My Perfect Playmate; My Little Sis'

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Gamer meets the perfect girl online; his little sister!
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With a sigh, I looked down at the muddy mess of mud and snow beneath my shoes.

I could already feel my feet beginning to freeze as my socks became waterlogged.

If the weather reports had said anything about snowfall beginning so soon I would have worn more practical footwear!

Remind me again, I thought, but just why the hell do we go to the lake house every year for winter?

I hauled my baggage out of the trunk grudgingly, then reached into the backseat of the car for my precious cargo; my laptop.

Anything in my bags could burn in hell for all I cared as long as my mechanical conduit to the online world remained intact.

I clutched it to my chest as I began the tedious walk up the path to the family lake house which was nestled nicely into the mountainside, overlooking the great lake below.

I trudged through the snow, mumbling curses under my breath.

It was bad enough that even in my final year at college I was still being forced to make it to these family gatherings, but why did it always have to be here?


As I followed the muddy pathway up to the house, I was in an especially rotten mood.

Usually the long drive up to the lake house for our annual family getaway alone was enough to piss me off.

I mean, this was precious down time from school that I could spend playing my favorite games!

Who the hell really would really want to come up to some stupid secluded house in the freezing cold anyway?

Especially when the scenery looks just as good at 4k resolution and a steady 100 fps framerate!

Of course I'm kidding.

4K resolution?


That was infinitely better than real life.

Just thinking about it now, I couldn't wait to get to my room where I could get set up and logged in to Fantasy Realm again.

My little laptop couldn't hold a candle to my gaming rig, but I'd accepted for some time now that it was not practical to move that mechanical monster the 200 miles from my university apartment to this place.

But that doesn't matter now, as long as I had some means of getting online I'd make it work... even if it meant that I'd have to lower the graphical settings to do so.

I cringed at the thought.

"Breathe, Kev. Breathe. You'll make it."

"Struggling to get up one teeny weenie little hill?"


I shrieked, almost throwing my travel bag to the ground (not even a scare would make me take a hand off my laptop bag), as the words came whispered creepily right into my ear from behind me.

I spun around angrily to grab the offending party, when the little bugger dashed past me while giggling wildly.

"Catch me if you can, little brooo!"

"I'm your big brother moron!"

Just where the hell did she come from anyway?

"Besides, I wasn't talking about the hill, idiot, I meant this ridiculous stupid trip!"

"Aww, don't be like that. I mean you are getting to see your one and only super special ~awesome~ little sister!"

I tried to kick some snow at her as she came charging in at me again in a gleeful fit of giggles, but only succeeded in kicking up mud and slosh onto myself to her further delight.

"Ugh! When are you ever going to grow up!?"

Every. Single. Year.

My little sister Allie made my life here a living hell.

When we were little we were inseparable, but somewhere along the way she became a wildly precocious insolent little brat intent on dedicating every waking second to my torment.

If she wasn't so unbearably annoying I might even be impressed by how dedicated she was to making me miserable.

But now she was almost nineteen, and had absolutely no excuse for her continued childish shenanigans.

I mean, seriously. Didn't she have anything better to do at this age?

I banged on the door as I got up the steps to the house, tightening my grip on my laptop bag as I did.

"Mo-om! Allie won't let me in and my hands are full!"

"Just put the bags down, genius."

I watched her with a scowl.

She was smiling innocently, and I was sure she was up to something.

Besides, I knew better than to let my guard down around her.

One false move and she'd be off with my clothes tossing it down the snowy hillside and leaving me with nothing to wear for the next two weeks.

The door swung open while I was still banging on it, keeping my eyes firmly on Allie.

"Whoah there son, no need to go all Viking on us."

"It's all those video games, dad. I told you it would make him violent."

I entered the house with a scowl, but dad still had a big smile on his face.

"Now now Allie, you promised you'd be nicer to your brother this year."

Dad merely chuckled as Allie hopped about, just out of my reach, like a wild animal waiting for the right moment to pounce.

"Why don't you help your brother get your things upstairs? Your Mom and I are almost done getting dinner ready."

"She is not touching my stuff."

"Why not. You hiding something in there? Couldn't be weirder than that tentacle porn magazine I found in your bedroom."


I almost dropped my bags again as I lunged at her.

"That's not true!"

"Ahahaha. You kids are precious. It's okay, Kev. You know we don't judge anyone for their preferences in this household," my dad said as he walked off to join mom in the kitchen.

"Wha- hey, it's not like that, I really don't have anything like tha- h-hey!"

Allie, halfway up the half-spiral staircase, wrapped her scarf about herself and clutched onto the banister, putting on a show as if she was being dragged away by some tentacle monster against her will, and moaning as if being violated in the process.

"You bitch!" I cursed under my breath as I scrambled up the stairs with my baggage in chase, but in vain.

The sound of her laughter faded as she bolted up the stairs, down the hall and around the corridor to the relative safety of her room.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard her door slam shut.

I quickly made my way down the corridor, and as soon as I got to my own room, I shut the door and locked it for good measure.

"Finally," I muttered under my breath.

She always found some way to torment me, and make my stay here that much more hellish than it needed to be.

It was bad enough I would be stranded for two precious weeks of vacation time where I was forced to play from my laptop rather than my usual gaming setup.

But all was not lost.

At least we had good Wi-Fi out here.

Since I had left home for college, mom and dad had been spending much more time out at the lake house, so to keep up with work and such they'd upgraded the Wi-Fi here.

Thank god, or else I'd have to play on 5mbps broadband like some sort of savage!

I quickly unpacked my belongings and began setting up my computer.


Luckily my parents did design this room to accommodate me, so I had a pretty good Tv set in here to use as an external display.

I got connected to the internet, did a quick speed test, and everything was good to go.

I was just about to boot up Fantasy Realm when I heard the call for dinner downstairs.


Though we ate breakfast and lunch at our own discretion, there was a strict family rule that we have dinner together.

I went down where I was greeted by a grand dinner.

Dad grilled up some of his famous steaks, and mom made a veggie casserole, creamy mashed potatoes, stuffed Portobello mushrooms and Asparagus sticks.

All of which I scarfed down in under ten minutes before tearing off to my room with my mouth still half full.

"Mo-om, stop him!"

I was out of the room before anyone could get their food down in time to respond.

Not that I needed to escape my parents.

They'd just chuckle and make some comment about digestion or something.

The real menace I needed to evade was Allie.

She always tried to mess with me at the dinner table.

If she wasn't trying to steal the meat from my plate, she was kicking at my feet under the table, or trying to lick my utensils when I wasn't looking.

Even if she didn't do anything she would just keep staring at me with this creepy look on her face that made me think that she did do something!


Little sisters could be such a freaking pain!

But, for now at least I was free.

I slammed the door shut and locked it again, then made a beeline for the laptop.

Fantasy Realm, here I come.

I logged into the game then within two minutes I was rolling on the floor in agony.

And no, not because I scarfed down my food without properly chewing.

She's not here!


Stupid stupid stupid Allie.

I have no idea how but I'm sure she's to blame for this.

Maybe she might have been around earlier if Allie didn't make it so hard for me to get set up as soon as I got here.

I sighed, then set off to see if there were any random quests I could take while I waited for her.

I was just plowing my way through some wood elves who didn't really do all that much to deserve the hell I was unleashing on them when the little ping came up that set my pulse racing.

She's here!

Alessandria2107 is online.

I only waited maybe twenty minutes or so for her to get online, but when you're waiting on someone you badly want to see even a minute can feel like hours.

Easy, easy play it coo-


I practically shrieked as the message came up.

Hey, you're here! Are you sure you don't live on this game? ;D

I wasted no time in replying:

Well this guild hall isn't gonna pay for itself.

No, but you could take a break sometimes. Wanna meet me at the tavern and chill? I'm sure you've been questing all day! ;)

Oh how those winking emojis set my heart alight!

I quickly finished off the nearest elf before teleporting back to the main town.

Sure thing, you coming on TeamTalk or just chatting here?

She answered with a nudge which told me that I'd just been messaged on my TeamTalk account.

I quickly switched over to there, and saw her little nudge along with a strange message:

"Ip conflict detected; switch to multiple accounts mode? Confirm?"

That was strange; usually that only happened when one of my roommates were using TeamTalk from the same server as me.

Must be a bug, I thought, and I quickly hit the OK button before heading for my laptop bag to retrieve my headset.

Good thing I installed all of these things in advance.

As I got into TeamTalk, I was about to call her when I remembered:

"Ahhh! The voice filter!"

One of the really handy features of TeamTalk was the voice modifier; it allowed a person to modify the pitch and tone of one's voice, so that your voice could more accurately match your in-game character.

I had used the feature to- deepen my voice a bit, and give it a little heavier tone.

I'd always just thought it was cool to sound manlier, but ever since Alessandria2107, or Lessie as I called her, had commented on how much sexier it made me sound, I'd spent hours one day fine tuning it to achieve the maximum effect.

Now, don't look at me like that, okay!

No-one is really what they seem to be online anyway.

For all I knew my new sultry voiced cyber friend was probably some hideous middle aged woman with five kids or something, so what the hell, right?

God, I really hope she's a hottie!

At least I knew she was a girl.

The good thing about TeamTalk was that even with modified voices, it was pretty easy to tell chicks apart from dudes.

Early on a lot of girls tried to fake being guys to avoid being hit on by the massive hordes of pathetic men that would basically line up just to talk to you if you had a vagina.

There was no way to really trick someone unless you could effectively imitate sounding like either a girl or guy to begin with.

And, at least I was hoping, Lessie was not one of those capably talented voice actors.

I was pretty sure I was safe though.

I'd been chatting with this girl for almost a month now, and in the last week- well, things had gotten pretty spicy!

We were in a full on virtual romance; cutting down innocent wood elves and burning villages to the ground in tandem.

You know; typical first date type things.

It was about two weeks before we even started talking to each other.

But the first time I heard her voice, I felt a little flutter in my stomach.

She had a laugh like an angel, and she always laughed at anything I had to say.

I plugged my headset in, made sure it was working and my voice filters were set up, then I hit call and held my breath.

"Hey, sexy. Where have you been?"

"Oh, you know. Had to finish teaching those elves to build those tree houses elsewhere before I came back to town."

"Oooh. Did you get me anything good?"

"Not this time, sorry."

"By the way mister, you have some explaining to do!"


"For someone who lives on this game, you've sure been scarce these last few days!"

"Oh? Did you miss me?"

"Oh sure, you- and your Elf slaying prowess. A girl needs new gear! So what gives? Did you find a girlfriend and forget all about poor little old me?"

God she was so cute!

Unlike all of the boring girls I'd met over the years in college who didn't know one single thing about video games, this girl was a gem.

Every gamers dream!

I couldn't have been happier sitting here and chatting with her than if I were with some stupid ordinary girl.

Even if little miss ordinary was pretty, nothing could hold a candle to a gamer girl.

"Hah. There are no real life girls that can satisfy me. If she isn't 2-dimensional, then she isn't good enough for me."

"Ohh? But there's things that real girls can do that virtual ones ~can't~?"

"What was that?"


She'd never done that before.

It was the annoying singsong-y thing that Allie always did, except when Lessie did it sounded soo much cuter.

It was actually pretty sexy.

"Nothing, never mind."

"Oh? Does someone like being teased? Well then mister, you better fess up and quick! Who's the little vixen that's been keeping you away?"

She spoke in a pouty voice that had me going crazy.

God everything about this woman was just crazy sexy.

Her teasing tones, the pouty nuances to her jealous interrogation.

Oh please God let her be hot!

"Alas, there are no vixens to fear, mi'lady."

"But good sir, surely that's what every good knight claims! What proof do you have?"

We giggled for a bit before I started to explain.

"A vixen or two would be much more interesting than reality, I'm afraid. The truth is I'm visiting my folks for the holidays."

"Oh? So Gara the Glorious has a family now does he? Tell me more!"

"Not much to tell. It's just me and the parents."

"Only child, are we?"

"I wish! I've got a younger sister, despite my best efforts I should say."

"Sibling squabbles? I'm sure you love her nonetheless."

"Nope. I don't think it's in any way possible for me to hate someone as much as I do her. She's a stupid brat, and she's always getting on my nerves-"


"Wha- what was that? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I just- uh, stubbed my toe."

"See, if that happened, she'd probably just laugh at me and enjoy the fact that I was in pain! She's terrible, really."

"Oh, I'm sure she's not that bad."

"She is! Trust me."

"Well then, why don't you just put the little brat in her place?"

There was a subtle sultriness in her voice that gave it a really seductive tone.

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you?"

"A girl does like a man that can take charge."

"Well, in that case I would definitely make her suffer."

"Ooh, do tell me more."

"Maybe grab her by her annoying little ponytail, lean into her ear and whisper, 'you've gone far enough, now it's time to pay with that slutty little body of yours."

"Oh? Do ponytails turn you on?"


"That's so bad! Now I think I want to be your little sister."

"Really now? You'd want me to be your overprotective big brother?"

"Now that you mention it that does turn me on."

Holy shit, this was kinky as fuck!

I was actually getting really turned on by the thought of Alessandria being my little sister.

"Oh big brother, I've been so bad," she said, in a sexy, cute voice.

"What is it this time?" I put on the best authoritative scolding voice I could.

"I've been in my room thinking about you, and I just couldn't stop touching myself."

My cock began to throb in my pants, and I began rubbing it as she spoke;

"Oh, that's really naughty. I know exactly what a naughty girl like you needs. A good spanking."

"You wouldn't possible lay your hands on your little sister would you?"

"Well if you keep teasing me like the little whore you are, I just don't know I can help myself?"

"Is your little sister making you lose control?"


"Oh! But big brother, you're not supposed to touch me like that! What if mommy and daddy see us?"

"Mm, if you didn't want them to see this then maybe you shouldn't have teased me like such a little slut."

"But then I'd never stop teasing you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, let them watch me squirm like a bitch in heat while their son runs his hands all over my sexy little body."

Part of me wanted to believe she was subconsciously describing herself.

It wasn't the first time our conversations had gotten heated and sexy like this, but this time I felt as if she was really getting into it.

Before I wasn't sure if she was just being a tease or not, but ever since we'd started chatting I'd been falling harder and harder for this girl.

I'd increasingly found myself wishing I could see her, meet her.

Play games with her in person.

Perhaps now more than ever.

"You know I don't think your spanking made any difference."

"And why not?"

"Because your little sister is still thinking about you and touching herself."

"Oh? Well then I guess we'll have to resort to really drastic measures."

"Like what?"

"Hmm. Maybe I'll just strip you down, and tie your hands and legs so that you'd be on the ground, naked and bound, and at my mercy."

"Oh my god- uh, then what, big bro?"

Was that a pant?

Lessie was really getting into it this time.

There was no doubt that she was getting really turned on by this.

"I'd grab your head-"

"Grab me by the ponytail?"

"Uh-huh, and I'd pull your sexy, naked body close to me-"

"Oh god yes- would you touch me? Would you finger my wet little cunt?"

"Yeah, I would finger you like the little whore you are."

"Mnh," she moaned, "but this is so wrong! I'm your sister. Big brothers shouldn't have their fingers buried deep inside of their sister's pussies!"

Who knew this could be so hot? She was turned on like crazy, and so was I!

I freed my cock from its confines in my briefs, and began to stroke it in earnest.

"Well, little sisters shouldn't get so wet for their older brothers!"

"Oh, big brother, I'm so wet for you right now!"

Every time she called me 'big brother' it made my cock twitch in my hands pleasurably.

"Oh, well I'm sure that my fingers alone are enough to satisfy a slutty little girl like you."


