My Only Talent Ch. 21


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But he got caught because one of his girls ratted him out to deal down her own dope charge, and he had now learned that 'do it yourself' was a better plan. The guys at Smith taught him to target senior citizens: they often didn't notice you coming, they didn't react as fast, and they couldn't chase you at all. Sometimes they didn't even remember what you looked like. One punch and they were down and out. He was also anxious to try out a new wrinkle: if they looked like they were really loaded, you made them drive you back home so you could ransack the house, too. Just get in the back seat behind them, stick the butt of a knife or something in their back, and tell them you have a gun on them, and maybe you pick up a much bigger score than the car alone.


Elena found several things in the other stores she just had to have. The herb store had exactly what she needed and when she finished there she started toward the parking lot with two big shopping bags and two boxes of herbs. She was a little pre-occupied with getting everything back to the car without dropping it, and the cold breeze wasn't helping any. Eldee could do a lot, but she couldn't carry packages. Elena spotted the car out of the corner of her eye and walked unsteadily toward it, balancing her stuff.


Richard spotted a perfect target: a tall and elegant looking old lady struggling with several bags and packages. He plotted her path and realized she was heading toward an older model Mercedes diesel. That was great: very sellable in Mexico and South America, so it was also very fence-able here. If he remembered correctly, this model had electric locks, but not a wireless key fob. When she opened the driver's side door, the other three doors should be unlocked by the electric motors on them. So he should wait until she unlocked the door to make his move. If it has been upgraded to an aftermarket security systems that could only open the driver door and not the others, then he could still reach in and pop the back door manually -- luckily she had left the rear windows cracked enough so that he could reach in easily. As she passed close by, he noticed a big old engagement ring, wedding ring, watch, and the kind of purse his last girlfriend was always begging for, so he decided to go for the trip home and the big score, not just the car. He fell into step a few paces behind her, and began to count a stack of folding money in his mind.

He was surprised when she remote started the vehicle from some distance away. Aftermarket remote start might mean a better alarm, but maybe she just wanted to keep warm. It also meant she had a key fob to unlock the door. Sure enough she popped the trunk only; leaving the other doors locked, and dropped her packages in it. She closed it, and only then hit the key fob to unlock the front door. Somebody had taught her how to be security conscious. As she moved into the car, he stuck his hand in through the back window to unlock the rear door. Despite her caution, this was going to be an easy score.


Eldee never slept very soundly -- she was always listening. Through the cracked open windows of the Mercedes, she heard the distinctive noise that Elena's key ring makes from some distance away and fully woke up, ready for a happy reunion. A few seconds later, the car started up, and she knew Elena was almost here, even though she had not moved from her resting place on the seat yet. Then, things changed. A strange and funny smelling hand came through the window, with a knife in it!

Eldee knew exactly what to do, and she did it faster than human reaction time. Bite the wrist just behind the hand that is holding the weapon. Bite as hard as you can to make them drop the weapon, then pull the wrist down to the ground and hold it there until she hears an 'out' command from someone she knows and trusts. She had never actually done this inside the car before, and she couldn't just take the arm down and press it to the ground. But, she would do her best, and she dropped down to the floor of the car on the passenger side, determined to pull that arm down towards the ground as hard as she possibly could, and through the floor of the car if she had to.


Suddenly pain shot thought Richard's arm like it was on fire. He instinctively pulled hard to try to get his arm out of the car and found he could not -- in fact, his arm was being steadily pulled further into the car! He turned his head left and forward just as the right side of his neck banged up against the car window and he heard a pop from his right shoulder. He could not feel his hand anymore, he did not know if he still held the knife or not. He looked at the little old lady, and she was calmly talking on her cell phone with a funny little smile on her face! What the hell?

There was a damn dog in that car, and it had him by the wrist. It felt like there were fifty or sixty teeth buried in his arm. The dog was tugging even harder and his feet were now lifted off the pavement and part of his surely dislocated shoulder was being pulled past the narrow window opening and into the car. That dog was a lot stronger than he was, especially when his feet were not touching the ground. Someone was screaming. It wasn't the little old lady.


Senior Sergeant Sam Same normally didn't enjoy working private security, but he did like the overtime pay and the Christmas presents it was going to let him buy for his grandkids. This shopping center had some crime problems splashed in the newspapers in the last few months and they wanted to have a visible and credible security presence to reassure Christmas shoppers that they could come to here to shop in safety. So at least one off duty officer was in uniform and on hand here at all times. He heard the call on his radio and only had to drive around to the other side of the center to respond, which took less than a minute.

As he approached he heard a blood curdling scream and he was very much afraid that a woman had been mortally wounded and was in the process of dying. A tall and well-dressed grey haired woman waved at him and put her cell phone away. She looked calm and collected, and she was actually smiling a little bit. Then he saw two legs wind milling wildly out of the back window of a yellow Mercedes. He got out of his car and took in the scene. There was a dog inside the car, trying to pull the would-be car thief into the car through a window opening only about 4 inches tall. If someone didn't call a halt to the process, it looked like the dog would to it eventually, but it wouldn't be pretty. He hoped to hell it wasn't a pit bull and that it had been trained to release on command. The guy let out another awful scream. Sam added a request for an EMS unit to his response to the call.

The woman approached him. "Hello, Officer. I didn't want to out her until someone was here to restrain him, but you may not want to handcuff that right wrist until someone looks at it."

Her use of the word 'out' made him feel a lot better. The dog was trained. "Is the dog reliable?"

The woman looked highly insulted. "Are you?"

Touché. He put one side of his cuffs on the perp's 'good' arm. The guy probably didn't even notice. He nodded to the woman and then she said "Eldee, Those Lawson" or something like that, and the dog immediately let go.

She said something like "Eldee, Higher" and the dog pushed down on the handle with both front paws and opened the car door on the passenger side! Then she trotted proudly around the back of the car and to woman's left, her little stump of a tail wagging, and sat watching the guy intently as he tried to stand up.

The woman said "Bay Wake Him" or something like that, and the dog stared intently at the wounded and very miserable would be car thief. It appeared certain to the Sergeant that if the guy didn't stay perfectly still; the dog would cheerfully bite him again. Still the tail wagged, as if to say 'go ahead, buddy, give it a try'. Sam liked this dog. It was smaller than he first thought. The way that guy was suspended in the air, he would have pegged the dog at 120 lbs or more, but now he could see that she was not that big, maybe 75 lbs at most.

Sam sat the guy down on the payment, and handcuffed his left arm to his left leg. The woman suggested having the guy hold his right arm up over his head to discourage any bleeding, although it didn't seem to be bleeding that much. The guy actually looked at the dog first, as if to ask permission, and then moved his arm. My, Sam thought, but isn't he is suddenly so very well behaved?

EMS arrived and began working on the guy. The woman walked a few feet away and called the dog over to her, patting its head, giving it something from her purse, and saying "Bravo Eldee" or something like that. The dog wagged its tail even faster. The woman looked up at Sam and said "I suppose you have some paper work to do?"

Sam smiled. That was the only thing he liked about this private gig. Somebody else did the paper work. A DPD unit showed up to process the guy, and that officer spent some time talking to the woman, and then the perp. After a few moments the officer motioned Sam over and said "This mutt just got out of Lamesa early this morning. Didn't take him long, eh?"

Sam snorted. "He sure picked the right car, though!" Both cops had a good laugh, probably their only one for the rest of upcoming night shift. Sam asked the woman if he could pet the dog, and when permission was granted he offered the back of his hand for a sniff. The lady laughed when the dog wagged its tail.

"She likes you, sergeant, and she is pretty picky, especially about men. Her name is Eldee."

Sam scratched the dog's ears gently. "Eldee, I wouldn't mind having you ride with me. I bet you would be a lot more useful than my last partner!" She looked him right in the eyes and seemed to smile, like she actually understood exactly what he had said. What was it with this dog? Sam was still chuckling to himself as he drove away.

As they left the shopping center, Elena knew she had to add one more stop on her way home. Luckily the Whole Foods on Preston Road sold really nice calf liver. She usually baked it and then dried it to make the little training rewards for Eldee and the other dogs. She had been making the treats more often since Ronnie had made her start training the youngest dog to sense her metabolic states and do the medical alert thing, just in case Elena happened to outlast Eldee. But sometimes she just fried some chopped up calf livers in a skillet and poured it over Eldee's supper, and this was one of those nights. She glance in the rear view mirror and saw that Eldee was laying calmly in the back seat with her eyes closed.


A couple of hundred miles south in Austin, nobody was thinking about liver, although lots of people on Sixth Street were actively working on pickling theirs. But on campus, there were some raspy and conflicting Suzie signals making their way through the ether in anticipation of Millie's so called graduation party, and one highly perceptive but very worried freshman. It didn't affect his appetite, though, and he had called his buddy Ralph to come down and eat dinner with him. Ralph wasn't going to the ZZZ toga bash, but he had been enlisted as part of 'the cast' at Millie's party. They went through the line together and sat at small table in the corner. Robbie was pretty sure neither one of them wanted to be overheard.

"So, Ralph, how are things with Marilyn and Big Liz? Are you still up to the task of satisfying the two girls?"

"Robbie, life is good. I never would have believed I would have things this good. I am so happy the Cal Tech thing didn't work out; I have all the academic challenges and resources I need here. Thanks to you, and those two amazing beauties you found for me, I have the perfect 'bed life' as my Granddad used to say. I have also discovered that all that sex and satisfaction makes me think better and more creatively. When I win the Nobel Prize, I will have to cite your babe spotting talents as making it all possible."

"How would you feel if those two suddenly wanted to try two or three guys at once?"

He laughed. "Oh, they probably do, and this party is sure to give them some ideas. After all, Suzanne explained everything to them before they explained it to me."

"Doesn't that bother you?"

"It drives me completely crazy, but I can't let them know that!"

"What if they try it and they like it? What if they like much more than with you?"

"Well, my emotions got so crazy that I had to resort to pure Aristotelian logic to figure out how to handle this. First, I can never let them try it on their own. I have to be there: do my best to please the girls and to throw the other guy or guys off their game. Second, if they really do like it and plan to make it a regular thing I am better off without them and it's better to learn about that sooner rather than later. Finally, if they try it once and then decide that it was no big deal, nowhere near the thrill they thought it would be, then I have two wonderful women thoroughly devoted to yours truly for a long time, maybe forever."

"What do you think the odds are?"

"I make it 80/20 in my favor, and those 20% girls are too risky to be with long term anyway! So now I just wait and see, and when the coin is flipped and hits the turf, I can deal with either outcome."

"That seems very cool and collected, Ralph?"

"I really don't have any other way to influence the outcome Robbie, so I might as well be cool about it."

"What it there was a way to influence the outcome?"

"I just don't see one."

"If I show you how, can we help each other out?"

"This I have to hear!"

"Did you ever watch on old movie on Netflix called "Strangers on a Train?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to kill anybody, Robbie!"

"You won't have too. But what about a little reciprocal buzz kill?"

We talked for about half an hour before I had to leave to meet the girls at Lara's so we could go to the ZZZ party together. Sometimes we guys have to stick together, for the long term good of civilization, don't you know.


The ESU chapter of ZZZ had a reputation to maintain as hardcore party animals, and they worked at it. Besides the special punch made from grape juice and grain alcohol they called 'instant stripper' because if often had that effect on girls, they also had some 'traditions' to liven up the final party of each semester. One was that all the pledge class's girl friends had to strip and dance for everyone, ostensibly a direct consequence of consuming 'instant stripper'. This heated up the party atmosphere markedly, sometimes encouraging other girls to do the same, and led to some campus rumors that helped in recruiting the next pledge class. It also meant that Lou Baby would be displaying her smooth and ample charms for us, and I wanted to see Suzanne's reaction to that. Also, this party had become the unofficial 'let it all hang out' end of class party of the Greek crowd. Lots of other houses had parties this weekend, but it was widely known that if you really wanted to let your hair down and get your freak on, the place to do it was at the ZZZ last day of class bash, and it was sort of like a little bit of New Orleans in Austin: the normal rules of civilization did not apply for this night. This also meant that lots of independent girls and even some goody two shoes coeds from Baylor and Trinity, some with an entire semester's worth of pent up lust, often showed up at the party intent on having one of those legendary wild, wild nights that they could tell their friends about later.

Suzanne was wearing her "roman negligee' costume from that first magical ZZZ toga party we went to on our "first date" and she made up similar ones for Lara and Millie, too. She also had saved the roman robe thing she had made for me, and I put it on. Each one of the girls looked incredible, but the total effect of all of them arrive together was really going to turn some heads. Lara had arranged for Rodney Driver to pick us up in the limo, and he whistled as he held the door open for us. The girls really did look even better than ever. Maybe they were just a little more mature, or well rested, or maybe, like professor Lillehammer's wife Dorothy had so perceptively said, they were all getting their recommended daily allowance of "Vitamin D for Dick", thanks to yours truly. It was my sacred duty.

As we moved toward the entrance of the ZZZ house, I saw Lara and Rodney standing beside the limo, engaged in an animated conversation, which was just winding up.

"So, we aren't going to get to actually do anything with her, but you want her to think we are?"

Lara laughed. "Well, you never know who else y'all might run into at the party, Rodney!"

"This could be the start of my acting career!" Rodney laughed. "Midnight, right?"

The ZZZ party was already rocking when we got there. They had a DJ with a decent setup and everything sounded damn good. I saw Kevin, Lou Baby, the Prez, and Ms. Super Body at a table near the front, and they waved as we entered. Millie danced with several guys who asked her, and seemed to be enjoying herself immensely. It didn't take long for things to get interesting. There was a ceremonial pouring of the punch, and then all the pledges and their dates had to imbibe deeply. The DJ put on something with a rocking beat and turned the bass way up, and as if by magic, several of the pledge girlfriends began a fairly showy strip tease. Suddenly Suzanne and Lara were on either side of me, talking to each other as if I wasn't there.

"Lara, did you know Robbie is somewhat of a stripper connoisseur? He has spent lots of time in Dallas going to strip clubs to watch amateur dancers."

"Really, Suzanne? Do you think any of these girls will catch his eye?"

I couldn't resist setting the hook. "I've actually only been once. I only watch the best; I don't want to waste my time. There doesn't seem to be too much in the way of hot competition here: nobody near as hot as oh say, Alley, or Nora Upton. Now those two can really take it off!" I heard a couple of competitive sparking Suzies emerge on either side of me, with Suzanne sounding especially raspy. "But maybe Lou Baby will surprise me! I would like to see how that smooth cocoa butter tan has held up thorough all this winter weather and I'd especially like to see without it the little plum purple bikini in the way!" Sure enough, Lou made a big show of chugging one of those big red plastic cups of the punch, and instantly began to strip.

Slowly and tantalizingly: she looked like she was really enjoying herself. Kevin looked really nervous. When she took her bra off I realized there must be some tanning lamps at her sorority house, because her tan was spectacular, now competitive with water skiing Candy, setting off her red and nicely erect nipples on a pretty light pink bikini sized background, surrounded by some gorgeous and deeply tanned breasts. I could smell the cocoa butter from here. She must have been working out a little, too, because they seemed to riding a little higher and prouder on her pectoral muscles. "See what I mean, girls?"

Lara's Suzie sparked with competition but also some adoration, and I was sure neither one of them would kick the other out of bed. That might be very interesting, but I had to take pity on Kevin. Suzanne, on the other hand, was sending a rasping and buzzing mixture of attraction, competition, and a deep desire to dominate. It was a heady brew indeed, and it acted directly on my dick.

Suzanne strutted over to the punch bowl, her heels clicking loudly on the hard wood floor. Every male eye in the place was glued to her, as were Lou's and most of the other women's. She picked up a red plastic cup, dipped it full in the punchbowl, and held it too her lips, then raised it to toast Lou. "You look beautiful tonight, Lou, and seeing you makes me want to put on a little show myself!" With that she chugged the entire 12 ounces or so of 'instant stripper', her eyes never leaving Lou's.
