All Comments on 'Mrs Parks'

by Nick_Blade

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63luckyman63luckyman4 months ago

Nicely done. Sex education at it's best.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A fun fantasy but writing needs a bit of work. The long, flat paragraphs drag on and as such lack any tone. All descriptions are very literal and not much emotion is conveyed through the text.

The fingering at the beginning is rape as Sherry doesn't initially exhibit consent, so a rape tag should be included. The "true story" at the beginning is also meaningless. We all know it's not real, and even if it were, including the words "true story" doesn't add anything. If you want readers to believe it's true, pull them in with good, descriptive writing; you can't just tell them to believe it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I went all the way down towards her pussy then stopped. She spread her legs and said "Don't stop there." So I kept going until I was fingering her wet pussy not rape

mytimetobehappymytimetobehappy4 months ago

wow, good start, then the story crashed. plenty of buildup, no finish. 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Seems some commentators won’t be awarding a Pulitzer but it was a nice short read.

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