Mile High Domme

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Mistress helps Randy join Mile High Club.
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Randy wasn't too hot on flying, and this trip was no exception. He hadn't seen his girlfriend Lisa in almost five months, and was ready to make up for lost time. The plane was almost full, and Randy watched out the window, as the baggage cars pulled away from the plane. The sky was almost dark, and Randy settled himself in for the long, cross-country flight. He closed his eyes, and tried to relax, but was disturbed when another passenger took the empty seat next to his.

He smiled and nodded to the woman that sat down. Randy was quiet, but his brain was letting out a long whistle. The woman had short black hair, slightly tanned skin, and was attractive by any standard. She was dressed in a white satin blouse, short black skirt, and shiny black boots. 'Wet Dream' was what Randy and his buddies would have called her. Randy returned to himself, and closed his eyes. He quickly began to doze as the plane waited to leave.

Randy woke slowly, to find someone shaking his arm.

"Hey, You should wake up, or your gonna miss dinner." The voice was saying.

Randy finally woke up, and found that it was the lady next to him, that was shaking his arm.

"I'm sorry, I must have dozed off." Randy told her while stretching.

"Dozed? You slept through the entire takeoff. The stewardess is taking everyone's dinner order. It's a long flight, so I didn't want you to miss dinner. Some of these stewardess won't wake you, and then you end up with some dried up piece of meat, and a warm salad." She told him with a smile.

"Thanks. I've been hungry since I left for the airport, and I didn't have a chance to grab something at the airport." he replied gratefully.

"Well, don't be too happy. Airline food isn't the greatest you know.

"Yeah, but it ranks better than vending machines." Randy laughed.

"I go to college out here, and I have to study a lot to keep my scholarship. I usually miss dinner in the dining hall, and have to eat from the vending machines. Any kind of cooked meal is a treat." he explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my names Randy." he said, finally introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you Randy. My names Christine." she said, amused at how chatty Randy was.

The conversation was stunted once the stewardess served dinner. Christine was right, the dinner was less that spectacular. Randy didn't care much about the dinner, because he was paying more attention to Christine than his food. Randy was finding her very attractive, but tried to keep his interest to only a few side glances. He wanted to resume their conversation after dinner, but was disappointed when Christine pulled a lap-top from her carry on bag. She plugged in a pair of headphones, and began to work while listening to a CD.

Randy began to flip through the magazines that the airline had provided. They were the standard mix of fashion, news, and travel magazines, but he was unable to find anything interesting. Randy decided to go back to sleep, but the screen on Christine's laptop caught his eye. He tilted his head to try and get a better look. The screen was showing a picture of a woman sitting on a mans face, at least that is what it looked like. Before Randy could sneak another peek, the screen changed. The next picture was very clear, and left no doubt in his mind. It was of a woman, wrapping a cord around a restrained mans cock. The woman was smiling cruelly as she wrapped the cord tightly.

Randy's eyes were wide as he looked at the picture. He was unconscious to the fact that he had leaned closer than he expected, and was being watched intently by Christine.

"See something interesting?" Christine asked him after a few seconds.

Randy was knocked back to his senses, and was instantly embarrassed.

" I'm sorry, I was just..." he tried to explain.

"It's no problem." She told him. "These are a few shots from a seminar I attended this week."

"A seminar?" he asked

"It was a seminar for Dommes. There were a lot of demonstrations." she said frankly. "Does that shock you?"

"Well, I've seen stuff on the web, and played a few games, but nothing that serious. It's just talk to someone about it." he tried to explain.

"It's a big part of my life. You could say it's a hobby, but it's a little more than that." she told him.

It was now Christine's turn to be chatty. She explained her thoughts and philosophy on domination. Randy found that he agreed with most of what she said, and was even becoming aroused by the subject.

"I think that everyone has both a dominant and a submissive side. Most people fall on one or the other side of the line, but should try and explore the other side as well." she told him.

"I don't know if I could ever be as submissive as some of the people in stories that I have read. It seems that there is a lot of humiliation in it." Randy said after they had talked for a while.

"But those are stories. Real life is something totally different. Submission means different things to different people." She countered. "Most people that explore their submissive side, find it to be a sensual and lifting experience. When You submit, and give up control, you become free to enjoy. You become free of the burden of responsibility." Christine added.

"Has Your girlfriend ever caught you off guard? Has she ever taken over while having sex?" she asked.

"Oh yeah." he nodded, somewhat embarrassed.

"Wasn't it great?" Christine asked with a sly smile.

Randy had to think for a second, but a smile soon came to his face. "It was great." he said.

"See, it was the lack of control and the lack of responsibility. You didn't think about anything. You didn't plan. You didn't have a goal. She was doing the leading, you were following. Now, lets take it a step further. If she guided you to do things that she enjoyed, and you enjoyed them as well, isn't that all right?" She continued.

"Well yeah." Randy nodded.

"Well there you go. She dominated you, and you submitted. Both of you received pleasure. A true Domme receives pleasure, but does not neglect her submissive. The submissive also receives pleasure." she finished.

Randy had to nod his head and absorb what she had said. She made a lot of sense.

"Was that guy in the picture enjoying being tied like that?" he asked, somewhat skeptical.

Christine smiled. "He came like a river when the lady let him go. I for one know that he is not into pain, so it must have felt pretty good. You just need to have the ability to experiment. If You don't experiment, how will you ever find new ideas." She said.

"Men usually have a hard time. They are raised on preconceived notions, as to what and what isn't masculine. It usually takes a competent woman to show them that there is more to life." Christine said.

"My girlfriend Lisa is pretty plain. I don't think she would get into this kind of stuff. She doesn't really like to even change positions very often." Randy said with a shrug.

"Women usually learn through reading. I'll send a few articles to you through e-mail. That might get her interested." Christine offered.

"That would be great. Maybe she will get interested." Randy replied. "I hope so too. This does seem like pretty interesting stuff."

Christine nodded, and her eyes glanced down at the lump in Randy's pants. She reached over, and laid a hand on his lap, giving his hard cock a squeeze.

"Well, I know of one fellow who finds it interesting." she laughed, causing Randy to flush red with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, it's a natural reaction." she said., then leaned closer to him.

"How about this. When people start to fall asleep, we can slip back to the bathroom. I'll give you a lesson you won't forget." she whispered.

Randy found that he had to force himself to breathe. " bet." He struggled to respond.

Christine and Randy passed the next few hours by looking at photos on her laptop. Randy was amazed by the things that were being done. He was even more surprised to see Christine in a few of the pictures. She was dripping red candle wax onto the nipples of a pretty girl. The girl seemed to be enjoying the wax, and the later pictures of her dripping wet pussy proved it.

It didn't take long for the lights to start dimming, as people settled in to sleep. Christine made a quick glance around, then whispered to Randy. "Give me about 4 minutes, then come to the bathroom. Tap quietly on the door, and I'll let you in. Try to make sure no one sees You." she told him. Randy nodded, and tried not to watch as Christine retrieved her purse, and headed for the bathroom.

The next four minutes seemed like an eternity to Randy. He kept glancing at his watch, and was almost dreading the time to come. When the four minutes was up, he glanced around the cabin, then quietly stood up. He made his way down the aisle like a child sneaking into the kitchen to rob the cookie jar. He was sure that everyone was only pretending to be asleep, and that they all knew what he was up to. Randy made it to the bathroom, his heart beating like a hammer. Luckily, only one bathroom was occupied, and he tapped the door gently. The unoccupied sign slid into view as the door was unlocked, and Randy quickly let himself in.

"I was beginning to think that You might have changed your mind." Christine told him. The room was full with the scent of her perfume, and Randy took a deep breath.

The bathroom was already a close fit and Christine made it closer by pulling Randy to her by the hand. She didn't say a word, but pulled him closer, and pressed her lips tightly to his. Randy was caught off guard, but kissed her back passionately. Christine kissed him strongly, her hands squeezing his back as she thrust her tongue between his lips. Randy almost felt overwhelmed. He had never had a woman make such strong movements. It was if she were demanding a kiss, taking what she wanted. Randy tried to keep up with her movement, but was almost lost as her hot steamy breath filled his nose. He was breathless when she finally broke the kiss, and backed away from him.

"Sit down." she said, pointing to the toilet.

Randy obeyed, and sat down on the toilet.

"Now, I like to be worshiped. All women love to be worshiped. Some like to have their feet or their legs worshiped. I prefer to have a slave worship my pussy and my ass. They are both heavenly as you will see." she said to him.

Christine turned around, leaning on the counter across from the toilet. She slid her skirt up slowly, revealing the twin moons of her ass, and her bare pussy. She arched her back, and thrust backward, bringing her ass mere inches from his face.

"Lick it." was all she told him.

Randy inched forward, and ran his tongue down the cleft of her ass. The scent of her pussy was strong, and Randy gave it a tentative lick. He loved eating pussy, and soon drilled his tongue between her lips, lapping at the sticky cream that he found. Randy sucked on her lips, trying to remember the things that he had read in stories. Her wiggling hips told him that he was on the right track, and he burrowed deeper into her wet slit. Christine began to pump her hips backward, and Randy got the idea. He began to drive his tongue deeper into her, his chin rubbing hard against her clit.

"That's it. Give it to me." Christine coaxed him. "I want to feel that tongue licking deep. I don't want you to miss a drop of my cum."

Randy wasn't used to talking while having sex, and her encouragement was working wonders. He pressed even harder, trying to push his tongue even deep into her slit. Randy's mouth was dripping with her juices, and his nose was filled with the pungent scent of her arousal. It wasn't long before she began to hump back with firmer thrusts. She pressed back so hard, that Randy was forced to press forward, to keep from being dislodged from his seat. Christine began to shudder, and her pussy pressed wetly to Randy's mouth. She barely made a sound as she came, but her hips ground heavily against his face.

"Suck it all. Don't spill anything." she hissed.

Randy kept sucking, drinking down her salty juices as it flowed from her pussy. He kept licking until Christine pulled away, and turned around.

"Now, for lesson number two." Christine said as she placed a foot on the railing of the toilet, bring her pussy back to Randy's face.

"I have pee sometimes when I cum, and I hate to have to run to the bathroom right after a good orgasm. Luckily, we are in a bathroom already, and you're here." she told him.

"Okay, let me get up so you can go." Randy said. He was somewhat disappointed that the fun was going to end because she needed to go to the bathroom.

"No, You stay put." she said, pushing him back down with a quick move of her foot.

"You should be happy to take anything that your Mistress gives you. You will drink my pee, and be thankful for it." Christine told him in a stern voice.

"Hey, wait a minute..." Randy started. He was cut off quickly as she moved her foot to his crotch. She pressed the heel of her boot into his crotch, causing him to squirm in discomfort.

"You will do what I tell You, or You will be punished. You won't like the punishment." she told him, and accented it with a twist of her boot.

Randy knew that he was getting a lot more than he had bargained for, but was trapped. If he made too much noise, they would be discovered. If he didn't do what she said, then he could be in for some major pain. He decided to do what she told him to do.

"Okay." was all that Randy could say.

"Good boy. See, all you have to do is what I tell you. Relax and enjoy." she told him as she wiggled back into position. Christine put her hand on his head, and guided him forward, until his mouth was pressed to her pussy.

"Now, I'm going to start slowly. I don't want You to spill a drop, otherwise you'll end up with wet a wet shirt and pants." she told him.

Randy closed his eyes, and felt her move. He waited nervously as she ran her fingers through his hair. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, and finally calmed down. A few clicks caught his attention, and he opened his eyes. He looked up, to see that Christine was holding a digital camera in her free hand, and must have been taking picture.

"Come on. Don't be afraid. You'll like it." she told him in a soothing voice.

"Are You ready? " she asked.

Randy nodded, and kept his mouth pressed to her pussy. He could feel her stomach move, and then felt a warm trickle flow into his mouth. The trickle quickly stopped, and he tasted his first taste of her pee. It tasted slightly salty, but not bad, and he found it easy to get used to. Randy gave a few licks, and heard the click of the camera again. The next trickle was a little stronger, and he drank it more eagerly. The next spurt was stronger, and turned into a steady stream. The stream wasn't too powerful, and Randy kept up with the flow easily.

"Pull away a bit, I want to see you drink." Christine told him.

Randy was careful and pulled away slightly. He at her pussy, watching the arc of yellow stream into his open mouth. Randy heard the camera click a few more times, then the stream began to weaken. He pressed his mouth to her pussy as to not lose a drop, and licked her deeply when she was done.

"Good boy. You picked that up quickly." she told him, her fingers running through his hair. "Now, you deserve a reward. Besides, I want to get a look at that cock. Stand up, and get those pants off.

Randy stood up, and quickly shucked is pants off. He looked comical as he struggled to get his pants and underwear over his shoes. Christine waited patiently for Randy to finish, and reached into her bag while he was getting ready. When Randy stood up, he was like a kid looking for candy. His cock bobbed stiffly in front of him, as he shifted from one foot to the next.

"Hmm...nice cock. I prefer them in all sizes. They're so much fun to play with." Christine said with a grin. She opened her hand, and let Randy see the black rubber device in her hand. She leaned forward, and slid the rubber device down his cock. Once the rubber band was at the base of his cock, she tightened it. Randy let out a low groan as the band constricted around his cock. He could feel the veins in his cock bulge, and his organ grow thicker. He shivered when Christine wrapped her fist around his shaft, and gave it a few tugs.

"That's real good." she commented.

Christine backed up, and then hopped up onto the counter. She drew her legs up, and spread her legs, her pussy glistening and wet.

"Come on and get it." Christine invited him.

Randy didn't need any more encouragement, and quickly moved to the counter. The counter was low, and he had to bend his legs slightly to get the right angle. Once he found the right height, he pushed forward, his cock slipping almost all the way in.

"Ah ah. Slower. I am not a piece of meat. Take your time." Christine reprimanded him.

Randy tried to slow down, and enjoy the feel of her slick pussy, but found it hard to do. Christine's' pussy was very wet, and her juices leaked out on to the counter. Christine grabbed his hands, and held them on the counter. Randy was forced to use nothing but his hips, and the motion made him wanted to cum even more. Within a few minutes, he was breathing heavily, and sweat poured down his face. "It's your duty and pleasure to please me. I like a nice, slow and steady fuck." Christine told him as she enjoyed his thrusting.

Randy's back was beginning to cramp, as he strained to cum. He tightened his muscles, and deepened his thrusts, but nothing seemed to work. The strap around his cock was keeping him hard as a rock. Christine knew what he was trying, and let him. After another few minutes, Randy began to run out of steam, but desperately tried to keep up the pace. He was almost frantic when Christine pulled him forward, stopping his thrusts.

"That was really good. You need to learn to pace yourself, but not bad." Christine said, then gave him a short kiss. "Okay, back off." she instructed him.

Randy did as she said, and watched as she got down from the counter. "Okay, You get up and sit how I was." she told him, pointing to the counter.

Randy was puzzled, but he complied as she dipped back into her bag. He eyes popped and he almost hopped out the counter when Christine pulled an odd, blue, cock shaped dildo from her purse. She followed it up with what looked like a black leather g-string. The dildo was actually two dildos, each facing away from each other, and connected by a strap of latex. Randy watched as Christine pushed one of the dildos deep into her pussy, and then began to slip on the g-string. The g-string, which Randy now recognized as a harness, hugged her hips perfectly, and held the dildo firmly in front of her.

Christine stroked her fake cock with one hand, and pulled a tube of KY-jelly out of her purse with the other.

"A submissive has to know how to accept the cock of a Mistress. My cock is a symbol of my power over you. It is a natural part of me." Christine told him as she opened the tube of KY. She squirted some of the lubricant on her fingers, and began to wipe them around Randy's exposed ass hole.

"Look, I haven't ever did anything like this..." Randy began, but his voice trailed off as Christine slipped a finger deep into his ass. "There's a first time for everything, and I'm gonna be your first." she said.

Randy bit his lip to keep from making any noise, as Christine spread the slick lube into his ass. His hips jerked involuntarily when she rubbed his prostate, causing waves of sensations to flood through him. Randy began to slowly relax, and as he did, Christine slipped more fingers into him. She soon had three fingers slipping deep into his ass, and Randy was humping against her hand.

" like that don't you?" Christine crooned.

"Yes..." Randy finally managed to say.