My Long Road Home


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My spirits lifted a little, but deep down my heart was still so heavy I couldn't manage to eat a bite at dinner.

"I think I need a little time to myself, Dale. Would you mind if we put off decorating the tree till tomorrow?"

"Not a bit, son," he calmly assured me.

I went up to my room. For the brief moment we'd spoken Mom sounded delighted to hear from me. It consoled me somewhat that at least she knew I was alive and well.

Then the anger in my dad's voice came back to me and I found myself worried for her safety; his rage could be so unpredictable at times. The tears came back and I cried myself to sleep.

I must have slept for a couple of hours or more and by the time I woke up it was already half past midnight. Duke wasn't with me so I thought he must be in Dale's room. I went to see and found Dale's bedroom door open enough that I could see in. I heard his shower running.

There was a full-length mirror on the door of the linen pantry just inside the bathroom and it gave me an unobstructed view of the shower. Just then Dale unexpectedly stepped out stark naked.

The shadow in which I stood cloaked me from his view, but I could see every bit of him. A career in law enforcement followed by single-handedly taking care of that enormous ranch had given him an incredibly solid build.

A handsome mat of salt and pepper hair covered his front. His thick chest was heavily muscled and, while he might not have sported anything resembling a six-pack, you could nonetheless see that his keg-like stomach was solidly girded by a substantial layer of abdominals.

I glanced down and took note of his hefty balls. Resting on them was a thick cock that riveted my attention. Never had a man looked as sexy to me as Dale while I watched him slowly and methodically patting himself dry with his plush towel.

Of course I had tried time and again to picture him naked during my stay, but the reality of him far exceeded my imagination. When he finished he hung his towel back on its hook and seemed to study his reflection.

His left hand rolled into a huge fist and disappeared behind him to rest on his left buttock while he rested his right hand on the doorknob beside him. In that pose his wide-shouldered build was so sinewy I couldn't help thinking of that famous Roman statue of Hercules, even if Dale was noticeably more portly.

A curiously forlorn expression crossed his handsome face as he looked himself over. I wondered what on earth he must be thinking.

He then turned to exit his bathroom. His manly beard, his obvious strength, the way his meaty dick bounced atop the plump jewels that tumbled and rolled from side to side against his powerful looking thighs as he all fanned my blazing admiration for him to new heights of passion.

Quickly but quietly I returned to my room before Dale could notice me. I tried to erase the vision of his naked body from my mind, but my effort was in vain.

My attraction to him was inescapable by that point. I tried with all my might to focus my thoughts on anything other than what I had just witnessed. However, I simply couldn't stop my mind's eye from conjuring visions of him with that beautiful and generous allotment of cock fully erect.

I lay on my bed and started to rub mine through my pajamas. Quickly stripping them down around my thighs I started to masturbate in earnest and, within two minutes, climaxed like a grand Fourth of July fireworks display.

He let me sleep in and, late the next morning, we commenced a nearly day-long project of decorating the tree he'd let me select. It was like getting to spend the day in close quarters with the 'dad' I felt I'd never really had, Santa and 'The Sexiest Man Alive'...all rolled into one.

Chapter 7

When Christmas morning finally arrived I awoke to Duke licking my face. Once I had my wits about me I became aware of an aroma it seemed could only have come from some fine bakery. I got dressed and walked down to the kitchen to find Dale cooking.

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, Ethan!" he jokingly greeted me.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Dale!" I happily replied, stunned by the feast he was preparing and feeling more content than I could ever remember.

"I hope you're hungry because it's a tradition in my family to have a big breakfast on Christmas morning before anything else."

There was a tall stack of pancakes, a platter of fried eggs, bacon, two pan fried steaks, a tray of berry muffins, a cup of mixed nuts each, a fruit bowl, a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice and even a loaf of pound cake! The table was so laden with food it barely had room for our place settings.

We sat down and he began helping my plate for me.

"I didn't bother celebrating Christmas last year because I had to deal with Dad's death and taking over his ranch...just seemed like there was nothing to celebrate when it came right down to it."

I listened while watching him, wondering if he really expected me to eat such a generous portion.

"This year Duke and I feel we have good reasons to celebrate it once again...and you're one of them! I'm sure Duke won't mind me speaking for him when I say how thrilled he is to have you here - to share a bed with you and give your face a good licking on the daily!"

We laughed. Even the expression on Duke's face suggested he would have joined in our laughter if he could've.

"Thanks, Dale...he's become mighty special to me too."

"As for me, your arrival has brought meaning back to this ranch I thought was gone for good. I've been thinking I should sell it. In fact, the night we stumbled across you I was on my way home from a meeting with a realtor."

He handed my plate back to me and began helping his own as he continued.

"Finding you changed everything, especially seeing how that tour lit up your smile. I'm thinking now maybe it's worth hanging onto!"

I was so touched I was almost at a loss for words.

"Dale...I hope you're not doing it solely because of me."

He set his plate down in front of him. Instead of responding to my observation he pulled a small giftwrapped box from his flannel shirt pocket.

"Go on and open it," he urged with a big grin.

I undid the wrapping and opened the box. Inside was a key.

"Ethan," Dale started and then cleared his throat, "I've been trying to find the courage to ask you this far it seems to elude me. I figure with this being Christmas it's either now or never."

My pulse quickened in anticipation, tempered with a hint of dread.

"Would you have any interest in staying on and starting a new chapter here with Duke and me?"

I was so overcome by his generosity that I had no idea how long I left him waiting for my response. On the one hand I wanted to leap into his arms and smother him with kisses, but on the other I was still unsure that he fully understood the nature of my feelings for him.

He finally cast his eyes down to his plate, looking a little dejected.

"Well...either way...that's a key to the house for you. If you decide you would rather journey on then...we'll understand. Just know that...starting now, you'll always have a home to come back to here with us...right you'll always know where to find it."

I got up and walked around the table to Dale. I hugged him, feeling slightly ashamed of the sexual thrill it gave me even in the midst of the emotionally moving moment he'd created for me.

"Thank you. It means more to me than you can possibly know that you would make such an offer, especially to me. I've never felt so warm and welcome, I do here with you."

Dale closed his eyes, as if bracing himself for rejection.

I continued, "You saved me...and now you're giving me a chance at...a life? One I could never have dreamed of in a million years before you found me? I really don't know what to say."

Dale's eyes opened and he lifted his gaze to mine. A ray of hope shone in it and he spoke more tenderly than I'd ever heard him speak before, "Then just say...yes."

If I stayed it was only a matter of time before a sexual attraction as strong as mine to him became apparent. I wondered if his welcome would withstand that.

The thought of losing another home for the same 'sin' was almost more than I could bear, but the allure of life at Dale's side was too strong to resist. Try as I might to keep from it, an ear-to-ear grin spread across my face.

"Yes," I softly confirmed with a nod.

"Ok...then it's settled." The smile he beamed at me was so big and bright it could have dimmed the huge fir tree that twinkled and sparkled in the great room.

I didn't just get a key to the house. Several other gifts with my name on them were lying underneath the fir tree. There was also an envelope from Dr. Eisenberg.

I took Dr. Eisenberg's envelope and opened it immediately. I knew it had to contain the results of my tests. I read the whole letter and looked up to Dale with a big smile.

"Well? I assume it's good news from Doc, right?"

"Yes! And I'm so-o-o relieved!"

Dale smiled and said, "That's great news indeed. There are still several presents underneath the tree with your name on them. Did you think Christmas is over?"

The feeling of being a little kid on Christmas morning all over again totally overwhelmed me. I couldn't remember the last time I felt that way.

Besides several clothing items, I got a new iPhone, a watch, a wallet and a backpack. Inside the backpack was a brochure from the University of Wyoming and an admission application.

"Ethan, knowledge is power. When I found out your age and thought you're probably still in school, I took the liberty of getting you some material from the University. Hoping that you would stay here with me and Duke...well, at least for awhile...I hoped you'll consider going to school as well. When you're not in school you could help me manage the ranch here. How does that sound? I'll turn you into a first rate rancher in no time!"

Still overwhelmed with joy by the morning's events, I was at a total loss for words. They finally came.

"But, Dale, why? I mean, why me, of all people? I haven't told you anything about myself, my family, or my life back home. Why would you decide to take me in, clothe me and feed me...and offer me all this?"

"Because," was his simple reply.

"Dale, before I accept your trust in me, I need to tell you my story," I insisted.

He sat in his armchair and allowed me to tell him everything about my life in Utah; my best friend Bryce, his father, Brother Christensen, and how I'd had a crush on him, my coming out, how I got kicked out and, finally, my hitchhiking ordeal.

"Well, now you know everything," I said in conclusion.

I was so afraid of Dale's rejection after learning I was gay. I didn't dare look him in the eye and prepared myself for him to retract his offer. It seemed like an eternity before he spoke.

"Because," was his one word reply, again.

I finally looked up and he continued,

"Ethan, I grew up in an old-fashioned town, with an old-fashioned father. I knew I was...different...somehow. But, 'different' in those days was something you just didn't talk about. You were simply expected to go through life pretending to be like everyone else.

Then I met a guy in high school. He was as 'different' as I was, and in the same way. We became best buds. We did everything together, even going on double dates with girls...knowing full well we had no interest in them, but that we had to try and blend in."

"After high school we decided to join the Army to get away from here, and maybe even find a way to be together without having to live in shame. Luckily we ended up being assigned to the same platoon. We were good soldiers and everybody knew it. I guess that's why nobody ever said a word about us obviously being...I'll just come out and say it at last...lovers. It's the very least I can do to honor him at this point."

Dale started to choke up.

"Anyway, during a routine mission -- in light armored vehicles -- our convoy was ambushed. He was in the truck ahead of mine and...I'll never forget that day as long as I live!"

Tears began to well up in his eyes.

"I watched...helpless to stop what was a man darted out from cover with a grenade launcher and fired at them. Their truck instantly exploded in a ball of flames and...there was nothing I could do!"

I didn't say anything. There was really nothing I could say to ease his obvious pain. I simply let him cry, and couldn't help being moved to tears myself.

After regaining his composure, he continued, "Losing him was...just too much. I swore I'd never love like that again."

Dale stared straight into my eyes.

"I admire your courage in coming out to your best friend, and his father...and, ultimately, even to your own parents. Even though the result was not exactly what you hoped for, you're so much braver than I was at your age."

We both chuckled through our tears at his understatement regarding my coming out to my parents.

"You risked everything to stay true to who you are, who nature made you to be. I came home and just...turned my back on myself; buried my true nature...and my heartache, I guess...under the weight of a career in law enforcement."

Dale took my hand in his.

"Yes, I swore I would never love again. But when Duke and I found you, lying so still and lifeless on that frozen ground, all that changed. Once I realized you were, in fact, still alive...that strong sense of protection emerged again and your safety became my only priority. Nothing else mattered except helping you heal."

He gave my hand a firm squeeze.

"After you regained your consciousness that night, I knew I could love again. More importantly, I knew I had to. I also knew who that love would be reserved for, if only he would have me. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Ethan?"

I'd never felt so deeply moved. I fell into Dale's arms and hugged him with all my might. He clasped me in his embrace and I felt the full strength of his commitment to my protection.

I unexpectedly started to erect and, much to my surprise, felt him getting hard too. I planted a passionate kiss on his cheek and deeply inhaled his masculine scent.

The mixture of natural musk and aftershave acted as a pheromone. I lost control of my senses and unexpectedly kissed Dale again, but on his lips that time. He pulled back, as if holding himself in check.

"Ethan, we can't do this. You need more time to heal, physically and emotionally."

"But, Dale, if I understood you then...well...I feel the same! And, I...need more than ever!"

"But I'm worried that now isn't the time."

He pushed me away and rose from his chair. I caught him and hugged him from behind as he started to walk away.

"Dale, please don't leave me standing here. I've never felt as safe with anyone as I do with you."

He stopped and turned around, looking me straight in the eye. His face was stern, but his gaze was tender.

"Please don't walk away from me. I need you...need your strength."

Dale pulled me into his embrace and kissed me several times on the top of my head.

"Oh, Son, it's been so long since anyone has made me feel this way."

He slipped a thick finger beneath my chin and lifted my face to look me in the eye.

"I'm losing my resolve to resist those feelings, and you're still so...vulnerable. I don't want to make you..."

Suddenly Dale was at a loss for words, and that's when it happened. He lowered his head and lightly kissed my lips.

His kiss was all I wanted. It was soft and tender...and it lingered. His soft beard was a bit ticklish as it brushed my lips and the feeling was sensuous.

I opened my mouth slightly. His tongue slipped inside and swirled around mine. I instinctively sucked on it lightly and it sent tingling feelings down to my loins. I softly moaned.

Dale pulled back and looked at me. His lips spread into a warm and comforting smile.

"Son, I could never forgive myself if I did anything to hinder your healing. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Are you certain this is what you want?"

I nodded again.

He kissed me again. This time it was more filled with the certainty of his passion. His hands took my waist and drew to him more tightly. The height of his large frame required me to rise on my toes to meet his lips.

When Dale broke our kiss, he looked into my eyes again and his smile radiated confidence. He put his hands under my butt and then lifted me up onto him with ease.

I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Feeling his erection poking me, he delivered one more passionate kiss and began carrying me up the stairs to his bedroom.

Once there he gently laid me down on his bed and crawled up next to me. He kissed me yet again, caressing my face from my forehead all the way down to my chin.

"You're beautiful, Ethan."

I smiled. He kissed me again with even more passion. I was overwhelmed by the excitement and let out a whimper. Our tongues were dancing an impassioned tango.

"Are you sure you understand the feelings I have for you, Ethan?"

I nodded again...

Dale's hand was roaming and caressing my chest and abs. I was so entranced by his caress I encouraged him by lifting the hem of my tee shirt. He accepted my invitation to feel my skin.

He rose to his knees beside me and unbuttoned his flannel shirt. I was mesmerized by the muscularity of his shoulders and arms. He still wore his V-neck tee shirt and my eyes were riveted to the salt and pepper chest hair that spilled from it.

He leaned in and nipped at my earlobe with his teeth, then traced my jawline and on down the left side of my neck with his warm, thick tongue. My passion soared and he allowed me to sit up with him.

"What would you like me to do, Son? I want to make you happy. Just tell me and I'll do it."

"You're making me feel so...aroused...I want to see your chest."

Dale grinned and helped me off with my tee shirt, then proceeded to pull his own over his head and throw them both on the floor. He was hairy as a bear.

A mat of hair covered his entire chest with mainly white hair that was almost shaped like a "V" in the middle. The hair became darker as it expanded outward on his chest and down his abs. His barrel-shaped stomach felt incredibly solid. I had never seen a man so sexy and couldn't take my eyes off him.

"You're so smooth," the huge man sighed.

Dale's words brought me out of my trance. I sank the fingers of both my hands into his handsome pelt. It was so soft to the touch, yet his broad chest was hard and muscular.

His mounded pecs twitched a couple times under my touch. I giggled.

"And you're so hairy."

Dale warmly laughed and said "Well, I didn't ask for it but it runs in the family."

He leaned in for another kiss.

"And sexy too," I added when he pulled back.

Dale leaned in to kiss me yet again. It became more and more aggressive the longer it lingered until it seemed he might suck my tongue right out of my mouth. I whimpered again and he pulled away.

"You okay with this?"

"Oh, yes! I want you to lie on top of me. I've been dying to feel the safety of your weight on me."

"Are you sure? I'd love nothing more than to cover you like a blanket, but I don't want to hurt you."

"If you're too heavy for me I'll ask you to stop."

Dale smiled and then crawled on top of me, pinning me under his weight. One side of his bedroom had a big mirror and I could see us clearly. He was built like a bull, hairy and stocky in all the right places.

The image of his body covering mine was intoxicatingly sexy. I felt the weight of his powerful bulk squeezing the wind out of me.

Dale sensed I was struggling to support him so he propped himself up on his elbows. His chest hair began to tickle my smooth, small body and sent tingling sensations down to my groin, causing my dick to flex in response.