Mortal Kombat- A Wraith's Love


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Raiden grabbed Sonja and Jax and shoved them out the door and into a broom closet and then disappeared.

Sub Zero figured one of them had gotten the hint and walked confidently out both doors and down the hall. He heard footsteps coming down the hall and he directed Alia into an empty room.

Alia snuggled into his chest and he put his arm around her. She listened to his heart beat and felt the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. She pulled his head down to kiss him. He gave in easily, picking her up and setting her on a table behind them.

She pulled away and looked up into his eyes. She touched her lips, confused.

"You're not Noob," she finally said.

"No." He pulled away. "I'm his younger brother, Sub Zero."

She reached up and brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.

"You look exactly like him."

"How did you know I wasn't him?"

"He can breathe if he wants to but his heart never beats."

"I see."

"And your kiss tastes different."


"No." She smiled at him. "Just different."

"You said before you spent six months with my brother."

"Drahmin talked him into taking me as a consort."



"But you escaped."

"Yeah. I got lucky, I guess."

"I'm kind of sorry I tried to trick you."

"Kind of?"

"Your kiss didn't taste that bad either." He reached out and ran a hand down her cheek.

"Whoa." She pulled away. "Noob's already going to flip a breaker when he finds me gone. I don't want to have to explain being seduced by his little brother on top of that."

"I'll protect you from him I promise. In fact you can help me help him."

"Help him?"

"I know there is still good in him."

"Of course there is. But I don't think he's going to want to change. He's actually pretty happy."

"How can he be happy? He's evil."

"Evil people can't be happy? He's the ruler of the Netherealm. Something that he's wanted for a long time now. And to be frank with you, he's good at what he does. He's not going to want to give that up and his people aren't going to want to give him up, lest they end up with someone like Shinnok again."


"No buts, Little Brother." She framed his face. "I love Noob for exactly who he is. And if you truly cared about him then you would too."

"It's because I care that I want to help him."

"Ultimately the decision is up to him." She said with a shake of her head.

"Why can't I find a woman like you?" He plopped down against the wall.

"Well to be honest with you. Your brother didn't court me, he took me."

"Are you saying I should just go out and find a woman I like and make her be my concubine?"

"If you're going to do something like that, then you need to find the right woman."

"I could take you."

"Maybe. But it will get very ugly when your brother comes to take me back."

"You think he will?"

"Matter of pride at the least."

"And at the most?"

"I see some punishment coming to me."


"Oh don't worry." She smiled and patted her tummy. "I've got a tiny insurance policy."

"You're pregnant!?"

"Yep. You're going to be an uncle."

"Maybe you could name him after me."

"Sub Zero?"

"Ha, no. Kuai Liang."

"I like that."

"Noob won't though. I suppose you could name him after Noob."

"Noob Saibot Junior?"

"Bi Han."

"That was his name from before?"


"Hmm. I do like Kuai Liang."

"But he won't."

"I'll work on him."

"You think he'll listen?

"Maybe." Her brow furrowed. "I guess in his own twisted way, he loves me."

"Hurting people is not love." He told her looking at her arm. She realized that she was rubbing the scar Noob had given her.

"He treats me like a porcelain doll." She pointed to the scar. "This was the only thing that he ever did to me. To make a point that I shouldn't run away. He used his shuriken and it was so sharp that I never felt the cut. He also sent for the healer right away too."

"But you did run away."

"I did." She smiled ruefully. "And it's time that I went home."

"I can't let you do that."

"How about a walk then. I haven't seen Earth's greenery for six months now."

"That I can do." He stood up, put his mask back on and held out his arm. She took it and they walked out of the base and onto the grounds.

"You won't be getting any information from me," she finally told him.

"I can live with that."

"Are you sure about that?" Raiden asked appearing next to them.

"I think that I can." Sub Zero told him.

"Are you a god?" Alia asked Raiden.

"Yes. I am Raiden, god of Thunder, and protector of Earthrealm."

"Well that's a mouthful."

"Please don't call me Captain Static again."

"Of course not my lord," She said respectfully.

"Much better. I sense you wish to ask me something."

"I'm pregnant. If I drink the essence of a god, will it hurt the baby?"

"No. You will both become immortal." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Noob Saibot has the essence of a god?"

"I didn't say that." She smiled up at him. "And that was a curiously human gesture."


"You're rubbing your chin."

"He's been around us puny humans too long." Sonja said as she and Jax came to join them.

Raiden nodded his head emphatically. He was about to speak when a large red portal opened not thirty feet from them. Noob Saibot stepped out, followed by Drahmin, and a legion of Oni.

Before anyone could stop her Alia ran to Noob who scooped her up and held her tightly in his arms. He bent his head and kissed her.

"We'll settle this another time," Noob told Sub Zero and ordered his men back into the portal.

"Alia, don't do this," Sub Zero pleaded.

"Remember my insurance policy." She blew him a kiss. "I expect you to come and visit soon, little brother."

She held tightly to Noob's hand as he led her to the portal.

"Do I want to know?" Noob asked her after he got her settled in their quarters.

"Probably not."

"How did he get a hold of you?"

"I was on the balcony, getting ready to come in when I heard your conversation with Drahmin."


"Yeah." She smiled at him. "I don't care so much about little things. But anything that's that life changing, I want to be talked to about it."

"I couldn't take the chance of you saying no."

"I wouldn't have."

"I didn't know that."

"You would have if you'd talked to me."

"So you got mad and left? How did you get through the portal, it's guarded."

"Not very well."

"Why didn't you come and speak to me? Why leave?"

"Because I was angry and scared."

"And how did you end up with Sub Zero?"



"He's the spitting image of you Noob."


"I didn't know you had a brother."

"We share blood. We are not brothers."

"Not so and you know it."

He turned and glared at her.

"I think I convinced him to stop trying to turn you back from the dark side."

"Really?" He laughed. "How did you do that?"

"I convinced him that you're happy."

"I am."

"And that it was ultimately your decision to make and that if he cared for you as much as I do then he would love you for who you are."

"You're amazing."

"I know."

"I'm still going to have to punish you."


"You told sub zero you had an insurance policy."

"I do," she said with a secret smile.

"You think I won't punish you because of the baby?"

She gasped.

"How did you know?"

"I know your body well enough, little one. You're close to three months gone."

"You don't sound unhappy." She'd secretly hoped that he would be overjoyed.

"I'm not unhappy about it. I will be honest and tell you that I definitely didn't expect it."

"It takes two to tango."

"I'm not blaming anyone. I just didn't think such was possible."


He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the small vial of essence. He pulled the top off and handed it to her. He was giving her the decision. Of course if she refused he'd merely pour it down her throat. Not that he'd tell her that. There was no way in the Netherrealm that he was going to lose her.

Alia hesitated for a moment, than remembered what Raiden had said about it not hurting the baby and she really did want to be with Noob for as long as he would have her. She put the vial to her lips and swallowed its contents. She felt warm and tingly all over for a moment and then nothing.

Noob pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his strong arms around her. He smiled when he felt her tiny hands creep to his back. She would do this thing where she would run her fingers over his back, like a spider, and it would relax him to no end. She always managed to know what he needed.

"I think we can forgo punishment." He told her with a laugh.

"But punishment can be fun sometimes."

"Later." He laid her on the bed and covered her. "You and my son need rest."

"Your brother asked if we'd name him Kuai Liang."

"Of course you told him no."

"I like it."


"I told him I would work on you."


"We could name him Raiden."

"Now you're just messing with me."

"You think so?"


He threw up his arms and started walking away.

"How about Bi Han?"

Noob stopped walking and looked over at her. She just laid there waiting for his answer.

"I think perhaps Kuai Liang would be fine." He said and then walked away.

"Kuai Liang it is," she said to the empty room.


Noob walked into the throne room and took a seat on his throne. He looked around at the curiously quiet court. They were waiting for some kind of news from him.

"Two things," he finally said. "Alia is immortal now."

A cheer went up through the court. Noob was glad to see that she was well liked. She was kind to everyone, and people, even those that were evil, responded well to that.

"In six months time," Noob said when it had died down. "Alia will bear my son."

The court was quiet for quite a few moments, than Noob started hearing stunned whispers. Drahmin came forward and kneeled in front of Noobs throne.

"Let me be the first to congratulate you, My Lord."

"They are strangely silent."

"Do you remember what I said about children being rare?"


"It is unheard of in the case of a wraith."

"What are you trying to say?" Noob asked angrily.

"Do not take offense Noob. We all know that the child is yours."

"My Lord," a small voice interrupted.

Noob looked up to see Gleendar. She was an Oni priestess.


"You have our heartiest congratulations."

"Thank you."

"That having been said, when the child is born he must be taken to a holy place and blessed."


"Children aren't corrupt Noob Saibot."

"Hence he won't be able to stay in the Netherealm." Noob said remembering.


"It shall be as you ask priestess and you have my thanks."

She nodded and faded back into the court crowd. There was almost a collective sigh of relief and people started coming up to the throne and giving their congratulations.

Arran stood against a back wall and thoughtfully tapped his chin. Alia's departure had made quite a stir and Noob's announcements had seemed to alleviate any problems. Arran figured Alia must have had some kind of day and was resting; else Noob would have made the statements with her by his side.

Arran quietly made his way out the throne room and headed for Noob's quarters. He slipped in and found Alia asleep on the bed. He pulled a small pouch out of his pocket and sprinkled the sand on her face. Her eyes opened for a moment but she fell back into a deep sleep that she wouldn't wake up from for some time.

Arran ran his hand down to her stomach and used his magic to check the child over. Definitely a boy. Arran had always wanted a son to pass his knowledge onto. He brushed a stray lock of hair from Alia's eyes. He wanted her as well. He wanted her the moment that she put her trust into him. Insisting that when they were around each other that he should be his true self.

He hated serving Noob and he had been planning on taking off for parts unknown until Alia had shown up. After that he hadn't wanted to leave until he found a way to take her from Noob and make her his own. Now was his chance. He picked Alia up, made them invisible, and left through the balcony doors.

"Arran is missing too," Drahmin said walking into Noobs quarters.

"How long?" Noob stopped pacing and asked.

"Since the announcement last night."

"Fuck!" Noob grabbed a vase on a nearby table and chucked it at the wall.

"We'll find them."

"My lord?" An out of breath guard came running into the room. "Portal guards are out. Magic."

Noob wavered into black smoke making Drahmin and the guard take a few steps back. His form wavered for a moment and then solidified.

"Did you check the nexus?" Noob asked the guard.

"Yes, My Lord. The Earthrealm portal was the only one opened recently."

"I'll put together a-"

"No. I'll go myself. He might hurt her if he sees an army."

"Are you sure that's a good ide- of course you are."

"I need you to stay and look after things." Noob told Drahmin as he walked over to the cabinet to grab his ninja gear.

"Fun. Fun."

"I won't be gone more than a week." He looked over at Drahmin. "Try not to be too much of a tyrant."

"Sure take the fun out of it why don't you."



"Here, drink this. I'll help you sit up."

"Arran?" Alia looked up into the face of the healer.

"Yes. Drink." He helped her sit up.

"The baby!"

"He's fine. I just checked on him."

"Thank god." She took a drink of the water he was offering. "Where are we?"



She looked around and realized that they were in a cave. She looked at Arran

"I saved you from him." Arran told her emphatically.

"Saved me from whom?"

"Noob Saibot." He stroked a big hand down her face. "I want you for my wife."


"I even want the baby." He touched her stomach and she did all in her power to not cringe away from him.

"I wish you would have spoken to me first."

"There was no time. I never would have gotten another opportunity."

"Arran, I-

"I love you Alia!" He took her face in his hands and kissed her. She stiffened and he stopped. "I know you need a little time to get used to the idea."

"Yes a bit of time."

"I do love you, Alia. I'll prove it to you, I promise."


Noob went off into the Netherealm wastes by himself. He found a sufficiently quiet spot, took a few deep breaths and focused on the life force of his brother. He opened a portal and stepped through. He found Sub Zero sitting by a small pond, freezing and unfreezing it.

"Here to settle up?" Sub Zero asked getting to his feet and taking a fighting stance.

"No." Noob closed the portal. "Alia's been taken by a sorcerer."

"Oh, gods!"

"Exactly. I need you to help me locate her."

"If you can locate me, why can't you locate her?"

"He's blocking me with magic."

"Why did you come to me?'

"You're my brother, if I can't rely on you than I don't know who I can. Besides, this is your realm."

"So you're not mad about me kissing her?"

Noob who was absently twirling his shuriken stopped.

"You kissed her?" He gritted out.

"Well, really she kissed me."

Noob grabbed Sub Zero by the neck.

"Ahh, she thought I was you."

"What?" He let go of Sub Zero's neck. "Why?"

Sub Zero pulled off his mask and all Noob could do was stare. He finally pulled his mask off and as the men stood looking each other over, it was like staring into a mirror. The only difference was that Noob's skin was blackened.

"Fuck." Noob finally said.

"I know it's crazy."

"That's not it. I knew watching you grow up that you would look quite a bit like me." He shook his head ruefully. "I just never realized how much we looked like our damn father."

"Gods." Sub Zero put on his mask. "It might be best if you wait here. I'm going to see if I can find out where Alia was taken."

Noob nodded and Sub Zero headed out to see if he could find out if anyone saw Alia. The Earthrealm portals were usually watched fairly well.


"What are you going to do when Noob gets here?" Alia asked Arran.

"What makes you think he'll come?"

She looked at him and raised a brow.

"Wouldn't you come for me?"

"Of course I would. Don't worry though." He pointed at his large biceps. "I didn't get these from being a healer."

"You're a warrior?"

"Mmm hmm." A large flaming sword appeared in his hand. "I know how to use this."


"Were you getting fucked in there?" Noob asked Sub Zero two hours later.

"I might as well have been. I had to ask Raiden for help. And now I owe him and it isn't going to be pretty when it comes time to collect."


"Not even a thank you? You're the most ungrateful brother."

"I'll thank you when she's back safe."

"Whatever." He glared at Noob. "Follow me. They're actually not far from here."

Noob walked next to Sub Zero and quietly contemplated the change in their relationship. It was all do to Alia. He knew she was happy with him the way he was. She never tried to change him and he appreciated that. Of course she had no problem butting her nose into things she shouldn't. If she felt something was for his own good she would run roughshod over him. Not that he ever put up much of a fight. He was happy to make her happy.

"She's a good woman," Sub Zero said looking over at Noob. "I want one just like her."

"Good luck with that one."

"You think I'm not good enough?"

"It's not that at all Little Brother. It's just that it takes a special woman to accept warriors like us."

"And there aren't that many out there?"

"Not really." He looked over at Sub Zero and clapped him on the back. "You'll find someone though. Just don't put all your time into being a warrior."

"Is that what you did? I never saw you with a woman."

"I can count on one hand the number of times I had sex before I died."

"What about after?"

"Nothing until Alia. And that ended up being a bit of a fluke."

"How so?"

"She was being chased by assassins and managed to make her way through the portal. She fell right at Drahmin's feet. He convinced me that I needed to relax a bit."

"So you just took her?" Sub Zero asked incredulously.

"Evil. Remember?"

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot."

"Anyway she ended up giving herself to me."


"I don't know, but I'll be forever grateful."

"She's not afraid of you. Why?"

"She put us on equal footing right away."


"She does this thing she calls a tappy."

"Okay. What's that?"

"She throws out an arm, flicks her wrist, and will catch a nut with the tip of a finger."

Sub Zero stopped walking and looked at Noob with a horrified expression.

"It's actually worse than you're imagining." Noob told him, rolling his shoulders, as he tried to push the memory away.

"Gods!" Sub Zero hunched his shoulders, and adjusted his boys.

"She only ever did it to me the once, but I still cringe when I think of it. She may be tiny but she's still a force to be reckoned with when it comes down to it."

"I guess." He pointed toward a cave that was about a quarter mile up a large mountain. "Raiden said to check there."

"Let's wait until night falls." Noob told him.

Sub Zero agreed and both men settled down out of sight to wait for dark.


"I've been waiting for you wraith," Arran said to Noob.

"I've come for what's mine sorcerer," Noob said back.

Alia was quiet. She made herself as small as possible in the corner of the cave where she had been sitting. Arran's flaming sword appeared in his hand and he smiled wickedly.

"Didn't expect me to be a warrior, did you?"

"I know more about you than you think," Noob told him.

Noob's shurikan appeared in his hand and he twirled it around his fingers expertly.

"Your sword is boring me," Noob told Arran with a smile. "Maybe you should put it away and we can fight man to man."