Mystery Box of Fun Ch. 02

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The Game begins.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/10/2018
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I would like to thank my editor Todger65.

(All characters depicted in any form of sexual activity are 18 years of age or older)

It has been six months since Patty and Jeff's night with their friends Mike and Tiffany. After going up stairs that night they had some of the wildest sex in years and Patty discovered that she had been missing out by not really enjoying giving oral sex. She not only did it more often after that, she also started doing research to hone her oral skills.

She did this by watching hundreds of how to videos and just straight up blow job porn, then trying what she had learned out on Jeff. Jeff of course not only supported her in her new hobby, he greatly enjoyed being her test subject. Her favorite video was one she found by a girl in her early twenties giving a demonstration by sucking the 9 inch strap-on she had put on one of those large teddy bears that you win at carnivals. Whenever she was in a bad mood or had a bad day at work she would watch it, something about watching that young woman go to town on her teddy bear made Patty smile.

More regular blow jobs weren't the only thing they added to their sex lives. Nothing to extreme but they had tried a little bondage, included some light spanking, would have sex in places around the house that wasn't their bedroom, and had bought a book called Intro to the Kama Sutra that added several new positions into their love making.

They enjoyed a little over three months of this new stage of their sex life when life got in the way again. Jeff got a promotion at work and Patty's company got a huge new client and she was put in charge of their account, so it didn't take long for their wild nights to become farther and farther apart. Though the regularity of their wild nights lessened, they did keep from going back to once a month and in the same positions rut again.


Patty had had a long day, her new client wouldn't sign off on any of the half dozen different ad campaigns she and her team had developed on for them so she had to spend the whole day starting from scratch. She hadn't even had time to get lunch so she was starving but just wasn't up to making dinner.

As soon as she gets inside she collapses on the couch, "God it was a long day."

"Hi mom," her daughter Molly cheerfully says as she sat next to her.

"Oh why are the young always so peppy," Patty groans.

'"Because we are young, you old lady," Molly giggles.

"Who you calling old you little bitch," Patty says trying to sound angry but brakes out laughing instead. After they both stop laughing, "Thank you sweetie I really needed a good laugh after the day I had."

"Always glad to help mom," Molly says as she hugs her mom, "and you know you're not old right."

'"Well at 45 I'm not exactly a teenager anymore either," she laughs.

"True, but as a 20 year old being a teenager is overrated anyways," Molly laughs, " So mom you hungry?"

"God yes I'm starving," Patty moans, " but I'm to tired to cook."

" Well I guess it's your lucky day then because I already made dinner and it should be done in just a few minutes."

"Oh I love you so so so much right now baby. And that's why you're my favorite," Patty laughed.

"Well I'm glad she's your favorite mom but I helped too," Brad her 22 year old son calls from the kitchen.

"Oh stop pouting Bradley you all know we don't have favorites," she yells back. Then with a smile adds " Well at least most of the time."

"So," Patty asks changing the subject, "what did two of my favorite kids make for dinner?"

"Grilled chicken, with rice and salad," Molly answers, "I hope that sounds alright."

"It sounds perfect baby thank you both for doing this."

"No problem mom," Brad says, "Glad we could help."

They spent the next few minutes talking about their days until Jeff got home, "Oh thank god I'm finally home. What a horrible day."

"What's wrong daddy?"

"Oh just all the work that comes with this new promotion Molly, nothing else," he says as he plops down on the couch between his wife and daughter.

"Ok well you two sit and relax and I'll go help Bradley finish the food," Molly says as she goes into the kitchen.

Jeff and Patty sit on the couch complaining about their crappy days to each other for the next few minutes. After they both finish Patty turns to him, "You know what honey it sounds like we both need to do something fun and relaxing."

"Did you have something in mind?"

"Maybe," she playfully answers as she reaches over and unzips his pants.

"Wow babe are you serious the kids are just in the next room?"

Instead of answering him she leans over pulls his hardening cock out of his pants and starts sucking him. Despite being worried about getting caught Jeff doesn't even put on the appearance of resisting, instead he just lays his had back on the couch and enjoys what she's doing.

Thanks to all the videos she has watched and the practice she has done, Patty has become an amazing cock sucker. She starts by taking just his head into her mouth swirling her tongue all over it, paying special attention to his slit, as she works his shaft with her hands. After a few minutes of this she then starts to bob her head up and down his shaft, taking more and more into her mouth each time. She still hasn't quiet got the hang of deep throating but is able to bottom out with 6 and a half of his 7 and half inch cock in her mouth. Then she stops sucking his cock all together and slowly jerks his cock as she licks and sucks on his balls.

Jeff is really enjoying Patty's oral ministrations, his hand resting on the back of her head but let her be in complete control. But at that moment Molly looks out from the kitchen, "Daddy do you want a beer?"

Never being happier for the back of the couch in his life he turns to look back at her as Patty continues to suck him off, trying not to moan as he answers, "No sweetie I'll wait until the food is ready but thank you."

"Ok daddy everything will be ready in about five minutes."

"Alright Molly," he says trying not to groan as he fills Patty's mouth with his load.

Patty hungrily swallows every last drop of his cum and doesn't stop sucking until she knows she's gotten every last drop out of him then pulls off with a loud pop, "Mmmmmm that was just the appetizer I was needing."

"I can't believe we just did that. What if Molly had caught us?"

"She 20 years old do you really think she's never had a cock in her mouth," she grins at him.

"That is not what I meant and I'd rather not think of my little girl doing what you just did."

"Hypocrite," she teases.

"No just a dad," he answers with a smile.

"Dinners ready," Molly calls from the kitchen.

Jeff and Patty join their children in the kitchen to eat and the four of them are soon joined by the youngest member of the family Edward. The family sits and enjoys a normal family dinner together sharing how their days had gone and what their plans for tomorrow were, all while enjoying some wonderful food.

After dinner Molly volunteered her and her brothers to do the dishes, though they helped begrudgingly. Patty and Jeff just sat back watching them work. Patty couldn't help but think how her three little babies were all grown up.

Bradley, though he preferred Brad, was the oldest at 22. He had always been an athlete and it showed in his 6'2 well muscled build. He weighed in at just under 300 pounds, every ounce of it muscle and he kept his dark brown hair cut really short. He was currently taking classes at the local college, playing football and was an assistant coach to one of the high school football teams.

Molly was the middle child at 20 years old. She had taken more after her dad's mom with a really short, curvy build compared to Patty's taller, thinner build. She had a round ass that jiggled when she walked and large 46 DDs. She did get Patty's golden hair that she currently had cut at about mid-back length. She was also taking classes at the local college and had a job at Victoria's Secret in the mall, which they both enjoyed for her employee discount.

Then there was Edward, he also goes by Ed and hates Eddy which of course his sibling call him when they want to bug him, the baby of the family at 18 years old. He has always been a bit a nerd so he didn't do many physical activities which has left him on the skinny side. He was a little nearsighted so he has to wear glasses, and he keeps his dark hair long and messy. He is a senior in high school, on the chess and debate clubs, and spends most of his free time playing video games.

If you had asked her in high school where she saw herself at 45 she would not have said this, but she wouldn't change a thing.


Later that night Jeff and Patty were lying in bed watching TV and cuddling. Though they both really wanted to, they weren't having sex because they both had early days tomorrow. After a commercial for one of the Manu ED drugs out there Jeff turns to her with kind of a dopey grin on his face, "So not that I'm complaining but what made you do what you did earlier?"

"Whatever can you be referring to," she smiles back.

"Oj I don't know...maybe the amazing blow job you gave me with our kids just in the next room and could have walked in on us at any time."

"Oh right that," she sarcastically draws out the 'a' in that , "Honesty I'm not sure. We both had a rough day and I just wanted to do something fun and wild. And... well... we have kind of let things get between us again lately and I missed those few weeks of us trying new things."

He pulls her into a quick kiss, "Well to be honest myself, I've been thinking along those same lines and I think I may have a solution if you're game."

"Ooooo now you have my attention," Patty says as she sits up in bed "What do you have in mind?"

"Well it will kind of be a game of sorts. We each write out some of our fantasies we would like to do and... maybe... a few dares or challenges or something for the other to do. Then we put them all in a box or bag and draw them out randomly and do whatever it says."

She looks at him with a look on her face he can't decipher, "Ok maybe that's dumb or over the line. Patty I'm sorry it was a bad idea. Forget..."

"No," she interrupts him, "it's not that I don't like the idea, it's just I wasn't expecting that. So how exactly would this work?"

"Like I said we each write out some fantasies/dares, pull them out of a box and then do them."

"Ok I get that Einstein," she teases, "but how many do we each write? If the other person really doesn't want to do it can we decline? How often would we draw? Once a day? Once a week? As soon as we finished the one before?"

"Ok," he stopped her before she could ask anything else,"to answer question number one, we each write let's say ten. Question two if it's not something too extreme we have to do it, if one of us thinks it's over the line then it can be vetoed; but we only get three vetoes each. Does that sound fair?"

We each write ten... let's call them challenges and we each get 3 vetoes, so basically a third. Yeah that seems fair. Now about how often we draw a new challenge?"

Jeff laughs, "We can figure out all the small details later, we both need to get some sleep. We can start writing out our challenges tomorrow and figure out how often we do one when we are ready to start."

"That sound like a plan," she kisses him then turns off her light, "Good night, I love you."

"Love you too," he answers laying down himself.

Though they both knew they needed to get to sleep neither could stop thinking of what challenges they should write.


It had been a few days since they talked about the box of challenges but it hadn't really gone anywhere since. They both had written a few ideas down but neither had a full list thanks to their jobs. Plus after those first few ideas they were both having problems thinking of ten really good ideas.

Patty had managed to clear her schedule enough to go to lunch with Tiffany, but wasn't really paying attention as Tiffany told her some story from work.

"So what do you think," Tiffany asks napping Patty out of her thought.

"Um... sorry what do I think about what?"

"Wow something really has you distracted today. Work giving you fits again?"

"No it's something else," she tries to be evasive.

"Well unlike you I'm all ears," Tiffany teases.

"It's nothing what were you saying before?"

"Oh no you don't. Tell me what's eating you."

Against her better judgment Patty explains the whole thing, "So you see we agreed to ten each and I can only think of three. What do I tell Jeff, that I'm so boring I can't even think of ten things for us to try sexually?"

"Can I ask what the three you have are?" Patty whispers her three ideas in Tiffany's ear. "Wow I really like your third one and the first would be really fun."

Patty blushes, "The third ones not too strange is it?"

"No not at all. And as far as finding seven more try looking at some porn and erotic fiction online and if you find anything that peaks your interest add it to the list."

"I'll try that thanks."

The rest of their lunch went well and Tiffany retold her story and Patty was able to pay attention this time.


That Friday night Jeff and Patty were sitting on the couch, watching television and eating delivery pizza to relax after the long week they've had. They haven't discussed their box of challenges since that night in bed when they agreed to do it. It had kind of become an unspoken challenge to see who could go the longest without bringing it up when they both wanted to so bad. The sexy female police woman was just about to reveal who the killer was when there was a knock at their front door.

"Damn, who could that be," Jeff cursed as he got up to answer the door while still trying to watch the show.

When he opened the door there stood Mike and Tiffany, "Hey buddy we just wanted to bring something over."

"I hope it isn't a bad time," Tiffany adds.

"No it's fine come on in," Jeff answers moving out of the way, "What was it you brought over."

"Well," Mike grins, "Tiffany told me about your box of challenges and we bought up a few of our own for you to do."

Turning to Patty, "You told Tiffany about my idea."

"Look I'm sorry. When we had lunch yesterday I wasn't paying attention to her because I was having trouble thinking of ten things to write and after I explained what was bugging me she gave me a suggestion that helped," Patty explained. "Wait did you two say you brought challenges of your own... for us to do?"

"Yes," Tiffany answers before Mike can say whatever he was about to, "after you told me I couldn't stop thinking about it and after I told Mike we started talking about what we thought you two should try. And ... well, one thing led to another and we ended up writing it all out."

Mike handed Jeff the stack of folded paper, and he and Patty looked over them. There were a total of thirty index cards folded in half and taped so you couldn't read what was on them without cutting open the tape. On 10 of the cards there was a M written on the back, 10 had a T, and the other 10 had a B.

Patty looks over at Tiffany, "What do the letters mean? I can guess that M is for Mike and T is for Tiffany but what's the B?"

"Both," Mike explains, "The M are the ideas I thought up, T are the ones Tiff thought of, and B are the ones we both thought of."

"Look," Tiffany jumps in, "I know this is probably way over the line, but we just thought that maybe if you two had challenges that you didn't write maybe it would help you push at your limits a little. Use them or not it's up to you, we're... well I'm just trying to help, Mike's just a perv."

They all laugh at that releasing the tension from the room.

"Actually," Jeff says after they stop laughing, "it's kind of sweet of you guys, maybe a little strange but sweet."

"Well buddy you know if you need help pleasuring...," Mike starts but is interrupted by his wife.

"We're going to go now and let you get back to your night," she says pulling Mike with her out the door.

Jeff and Patty sit in silence for several minutes after their friends leave until Jeff finally breaks the silence, "So should we include these when we do this."

"I don't know I'm kind of excited by the idea, but scared too. But I know one thing for sure if we do include them I want more than just 3 vetoes. Who knows what kinky shit Mike challenged us to do," she laughs.

"Yeah," he laughs, "there's no telling what those two have come up with. Ok how about this, when its one of their cards we can agree not to do it together and we won't, but if one of us wants to and the other doesn't we can veto it. And we get a total of 12 vetoes each."

"So we are including them now," she smiles.

"Oh right," he grins, "well it's up to you. "

"I'm fine including their challenges, but we each get 12 vetoes that we can use however we want."

"That sounds fair," he tells her, "So... ummm... I have my ten challenges ready so if you do too maybe we can do the first one tonight."

She gets a big grin on her face, "yes I have all ten too but my list is typed on my phone so why don't we both write ours on index cards like they did, including our initial and taping it closed."

"Ok, let's both go write our challenges down then we can flip a coin to see who draws."

Jeff goes to his home office and grabs some index cards as Patty runs to their bedroom to grab an old shoe box. They both go to seperate rooms to write out their cards, Patty puts a P on hers and Jeff puts a J on his, then they both tape them shut. Jeff puts all fifty of the cards in the box and shakes it up.

As Jeff is shaking the box Patty digs a quarter out of her purse, "Heads or tails?"

"You pick. You know I like getting head and tail," he answers with a laugh.

"Perv," Patty laughs. She flips the coin and calls heads. They both watch as the quarter lands. "Ha heads I win. Ok let's see what our first challenge is."

She reaches into the box while looking away. She looks down at the card she drew, "Uh oh, it's one of Mike's, our first one may be a veto."

She pulls the tape off and reads the card, "Oh my!"

"Oh god what he write?"

Instead of answering she hands him the card. He reads it out load, "Patty must take a photo at least topless and showing her face, post it online, and send us the Link. Ummm... ok I'm guessing you want to veto it."

"Would you be alright if a topless picture of your wife was online for anyone to see?"

"You know I think you are sexy as fuck, and I know it sounds messed up but the thought of men and women all over the world masturbating to what only I get is kind of a turn on. So I'm game if you are."

"Wow, ok you go grab your camera and I'm gong to go get cleaned up and we'll do this."

She takes a quick shower, does her makeup and calls Jeff up to their bedroom. Jeff walks in the the amazing view of his gorgeous wife sitting on their bed completely nude, "Wow! You look good enough to eat."

"As good as that sounds it will have to wait."

"So you're going to pose fully nude?"

"Not exactly," she says as she stands up and poses in front of a full body mirror holding a sign she made that says first challenge drawn in front of her pussy, but her ass is visible in the mirror.

"Oh wow that perfect," he moans as he starts snapping photos. He takes several from slightly different angles and with her in slightly different poses. After looking through the pictures they agree on their favorite and he gets it ready to upload to their account on an amateur porn site, but stops before hitting upload, "Ok here's your last chance to change your mind. Once I hit this button your breasts and ass will be online for anyone to see forever."

She takes the mouse from his hand and clicks upload, "There now your wife's tits are there for the whole world to jerk off to."