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Alice joins Ben and Sarah.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/06/2024
Created 07/31/2013
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It's been a while since the previous part, and for that, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better next time. Yes, there's more to come.


After Carol and the twins left, Ben and I took things easy. Both of us needed the rest! We did manage to make love later, but it was slow and easy, and we drifted off to contented sleep. Next morning, Monday, we both had to be dressed and out. Me to work, Ben to see when Jerry Dean needed him to work that week. Jerry was interviewing candidates for the vacant sales position that Ben was covering for him, but as Ben had said, 'I told Jerry I'd cover for him for the summer recess if he needed me. I could use the pay, to be honest.'

"If Jerry needs you today, ring me at work to let me know, otherwise I'll get dinner ready for six-thirty. Okay? And any spare moments you have, think about what you and I can do to help Alice out."

He grinned. "Will do, Mom. She's coming round Friday afternoon, right?"

"Yep. I told her not to bring her swimsuit," I said, fighting a giggle.

"Of course not!" said Ben, and he was fighting his own laugh.

"If you're working Friday, you'll probably find us in the pool when you get home. If we're not there, and we're not in the sitting room, check the bedroom, because we might be playing. Not with the double-ender, because Carol has that, but I have other toys, remember?"

"Of course. It would be nice to see her playing with Ben II."

"Good idea, I'll suggest it."

He grinned. "Video would be good."

"We don't have a video camera, remember?" At least, not yet, we don't.

Ben nodded. "I know, but you do have a web-cam, and it will work fine with some of the video-recording programs. We both use Linux, so there are free options. I'll have a word with Jerry and Danny and see what they recommend, then set it up for you, if you like? And no, I won't tell them why!" He grinned. "Although it would be interesting to see their faces."

"Yeah, right. Okay, hon, ready to roll?"

"Sure thing, Mom. Let's go."

It turned out that Jerry wanted Ben effectively full time for the next two weeks, and then only Tuesday and Wednesday each week until he went back to college.

"It suits me, Mom. I can put a few dollars aside for when I'm back at college that way, and it still leaves us plenty of time to play."

"It does, yes. I have some vacation time coming up soon, too, so more time for us to play during the day as well."

"You're not planning on going away anywhere?" Ben sounded surprised.

I shrugged. "Not that bothered, to be honest." I took his hand. "For now, though, how about bed?"

He laughed. "Well, it is almost nine."

We managed to make love pretty much every night, sometimes twice, and sometimes managed a morning session as well, but on Friday, when Ben turned to me with the now familiar 'let's fuck!' expression on his face, I stopped him.

"Not this morning, sweetie. Remember, Alice will be here this afternoon, and I want you fresh and raring to go for her."

"Okay, but can we shower together?"

"Of course. Come on, let's get started! We might not fuck until this evening, but I do like to feel your hands on me." Oh, yes! Ben has lovely, talented hands.

Work was quiet, and at noon I bade goodbye to Liz and Jan and headed off for my usual Friday lunch with Carol.

"Hi, sis," she said, waiting at our regular meeting point. "Do you want lunch, or just a coffee-to-go and a Danish, and then just gossip and talk dirty in the park?" She grinned, and waited expectantly.

I laughed. "The park, I think. Ben and I have Alice coming this afternoon, and you might have some ideas for us. Dirty talk might help with that."

"Whoa, sis! I've seen you two in action, and you don't need any ideas from me."

"Yeah, okay, but I have to say, I got some of those ideas from you!"

"Well, I am your big sister. I'm supposed to set an example to you."

"Like you fucking your son first, and telling me about it?"

Carol laughed. "Probably not the best example I could set, but we both seem to be enjoying the outcome."

"For the moment, yes, but what happens if Ben and Tony meet girls they want to hook up with, maybe marry?"

"We'll face that hurdle when we come to it. For the moment, enjoy! Talking of which, any good tales for your sister?"

We soon had the coffee and Danish - two each, talking is hungry-making! Then we sat and gossiped and giggled for a while, Carol amusing me with her antics with the double-ender and Tina - and Tony, of course - but at one it was time for her to go back to work, and for me to head home to prepare for my visitor's arrival.

Alice was prompt. I'd suggested two-thirty, and it was only a minute or two after that when I heard the doorbell ring. After I got home from work I'd changed into my now favorite outfit of summer dress and no underwear, and that was how I greeted Alice. I was a little surprised when I opened the door.

"No car?" I said, ushering her in.

Alice laughed. "No, I came by cab. That yellow minivan of mine is just a little too recognizable, so I thought I'd be discreet." She brandished a carry-all. "Change of clothes, just in case. Not a lot, because I hope to be naked most of the time."

I laughed. "That's the plan, yes, but before we start playing, how long can you stay?"

She made a face. "Tonight, obviously, and most of tomorrow. I'm expecting the twins to phone me tomorrow evening, but I told them I would be away from the house until at least six o'clock Saturday evening. Of course, what I should have done was tell them to ring my cell, then it wouldn't matter where I am."

"True, but never mind, we can have a lot of fun before then!"

"Yeah!" Her grin was almost feral.

I laughed. "Come on, I'll show you to the guest room, although I'm hoping you'll be sleeping with me and Ben, so it's just somewhere to stow your things."

"That's what I'm hoping as well," she said, as she followed me along the hallway and up the staircase, "although I'm planning on staying awake until I'm exhausted. At least, that's what I'm hoping." She gave me a wink and a wry smile. "It's been too long since I had a real, live cock in my pussy, attached to a man who knows how to use it!"

"Well, I can promise you this. Ben certainly knows how to use his!"

"I know! Remember, I watched him fuck Jenny."

"So you did. This time, I'm planning to watch him fuck you, Alice, and maybe lend a hand where it's needed, so start anticipating, because he'll be home around six. I'm doing a ham salad this evening, so there'll be time for a nice, leisurely fuck before dinner, and plenty of time after. Okay, here we are. I only dressed to open the door when you got here, so if you want to start your being naked time, feel free. We can have a swim, or talk a while, or both. We have plenty of time to make some plans, but while I remember, do you have any ideas for when Ben is temporarily unable to get it up?"

"What sort of ideas?" she said, but I could see she was trying not to grin.

"Just ideas about what we girls do without a real erection to play with, that sort." I gestured in the general direction of my bedroom. "I have a strap-on and two dildos. There's usually a double-ender available, too, but Carol borrowed it."

She let the grin out, threw her carry-all on the bed, and put her hands on my shoulders, gazing into my eyes. "Any objection to girl-on-girl?" she said, her voice soft, warm.

I let my grin answer hers, and drew her into my arms, angling my head for her kiss. "Absolutely none," I murmured, as our lips met.

The kiss was long, warm, a promise, and I was reluctant for it to end, but I'd had an idea, so I eased myself away from Alice.

"Something wrong?" she said, looking a little anxious.

"Absolutely not," I said, hugging her, "I just had an idea, and there's something I want to show you."

"Like what?" she said, her smile returning.

"Come on, it's in my office."

"Your office? Now you have me really curious."

In the office I pointed. "See that? It's a web-cam, and this," I said, holding it out to her, "is the remote control for the web-cam. Take this, and take a seat on the couch while I switch on, and I'll show you how it works."

Curious, interested, Alice did as I asked, and handed me the remote as I sat down beside her. I pulled the hem of my dress up as I sat, baring my thighs a little, and used the remote to settle the camera onto us on the couch, keeping it zoomed out so that all of us except our feet showed on the screen. I turned to Alice, gesturing towards the screen.

"Keep watching," I said, as I zoomed slowly in, centering the view on myself, lowering the angle as I spread my legs and zoomed in on my pussy, filling the screen. Looks like I'm pretty wet, I thought. I turned to Alice, who grinned at me.

"Fucking marvelous! Did you use this to tease Ben?"

"I certainly did. First time he ever saw me naked in real time as opposed to a photo, and first time he ever watched me use a dildo on myself." I grinned. "He recorded it, too, so you can watch it later if you like."

"I like!"

"Okay, but later. The reason I showed you is that Ben set it up so that I can record from the web-cam onto the hard drive, so how do you feel about making a little girl-on-girl video for Ben to watch later?"

"Yes! Oh, fuck, yes! Any ideas on what to do?"

"I do, actually. I have a strap-on tucked away in my closet. I thought we might play with that, so how about it?"

"Sounds like a plan, girlfriend."

"Okay, so decision time - do you want to be the fucker, or the fucked?"

She giggled. "Sheesh, what a decision to have to make. Hmm, the fucked, I think, then I can close my eyes and pretend it's one of the boys fucking me." She laughed. "If we have time, we can make me the fucker, and you the fucked."

"Still no progress on the twins front?"

Alice sighed. "No, none. I caught Alan trying to watch me undress only last week. I told him off, of course, but my heart wasn't really in it. Do you have any ideas?"

"A couple, yes, but we need the horny son viewpoint as well, so wait until Ben's home. Now, though, let's make a video, eh?"

"Definitely. Any thoughts on plot? Or are we cutting straight to the chase?"

"I'll get the strap-on and sort of hide it beside the couch. We'll set the camera for the wide view, to save having to adjust it, then we come into view, sit on the couch, and start making out like a couple of teenagers. Then I have the great idea, and get the strap-on out of the bag and show you. Next thing, we undress each other, that's if we're still wearing anything, and you help me fit the strap-on onto myself. Then you kneel on the couch and I take you from behind. How does that appeal?"

Alice grinned. "Very much, especially the 'from behind' bit. I love sex doggy-style."

"So do I, and so does Ben, so something to look forward to later. But now?"

"Now, we play with the strap-on, so get it!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

We had fun. We started with the two of us coming in and sitting on the couch, just talking, then I put my finger over Alice's lips to stop her, and drew her into a kiss, playing with her breasts with my free hand, and her returning the favor in very short order. Alice was wearing a dress like my own, but in her case panties, too, and we soon had both dresses open so that we could kiss and suck each other's nipples, and do some friendly titty groping. Then I made with the 'oh! I've had an idea look', and retrieved the strap-on from its 'hiding' place, showing it to Alice. She nodded vigorously and we helped each other take off the little clothing we were wearing.

I was about to insert the 'driver's' cock-part into my pussy, when Alice held up her hand to stop me. Next thing I knew, she was on her knees and her mouth was on my pussy. I think if I'd let her, she'd have brought me to orgasm very quickly, but her thinking was to get me wet enough to let me insert the faux cock easily, and easily inserted it duly was, giving me a nice full feeling. I quickly fastened the harness straps, and stood, gesturing to my 'erection', miming a 'turn round' signal to Alice. She nodded, and quickly knelt on the couch, facing away from me. I sneaked a quick glance at the monitor. Center stage!

Alice let out a low, soft moan as the strap-on cock went into her pussy. She smiled back at me over her shoulder. "Gods, Sarah, that feels fucking great, even if it isn't real. Better than my dildo, but maybe that's because it's you controlling it."

I smiled down at her, beginning a smooth to-and-fro hip action, hearing the faux cock begin to swish in Alice's free-flowing juices. "Well, I have two dildos, so if you want to play 'you do me and I'll do you' once we've finished with the strap-on, just say the word, but for the moment, let me see if I can bring you to climax with this thing, okay?"

"Very okay. We can always play with the dildos later while Ben's resting, can't we?"

"We certainly can, but for the moment, let me concentrate on you."

"Yes, please!"

I'm not altogether sure that my first time using the strap-on was an unqualified success, but Alice had a very nice orgasm, aided a little by her own fingers. I eased the cock out of her and unfastened the harness, easing the other phallus out of my pussy. Alice grinned, and before I realized what she was doing, busied herself with licking my juices off it. Hey, good idea, so I began to lick her juices off the other cock. Tasty pussy, Alice, sweet and salty.

Eventually, we stopped and collapsed in each other's arms, giggling like fools.

"That was fun," Alice declared, "but not nearly as good as a proper cock with a warm man on the other end."

"Well, I've never been on the receiving end yet, but I think you're very probably right. Maybe later, we can try it the other way." I grinned. "Floor show for Ben, perhaps."

"Sounds good to me." Alice cocked her head. "You said you had a video to show me?"

"I do, yes, but first let's make sure we recorded this properly, eh?"

"Oh, yes!"

We sat on the couch together to watch ourselves playing with the strap-on. I have to say, for a first time try it looked pretty good, and Alice thoroughly enjoyed watching my striptease for Ben, and me using Ben II. Which, of course, reminded me.

"The dildo I was using on the video?"

Alice arched her brow. "What about it?"

"That's the one Ben had custom made, as near as possible to the shape and size of the real thing."

"Oh, wow!"

"Yeah. Well Ben said to me only this morning that he'd love to see you using it, so shall I fetch it and we'll record another little opus for Ben?"

"Fuck, yes!" Alice paused. "Maybe the twins might see it, one day, huh?"

"Maybe one day soon, if things work out."

"It's a big if. It's wrong for a mother to want to fuck her son, we both know that, yet you already have and I want to, very much."

I hugged her. "We'll see if we can't sort something out. Remember, Ben was twenty-one before I found out he wanted me, so you have a little time yet. But for now, back in a moment."

It took only seconds for me to fetch Ben II and I handed it - him? - to Alice. She took it from me and examined it, then grinned at me."Same size and shape, huh?"

I returned her grin. "Pretty much, yeah. Maybe a millimeter or two difference, no more."

"And Ben would like to see me using it?"

"He certainly would."

"Then he shall! First though, I need to wipe myself off a little."

"I have tissues in the desk drawer, so just a moment." Two minutes later, excess juices safely wiped off, Alice settled herself on the couch and I pulled my desk chair out of camera range, remote in hand. "Ready?"

Alice paused a moment, then shook her head. "No. I think Ben should see me strip, before I use Ben II." She grinned. "I have a half-cup bra and a thong in my bag, plus a rather short dress I brought along specially for something like this."

I laughed. "Good thinking. You go and dress, and I'll take the strap-on and wash it. See you back here in a couple of minutes."

It was nearer five minutes, but as I went back into my office I stopped dead, then wolf-whistled. Alice grinned and did a twirl. Her dress was certainly short, finishing mid-thigh on her long legs. Green, black and gold, strapless, with a vee-plunge neckline that almost showed her all. I reckoned that only a half-cup would work with the dress, any ordinary bra would show something, even if it was only the lace edging.

"You think Ben will like this?" said Alice.

"If he doesn't, he's not the man I know he is." I paused, thinking. "I've had an idea. Wait here, don't take anything off. I'll be about two minutes, okay?"

Alice smiled, slightly bemused. "Okay, but don't be long, because I want Ben II inside me real soon."

"I'll be right back." In my bedroom, I quickly donned the sin-red bra and minimal panties I'd bought for my web-cam session with Ben, then slid on my 'fuck-me' dress, twisted my hair into a knot and held it with a comb, then went back to the office where Alice was waiting. She was playing with the remote control and looked up as I went back in, silently, as we were both still barefoot.

"Oh, wow, look at you! What's the idea, a double strip for Ben?"

"Sort of, but we undress each other, then both of us play with dildos. You use Ben II, and I'll use my spare. Sound good?"

She grinned, wide, happy. "Sounds great. Now?"

"Yes, now. So, are you ready?"

"Sarah, for anything to do with sex I'm always ready!"

"Okay, then. Stand over by the couch and I'll line up the camera, then it's 'Action'."

Aligning the camera took only a moment, and I went across to Alice, taking her into my arms. Her smile broadened as she lifted her lips to mine. The kiss was hot, demanding, promising, and I could feel Alice's hands on my butt. They felt good! I broke the kiss, eased back, and lifted my hands to Alice's tits, squeezing gently.

"Your dress first," I said, "then mine, then bra and panties. We'll alternate, give Ben maximum viewing pleasure, okay?"


I turned her away from me and eased down her zip, then pushed the sides of her dress forwards, so that the dress slid down her body to the floor, my hands moving to cup her breasts. They felt good! She turned back to me, and took me by the shoulders, turning me in my turn so that my back was to her. I felt her fingers on my zip, then she eased the dress off my shoulders and I eased away from her a little to let the dress crash soundlessly to the floor. As it fell I turned back towards Alice and leaned into her kiss. Breaking the kiss, I murmured, "your bra? Front fastening or back? Mine is back, I'm afraid. Front would have been better for this."

Alice grinned. "Mine is front, so let's see if we can do this together."

"Okay, let's do it!"

I'm slightly taller than Alice so my arms went over hers to the fastening of her bra, while hers moved under mine and around me to my back, and in moments both bras were undone; we slid them off each other's shoulders, let them fall, then moved into another kiss, Alice's hands cupping my bare breasts even as my own hands cupped hers. As we broke the kiss I went to my knees and reached up to Alice's waistband, tugging her thong down and sliding it down her long legs, then leaning forward to lay a quick kiss and lick on her pussy. Delicious!

I felt her hands on my arms, urging me up and I stood, but she moved me back to the couch and pulled gently down on my waistband, until my thong slid off and down my legs, and then pushed me back until the edge of the couch hit the back of my knees, and I sat. It was that or fall! Alice smiled up at me as she went to her knees, pushing my legs apart.

"I've never done this properly before, not to climax, but I've always wanted to," she said softly, and blew me a kiss before her head went down and I felt the exquisite sensation of a tongue laving my pussy. I couldn't help it, I shivered in pleasure, and caught a glimpse of us on the monitor. I put my hand on her head.