; at least until further notice.

My mom offered to help me look after the baby but I declined; all I really needed was another week's worth of clothes.

My mom brought over some clothes I asked for and told me Mrs Downey was diagnosed with a brain tumor and it didn't look like she would survive.

One week went by...then two...then three!

Jason and I spent a lot of time together and seemed to bond.

The forth week was about to pass and Mr Downey finally showed up!

He must have remotely turned off the alarm with his cell phone and went into the baby's room; the baby cried awakening me.

"Mr Downey please...he needs his sleep," I told him as I walked into the room and shooshed him back to sleep.

"Sorry," he said.

"We can talk downstairs," I whispered.

I grabbed the baby monitor and met him downstairs.

"You've done a great job!" he told me in the kitchen.

"Thank you, but how's Mrs Downey?"

"She passed away yesterday morning; I had to make funeral arrangements,"

"I'm so sorry!" I wept.

"It's okay," he told me tearfully.

"Well, I'll stay on as long as you need me to, at least until you get situated," I told him.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow if that's all right with you,"

"Sure Mr Downey,"

"No need for formalities; call me Sean,"

"See you tomorrow," I said as went back to bed.

The next morning I took Jason to the kitchen where we waited for a bottle of warm milk to finish heating.

"Good morning Melissa,"

"Good morning Mr Downey,"

"I'm just a few years older than you, please, call me Sean,"

I hesitated.

"Ms Melissa, how are you this morning?"

"Okay Sean,"

I understood...I hated being called Ms Melisa but calling him Sean seemed a bit to intimate considering I'm just the babysitter.

That's better; it looks like the little one has really attached himself to you,"

"Yeah, we get along pretty good,"

"Mama," the baby said grabbing my noise.

"Sorry..." I began.

"That's quite all right; he hasn't seen his mother for some time," he said.

"I'll fix us breakfast; eggs, bacon, and toast sound okay?"

"Perfect," he said watching Jason as I put him in his high chair.

"How about a full time job watching Jason?" he asked.

"What?" I was shocked.

"Live here; there's plenty of room,"

"I know but..." I began.

"I'll pay for your college; any one you want. I'll stay home to watch Jason when you're in school,"

"I can't..."

"I'll even throw in a salary to boot,"

"Living here..."

"Come on Melissa, you're perfect, the way you protected him last night...and the bond you two share,"

"Mr Downey..."

"It's Sean, I'm only a few years older than you,"

I cracked the eggs pondering his offer.

"Well...I'm going to take a quick shower while you make breakfast and think it over," he said before leaving for a shower.

"What do you think Jason?" I asked peering over at him; he just smiled.

"Mama," he muttered reaching out pinching his fingers together.

I laughed but just a whiff and I knew he needed changing; I changed him and returned him to his high chair before whipping the eggs.

The morning room table was set as Sean returned and I moved Jason over with his high chair.

"It smells delicious,"

"Thanks, but you'll say anything after not eating a real meal in weeks,"

"Possibly, but my guess it tastes as good as it smells,"

"Thanks, is orange juice okay?" I giggled.

"Yes, please,"

"There you are," I said as he sat and I put the glass in front of him.

"Thank you," he said as I poured an orange juice for myself and sat down beside him.

"Have you thought about my offer?"

"I don't know Mr...I mean Sean,"

"Twelve-thousand square feet means there's plenty of room; besides I don't have anyone else,"

"Neither one of you have any parents?"

"Yes, but I would feel more comfortable around someone my own age,"

"I'm not exactly your age but I understand,"

"The funeral is a week from now; at least think about it until then,"

"Okay," I smiled.


We finished eating and took Jason for a stroll; he seemed very talkative and happy for someone just losing a spouse. He may just be happy to be home.

He talked about me staying on again; everything was to stay the same, and he would stay home and watch Jason while I was at school or had a load of homework.

It was the day before the funeral, Thursday, when he arrived home early.

"Sean, come here quick," I blurted with excitement.

"What?" he ran.

"Jason's walking,"

He laughed and raised him above his head.

Jason laughed with excitement.

"Who is it?" I asked Jason while standing next to Sean.

"Dada," Jason giggled.

"Did you teach him that?" Sean chuckled.

"Nope," I giggled.

"Liar," he laughed.

"I helped," I giggled.

We joked around while Jason walked around and fell a few times.

"Friday morning is the funeral; everyone has been invited to come here afterwards. Can you stay at least until Saturday...I mean Jason may need your help... unless,"

"I'll stay,"

"Great, Anne's sister said she could watch Jason..."

"I mean I'll help you raise Jason as long as our relationship stays plutonic,"

"Anything, thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me,"

"You're welcome,"

Friday morning came and so did the caterers; I let them do their thing as I took care of Jason.

Around noon the house filled with a lot of interesting people; grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins, nephews, and friends.

Jason clung onto me for dear life as most everyone wanted a piece of him.

I excused myself from a conversation and went to the kitchen to feed Jason. I opened the fridge and retrieved a bottle of milk.

"What a cutie pie!" a young woman said when I closed the fridge door.

She was beautiful, blonde hair, green eyes, my height, and a tight body; almost my mirror image.

"Yes he is," I replied.

"I'm Samantha,"

"I'm Melissa and this is Jason,"

"Nice to meet you,"


"Are you the live-in babysitter everyone has been talking about?"

"Wow, word gets around fast,"

"Well, it's hard to hide a pretty girl like you from the world,"

"Thank you,"

"Sean's pretty lucky,"

"What do you mean?"

"C'mon, his wife dies and then hooks up with a beautiful girl like you,"

"I'm just the babysitter,"

"Take it from me; you're more than just the babysitter,"

I laughed, "There's nothing going on between Sean and myself, he pays my tuition in exchange for me taking care of Jason and that's all,"

"Well, that's exciting to know...maybe we can get together sometime," she said as she pecked me on the lips before walking away.

"Crazy," I thought. I wasn't afforded the time to think about what just happened so I just fed Jason and changed him.

"Everything okay Melissa?" Jason walked into the room moments later.

"Yeah, he seemed hungry so I fed him and changed him; he's ready to party again.


"Who is Samantha?"

"What?" he asked concentrating on Jason.

"The beautiful blonde hair girl with green eyes; about my size,"

"That's Anne's bro...I mean sister,"

"What did you just say?"


" said it was Anne's brother,"

"I meant sister,"

"But you said brother!"

"She's a transsexual," he leaned and whispered into my ear.


"Is something wrong?"

"No...she just introduced herself; I was just wondering,"

"Okay, is he ready to mingle?"

"I think so,"

We paired together as we mingled with the guests; eventually they all went home and it was the three of us again. Jason started to clean up so I put Jason down and started to help.

"Melissa, please, you do plenty around here, I'll clean up,"

"Don't be silly," I giggled.

We cleaned up quickly and Jason took the trash out to the garage and I put another bag into the kitchen canister.

"You want to kiss Jason goodnight; I think he's done for today," I said when Sean returned from the garage.

"Come on buddy," he said as he took Jason from me and kissed him on the cheek then handed him back to me.

"Time for bed," I said to him sweetly as I turned to take him upstairs.

"I'm going to pour myself a drink would you like one?" he asked.

I laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm eighteen remember; I'm not old enough to drink,"

"I won't tell if you won't,"

"Let me put Jason to bed first then I'll think about it,"

I put Jason to bed and he closed his eyes quickly. Once asleep I went into my room and gave myself the once over. A light touch up and I proceeded back downstairs.

"That was quick," Sean said as I approached.

"Yeah, he was tired," I told him as I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

"You sure you don't want a beer?"

"I'm fine for now,"

"You seemed a little upset about Samantha; what really happened?"

"She kissed me...on my lips,"

"I'll take care of it,"

"No, that's okay, I'm a big girl, and I can handle her,"

"Whatever you want but if you decide..."

"I'll have that drink now."

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