My Hotwife Journey Ch. 03

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Events following our first time sharing.
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Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/11/2018
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(Not a ton of sex in this chapter but an introduction to the next part of our journey)

I awoke Sunday morning to sunlight streaming into the bedroom and the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen. Slowly I got my bearings and saw my husband was already out of bed I guessed him to be the source of that wonderful coffee smell. I was still naked and I realized Ron was still asleep beside me. Visions of last night came pouring in! I quietly slid out of bed, grabbed one of my husband's T-shirt's and made my way to the kitchen. I found Dan with his back to me at the counter and wrapped my arms him around from behind.

"Good morning baby," I whispered, "I hope you still love me?"

Dan spun to face me and kissed me tenderly, "You were absolutely incredible last night!" he said. "Yes I still love you silly, you're the hottest thing I've ever seen!" he added.

I'm pretty sure he was about to take me on the kitchen counter when Ron walked into the room and caught us. Instead of quickie sex I poured coffee for each of us and we sat around the table. The conversation of course turned to the night before.

"I hope you had fun last night?" I asked of Ron.

"It was unbelievable," he replied, "I hope everything is good this morning? I can't tell how I feel that you guys let me share that experience with you!"

We all agreed the night had been amazing beyond any words. There was no weirdness between us at all, everyone seemed comfortable with what had happened and there was definitely no regret. We talked and laughed for an hour so, I hugged Ron and thanked him for an amazing night before heading back to the room to get dressed. We all spent a lazy Sunday on the lake together and the rest of the long weekend we really didn't discuss it again among the three of us. Ron's date showed up to the house the next day and life was back to normal.

The situation with my husband and me was a totally different story however, we could not keep our hands off of each other! We made love in the shower that afternoon and again that night in bed. We held each other and talked about the night before. We relived every detail to each other of what parts we loved the most. To say he loved watching me would be the understatement to end all. It seemed that every second had been imprinted on his mind. Dan seemed to be hard all the time and I wanted him constantly. Returning home at the end of our vacation did nothing to stop our desire! We could barely pass each other in the hallway without attacking each other. We made love all over the house like newlyweds and I was late to work twice that first week! Our desire for each other was burning hot, I have no doubt we made love 20 times or more over those next few weeks and we talked about the threesome constantly. Dan said he couldn't get certain images of me out his mind. He saw me on my back with Ron between my legs fucking me, his cock moving in and out of me or his absolute favorite, he could picture me in the moonlight riding Ron slowly, my back arched and my chest bathed in the moonlight. His fantasy of watching me had been everything he dreamed of, he wished that I could see myself the way seen me that night. Every time he thought about it he wanted me again. We were exhausted from lack of sleep but loving every minute of it.

The summer rolled by quickly but there were many more trips to the lake for us. Dan had made it clear that he was okay with a repeat of the first threesome and I was game too. All that remained was to see if Ron was up for it and our next night together at the lake showed that he was! He admitted quickly that he couldn't get the threesome or me out of his head. He said it had been the hottest thing he'd ever done sexually in his life. The three of us were alone that weekend again and we were quite comfortable with each other now that we had broken the ice a few weeks earlier. We fucked Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning! It was simply incredible for me! I was the center of attention and my two gorgeous men took care of me all weekend. When it ended I couldn't wait for the next time. The summer and early fall slipped away with us enjoying each other, meeting at the lake house for a couple nights of amazing sex nearly every other weekend.

It seemed we tried every combination we could. Ron would fuck me from behind while I sucked Dan until he exploded in my mouth or Dan would have me while I hung off the side of the bed with Ron's cock down my throat. No matter what we did we loved it and couldn't wait until the next time we could be alone... just the three of us. We had nights that they pounded me into the bed and nights where we had slow passionate sex in the moonlight. By the end of summer Ron knew every inch of my body and became an expert at getting me off, I had multiple orgasms constantly. With him and my husband taking care of me this way I was in heaven! The boat, the kitchen table, the couch, the shower, it didn't matter. I was a Vixen and I loved it! Dan and Ron pleased me for hours and I took great pride in satisfying them both. I lost count how many times we made love together over the next four or five months.

The true reward of our new life however was the time Dan and I spent alone though. Each weekend with Ron fueled our passion for each other. Dan said he was seeing me in a way he never dreamed possible, a sexual being, an equal to two men in bed and a goddess to him. We had sex nearly every day often more than once. There wasn't a place in our home or on our property or anywhere else for that matter that was safe from us needing each other immediately. A blowjob in the theater, sex in car, and an unforgettable experience on a picnic table in the rain. Dan visited me at work several times requiring the door to be locked as he took me on my desk or the couch in my office. Each time I thought we had peaked it kept getting better, I simply don't have the adjectives to describe it. Sex became like a drug to us and speaking only for myself I was an addict. I craved the weekends at the lake house but they just caused me to burn with desire for my husband. I wanted more and more.

It was sometime in the early fall that I noticed another change taking place, this one more mental than physical. My sexual confidence was beginning to affect other parts of my life too. I was more confident at work, more dedicated to the gym and just generally more vibrant. I felt happier with my life, my career, everything. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just because of the sex but I'm convinced it was a side affect. I saw myself differently somehow, the woman I'd become in the bedroom was now roaming the streets during the day. My wardrobe had some subtle changes and I became more picky about how I looked. I bought a bunch of new suits for work, the skirts several inches shorter than what I wore normally. I would wear my blouses unbuttoned one more button than I used to be comfortable with and new higher heels became normal too, along with my anklet that Dan had begging me to wear. I took greater care with my makeup and always tried to look good for my husband even during the week. I was even eating better and barely drinking alcohol at all.

I'd always taken care of my body but I became a beast in the gym! I wore tighter shorts and tank tops to show off my work more often. One evening, my friend and training partner Kristen and I were training legs and I matched her in the squat rack for the first time ever! I was totally fired up and Kristen noticed my efforts.

"What has gotten into you lately lady?" she asked one day at the gym. "You've been killing it and you look fantastic! You've just been beaming!"

Coming from her it was a hell of a compliment. Kristen was a dozen years younger than me and her body was ridiculously hot. She had competed on the fitness stage many times so her telling me I looked good made me feel great but what could I say to explain my new attitude? "I'm fucking two guys a few times a month?" I didn't expect that would go over well! I told her I was just feeling confident and comfortable and Kristen seemed to accept it.

"Well I'm just saying if you weren't married girl!" she joked with me making me blush. Kristen was a total flirt and I wondered if she was really just kidding and what she would say if she knew the truth.

A few guys in the gym were noticing too. Occasionally I would catch someone watching me in the mirror. My husband used to tell me that guys were checking me out but I never really believed him, now I was seeing it for myself. Several guys even approached me to tell me how good I was looking. I couldn't have made that big a change in my body so I suspected that my new found confidence and the way I was carrying myself was the true reason they were noticing. It became a cycle, confidence breeds more confidence!

All of a sudden I became aware of guys flirting with me as well. I hate to admit I was a bit dense but I just didn't pick up on it before. I thought guys were just being nice but now I realized a few were hitting on me. A guy at the gym young enough to be my son wanted to get a beer with me, guys at work wanting to grab a drink after work; had it always been this way and I really didn't notice? Again my husband had told me they were flirting but now I believed him, it's like my eyes were opened. I started telling Dan about these things when they happened and it brought new life to our pillow talk and "story time". Dan even suggested I take up someone up on their offer for a drink after work, see if we liked it.

Early spring of 2017 a chance to do just that presented itself for the first time. One of the other attorneys in my firm had hired a guy to do some investigative work for him and I got introduced to him sometime in March. David was clearly my type to anyone who knows me. I was guessing former military or law enforcement, in great shape, probably around my age or just a little younger. He had that look of like Daniel Craig in the newer Bond movies, hot in a suit but I could tell he didn't like having to wear one. We shook hands and I could clearly see him check me out from head to foot. Some women would probably be offended by that but there was nothing disrespectful in the way he did it. I suspected he was one of those guys that absolutely loves women and I bet quite a few of them loved him back. I told my husband about meeting him later when I got home and he could tell I thought David was pretty hot.

By the second time we saw each other the flirting had begun. He made no attempt to hide the fact he found me attractive and I made no attempt to hide the fact I enjoyed it. Every time he had business at our firm he would be sure to stick his head in my office to say hi. I've worked around mostly men my entire life so I can give as good as I get. I was sure to let him catch me checking him out that second meeting and his smile told me he liked my boldness.

"I guess I deserved that," he laughed.

"Yes you did," I replied while meeting his smile.

From that day forward the flirting between us couldn't have been more obvious. David was discreet though and never did it when anyone else was nearby. He was ultra confident but never cocky and I matched him most days. One afternoon David stopped in my office and the conversation that day is still memorable to me as being typical of how we treated each other.

"Hi you," he started off with. "Hey I was wondering what gym you to go?"

"What makes you think I go to a gym?" I shot back.

"Your arms and shoulders are gorgeous, it's obvious you work out. I've been checking them out for weeks."

"You've been checking me out for weeks?"

"Of course I have, that's okay isn't it?"

"Yeah I guess so"

"Good cause I'd rather not stop. So you never told me what gym?"

"I know," I said as I starting writing again ending the questioning.

That was the way our conversations went. Neither one of us pretending not to be attracted. We messed with each other every time and neither would give an inch. The tension between us was hot and we both loved it. He had a thing for my legs that he just couldn't hide as I caught him numerous times checking them out, of course I was sure to play up to that and show them off every time he was around. As always, I told my husband everything and this new potential suitor brought even more new life to our already hot sex life. Dan predicted that David was going to ask me out and he wanted to know if I would go. I really wasn't sure what he thought about me having a drink alone with someone but eventually we decided if it happened we could find a way for Dan to be there to make sure I was safe. Besides that, I would only go somewhere I felt perfectly comfortable.

David didn't make me wait long and started suggesting an after work cocktail a few weeks later. I toyed with him some saying it probably wasn't a good idea but my tone let him know I was likely kidding. It was the third time he asked that I finally accepted and agreed to meet him the next day after work. My office is on the 18th floor of a large building that sits on top of a private parking garage. On the street level are shops and bars and David suggested we meet at a pub there which was perfect, in fact it was the place Dan and I decided was best so he could keep an eye on me. I went home and told Dan I was meeting David the next night and he agreed to arrive early just to make sure everything went ok. There would be no silly code words or anything, I could simply walk over to my husband if something went wrong. We also agreed it was just a drink, no more. We were both hot for it to happen and figured it would lead to some great sex for us.

To be truthful I was surprised how excited I was to do this. I told myself it was all about the new "story" I'd have but the truth was I was intrigued by David. He was hot and his personality had definitely been growing on me. Being so obviously desired by someone else can be an intoxicating feeling. I wondered if Dan would ever considered someone other than Ron joining us? If he would how would I ever be able to bring it up to David?

I caught myself watching the clock a few times during the day and was excited when it was time to get ready. I fixed my hair and checked my makeup before heading downstairs. It was an unseasonably warm spring day and the bar had large doors that opened to sidewalk allowing patrons to sit outside and enjoy the weather. I spotted my husband immediately sitting at the far end of the bar where he could observe the entire place rather easily. David was also there and had managed to snag probably the only table in the bar that offered any privacy, I suspected he chose it on purpose. My husband would be able to see us but just barely.

David's jacket was over the chair, his tie was gone and his sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. I had to admit to myself he looked damn good. I was pretty warm too so I took off my jacket and hung it on the back of my chair before sitting down. The high top chairs made certain that David would be seeing a lot of my legs and I was happy I'd also chosen another sleeveless shirt to distract David with. He greeted me with "hey sexy," and any pretense of why he was meeting me was immediately gone. We ordered a couple beers and watched people going by on the sidewalk, the work crowd headed home.

Our conversation flowed easily and we laid off our usual playful bickering; David took every opportunity to check out my legs as I sat to his right and just out of reach. We talked about work briefly, discussing some common cases we were working on to start. Subjects came and went quickly, sports, politics, working out, we covered a lot. I was shocked the first time I checked my watch and realized close to an hour and a half had passed.

"Wow I'm gonna need to be going the time has flown by," I said.

"I'm really glad you agreed to meet me Lynn," David replied, "I've been hoping to see you out of the office for awhile. You're even more gorgeous when you're relaxed like this."

I felt myself blush a little, "Thanks," was all I said back.

"I'm serious," he added, "I knew your body was insane but your personality seals the deal for me."

I remember thinking "damn this guy is smooth" to myself and I felt that familiar tingle of attraction.

David insisted on walking me to my car and I text my husband to let him know I was leaving for home. I didn't know where Dan was parked and didn't know if he was going to follow us to my car so I added "Everything's good I'll call you from the car," to let him know I was fine. David paid for our beers and we started out, I threw my jacket over my arm to enjoy more of the warm evening.

The walk to my car was very short so we didn't have much more opportunity to talk on the way. I noticed he walked very close to me, in a protective way not a pushy way. Several times we touched as went through doors or onto the elevator. We arrived next to my car and I turned to thank David for the drink and conversation. As I did he moved closer and kissed me. I can't say I was surprised by the kiss but the fire he had in it was surprising. He had me in his arms quickly and his hands slipped around my waist and he pulled us closer. His tongue slipped inside my mouth and we kissed deeply before I pulled away.

"Not here," I said, "I can't do this here people might see us."

"There's no one here," he said back and leaned in for another kiss. "I want you Lynn I'm not gonna lie."

We kissed again, David's hands roamed across my body. I felt him lift the back of my skirt and his hand came to rest on my ass before slipping under my panties as he palmed by bare cheek.

"Goddamn your body is hot!" he whispered to me.

My mind was racing, his hand on my ass and his mouth on me was way more than I'd expected. The kiss was hot and his hands on me hotter but it dawned on me that Dan may have followed us here. Oh my god what if he was seeing this guys hands hands all over me when we agreed to just a drink! I panicked just a bit.

"I can't David!" my words and tone changed so he would know I was serious this time. I pushed him back slightly and moved to get in my car. "I'm sorry I just can't tonight, not here."

"Lynn I'm sorry," he replied immediately, "that was totally on me and I don't want to hurt you in any way. I'm sorry I misread things."

I could see he was genuine and it allowed me to pause. "It's okay, I mean it, this just isn't the time or place okay?" I moved forward and hugged him. "You didn't misread anything David okay?"

I could see the relief on his face. We hugged quickly and he held the door as I got in my car. I scanned the parking area as I backed out of my spot for any sign that Dan had been watching but I didn't see him anywhere. As soon as my Bluetooth connected I called him and he answered on the first ring to my relief.

"Hey babe I'm on the road now," I told him, "see you in 20 minutes or so okay."

"Everything good?" he asked and it made me nervous.

"Yeah great, I'll see ya in a couple."

"Okay I got to my car quick but I may be a minute behind you. See ya at home."

Dan saying he got to his car quick relieved me. He seemed fine on the phone but now how do I tell him what happened? I thought about it all the way home without a good answer. The ride seemed to take longer than normal, I arrived home and waited for Dan to get there. He arrived shortly after me and we were all over each other as soon as he got in the door. We kissed hard and pulled at each other's clothes. In moments I was nearly naked on the kitchen table but a nagging thought kept popping into my head about the parking lot kiss and David touching me. I had to tell him what happened. In between kisses I got my chance and blurted it out.

"I think I screwed up baby," I told him.