Mixer Ch. 02

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Siblings come to terms with their encounter in the Mixer.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 08/11/2005
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Thank you for the positive feedback on Chapter 1 of this story. For those who have not yet read it, I encourage you to read Mixer first. Otherwise, the context of what happens in this chapter may be a little confusing.

Bryce and Sarah, siblings separated in age by only a year, stared at each other for a moment that stretched on interminably. Both seemed to wait upon the other for a sign of how to react, how to properly acknowledge what had just happened.

"I...I didn't know," Bryce said, feeling that he had to break the awkward silence somehow.

Sarah's expression changed from shock to sympathy. She could tell that her brother was feeling guilt over their carnal encounter. "I didn't either," she said. "We've gotta go, though. Somewhere else. Somewhere we can talk."

Sarah glanced back at the garishly lit door. Somewhere behind it was her former friend Mary, who had undoubtedly arranged for this embarrassing encounter. Sarah hoped that Mary would keep the prank to herself, but she wasn't willing to wait around and find out.


Bryce knew that he and his sister would have to talk, straighten things out. She was right about going somewhere else. It was too loud at the party for conversation and they would need some privacy. Sarah grabbed his arm and followed his lead through the throng of the party and into the mild spring night outside.

He glanced at Sarah and realized that he saw a woman who was at once entirely familiar and a complete stranger. She'd been his kid sister for twenty years. They'd gone to school together nearly their entire lives, even college. And while their social circles rarely overlapped, Bryce had always tried to look out for her. He had helped with her math homework, celebrated her triumphs in volleyball and soccer, and sympathized when she felt their parents were being too strict.

Now, however, he also saw a beauty. Smart, sexy, and confident. This was a woman, where his sister had always just been a girl.

And she had just given him perhaps the hottest blowjob of his life. He looked away, ashamed of himself for still finding the memory pleasurable in light of the revelation. It wasn't something they'd done knowingly. They would find a way to get past it.

The sky before them flashed ominously. Bryce's attention snapped back to the present. He could feel the change in the air, a building tension that could only be released in the torrent of a spring storm. The wind picked up and the temperature began to drop.

"We'd better hurry," he said, picking up the pace. When they left the party, Bryce had given no thought to where they were going. Now he realized that they were heading toward his apartment, and he was grateful for the foresight of his subconscious.


Meanwhile...back at the party...

Sassy was still feeling all warm and tingly following her ten minutes in the Mixer. The couple drinks in her system were probably contributing, but the heavy make out session with a complete stranger had certainly gotten her libido kicked up a notch.

Her friend Mary had just sent the next pair of girls behind the curtains and motioned for Sassy to come closer so they could talk. They leaned head to head just to be heard over the music.

"Have fun?" Mary said.

"Yeah," Sassy said. "I think I got lucky. My guy was pretty nice. Got me all hot and bothered."

"Well, it may not have been all luck," Mary said. Sassy pulled back to look her friend in the eye. There was definitely a mischievous, possibly evil look about her.

"What did you do?" Sassy said. "Did you rig it?"

"You could say that," Mary said. "But in a good way for you. Carlos is pulling names for the guys' side and I had him fix things so you two would get paired up together."

Sassy felt a wave of relief. Carlos was a pretty good looking and nice guy. She'd never hooked up with him, but they'd partied together several times in the past.

"Well, that's cool then," Sassy said. "Better than hooking up with some loser."

"I didn't think you'd mind," Mary said. "And he was very happy to make the arrangement."

"Why'd you do it, anyway? Not that I'm complaining."

"Revenge," Mary said smugly.


"I finally found a way to get back at that bitch Sarah for stealing Jerry away from me," Mary said.

"Oh my god," Sassy said. "You sent her in at the same time I went in. What, did you get Carlos to send some loser in with her?"

"Better," Mary said. "Her brother, Bryce."

Sassy stepped back for a moment to let the words sink in. Mary's wicked grin stretched from ear to ear. Sassy, however, found that she didn't share her friend's joy in the deed. One of Mary's less endearing traits was her petty, possessive nature. This was a new low from her friend, one that made Sassy feel uncomfortable.

"That's just wrong, Mary," Sassy said.

"All's fair in love and war, and she's the one who declared war when she stole Jerry."

"Yeah, but...her brother? Ewww."

"You should have seen the look on her face when she came out of the Mixer, too," Mary said. "She was sweaty and glowing. I'm betting they were very intimate in there."

"Shit. That gives revenge an entirely new meaning. Did Carlos know who he was setting Bryce up with?"

"Nah," Mary said. "In fact, he thought it was going to be me. I didn't bother to set him straight. Figured he wouldn't help out then."

Sassy was relieved to hear that. She liked Carlos and was hoping that this evening kicked something off between them. Had he been a willing participant, she would have had serious reservations.

"Well, remind me never to get on your bad side. You can be evil." Sassy patted Mary on the arm and begged off to go find another drink.

Sassy rested her head on the door to the girl's Mixer waiting room as she closed it behind her. She had always thought that Mary overreacted when it came to the men in her life. Mary had been glad to be rid of Jerry, right up until she heard that he was with another girl. With no supporting evidence, Mary decided that Sarah had "stolen" him away from her. Sassy had just nodded and listened to her friend's rants, knowing better than to try to reason with her.

Sassy needed to clear her head. She didn't want to be around Mary any more tonight, and she wondered whether it wouldn't be a good idea to start spending more time with some other friends.

A couple guys came down the stairs, heading for the men's Mixer waiting room next door to where she was standing. "Hey," she said. "Could one of you do me a favor and ask Carlos to come out here?" The guys smiled and agreed. She took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair.

The men's door opened up and Carlos stepped out, haloed in the cheesy red Christmas lights that had been strung up around the doorframe. When he saw Sassy, he smiled. She made up her mind to handle this boldly, stepping forward and pulling him into a firm kiss.

Carlos pulled the door fully closed behind him and wrapped his arms around her. Sassy opened her mouth and forced her tongue into his mouth. He responded in kind, and their tongues dueled for a full minute before they came up for air.

"Mary must have told you," Carlos said. He ran his hands down her back, settling gently on her ass.

"Yeah," Sassy said with a sly grin. "I was hoping we might find somewhere private to pick up where we left off."

"Definitely," Carlos said. He looked deep in thought. "The house is pretty well packed, but my truck is parked around back. Nothing too fancy, but it'll be quieter and private."

"Lead on," Sassy said, giving him one more kiss and letting him lead the way.


Sarah hunched over as the first cold breeze hit. The intensity and frequency of the lightning increased by the moment.

"How much further is your place?" Sarah said, flinching as the first icy drops pelted her face. She had been to his apartment on only a couple occasions, and didn't know the neighborhood very well.

"Just a couple blocks," he said, breaking into a light jog.

Sarah kept pace with her brother, but the jogging failed to spare them from the weather. In the couple minutes it took to reach Bryce's apartment, the rain had opened up with primal fury. Both were soaked to the bone.


Bryce opened the door and flicked on the living room light. The apartment he shared with his friend Edrian was one of four apartments carved from a large old house. It wasn't terribly fancy, but it had a couple bedrooms, a living room, and a small kitchen. Unusual for two male college students, they managed to keep it halfway picked up.

"Yuck," Bryce said. "Gotta find something dry to put on."

He looked back at his sister and was again forced to confront the new aspect of her nature. Sarah's silky top was plastered to her breasts, exposing every nuance of curvature. The cold rainwater had brought her nipples fully erect. He couldn't help but appreciate the view, even if she was his sister.

Bryce suddenly realized that she was staring at him, and she had to know exactly where he'd been looking. He turned away, the hot flush of embarrassment rising in his face.

"Sorry," he muttered. "Let's see if we can find something for you to wear."


Sarah wasn't sure if she was annoyed, flattered, or amused to have caught her brother so blatantly ogling her breasts. As she followed him toward his room, she glanced down at her chest. She had to admit that this top, under ordinary circumstances, didn't hide much. When wet, it was barely there. She smiled to herself behind Bryce's back.

She stood in the doorway of her brother's room while he fumbled around, trying to figure out what he was looking for. Bryce kept his room about as neat as he could, given such a small living space. The desk was buried under textbooks and folders of notes. Every other nook and cranny was stuffed with assorted belongings and makeshift furniture.

Bryce fished a pair of athletic shorts and a clean towel from his dresser. "Here," he said, handing her the towel. "I'll change in the bathroom. You can dry off in here and help yourself to any clothes you can find in the dresser. I'd offer to toss your stuff in the dryer, but it's been broken for two weeks and the landlord is still dragging his feet about fixing it."

"That's fine," she said, taking the towel gratefully. "I'm sure I can find something."

"Everything in the dresser is clean," he said, as if to preempt any concern she might have.

"Okay," she said. "Now go get dried off."

Sarah intentionally waited in the doorway, forcing her brother to squeeze his way past her. She watched his eyes as he passed. He was clearly trying to avoid looking at her breasts again, but she caught him sneak a glance anyway.

"Men," she said to herself with a giggle and closed the door behind him.


Bryce closed the bathroom door and peeled off his dripping clothes.

"Dammit, man, she's your fucking sister," he chided himself. "You're not supposed to be staring at her tits, no matter how incredible they are."

The shape of her breasts, her nipples, was burned in his mind. And he'd been fondling and sucking those very breasts less than fifteen minutes ago.

"Let it go, man," he thought. "This is wrong and you know it."

Bryce hung his shirt and jeans over the shower curtain rod. His socks and boxers were also soaked, so he shed and hung those as well. He toweled off his hair and body, trying desperately to ignore his partial erection.

Once dry, he slid on his nylon shorts. His cock tented the fabric a bit too noticeably for his comfort. "Shit," he muttered. He stood in front of the mirror and gave himself a critical and disapproving look. "Cold showers...grandma naked...cold showers..."


Sarah double-checked the blinds to make sure they were shut tight. Satisfied, she shed her top and her skirt, and then toweled her hair and body dry. Her thong had managed to soak through as well, though much of that had happened prior to the rain. She sighed and the thong joined the rest of the wet clothes on the floor.

Standing before the dresser mirror in her brother's room, Sarah felt more naked, more exposed, than she would have almost anywhere else. She was proud of her body – muscular legs from a decade of soccer and volleyball, firm tummy, smallish but curvy breasts. She had seen the glint in her brother's eyes tonight when he looked upon this body - lust. He'd never looked at her that way before. It made her a little bit uncomfortable, but she couldn't help but be flattered.

She brushed her fingers across her hard nipples, then down her stomach and over her trimmed fuzz. The electric trace of his fingers exploring her body was still fresh in her memory. "Dammit," she thought. "Don't go there."

Sarah opened a couple drawers before she found one with shirts. Rummaging through an assortment of t-shirts, she settled on a Chicago Cubs jersey. It was a short-sleeved button down affair that came down mid-thigh. She slipped it on and buttoned it all the way. In the mirror, it didn't look quite right. She undid the top two buttons, exposing just a hint of the valley between her breasts. Better, she thought.

The hem of the shirt offered good coverage on the front and back, but the sides were about six inches higher, almost reaching her hips. Sarah opened another drawer in search of a pair of boxers or pajama bottoms. She found the underwear drawer, mostly boxers and boxer-briefs. In spite of his assurances that everything was clean, she was reluctant to dig through in search of something to wear.

She gingerly picked through the selection of boxers, discarding most options for style reasons. If she was going to have to wear her brother's clothes for a while, the least she could do was find something that looked okay with the jersey. At the bottom of his pile of boxers, something caught her eye that made her stop cold.

Her pulse quickened and palms grew sweaty. There was a small stack of photographs at the bottom of the drawer. Sarah knew that there had to be a reason they were buried where no one should be looking, and that knowledge made her both nervous and incredibly curious. She'd always considered Bryce to be a "nice guy," forever caught in the limbo between geek and cool. Tonight's encounter with him had already gone a long way toward changing that image, and she instinctively knew this stash of photos would push the boundaries even further.

With a guilty glance toward the door, she reached into the drawer and pulled out the photos. The first photo was of Laurie, Bryce's ex-girlfriend. She was kneeling on her Bryce's bed, stark naked, making a seductive pose for the camera. Laurie carried a few extra pounds, but Sarah had to admit that she had curves in the right places. The attitude in Laurie's pose suggested that she was very comfortable with her sexuality as well.

The second photo was a close-up of Laurie spreading her pussy wide. Sarah quickly skipped past that one. The next had Laurie lying back on the bed, holding an erect cock – presumably taken by Bryce while straddling her. It was Bryce's cock, she realized, the one she'd just blown. In spite of herself, Sarah felt a tremor of arousal.

The next couple photos appeared to be posed shots of Bryce and Laurie in various sexual positions. From the angle, Sarah figured that the camera must have been sitting on his desk and set with a timer. None of the photos were terribly good quality, but the voyeuristic aspect of seeing shots of her brother fucking his girlfriend had a profound effect on her.

She couldn't help but stare at the pictures of her brother in his most exposed moment – naked with erect cock halfway impaled in Laurie's pussy, or in her mouth in another photo. His body was that of someone who jogged, biked, and ate well. More to the point, though, Sarah realized that he looked like a man. Bryce had become the essence of man, an primal incarnation with whom she had been smitten in the darkness of the Mixer room such a short time ago.

Knock, knock. "You find something to wear?" Bryce said from outside the door.

Already tense from the guilt of snooping, Sarah's heart leapt in terror at the knock. She stuffed the photos back in the drawer and shut it a bit harder than she'd intended.

"Uh, yeah," she said, trying desperately to sound casual. She scooped up her wet clothes and the towel, and then opened the door. Bryce stood in front of her, wearing only a pair of red nylon shorts. Her eyes wandered helplessly over his body, superimposing images from the photos onto the real thing. Strong chest, strong legs, confident posture; her knees felt weak.


The sight of Sarah in his Cubs jersey startled Bryce. He noted the hint of cleavage before his eyes were drawn to her long, bare legs. Oh, such legs. When he'd given her free reign to find some of his clothes to wear, he hadn't considered what she would actually pick out. Shorts and a t-shirt, perhaps, or something a little less revealing. Was she trying to drive him nuts?

"Let me hang my stuff to dry," she said as she wiggled her way past him down the hall. "Meet ya in the living room?"

"Sure," Bryce said. He couldn't help but sneak a glance at her backside before turning to the living room.

Outside, the storm raged with great fury. Thunder from each lightning strike blended into the next. The wind thrashed the old elm trees in the front yard. It was a particularly violent storm, though not too unusual for this time of year in the Midwest. He clicked on the television to see if he could get the local radar.

Sure enough, the first local station he found had gone to wall-to-wall weather coverage. It was after 1am, and the youngest staff meteorologist was stuck calling the play-by-play on the storm.

"...and for those of you just joining us, the National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for Gillespi and Brown counties until 2am," the weather jockey said while the Doppler radar looped in ominously bright colors.

Bryce saw Sarah enter the room. He remembered how much she hated storms and dreaded tornadoes – the polar opposite from him. It was one of the few things he'd teased her about as a kid. Clearly, she'd heard the tornado warning, and she once again looked more like his kid sister than the sexy woman. She sat down beside him on the couch, the side hem of the Cubs jersey sliding up distressingly high.

"Now, this hook you can see here on the Doppler is what has prompted the warning," the meteorologist said, drawing a circle on the map. "Circulation suggests it might be tornadic. Luckily, it's north of the city and likely won't pose a threat to any highly populated..."


Sarah let out an involuntary yelp as the television and lights cut out. Storms had always made her nervous and the threat of a tornado in the area had her completely on edge. She grabbed Bryce's arm, digging her fingers in much harder than was necessary.

"Should we go down to the basement?" she said. She could hear the nerves in her own voice.

"Not if we don't have to," he said. "The only way into the basement is from the back of the house, and I'd rather not get wet again. We should be fine, though. They said the worst was passing north of here anyway."

"Is it okay if I stay here tonight, at least," she said.

"Uh, sure," Bryce said. "Edrian's gone camping this weekend with his girlfriend anyway, so it should be quiet. I suppose we still need to talk, too. Let me go find a candle."

Bryce stood to leave the room. Sarah didn't relinquish her hold on him. "Don't leave me alone," she said.

"Still afraid of storms?" he said with a hint of humor.

"Yes, I am," she said matter-of-factly. Ordinarily, his jibe would have annoyed her. After what had happened between them tonight, however, it felt reassuring. Maybe, somehow, their intimate encounter wouldn't ruin their relationship after all. She eased her grip on his arm and let her hand slid down to meet his. Sarah smiled when he reassuringly wrapped his fingers in hers.