Mistress Cadaver

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A magician's real work is a far cry from her day-job.
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Author's Notes: This was written for a Halloween challenge on another site. The full title is below, since it couldn't fit into the subject line.

Summary: A magician's real work is a far cry from her day-job.

Warnings: Halloween themes [magic, demonic elements] [dickgirl/female]

© 2009 eliseolisbos | All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are underage or are offended by the contents.


"And now," Avra Cadaver announced, her dark eyes alight as she took one of the swords from the wooden case held by her assistant, "for my final trick. It's always the custom to put a sword through the assistant, am I right, Elliot?"

"Quite right," Elliot said evenly and the crowd in the large, darkened room murmured in amusement. Avra continued to smile, taking a piece of yellowed paper from the stool to her right and cutting through it easily with the black blade of her sword, demonstrating its sharpness.

She let the two halves of the paper fall to the polished floor of the stage and then plunged the lethal blade right into the exposed skin of her midriff. The audience gasped and one woman in the front actually emitted a muffled shriek, like a frightened mouse.

"I'm awfully glad that wasn't me," Elliot said on cue, with the proper level of wryness to his tone. As expected, the crowd laughed, albeit a bit nervously.

"I like you," Avra replied and casually took another sword, sliding this one into her left side. "It would be a pity to slice you to pieces, right?"

"That would be a travesty," Elliot agreed as a third sword pierced the magician, "because I must confess that I like me, too."

Their careless banter continued until the magician had five swords running right through her body. Elliot withdrew a massive roll of black cloth from the case and held it out so that it concealed Avra's curvy frame from sight for just a few moments; when he removed it, folding the cloth quickly, all the swords were gone and Avra was tossing her dark curly hair over her shoulders, opening her arms to reveal the unblemished pale skin of her stomach, welcoming the applause of the audience with a bright grin. The cheering grew when Elliot unfolded the cloth again, taking out each of the missing swords one by one.

As she grinned and bowed to the crowd, motioning to her patient assistant ever so often, Avra saw a shadow move in the corner of her eye, lurking in the wings. Stifling a sigh, she twirled her wrist gallantly and bowed again.


"How do you feel?" Elliot asked as he followed Avra backstage; a few people were waiting for her autograph and she signed the glossy photos of herself before sailing into her dressing room. "Avra," Elliot continued very seriously, his eyes concerned behind his wire-rimmed glasses as he closed the door. "I asked you a question."

"I'm fine, Elly," she answered, knowing very well that he hated that nickname. "Just fine!"

The silence that followed this declaration spoke disbelieving volumes and Avra wrinkled her nose, shrugging out of the high-collared coat that was part of her on-stage costume. Elliot's capable hands took it from her in a moment, folding it and placing it in the sturdy clothes'-chest. She looked in his deceptively youthful face and smiled a little.

"That last one always takes a bit out of me," she finally admitted. "I'm a little drained now, but I'll be alright in a minute. Happy now?"

"Ecstatic," Elliot muttered and then turned towards the door, smoothing down the collar of his dark suit. "So I can go arrange packing up everything without worrying about you collapsing on the floor in here?"

Avra waved him away, unzipping the front of her black corset-like top and sighing in relief as the large swell of her breasts were free from their confinement. "Begone, annoying person."

"I love you too," Elliot muttered, but Avra had known him for too long; his acerbic tone was just a kind of shield. He exited, successfully thwarting other fans that were idling behind the door. Avra stared at the key fixedly for a few moments; it turned by itself, locking her inside.

"You can come out now, Umbra." Avra settled into the plush armchair and let her gaze flicker from corner to corner, watching the shadows. One of them simply detached itself from the wall, the shimmering darkness coalescing into a slender female form. Large white eyes blinked open in the face-area of the hovering silhouette, regarding Avra with cool humour.

"Avra," the hovering shadow said in a wispy voice as it drifted near her. "I have a job for you."

"It's Halloween," Avra said firmly. "It's my off-night, you know that. Every other day in the year is open, not this night."

"You did indeed inform me of that." Umbra tilted her head; her features became more defined, revealing a pixie-like face and full lips. Above her wide brow, her pitch-black hair waved lazily, as if she was underwater. "Nevertheless, this is a very important job."

"It can wait until tomorrow. You can get Pietro to do it, or Samara. Besides, you know Elly will be pissed off if we work tonight."

There was a raspy sound, like dry leaves over gravel: Umbra was laughing. "Elliot. He is one of my favourite guardians, you know."

"You like him only because he can't stand to see you. Now, if you don't mind--"

"I'm afraid I have to call in one of your debts to me, then." Umbra's tone was silky. "This job is simply too significant. It must be done and done by you."

Avra inhaled heavily and then blew out through pursed lips. As annoying as Umbra could be, she had never pulled something like this before. The situation must be truly one of great concern to the powers that be.

"You know I can't refuse you, Umbra," she finally said softly. "I'll do the job."

"Thank you." Umbra's voice had lost its teasing lilt; a tarot card appeared in front of her black, flickering form and floated over to Avra. It landed in her lap and she stared at it: it was Judgement. "The information you need is written on the back of that. Goodbye... and good luck."

Umbra's white eyes remained fixed on Avra's face even as the rest of her body began to fade, Cheshire-like. They blinked once and then were gone.


Elliot grumbled as they drove to the location written on the back of the tarot card.

"I wish I had been there. I would have snapped that damned shadow's neck and sent her packing," he swore and then glared at Avra as she laughed. "Don't laugh."

"Sorry, sorry." Avra grinned unrepentantly at her guardian and friend, shifting in the passenger seat as Elliot turned a very sharp corner. "So... when are you going to get over your attraction to a shadow-messenger?"

"Guardians and shadows do not mix," Elliot told her in an icy voice, but there was a slight flush creeping up his narrow face. Even his pointed nose went pink. "And Umbra is the worst shadow of all. Very bossy, that one."

"She says you're her favourite," Avra teased and Elliot snorted in disbelief. She ribbed him for a few more minutes, trying to take her mind off what might happen on this case. It was fairly late, so all the little trick-or-treaters were probably at home stuffing themselves with candy, but a quite a few adults were roaming about in costumes, playfully making faces or shaking their props at the sleek black car as it slid past them. Avra let Elliot off the hook for the moment and turned to stare out her tinted window at the carved pumpkins and hanging skeletons that decorated the small porches. In about ten minutes, they began to make their way through a much older neighbourhood. Most of the houses here were run-down or closed up completely, and their blank windows were more unsettling than the seasonal decorations.

"I hope that--" Avra stopped abruptly, her eyes widening. Elliot spared her a sharp glance.

"You hope what?"

"Stop the car." Avra shivered, pulling her cloak tightly around her shoulders. "We're here."

Elliot still inspected the tarot card after he parked at a lonely intersection, just to make sure. However, Avra could feel the waves of malevolent force emanating from the small house sitting on the dark corner, almost completely hidden by a tangle of overgrown brush. This was the place; no mistaking it.

"Why is it always the houses with the yards that look like scary forests?" Elliot complained, stepping out of the driver's side and fixing his cool grey gaze on the house. He looked around the rest of the houses in distaste. "The rest of the neighbourhood isn't exactly the epitome of cheer, either."

Avra smiled, but it was without humour as she stood on the front-walk that led from the curb. The concrete of the walk was pitted and broken, and the tiny porch it led to had a drift of dry leaves at least a half a foot deep. They rustled as Avra observed them, even though there was presently no wind to stir them around.

"Maybe we really should have asked Samara to come along." Elliot stood beside her with his arms folded over his chest.

Avra shook her head. "I can take care of this myself." She hesitated before continuing: "You mustn't come inside with me, Elly."

Elliot was incredulously outraged, of course, and not just due to the loathed nickname. "Have you been at the rum bottle again?! Obviously you've forgotten the last you went somewhere by yourself. It was a disaster and that bloody Umbra kept insinuating that it was my fault for not being a better guardian. I had to give her a right piece of my mind, so if you've finished speaking in complete crazy, then we can get ourselves inside that fuckin' rubbish heap and have this job done with in time for suppe--"

"Elliot." Avra put her hand on his arm, cutting off his rant effectively with the use of his proper name. Besides, the more he went on, the deeper his accent would get, to the point where Avra would be barely able to comprehend one word out of ten; they didn't have time to get through one of Elliot's hissy fits tonight. "I don't think you'll be able to manage in there. Not tonight. And I need you out here to help me when I get back out." Her mouth twisted. "If I get out."

She turned and walked quickly up the walk, leaving Elliot to stare at her back. She kicked away some of the leaves with her booted feet, so that she could stand in front of the arched door without hindrance. Looking over her shoulder, she dropped a wink.

Elliot frowned in response. "Just don't die," he warned and climbed into the car once more; when she had bought this '67 Mustang, Avra had written hundreds of protective symbols on the body of car before having it sprayed with that shiny black finish. Now the Ford was a fortress against most malignant attempts to harm its passengers, although a particularly strong demon or ghost might test its shields sorely.

Satisfied that he was safe for now, Avra returned her focus to the door. There were many ways to force open the door of what was obviously a possessed house: forcing her way in with a blasting spell or tricking the key with a charm. What would her faithful fans say if they knew that the magic tricks in her show were not really tricks at all? It would probably be Salem all over again, maybe with more 'government intervention', as Pietro sourly put it.

Avra put these thoughts away and wrinkled her nose. The best way to gain access was always was the easiest.

She knocked.


The door immediately creaked open, revealing nothing but darkness inside. Avra stood on the threshold, waiting for anything to jump out at her.

"Cat's Eye," she finally muttered under her breath, and felt her eyes change from a round pupil to a vertical slit. Instantly, the darkened entry brightened thanks to her adjusted vision and she could make out walls with peeling wallpaper. Some of the leaves rasped in along the floor and when Avra stepped in fully, the door closed behind her. It didn't slam... there was just a very deliberate click as it shut.

Avra silently made her way to the kitchen, which might have been a bright and happy room very long ago. It was large, with tall windows and a counter that invited chatting over quick meals. Now, the windows were blocked with the invasive leaves and branches. Avra doubted that sunlight would ever properly enter this space again, even in the middle of the day.

Avra turned her head slightly at the muffled noise that came from what appeared to be the basement door; she walked towards it, noting the disturbed dust and an abandoned cell-phone resting on the surface of the counter beside empty bottles of beer. The case of the cell-phone was jewelled, the tiny pink stones glinting dully in the gloom as Avra made her way past it. The phone itself looked like one of those expensive types that Avra hated, because they seemed to be gadgets designed to overtake one's life completely. Elliot always said she just pretended to be a Luddite, but she actually didn't like being tied down to a phone-plan.

It wasn't too hard to figure out what had transpired here: Halloween, a group of teenaged girls and a drunken romp with supernatural forces. Pietro always complained about the penchant of teenagers to play around with Ouija boards and other focusing implements. They would unwittingly invite spirits to enter the living world, entities that were stronger than ever on a day where the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. Beltaine was a tricky season as well, but Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, had the darker forces involved. Avra scowled as she pressed her hand to the basement door; Samara and Pietro were the experts at this, why the hell did Umbra throw this one on her? As soon as she got back, she'd set Elliot on that tricky shadow. That would teach her.

The door was hot beneath her palm. This one wouldn't respond to a simple knock and Avra put her finger to the keyhole, concentrating on getting the tumblers to lift and turn. There was a surprising struggle and a sheen of sweat adorned her forehead when she finally got it to comply. Even her palm was damp as she grasped the round handle and pulled the door open. She could see rickety stairs leading down, turning at a landing halfway. A pale red light was dancing on the walls that Avra could see and she cancelled the Cat's Eye spell.

Her sweat, however, became cold on her skin as a playful voice called up from the depths of the basement.

"Come down, Avra Cadaver! I haven't seen you in ages."

Avra blinked at the sultry tone; it licked over her skin like soft velvet. She had been right to make Elliot remain outside, he would have never withstood this kind of coercion. She shook herself out of its captivating pull and went down the staircase as calmly as she could, although her heart was pounding in her chest. She turned mechanically at the landing and went down the rest of the way, finally standing on the uneven floor.

She tried to disregard the nude bodies writhing on piles of rumpled cloth all around her; tongues flickering inside seeping slits, fingers plunging inside loosened and greased assholes. Sharp cries and tortured groans rose into the thick air; with great effort, Avra kept her gazed fixed on a young woman lounging in a ratty stuffed armchair at the opposite side of the room.

Her long pale legs were open wide, hooked over the arms of the chair. Two other naked girls were kneeling in front of her, their bodies trembling as they slurped hungrily at her crotch. The seated girl still had on a sleeveless hot pink shirt, but the material was so soaked with sweat that her large round areolae showed clearly, her pointed nipples straining against the front of the shirt. This dominant girl had plenty of dark curly hair, resembling Avra herself, but her eyes were completely black; not one bit of white showed. One corner of her pretty mouth quirked as she returned Avra's stare; then, her lips parted and a low moan escaped as her hips moved rapidly, rubbing against the faces of her young servants.

"Ah," the seated girl said in contentment. "That was wonderful. Lie down over there," she told one of the kneeling girls, a tiny thing with short blonde hair. Obediently, the blonde girl crawled over to a free pile of cloth and lay on her back, pulling up her knees to her chest and holding them open. The girl in the armchair bent forward, placing one hand on the remaining servant's shoulder and forcing her to turn a little so that Avra could see; the possessed girl slid her fingers against the servant's pussy, rubbing purposefully against her folds. The servant, this one with straight brown hair, shuddered as her clitoris grew larger and thicker, dripping with fluids as it became properly erect.

"Go fuck your friend," the girl in the armchair tittered. "Fuck her good... you can even get her pregnant. Anything can happen on a night like this one."

The brunette complied, crawling over just as her blonde friend had done and kneeling in front of her pliant body. She grasped her new dick and rubbed the head of it against the blonde girl's cunt. They both moaned as the brunette plunged inside her tight heat; the brown-haired girl grabbed onto the narrow, almost boyish hips of her blonde partner, driving into her mercilessly even as she ducked to close her mouth around one eager pink nipple.

Avra closed her eyes against the arousing sight. "Lilith," she croaked out, her throat dry. "How did you get here?"

"How did I get here?" The possessed girl tapped a considering finger on her chin. Avra opened her eyes and tried not to focus on the fat dick between the girl's legs, limp and somnolent on her upper thigh. "I was called, of course."

"No one here is strong enough to call you."

"That's what you think, wayward daughter of mine," Lilith spat, her eyes burning. Avra looked away from her heated regard and regretted this act immediately, because her gaze fell upon two girls forcing their thick cocks into the stretched cunt of another. The sandwiched girl was thrashing and begging, her wide blue eyes completely unfocused as they all functioned under the will of Lilith. The uppermost girl thrust slowly for a few moments, the stuffed pussy clenched tightly around the two cocks; then she pulled out and positioned the mushroomed head of at the tightly furled asshole.

Avra returned her attention to Lilith quickly, but she could still hear the needy whining of the sandwiched girl as the two cocks pounded inside her orifices. Avra hoped that they could be returned to normal, but the effects of Lilith's powers could be permanent if one was exposed to them for an extended period.

"This one," Lilith continued, smoothing her hands down her chest and cupping the perfectly formed breasts with a satisfied expression, "this girl is powerful. I could hear her voice calling from my ancient place of rest and I hurried to take her. She is very strong," Lilith mused, tilting her head so that sweaty black strands of hair clung to the porcelain surface of her borrowed cheek. "Even now, she tries to fight me. But in a few moments, her body and her power will be mine."

Lilith tilted back her head to laugh, her eyes shut in sinister delight and Avra darted forward, desperately hoping that Lilith's over-confidence would give her an advantage. She almost reached the chair, hands outstretched to grip around that slender throat, when Lilith stopped laughing abruptly and fixed her with a languid stare. Avra felt invisible bonds loop around her body; she was stopped short in her headlong rush and dragged down. She landed on her back on the cold floor and she struggled against the unseen rope; it pulled tight, trying to stretch her arms over her head.

"Sword of our honoured ancestors," Avra snapped out and she felt a weighty handle materialize in her palm. She twirled the trusty weapon around, cutting awkwardly at the rope and freeing herself enough to sit up. Immediately, she was pushed back by one of the bewitched girls, who straddled her waist and grabbed her wrists, pinning her to the ground. The sword faded from her grasp.