Naked at Home Ch. 01


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"Daddy," Mary reiterated, "we're not going to be playing." It was an instinctive response to her father's infantile way of addressing her, and to his suggestion. In actuality, the roles were rather reversed. It was Jeff who had always been admonished in the past to let Mary play with him. She adored him when she was little, but he kept brushing her aside. And, as soon as she finished her sentence, she realized that this could indeed be fun, much more fun than even when she was little. "But, you know, I think that it would fine for Jeffrey to play with us. We can maybe play a game, or something."

Jeff was astonished. "Are you kidding?!"

"Oh Mary, that's so sweet of you," Mrs. Anderson replied. She was also reminded when Mary so much enjoyed playing with her brother.

"C'mon guys, don't I have a say in this?" Jeff implored.

"No, not really," his father answered. "And besides," having the same recollection most everyone in the room was having, "You hardly ever would let your sister play with you and your friends. I think it's only fitting that you play with her friends now." He turned to Mary. "When are they coming over?" She had never gotten to answering that question.

"Well, pretty soon, actually."

"Wonderful," Mr. Anderson said. "Won't that be fun. Just like when you were kids again," although none of Mary's friends were still kids. They were all eighteen, just like Mary.

Ding, ding......ding, ding. It was the doorbell. At least one of Mary's friends had arrived. "You go answer the door, Mary," Mrs. Anderson instructed. "Jeff can finish up the dishes with me. When all your friends have arrived, I'll send him up."

"Yes, mother," Mary gleefully replied, in small part because she got out of doing more dishes but in large part because she couldn't wait to tell her friends. She dashed off for the front door, leaving Jeff with his parents

As soon as she left Jeff tried to press his case. "Mother, must I really?"

Mrs. Anderson sighed with disappointment, and frustration. "Jeffrey, you sound just like you did when you were a boy, refusing to play with your sister and her friends. I would hope that now that you are all grown up you would be more mature and considerant. You know how much they adore you."

One of them, Patsy Emerson, did in fact "adore" him when she was younger. She had a crush on him. But, obviously, that was years ago. His mother didn't seem to appreciate that it was doubtful that they did still "adore" him and, in fact, that wasn't really the point, was it? "Mother, that's hardly the point. The point is that I'm naked, for goodness sake!"

"Well, you should have thought about that while you were frittering away at college, letting your grades slip. Now, as your father instructed, be a man and take your punishment."

Jeff was silent during the rest of the dish washing. He was reminded of the movie, "Dead Man Walking." Well, that was perhaps a bit melodramatic. He wasn't facing a death sentence. Obviously, anyone on death row would trade positions with him in a second. But, still, each time the door bell rang, it seemed to toll for him.

By the sound of the bells as times passed, or at least absence of sound for some time, it seemed that all of Mary's friends had arrived by the time they were done with the dishes. Mrs. Anderson then prepared a serving of cookies for Jeff to bring up to the girls. They were not home made cookies. It was just Oreo cookies on a serving platter, along with four bottles of cola, each with a straw. The doorbell had rang three times, and so Mrs. Anderson naturally assumed that Mary had three visitors. She wasn't entirely sure that all of them would like the cola. Milk is a much better choice for Oreo cookies than cola, but she remembered how embarrassed and annoyed Mary had been when she came up to her room earlier this summer with a tray of milk and cookies. As Mary explained, milk was for kids.

With considerable trepidation, Jeff left the kitchen with the tray of cola and cookies. A bit of the trepidation was due to the difficulty in keeping the colas balanced on the tray. He had no real experience as a waiter. Plus, his socks were a bit slippery on the hard wood floor of the hallway, and then he faced walking up the stairs to his sister's bedroom. Still, the worse part was that he was slowly but surely walking to his doom. He wasn't Dead Man Walking, but he did feel like Naked Man Walking.

When he reached his sister's bedroom on the second floor he could hear the girls whispering and tittering inside. He had to figure that they were talking about him. He moved the tray a bit away from his body and inspected himself. His penis was still all squirreled and shriveled up. He considered trying to make it a bit bigger before he entered his sister's bedroom, but he dreaded even more the thought of getting caught doing so. Plus, what if they sensed that he was partly erect?

He couldn't really knock with his hands, holding the tray of colas and cookies, nor could he effectively knock with his stocking feet. He called out. "Hey, I've got some cookies for you!"

The girls felt that he certainly did, although they wouldn't really refer to his stuff as cookies. Perhaps, though, from now on a couple of them would.

Patsy scrambled to the door to open it up for Jeff. The eyes of the other two girls, Gloria and Sara, lit up and their hearts raced. Mary turned her face away in anticipation. The obvious delight of her friends made her brother's nudity seem quite a bit more prurient than it had been with her parents.

Patsy gleefully opened the door. Her eyes went wide, her mouth fell open, and her free hand went to her mouth with shock, amusement, and glee at the sight of Mary's older brother, standing right there in the doorway, holding a tray of sodas and cookies, entirely naked. Well, with the exception of his socks.

Jeff was a reasonably attractive boy. He was about five feet, 10 inches. He was in pretty good shape, with excellent muscle tone. He was in fact on the track team at college (he specialized in the pole vault). He also had rather handsome features. His face was nicely symmetrical, he had a strong, firm chin with masculine, dark stubble, thick eye lashes, alluring brown eyes, and thick, wavy brown hair. But, much of that was perhaps offset by his still anxious, withdrawn, and rather little penis.

Patsy though was reminded of how much, and why, she had a crush on Jeff when she was younger. He did still look like the handsome guy she had remembered, perhaps even more so now that he had grown into a young man, with all that dark masculine stubble along his jawbone and chin. And, well, frankly, he was even cuter entirely naked. His arms and chest were rather muscular, and she thought his penis looked very cute. "Goodness, Mary, Jeff has certainly all grown up," she said with a bit of coquettish flirtation in her voice.

"Well, not all of him, by the looks of it," Sara disagreed, a comment that resulted in a considerable amount of giggling and tittering among the three girls on the bed, including Jeff's sister.

Jeff glared and Patsy came to his defense. "That's not fair, girls. It is a little chilly this evening and he's probably feeling a bit nervous."

Jeff appreciated Patsy's comment. He might have in fact dated her if she wasn't such a close friend of his sister, although back then, when she had the crush on him he wouldn't have dated anyone so much younger and immature than him. A two year difference though is no longer that striking or meaningful at his current age. He had indeed grown up, as she suggested, and so had Patsy. He wondered if perhaps he should have dated her, as he could see that she was a very pretty girl, with long straight blonde hair, rosy red and dimpled cheeks, sparkling green eyes, large curved lashes, and very kissable pursed lips. Plus, she had filled out rather well, and her breasts were being rather prominently displayed this evening in a tight, form fitting sweater. Patsy definitely had rather large round boobs. The way they stood out from her chest it just seemed like she wanted you to handle and squeeze them or at least certainly admire them. Jeff felt his balls and penis stirring at the thought, and he quickly looked away. It can be difficult enough to hide an erection within boxers and slacks, a not uncommon problem for many of the boys at Templeton. Hiding any such reaction now would be quite impossible, to say the least.

"C'mon, Jeff," Sara admonished, "bring the tray over here and serve your guests."

He was obviously hoping that he could just leave the tray on Mary's desk or vanity table, but realistically he knew he wasn't going to be that lucky. With considerable apprehension he strode over to the bed, the tray of colas and cookies presented for their pleasure on the tray, his penis and testicles for their amusement, and perhaps pleasure, below the tray.

As he made his way to the bed Patsy really couldn't resist the temptation. A boy's bottom was a really very engaging sight: both masculine in its tautness and boyishly innocent in its soft roundness. She gave him a few playful, encouraging pats on his bare butt, leaving her hand there for a bit after the last pat.

"Patsy!" Mary exclaimed in protest. She was still finding it a bit difficult to be sharing the nakedness of her brother with her friends, but she was now at least stealing glances and had noticed Patsy's indiscretion. She wasn't protesting to defend or protect Jeff. It just seemed a little too weird to actually be touching, and even fondling, her brother, particularly in her presence. Plus, she asserted, "Students aren't supposed to touch participants in The Program."

Patsy did let go but retorted, "But we're not at school now."

"Yea, well, I don't think my parents would like it."

Gloria, the third of Mary's three visiting friends, suggested, "But they're not here right now, are they."

"Yea, well, what if he got..." Mary couldn't finish the sentence.

"Oh my goodness," Patsy exclaimed, and all three of her friends giggled over that, stealing nervous and excited glances at Jeff's limp penis hidden from his eyes beneath the tray but certainly not from theirs, imagining it actually getting stiff and hard. "C'mon," Jeff complained, "take these bottles before I spill them, okay?"

Patsy took hers, giving him another playful pat on the bottom, and then went around to the other side of the bed to climb aboard.

Gloria, sitting at the back edge of the bed next to Jeff, took two of the bottles, handing one over to Mary, who was seated the farthest way from Jeff, on Patsy's side.

Sara slid over to the front edge of the bed, to get closer to the tray. She looked up at Jeff with her large round blue eyes, looking mournfully plaintive, "and can I have your cookies too, Jeffrey?"

"Help yourself," he glumly replied, leaning forward and bringing the tray down a bit.

"That's so sweet of you," she innocently replied and reached under the tray to lightly cup his testicles.

"Hey!" Jeff squealed, lurching suddenly at the quite disconcerting feel of the girl's soft fingers on his testicles. It was not at all an unpleasant feeling, but it was quite surprising, and he almost spilled the contents of the tray. Fortunately, Sara had reached at the same time for the remaining cola with her other hand.

"Sara!" Patsy was now protesting, not because she objected in principle to Jeff being fondled but because if she couldn't do it then certainly Sara shouldn't be able to. Frankly, she was rather jealous.

Sara, however, did not remove her fingers. She was in fact lightly caressing the young man's testicles, much to the shocked eyes of the other girls. She explained, still looking into Jeff's eyes, "I don't really like Oreo cookies. I like nuts instead."

Jeff didn't know quite how to react. He supposed he should be very angry and offended, and he could easily just step away. But, when does the feel of a girl's fingers fondling one's testicles not feel good? And, Sara's fingers were really quite nice, if not though a bit ticklish.

Mary though, more assertively, whacked Sara on the shoulder. "Stop that!"

Sara let go and gave Mary a scowl. "You didn't have to hit me."

"Yea, well, that's my brother, for goodness sake."

Sara would not be put off. "But he has such pretty nuts, don't you think, and I bet they're all so juicy and creamy inside, just like candy nuts."

"Shut up!" Mary admonished, but it was evident that she was a minority at this little party. The other three girls were thinking it might be kind of nice to crack Jeff's nuts open, not in the traditional sense of cracking nuts, but in a much more playful, enjoyable way of getting at the tasty cream prize hidden inside.

"Well, if we can't play with him, what can we do with him?" Sara protested. She had a point there. What was the point of having a naked boy in the room if you couldn't play with him?

Gloria though had a solution. She was also an Abberville student and knew the rules of The Program, if they were in fact beholden to adhere to them even when they were off campus. "We're not supposed to touch him but we can ask him to do things for us." That was indeed correct. Participants in The Program were required to honor respectful requests on the part of a student.

"Great!" Sara exclaimed. "Jeffrey, we want you to give yourself a boner, right now."

"Sara! My gosh!" Mary protested. But, she was outnumbered and simply had no valid rejoinder. Gloria was indeed correct. Mary though really, really didn't know if she was at all comfortable with her brother getting an erection in front of her, or her friends, and especially not in front of her with her friends there. This just did seem really inappropriate, and wrong.

"Yes, c'mon," Gloria encouraged, "and you have to do it without touching yourself."

"And, still holding the tray," Sara added, "so we can have cookies while we watch it get bigger, and bigger, and bigger."

"How big will it get?" Gloria asked.

Mary's and Patsy's faces turned red in response to that question. Jeff's face was already red, and perhaps couldn't get much redder.

Jeff knew some of the rules of The Program. He certainly knew the rule Gloria was referring to, and he knew that he had imagined using that rule to his own advantage if his sister was ever a participant, but he also knew that only Abberville students had the authority to ask for something, if he had in fact ever showed up on the Abberville campus.

Frankly, he was feeling rather confused by all this. On the one hand the girls were clearly making fun of him, playing with him at his own expense, to say the least. On the other hand, what boy wouldn't enjoy showing off his erection to a bunch of giggling girls. It would certainly get rid of his embarrassing limpness and might in fact shut them up. Their giggles would likely turn to embarrassed self-conscious confusion at the sight of a big hard manly cock. They were, after all, only freshwomen. All of them were eighteen, but they were still teenagers. He was twenty years old, a real man.

But, this was also something he had never tried before. He had felt that he had tried quite a number of different things, at least when it came to sex. How difficult would it be to stand naked and will yourself to have an erection? He was about to find out. Plus, he had to do it with four pairs of eyes all glued to his dick, including his sister's (although he did notice that she kept glancing away). Talk about performance pressure. This was considerably more difficult than even the pole vault. He typically did much better at the pole vault in practice than at an event, when he was under the scrutiny of a big crowd, watching intently his every step and move. Well, there was never in fact a big crowd at a Templeton track competition. But, still, the eyes of an audience did make him feel self-conscious, and these ones were not even necessarily supportive or encouraging eyes.

He was, though, actually wrong about that. All but one of the girls fully wanted him to get an erection, and especially Patsy. She was really very, very curious what it would look like. Mary was the one with strong doubts. She again averted her eyes.

Jeff closed his, trying to blot out from his mind the fact that he was standing in front of these girls. Just like in track he tried imagining the successful outcome, playing through his mind a perfect pole vault performance, but this time he concentrated on developing a rapidly swelling cock, quickly growing to a full, hard stiffness. It wasn't a bad idea in principle, perhaps, but he didn't usually think about a hard cock when he wanted to get one himself. In any case, it just wasn't working. It also didn't help that he could hear a bit of tittering, as well as hear and feel one or two of the girls getting a cookie off the tray.

"Goodness," Sara exclaimed, "Does Jeffrey have this problem with the pole vault? I've never seen him use his pole before. That would be kind of funny if his pole went limp at a meet as well."

Mary and Gloria giggled at that, but Patsy didn't. "Don't be mean," Patsy admonished.

Sara looked over at Patsy, smiled, and said, "You really want to see your little boyfriend get a big bad boner, don't you."

"Shut-up!" But, there was obviously considerable truth to that and Patsy's face turned a deeper red.

Jeff switched to a different tactic. Sometimes when he got nervous speaking in front of a crowd he would imagine some of the audience being naked. His parents had suggested that. It did in fact help to distract his mind from their judgmental eyes, and the idea frankly made pretty good sense here.

He imagined the girls slowly removing their clothes before him. He particularly imagined his sister having to take her clothes off, wondering what those cute little bubbies would look like all naked. And, of course, he would make Sara bend over in front of him, perhaps even reach back and spread her cheeks. He opened his eyes a little bit, just a teeny bit, to remind himself what these girls looked like, to better imagine them in his mind as naked, and he caught sight of Patsy, her tight sweater, within which her rather large breasts were thrusting out. His dick began to swell as he imagined seeing Patsy's naked breasts, her pussy, imagining her fondling his balls, his cock, imagining those sweet pretty girlish lips wrapped around his cock.

"Ooooooh," Gloria intoned, "somebody is waking up."

His cock was indeed gaining strength. It was like watching a trunk grow in fast motion film. It was in fact a rather impressive sight to see his penis slowly expanding, swelling, gaining strength and stiffness, slowly growing up from a limp penis into a more stout, proud, stiff, protruding cock. The girls were quite impressed, even Mary.

"Yes, and I know why," Sara suggested, noticing where Jeff was peeking. "Jeff's being inspired by Patsy's boobies."

"Sara!" Patsy and Mary exclaimed in unison.

Jeff immediately closed his eyes, embarrassed over the fact that he had been caught, and for the moment lost his momentum.

"See what you did," Gloria complained. "He stopped."

He had indeed. His dick was essentially at half-mast, moving neither up nor down, like a crane whose gears had become stuck.

"Well Patsy," Sara suggested, "why don't you give him some inspiration?"

"Why don't I," Patsy defiantly responded. "Look, Jeffrey," she gaily offered.

As Jeff opened his eyes he was greeted with the delightful pleasure of seeing Patsy raising up her sweater to show him her boobs. They were still encased within her brassiere, but the packaging was almost as desirable and pleasing to the eye as the melons hidden within. Patsy was wearing a very colorful, flowery cotton brassiere whose round cups were really quite fetching. Brassieres are really quite wonderful garments, as they not only provide a very pleasingly round shape to boobs, they bedazzle them with such feminine finery and enticing allure.