Natalie's Story

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The summer that changed my life.
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My name is Natalie and this is a story about the summer my life changed. Having just turned eighteen I would be graduating from High School in a few weeks, and I desperately needed to find a job for the summer to help pay for classes at the local Community College I really wanted to attend in the fall. And so far I had not been having any success at all.

My parents split when I was very young and my dad took off shortly after that and I have not heard from him in over ten years. My Mom works as a legal secretary for a local law firm. She makes descent money for her job and has always been able to provide more than I needed, but even with some help from her it would be close to near impossible for me to pay for all my classes plus textbooks if I didn't find a job for the summer.

Just when I was about to give up all hope of finding something for the summer Mom informed me that a new paralegal at work needed a babysitter to watch her four almost five year old daughter during the day for the summer before she started kindergarten in the fall. While babysitting was not my very first choice I was quickly running out of other options. Mom gave me her co-workers number and I called the next day.

After talking on the phone and answering a ton of questions from the woman whose name was Susan she asked if I could come by this Saturday to meet and go over a few things, but that I sounded perfect for the job. So that following Saturday I went over to Susan's house about 1 pm. The house was a quite large two story home located in a very upscale suburban neighborhood that was very much different from the small two bedroom apartment that I lived in with my Mom in the city.

After knocking on the door it was opened by a very attractive blonde woman in her late twenties.

"Hi, you must be Natalie, I am Susan. It is so very nice to meet you."

"Same here, Mrs. McAllister," I said.

"Drop the Mrs., I am just Susan. Your Mom has told me a lot about you. Why don't you come in and I will show you around, we can get acquainted a little bit more, and then you can meet Sara."

"Most of what my Mom told you about me was probably all warm and glowing and wonderful sounding I take it."

"Your Mom sounds like she is very proud of you."

"Aren't all Moms supposed to be proud of their children?" I said.

"You are very right on that point."

While giving me the grand tour of her home, Susan told me about what the job would basically entail. Mostly it would involve taking care of Sara, Susan and her husband Jeff's only daughter. She was four and would be turning five in less than a month. Sara was just finishing a year of preschool now and would be at home for the summer before starting kindergarten in the fall. Susan needed somebody that could watch Sara during the weekdays while she was at work. She also wanted somebody available to babysit on the occasional Friday or Saturday night when she and her husband needed a night out together for the evening. Other job responsibilities would include helping around the house with laundry, do some cleaning, go grocery shopping, help with the cooking, and doing some of the other household errands. When she told me what she was going to pay me plus some extra for gas money I of course took the job. It was way more than I would ever make serving burgers at a fast food joint. I started the week right after high school graduation.

The first couple of weeks of my new job went really good. Sara was a delightful little girl and we bonded instantly. I would usually arrive at Susan and Jeff's house before eight. Jeff had almost always left by then and Susan was just getting ready to leave. My first responsibility was to make sure Sara ate breakfast and then clean the kitchen. If there was laundry I would get that started as well. The rest of the morning would be spent playing with Sara. Often we would take a walk around the neighborhood and stop at a nearby park. Sara would usually take a nap shortly after noon. Then the rest of the day I would spend doing any more laundry or get any cleaning done. When Sara woke from her nap is when I would take care any of the household errands that needed to be done. These would be things like dropping off or picking up dry cleaning, going to the grocery store, or whatever else there was on the listed that needed to be done. Susan even provided a child's seat for my car so that I could take Sara with me while doing these household errands.

Then one day a couple of weeks into the job while Sara was taking her nap I was upstairs putting away some laundry when I made quite the shocking discovery. I was putting away some clothes of Susan's into a drawer when I noticed what looked like a photo album tucked way into the back of the drawer. Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled the album from its hiding place thinking it might be wedding photos or something like that. But what it really was gave me the biggest shock of my life.

Opening the cover of the album the first page revealed a photograph of Susan standing totally naked with her legs spread apart and hands held behind her head. All she was wearing was what looked like a leather dog collar around her neck. Another photo that was a close up of the collar showed a metal tag stitched into the leather. On it was engraved:


Property of

Master Jeffery

Intrigued I began to flip quickly through the rest of the album.

Throughout the album there was page after page of photos of Susan posing naked. In some she was kneeling or standing. In others she was bent over with her bare bottom facing the camera. In one photo her hands were pulling apart her butt cheeks to reveal there was an object of some sort insert in to her asshole. Then still more photographs showed her tied up with ropes in various positions. The ropes were tightly wrapped around her arms, legs, chest and breasts and often tied in very intricate knots. In some she was even suspended from the ceiling and tied up in very elaborate ways. In all most very photo there was sex toy of some sort inserted into her vagina or ass and some times even both. Another photo showed her tied spread eagle to a large four post bed, but it was a different four post bed from the one in the bedroom I was currently in. This was followed by several close-up photographs of her face, breasts, stomach and groin area all covered in what I can only assume was multiple loads of semen. Next there were many photographs of Susan engaging in sex with several men that were definitely not her husband Jeff. In several of the photographs Susan was obviously tied up or otherwise restrained while the men in the photographs had sex with her. In most of the photographs there were multiple men engaging in sex with her at the same time. One set of photos showed Susan on her knees with her arms handcuffed behind her back and in front of her stood about a half dozen naked men with several more men standing around in the background. One of the men had his penis in her mouth and the others looked like they were all just waiting their turn. While I am not naive or even still a virgin and I had heard of S & M and bondage between consenting adults I still was finding it very surprising to discover that Susan who for all outward appearance was a very loving wife and a devoted mother would actually be engaging in such activities. Then another set of photos showed Susan sandwiched between to large black men. She looked like the cream filling of an Oreo cookie. The photos clearly showed that one man had his penis in her vagina and the other man had his penis in her anus.

The last several pages of the album were the ones I found the most startling. These were photographs of Susan's naked body depicting mostly her back, breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks that clearly showed her body covered in harsh looking red and swollen welts as if she had been spanked very hard or even whipped. One photo prominently showed her crimson red butt cheeks looking as if she had just received the most severe spanking ever. After seeing these last photos I decided that I had seen enough and quickly put the album back into its hiding place.

Later that day when Susan came home she asked if I could watch Sara this Saturday night. She and Jeff wanted to go out for the evening. Needing the extra money I readily said "Yes". Susan asked if I could get to their house a little before 7 pm. I said that would be just perfect.

As I arrived at their house just before 7 pm; Jeff opened the door for me and said, "Hi Natalie, so glad you could watch Sara tonight. She is playing in the living room. Susan is still getting ready upstairs and should be down in a minute or so."

While I was playing with Sara in the living room Susan came down the stairs. I noticed that she had on a long black coat with a high collar which I thought was kind of odd for going out on a warm summer evening. When Susan came into the living room to say "Hi" she knelt down to give Sara a good bye kiss and said, "You be a good girl for Natalie and Mommy will be home real soon." As she knelt down I got a quick glimpse of her neck and saw that she was wearing the same leather collar around her neck that I had seen her wearing in the photographs.

Jeff and Susan left shortly after that with Jeff saying, "We will be back around midnight," as they both stepped out the door.

A little over an hour and a half later when I had put Sara into bed for the night I went back into the master bedroom to look at the photo album I had found again. I knew it was wrong of me but my curiosity was just getting the better of me. The photos really intrigued me and I wanted to see what else I could find.

Searching through the same drawer as before I once again removed the photo album from its hiding place. Taking my time I once again looked through the photos until I came to where I had left off before. I found the photos of Susan's naked and whipped body not to be repulsive but highly erotic. I began to wonder what it felt like to be whipped like that and how painful it felt. But mostly I wondered how she could allow herself to willing submit to something like that.

When a finally got to the last page of the album I found that a CD disk was tucked into the back cover. Now my curiosity was really peeked. Taking out the disk I slipped it into the PC in the bedroom. On the disk was just what I was hoping it would contain. There were about a dozen files each made up of several more dozen j-peg images. The files were not named, but only dated. All appeared to be in the last couple of years. Quickly looking though the thumbnail images of each file I saw that most of the images were the same ones from the photo album. But when I came to the last file which was dated just a couple of weeks ago I was surprised to find it contained a video file.

Opening the file and clicking on play the screen opened to view a room that I could only describe as looking like a dark medieval dungeon. The room's walls looked to be made of stone with a rough wooden floor. Around the room there was placed several objects that resembled torture devices. There hanging in the center of the room from chains and secured with ropes was a very naked Susan. Soon a very tall and beautiful black woman dressed in leather came into the room.

"So there my Slut, are you ready to submit to your Mistress yet?" I heard the woman ask.

"Yes my Mistress, I will do anything that you ask of me," responded Susan.

"That still doesn't sound very sincere enough for me. I think a few more lashes of my whip may still be in order."

"Mistress, please no more. I promise to be good. Do anything you ask."

"Not good enough!" and with that the black woman let loose with the whip in her hand landing a strike across Susan's back. The sound of the whip on bare skin sounded like a thunder clap.

It was what Susan did next that surprised me, "One," then she proceeded to count each additional lash.

Again and again the woman struck out at Susan continuing to land one blow of the whip after another.

As the video played I got more and more aroused. Soon Susan's body was covered in a sheen of sweat and visible red marks covering her body. She was barely able to speak as she still counted the lashes of the whip. Finally the woman put down the whip and untied the ropes that suspended Susan and lowered her to the floor. At that point the video faded to black.

Quickly the video re-opened to now show a large bedroom. The same black woman from the previous scene now naked entered the room holding a leash in her right hand and crawling at the other end of the leash was Susan. The black woman took a seat in a large comfortable chair in the corner of the room and pulled Susan by the leash up and between her spread legs. Without any hesitation Susan moved her head close to the woman's groin as the camera also moved to get a closer view of the action.

Susan's mouth and tongue were now busily at work on the woman's vagina. Without realizing it and barely even thinking about it I had loosened my shorts and my own hand had work its way between my legs. I began feverishly rubbing myself. Quickly I began to imagine that it was Susan's mouth between my legs and not my hand. Soon I had completely forgot about the time.

Just as I was about to bring myself off imagining Susan's tongue between my legs I was startled by a voice, "Natalie what are you doing in here." Looking toward the bedroom door I saw Jeff and Susan standing there.

Embarrassed I pulled up my shorts as I stood up and tried to come up with an explanation as to why I was in their bedroom masturbating to a video of Susan. "Oh, I am so sorry Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, I should not have been looking at this, but I found the album while putting away laundry and the curiosity just got the better of me."

Then Jeff spoke, "From what I just witnessed you were really getting turned on by watching Slut here serve another woman." Then what Jeff said next really surprised me, "Slut, why don't you go finish off what Natalie has already started."

Susan removed her coat to reveal that she was naked underneath it, "Yes, Master." Then walked over to where I was standing and knelt down in front of me and began pulling down my shorts and panties.

Still very unsure about what was going on here and still highly aroused from before I sat back down into the chair behind me to allow Susan to pull my shorts and panties down and off over my feet. As she did this I got my first real good look at the collar around her neck. Stitched into the leather of the collar was a metal tag. Engraved into the metal it read:


Property of

Master Jeffery

"Don't worry, Natalie, she is very well trained in pleasing both men and woman," said Jeff as Susan's tongue took its first lick from the bottom of my pussy all the way to the top. With her hands she spread my legs wider to enable herself to push her head deep between my legs. "Just sit back and relax. You will enjoy this I promise."

Very soon the wonderful sensations emanating from between my legs spread throughout my body. I have had a few boys lick my pussy, but most just took a few quick licks then moved up to insert their cock inside. Never have I ever felt anything like this before. I felt very self-conscious having never had any lesbian desires before and now having another woman between my legs, but soon the expert technique of her tongue had me feeling so good I did not even think of objecting.

Her tongue was dancing all over my most sensitive of areas licking and then sucking just a little with her lips. Soon I felt her tongue being stuck way up inside of me then move up to concentrate right on my clit. My breathing started getting deeper and the sensations ripping through my body were becoming even stronger. Then my orgasm unlike any I had ever experienced before erupted throughout my body.

It seem like several minutes before I was able to regain myself to see that Susan was now kneeling in front of me with her head down. Then she spoke, "Thank you for allowing me to serve you Miss Natalie."

Standing up on still very wobbly legs I started to put my shorts back on and try to regain some composure.

Once I was dressed again Jeff said, "Natalie. I will walk down with you." The two of us then walked down to the front door. At the door Jeff said as I was walking out, "See you on Monday Natalie," as if nothing unusual had just occurred.

On Monday I arrived back at Jeff and Susan's house as normal not really knowing what to expect. As usual Jeff was already gone and Susan was just about ready to head out the door as well. Just as she was heading out the door Susan said, "Natalie can you babysit again tonight? I know it is short notice, but I am sure you will find it to be worth your while."

I said "Yes, of course. What time?"

"I will try and be home a little early and give you a break and then if you could come back around 7 pm that would be great," and with that she was out the door and gone.

The rest of the day I went about my usual routine. When Sara went down for her nap I again went into the master bedroom to take a look at the photo album only to find that it was not there. It had been moved. I wasn't really surprised by this. I had violated Jeff and Susan's privacy. I was still even wondering why they had not just fired me on the spot. Instead Susan performed oral sex on me like it was nothing out of the normal at all.

A little after four o'clock I heard Susan's car pull up into the driveway. She was about an hour earlier than usual. After we exchanged a few casual words I left saying that I would be back at 7 pm.

Returning to the house at 7 pm I was greeted at the door by Jeff.

"Hi Natalie, come on in and make yourself comfortable in the living room," said Jeff as I passed by him in the entry way.

Seated in a large chair in the living room Jeff came in and sat across from me. "Natalie, you have been invited over here tonight under false pretense. Sara is staying at her grandparents so you are not here to babysit tonight. Susan is not here either."

"Then why am I here then?" I asked. "If this is about the other night I am truly sorry that I invaded the privacy of you and your wife. I sincerely apologize and it won't happen again. I can assure you very much of that."

"Yes it is about the other night in away, but not in the way you think. Susan put that album there on purpose. She wanted you to find it. She wanted to see what your reaction would be. Call it a test of some sorts. And by what I witnessed last night I think that you passed. Susan was hoping that you would find the images arousing." After a short pause he continued speaking, "Now I have only one question for you. When you were watching the video what were you thinking about?"

Somewhat embarrassed by the question and not wanting to reveal any lesbian feelings I hesitated for a moment before answering, "I was imagining that it was Susan between my legs and not my hand."

"Susan was hoping that your answer would be something like that. By now you know that all is not as it seems between Susan and myself from the outside. Would you like to see what I mean."

"Yes, I guess," I replied.

With that Jeff picked up the TV remote and turned on the TV then pressed play.

The scene on the TV opened to show Susan naked kneeling on the floor again wearing only the leather collar I had seen before. Her head was down looking at the floor and her arms were behind her back.

Jeff stood up and said, "Natalie when you are done watching this video come upstairs to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall." Then he left to head up the stairs.

On the screen Susan raised her head and began speaking directly into the camera. "My name is Slut. I am a submissive sex slave. My owner is Master Jeffery. I belong to him to use and do with as he chooses."