Mummy Time Ch. 04

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A happy event... But the end? Maybe not.
2.5k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/04/2016
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When I opened my eyes in the light streaming through the window, Laura was curled up beside me, her blonde hair spread across the pillow. She shifted in her sleep, and the covers slipped to reveal one perfect breast. As I looked at her, a decision that had been turning over in the back of my mind finally crystallised, and I reached out to touch her softly on the cheek. "Laura, darling?"

"Mm?" came the sleepy reply, and she stretched, revealing her upper body and just the top of the soft fur between her thighs.

"You know we said we'd pick up Evie this morning -- could you ask your mother to give her lunch? And I need to pop out for about half an hour."

She opened her eyes, a question in her smile. "I'll explain everything later," I promised. I quickly pulled on my clothes, and went down to the kitchen. I drummed my fingers waiting for the kettle to boil, but finally I was able to make Laura's coffee and take it up to her. She propped herself up on one elbow to take a sip, and I leaned to kiss her. "I won't be long -- I promise."

I got into my car and drove the couple of miles to the retail park, crossing my fingers that one of the outlets would have something close to what I'd imagined. I parked the car, and searched for the familiar logo. The sales manager was just unlocking the doors, and he nodded a greeting as I went inside and flicked through the catalogue to the section I wanted. On the first page was the perfect item, and I crossed my fingers as I tapped a stock query on the nearby touchscreen. My heart leaped -- "One available"- and my hands were shaking as I tapped 'Reserve' and pushed my card into the payment slot.

The machine obediently printed an order slip, and I watched the screen above the collection point, trying not to tap my foot impatiently. Finally there was a soft chime and I stepped forward, receipt in hand. The assistant picked up the small box, catching my eye. "That's really nice, isn't it," she remarked, stamping my receipt. "I saw it in the catalogue, but they only sent us one -- I'm glad someone's bought it."

I smiled my thanks as she handed me the bag containing my purchase, and made my way back to the car. When I got back to Laura's, she was in her towelling robe, drying her hair as she opened the front door to me. "I thought I'd shower," she explained. "It sounded like you had a plan, and I wanted to be ready if we were going out."

I grinned. "Good thinking. Actually I do have something in mind -- you'll probably want to dress up a bit."

Laura raised her eyebrows. "Mm, can't wait."

I followed her upstairs, and watched as she flicked through the hangers in her wardrobe. "Is this over the top?" she queried, holding out an elegant summer dress.

"Perfect," I pronounced, and sat on the bed while she found panties, lacy bra, and slipped the dress over her head. She walked over to the chest of drawers, seeming to search for something, then turned with something sparkling in her fingers. "It was Grandma's," she explained, fastening the necklace of deep blue stones round her neck. "OK, that's me ready."

We went out to the car, and I turned to look at her as she fastened her seatbelt. "Are you OK to close your eyes while we drive? Then it'll be even more of a surprise."

"Sure -- I don't get car-sick."

I started the engine and headed in the same direction as we'd taken yesterday, staying on the main road as we passed the turn which led towards the rocks. I saw the sign I'd been looking for, and turned into the car park, pulling up by an immaculately-manicured hedge. "You can look now."

Laura opened her eyes, and gasped. "Oh -- I've always wanted to come here. The gardens are famous, and they have a restaurant, don't they?"

I nodded. "Ready for some lunch?"

Her eyes lit up. "Wow -- yes please."

We walked hand in hand through the marble-floored entrance hall, and a short man in a dark suit greeted us. "Sir, madam -- a table for two?"

He led us to a table in the window, and I held Laura's chair for her, getting a smile in return. The maitre'd took our orders for drinks, and Laura crossed her legs elegantly, looking at the menu. "I think I'd like to try the salad," she pointed.

"Mm-hmm. Think I'll have pasta."

The maitre'd returned with our drinks, noting down our choices on his pad, and I lifted my glass to Laura. "A toast -- to life."

"To life," she agreed, sipping. Our food appeared quickly, and for a while we concentrated on eating. Finally Laura put down her fork. "Thanks, Tim, that was lovely."

"Room for something else?" I queried.

She grinned. "Sure -- they had treacle pudding on the menu, didn't they. I can go to the gym in the week."

The maitre'd brought our desserts and coffee, and I watched as Laura stirred her cappuccino thoughtfully. I sipped my drink, my heart starting to pound as I waited for the right moment. Finally, as Laura put her cup down I reached into my pocket, and her eyes widened, startled, as I slid to my knees. "Laura... Will you marry me?"

My fumbling fingers found the catch on the box, and I opened the lid to reveal the ring inside, the dark blue stone exactly the same shade as those in her necklace. I looked up to her face, seeing a tear slip from the corner of one eye as she absorbed my question. "Oh --oh god, Tim, yes, yes..."

I took her hand, slipping on the ring, and I gradually became conscious of the other diners' attention focused on us. "Congratulations," smiled an elegant grey-haired woman at a nearby table.

Laura lowered her eyes, smiling shyly, and I got to my feet. "Let me take care of the bill, and we'll get going -- we have some news to share with a certain young lady."

She caught her lip between her teeth. "Oh -- Evie -- what..."

I squeezed her fingers gently. "We can wait, if you think it's better that way?"

Laura shook her head vigorously. "No, I want to tell her."

We walked to the car, and Laura gave me directions as I drove back towards town. "Turn here, and Mum's is the one on the left."

Laura's mother opened the door, and something in her daughter's expression must have communicated that Laura had news to share, her face showing both warm welcome and curiosity. I stepped forward, my hand outstretched. "Hi, I'm Tim."

She nodded. "Good to meet you at last, Tim. Laura talks about you a lot. Come on in, Evie's in the lounge."

As we stepped inside, Evie appeared in the doorway, glancing from Laura to me and back again. "Mummy," she began, and I suppressed a smile at her grown-up tone. "I've decided something."

Laura threw me a grin. "What's that, darling?"

"I think we should keep Tim."

Laura raised one eyebrow. "And why's that, darling?"

"He gives good cuddles," explained Evie, "and he never minds when I win at Lego. I think he makes you happy too."

Laura knelt on the floor. "Darling, I'm so pleased you think so. Actually we have something to tell you -- we went out for lunch, and Tim has asked me to marry him."

I heard a murmur of surprise from Laura's mother, but my attention was focused on Evie's serious expression. "Have you told him Yes?" she asked, her expression serious.

Laura nodded. "Straight away, darling -- is that OK?"

Evie turned to me, stretching out her arms, and I lifted her. She closed her eyes, burying her face in my shoulder, and I heard her whisper, meant for my ears only. "I'm glad Mummy got it right."

Laura turned to her mother. "I know this must seem sudden, but I'm absolutely sure, Mum."

"Don't worry, dear. Come round in the week and you can tell me all about it. But now I think the three of you want some time."

Laura brushed away another tear. "You're very wise, Mum. I'll call you later."

As we drove back to Laura's, Evie was uncharacteristically quiet, and Laura leaned over from the back seat. "Are you sure you're OK, darling."

"Yes, Mummy. I'm trying to decide what to get you for a present."

Laura chuckled. "Well, you have plenty of time. Maybe you and Sally can talk about it at school tomorrow."

We pulled up outside the house, and when we got inside the door Evie made straight for the stairs. "Mummy -- is it alright if I have a nap now?"

"Of course, dear. Are you tired, did you not sleep very well at Grandma's?"

Evie shook her head. "But I think you and Tim need a cuddle now. I can read my new book."

Laura grinned at me. "I'm not going to argue."

We followed Evie upstairs, and she turned at the door of her room. "I want a cuddle later, though."

"We promise," I nodded.

The door closed behind her, and Laura threw me a knowing look. "My room?"

I nodded, and she took my hand, drawing me inside. "So, what would you like to happen in 'mummy time' today?" I teased.

Laura shook her head, her solemn expression making her look strikingly like her daughter. "No more 'mummy time' -- it's for both of us now."

She took my hand. "But can we do what Evie said first -- just cuddle? Somehow I want to feel your arms around me..."

I nodded. "Of course, my love."

I watched as Laura gracefully pulled her dress off over her head and returned it to the wardrobe, then finished undressing. She moved to the bed, lying down on her side and smiling up at me. "Join me?"

I quickly shed my clothes and slid in behind her, wrapping my arms round her and fitting my body to hers, kissing the back of her neck and gently teasing one earlobe. "Mm," she murmured. "Perfect."

I felt myself drifting off, and while I was asleep Evie must have decided that nap time was over, because when I opened my eyes again, she was with us, Laura's arms wrapped around her. I glanced at the bedside clock -- it was nearly ten, and dark outside -- and carefully slid out of the bed trying not to wake Laura. I gently disentangled Evie from her mother's arms, and carried her limp figure to her own room, settling her in bed and tucking her in. As I leaned down to kiss her forehead, she opened her eyes for a moment and murmured sleepily. "Good night, Daddy..."

I looked back over my shoulder once more as I closed the door, then returned to Laura. She was awake, and I touched her shoulder reassuringly. "Evie's fine, I put her down and she's asleep again."

Laura nodded. "Come back to bed, my love..."

The next morning we went back to work, and almost as soon as we were in the office, Kate came over. "You two look... different?"

Laura held up her hand and Kate gasped in delight, looking at me with a broad grin. "Oh, well done, Tim."

The next few days were idyllic -- one or both of us picking up Evie from school after work, playing Lego or make-believe, then after dinner putting Evie to bed and heading for our room for an early night. At the weekend we took Evie to a theme park, and I found out that Laura was absolutely fearless about the rides, egging Evie on to try all the ones that her height would qualify her for. "Remember, darling, if you think about being scared you won't enjoy it."

As the following week progressed, I noticed that Laura seemed a little distracted, though still clearly happy. Finally on the Friday night after we'd made love, I propped myself up on one elbow and looked into her face. "So, darling, what's the big secret?"

She grinned. "I knew you'd ask eventually."

I tickled her playfully so she wriggled. "Then tell me."

"Well, you know you asked me a couple of weeks ago when my period was due?"

I nodded. "I remember you telling me that was why you were a bit 'right now' about our lovemaking."

Laura smiled. "Well, that was one reason."

She reached out to take my hand. "So guess what? It hasn't happened, and I think..."

My eyes widened, and I held her hand tightly as she continued. "Tim, I think I'm pregnant."

A jolt like an electric shock went through my whole body, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "So when I asked -- and you -- and we -- oh, my love, that's wonderful!"

I wrapped my arms around her, already feeling myself taking care not to squeeze her too tightly, and for long moments neither of us spoke...

Finally I moved back, looking at her, seeing no visible sign yet of the changes that were to come. I rested my hand gently on her stomach, and she put her hand over mine. "Laura, I love you," I whispered. Laura nodded, smiling, then glanced towards the door. "Could you get Evie? I want her to know straight away."

I nodded, and got up, walking across the landing, touching Evie on the shoulder. "Darling, Mummy wants you."

She blinked sleepily as she got up, and I guided her gently into our room. Evie sat on the edge of the bed, and looked across at Laura. "What is it, Mummy?"

Laura smiled. "Well, darling, you know we sometimes talked about you having a little brother or sister?"

Evie nodded. "And I said he could play with my easy Lego and my bunnies, but not with my favourite ones until he was old enough to be careful."

"Well, darling," Laura continued, "it's really going to happen."

"OK, Mummy," Evie acknowledged. "Shall I go and tidy my room up now so he can come and play in it?"

Laura chuckled. "It takes a while for a baby to come, darling, probably just a little after Christmas."

I smiled at Evie. "And don't worry, there'll still be plenty of cuddles for you."

She gave me her most serious look. "Of course -- you have to cuddle Mummy, and me, and Charlie, all properly in turn."

I glanced at Laura, mystified. "Charlie?"

She shook her head, smiling. "It must be two or three years since --"

She blushed. "Since I last thought there was a chance I might be pregnant. Evie and I talked about names, and we decided if it was a boy, he'd be Charlie."

I grinned at Evie. "Why does it not surprise me that you remember...?"

She shrugged. "I remember everything, Daddy."

I reached out to wrap her and Laura in my arms, pulling them close. "Now, one more cuddle, and it's time we were all back in bed..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Thanks ;)

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry the structure is not to everybody's taste; this story is based on a real-life situation, I started it at the point I was interested in. The back-story is more or less what you'd assume from reading the start (worth knowing that 'Tim' is quite a bit older than 'Laura', but I didn't want to make this a 'Mature' story).

'Evie' is maybe six - I don't have kids, so any mistakes about their typical behaviour and knowledge at that age are entirely mine (but are there really no six year olds who might occasionally still suck their thumb? ;);).

Anyway, enjoy if you like it - plenty of other tales in the sea if not...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Can't stop now!

Not only did you change the category to the perfect one but also jammed in so much good stuff it almost made me cry from happiness. But you can't stope here, there is lots of people to meet and know about the wedding like his parents and work colleagues, and the wedding itself, s much awesome potential left to explore!

5* as usual and really hope for lots more!

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