Memories Aren't Forgotten

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Josie is rescued from a stampede by handsome Adam.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/09/2008
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"Well? What about him?" Josephine Parker asked for the tenth time, this time pointing towards a tall lean man with wavy black hair who had just entered Eclectic Soul, the new hot spot in the city.

"What about him? He looks like he just left a spa" Jessie Ryan told her cousin after she barely looked at the guy.

"Really Jess you know why you're still single? You're too picky. Either he's too tall, too short, too thin, too lean, too dark haired, too muscular, too everything! Why not head for the convent now? I'm sure the nuns already waiting for you!" Josephine groaned before taking a bit from her pizza slice, which was heavily topped with pineapple and extra cheese.

"Don't be angry at me for not wanting another guy like Peter who was so self absorbed you'd swear he was the only man capable of procreation alive".

"Not every great looking guy is going to be narcissist like Peter, J .You got to give them a chance to show you that". Danielle Masters said looking at Jessie with her huge brown eyes.

"Danny don't look now, but Kyle just walked in and he's not alone," said Josie. Jessie could see the warning signals going off in Danny's head.

"Play nice you guys. I'm going to the washroom," grinned Jessie as she stood up and straightened her jeans and yellow t-shirt. As she headed for the washroom she could hear Danny exclaim in a voice that had raised several octaves, "Kyle! Is that you?"

Jessie knew exactly what was going to happen. Danny would remind Kyle what a lousy husband he had been to her in their marriage that lasted seven years and what an awful father he was to their six year old daughter Natalie. Then Kyle's date would look at him in disgust and walk away. Ten points for single moms everywhere, zero for deadbeat dads. Why is it men never seem to understand the words forever and cherish?

Accidentally bumping into a couple making out on the dimly lit dance floor, and getting a nasty look from a waiter whose foot she stepped on, she focus on finding her way along the well stocked bar towards the washrooms. Eclectic Soul had been opened for just two weeks and the two nights Jess had been there, it had been packed. Pablo, the owner and a close friend to Jessie, would be pleased.

The bathroom like everywhere else was packed. Squeezing her way to one of the mirrors, she pulled out her lip-gloss and quickly reapplied it. Just then two teenaged girls entered talking excitedly and loudly. They were dressed outrageously. One of the girls' hair was dyed green.

"I'm telling you Sharon when she hit that guy it was priceless. Heard someone say he's her ex-husband. Total creep." the darker of the two with the green hair began.

Sharon continued where her friend left off. Everyone in the washroom was looking at them now.

"That is like totally awful. It's too bad the bouncer decided to throw them out though."

Jessie forgot about her makeup and headed out the door stumbling into the guy who her cousin Josie was checking out earlier. His thick eyelashes blinked rapidly before his dark eyes focused on her. He smiled sheepishly exposing two dimples on either side of his cheeks. His thousand watt dimpled smile made Jessie sudden feel like smiling herself, but she didn't. Instead she scowled as her arm began to throb.

"You hit me pretty hard, miss. Are you okay?" he asked her in an accent she could not place.

"No I'm not okay my arm hurts but I'll live. Excuse me," she said trying to go around his towering frame.

She turned and headed in the opposite direction towards the sound of the music on the dance floor Just as she passed the bar she could see a small crowd gathering ahead of her. Two drunks were punching at each other while everyone cheered on. The bouncer was headed towards them looking angry. Just then someone give a shout. Everyone started running for the exits. Jess found herself being pushed. Before se knew what was happening she was falling. Her head bounced off one of the metal bar stools. As she fell to the floor she could hear screams, shouting and the pounding of feet, then darkness...

Jessica Ryan's parents were to her the best married couple she had ever met. Throughout her entire childhood she had never seen them angry with each other. She could still remember the perfume her mother wore, lilacs. It tore her heart to pieces when she died from breast cancer. The look in her father's eyes was like watching a star go out. He looked like a tired and lost eight year old. That was what is like in the hospital room 14 years ago. Ten months later Brandon Ryan died in a car accident when a drunk driver slammed into him. It was then Jessie went to live with her Aunt and Uncle Flo and Hector Anderson.

A household filled with six rowdy children, three teenagers and three pre teenagers proved to be the best thing for a ten year old girl dealing with the loss of both her parents. Sometimes she spent her days in the Anderson's large backyard and the lake that lay beyond the fifteen acre cattle farm. That lake that seemed to spread on for miles somehow soothed her aching heart. It had reminded her of the days she had spent with her parents at her grandmother's in Arkansas one August vacation. They had laughed and laughed and made plans for the future. Her mother and father were professors at the local high school and were planning to open their own private school. Jessie wanted to be a teacher as well. It was that lake where Jessie learned to swim. She later got a scholarship to study in New York but decided to go to the local university and help her cousin Laura with her son Chad. His father, Laura's first and only love had left when he realized the honeymoon was over and parenthood sometimes had had more downs than ups. Chad had been born seven months premature and was sick most of his early life.

On her final year at university, her uncle Hector died from an accident on the farm. He had been trampled by a herd of stampeding cattle. It was like her parents dying all over again. Jessie remembered after the service aunt Flo told her "their gone and we're not. We got to live for them honey." So that's what she did. She lived.

"Come on Danny it's a great idea .It's time for Jess to stop acting like she's ancient or something. Hell she's younger than both of us. Twenty five is not over the hill. She still has a lot of life left in her," a voice said in a stage whisper.

Jessie awoke groggily. Her mouth felt like cotton and her brain ceased to remember what opening her eyes meant. From the smell of ethanol in the air, she knew she was at the hospital.

"I don't know Josie. Remember what happened the last time we tried to fix her. She turned two shades away from red, all not to mention was angry as hell, like the hulk." Danny said sounding somewhat uncertain.

"It's different this time. She's really down. I mean, just look at her, hell she can't even dress right, that yellow top is so last year. She really needs this and the perfect opportunity has presented itself," Josie pointed out.

There was a long pause, and then a shuffling of feet as someone approached her bed. The bed springs creaked as the person sat.

"She could use some new clothes too and a hair cut maybe. Alright let's do it!" Danny exclaimed at last.

"Whenever you two both agree to do something I get nervous. I start thinking about little mazes with cheese at the end and wire cages," Jessie muttered. Danny jumped from the bed in surprise then sat back down.

You're up. How do you feel?" she asked in an odd voice."

"You know that guy who is always trying to shoot that wabbit? I think he accidentally shot me in the head instead. I can't even open my eyes," Jessie described. "Can I get some water? My mouth is really dry."

"Don't take this the wrong way, workaholic but Dr. Connors said you need to get plenty of rest. You had a concussion, when you hit that barstool."

"Oh. That's why I feel like I've just had brain surgery without anesthesia," Jessie moaned as Danny brought a glass of water to her lips. She took some sips then pulled away.

"What happened at Soul anyway?

"Some fool yelled fire and everyone stampeded. After everyone calmed down and Pablo found out there was no fire he was relived and then pissed off someone would pull a prank like that."

Jessie tried to stifle a yawn.

"I saw that. Get some rest," Danny said sliding off the bed again.

"You don't need to tell me twice. Where did Josie go?" Jessie asked as she rolled over.

"She went outside for a walk," Danny told her. Her voice sounded strange again to Jess as she slipped off to sleep again.

The second time Jessie awoke she opened her eyes to find her god daughter Natalie on her bed. Apparently hospital beds were the perfect place to build forts.

"Hello Natalie where is everyone?" she smiled crawling to the foot of the bed and tickling the child. Natalie laughed herself breathless before answering.

"Mummy went to the cafeteria and Aunt Josie went to visit a friend. Mummy put you're shoes under the bed," the child said climbing off the bed. The blue jumper she was wearing was adorned with bright tropical birds.

Jessie leaned over the side of the bed. Natalie blinked at her from the other end.

"Over there, "she told her pointing. Jessie spotted the blue sneakers just as the hospital door swung open. Two legs clad in faded blue jeans entered. Okay that is definitely not Josie or Danny, she thought as she pulled at her shoes. And the last time she had a check up which was just over two months, Dr. Connors was a little on the pudgy side. She looked up from under the bed. A hand was lazily holding the door knob. The other held her handbag. Wearing that outrageously handsome smile was Spa Guy.

"What are you doing here," she asked foolishly. Obviously he came to return her bag.

I saw when you went down at the restaurant and got to you before the crowd did any serious damage to you. Your friends were already outside. Said the bouncer threw them out." he explained walking into the room.

He smiled again and handed her the bag. Jessie stopped gawking at him and took it.

"Thanks." She said hiding her blush by pretending to rummage through her bag.

"Don't worry. I didn't take anything. I would have left it with your friends but they said you would have liked to thank me personally so here I am."

That's what those two were up to, Jessie thought. Spa Guy kept smiling. It was one of those after photos you saw in the magazines of people who used teeth whitener although Jessie was sure his even white teeth was natural. Natalie broke Spa Guy's intent green stare by shaking his pants leg.

"Excuse me what's you name? I'm Natalie Masters."

I'm Adam He told her. His gaze met Jessie's "Adam Cambridge.

"Jessie Ryan." said Jessie.

"It's a pleasure to have met you both, Adam said.

"Thank you for rescuing me from that mob last night," smiled Jessie.

"Don't mention it." he said slipping his thumbs into his belt loops like cowboys in the westerns her dad and uncle used to watch did. "When a damsel is in distress a guy got to do what he could to save her," he said in a false cowboy accent which failed horribly because of his own accent.

Jessie and Natalie looked at each other and laughed. They were still laughing when Josie and Danny entered. Seeing the three laughing, they looked at each other like two cats that swallowed an entire cage full of canaries. Jessie stopped laughing and to give them an "I'll deal with you two later" look. Josie ignored her and stepped into the room.

"Now aren't you glad you stayed and said hello to Jess, Adam? I told you she was real funny." she smiled. She turned towards Jess and winked.

"Ignore my cousins, Mr. Cambridge heaven knows if I didn't I'd be in a different type of hospital," groaned Jessie.

"That's okay. I have a couple of aunts who express their love exactly the same way," Adam chuckled.

"Love. That's one way to describe their eccentric behavior," she muttered.

"Dr. Connor signed you release papers Jess you can go. Danny asked pushing Jessie foot aside and sitting on the bed. I've noticed you accent Adam. It's very unique. Where are you from?"

"Hey I'm sick you know protested Jessie,"

"Only in your mind Jess now shush. You were saying Adam?"

My father is from Nepal and my mother is from Italy. When they divorced I went to school in Italy and spent the holidays with my dad in Nepal."

"Divorced? You poor dear it must have been hard for you and you siblings," Josie cooed

Actually it's just me. My mom and dad both remarried a so it wasn't really lonely He told her.

"Oh .So you are an only child, like our Jess. I bet you two have a lot in common,"

Danny smiled.

"Yeah," agreed Josie. They both turned to look at Jessie who suddenly wished she had the power to turn invisible.

Were these two mental? Apparently being married had done something to their logical way of thinking. People didn't just "hook up" anymore. There were diseases and weirdoes out there. True Adam was a total babe and that foreign accent was a big bonus but who knew what excess baggage he carried? Kids maybe (men that handsome rarely ever stayed single for long), a string of divorced marriages, police rap sheet as long as both of her arms, a history of violence, maybe had deranged ex fiancée, maybe even formerly a woman? Although she doubted the later (the guy simply looked too hot) one could never know what lay behind that winning smile.

"Okay then I'll see this as my sign to get ready to leave here. Come on Nat let's find my sneaker," she stated climbing from the bed. As soon as she finished putting on her shoe she was getting a cab and putting some distance between her and those three pairs of eyes.

"We should at least offer Adam a lunch date sometime. To say thank you." Danny chided her.

Just then Adam's phone rang. He excused himself and stepped out side.

"Well did we come through for you or what! He's gorgeous isn't he? If I wasn't happily married to Paul I'd go after him," Josie sighed and begun fanning herself.

"Are you nuts? You don't know where or what he's been!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Mummy I have to go to the bathroom." Natalie whispered.

Okay let's go Hon," Danny said holding her daughter's small hand in her larger one. The two walked outside. Josie looked at Jessie.

"Would you stop thinking about Peter and envision that Greek God you've got standing out side your door."

'I'm not thinking about Peter and I don't want to think about Spa Guy. I 'm thinking about how crazy my family is and going home and sleeping." exclaimed Jessie.

"Spa Guy? Who is that? Oh that's what you called Adam when we first saw him at Soul. That is fate Jess," nodded Josie

"Fate since when do you believe in that? You sound like a fortune cookie." scoffed Jessie tugging on her shoes. She grabbed a hair clip from her purse and pulled up her hair. She really needed to cut it. Her bangs had already grown out. She then locked the door and quickly changed into the shirt and pants Josie had brought.

"Jessie, really. Give Adam a chance. I can tell you two will hit it off if you only try." Josie persisted. Jessie looked at her as she opened the door.

"This conversation is over Josie."

She turned around and almost collided with Adam. Again.

"We seem to be doing this a lot," he noted.

"Yeah. I really have to go now. It was nice meeting you Mr. Cambridge," she said breathlessly. She stuck out her hand for him to shake. He took it and pulled her closer to him. Before she could pull away, he kissed her briefly on her cheek. It was so soft she thought she imagined it but she could hear Josie faking a cough behind her.

Keep safe Jess," he whispered before releasing her.

"I try not to go falling into barstools for a while," she said breathlessly. Her heart was beating as though she had run a mile.

"Don't forget we have a lunch date." Josie reminds him as the three of them walked towards the elevator. Natalie and Danny came from the washrooms just them. As they rode the elevator together, Danny exchanged phone numbers with Adam. Jessie wanted to die when her cousins hugged Adam as though he was a long lost relative returning from war before getting into the taxi and going their separate ways.

Fifteen minutes later Josie realized her cousins were looking at her. They were trapped in the afternoon traffic. She looked at them sourly.

"What's the matter? Never saw someone woolgather before?"

"It's not that you're just stroking your cheek," Danny began.

"Where he kissed you," finished Josie in a singsong voice.

"I am not! Leave me alone!" Jessie huffed and looked out the window. Without looking back she knew they were wearing smug expressions.

The sooner she was home the sooner she could get away from her cousins and their plots to get her to go out with devilishly handsome Spa Guy.

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