Navy Nurse Ch. 14

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Diana is hostess to gangbang orgy.
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Part 14 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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The day after Labor Day was the start of classes at the University of Michigan, and marked the beginning of Diana's junior year at the School of Nursing. She also arranged for Astrid to grab an Uber ride to bring Laura to the medical clinic for paternity testing at 3:30 PM that day. Robert Morley also arrived at that time as arranged via mutual text messaging. The results of the DNA paternity test became available three days later, and it showed that there was a 100% certainty that Morley was not the father.

Diana had mixed feelings as to the results. She could not deny that knowing for sure who the natural father of her daughter was would reap intangible as well as, perhaps, real benefits to the upbringing of Laura. On the other hand, Robert Morley did not float her boat. He was unobjectionable for a casual acquaintance, and someone to fuck occasionally. However, Diana sensed that he was not the kind of man she could love; not at all like the case with Brad Winters. So happily, with the knowledge that Morley was not the father for sure, Diana continued to fantasize that Brad was indeed the father, and there was no actual proof to spoil such imagination.

As for Robert Morley, he was definitely relieved by the results. He was morally conscious of having a responsibility should the results of the paternity test been otherwise. He would not have objected to providing some financial child support, but he could sense by his two dates with Diana, that they were never going to have a relationship. Thus, he didn't relish being an asterisk in Laura's life, when he would have desired a more substantial role in the child's life had she been his. Instead, as a result of his second date with Diana, Morley was more intrigued by the charms of Astrid Haagensen, the nanny. So, after being appraised of the paternity test, he asked Diana, if she would have any objections to him dating Astrid.

Diana replied, "Oh no, I have no objection, as long as any date does not interfere with her duty in caring for Laura. Advance notice would be necessary so that suitable arrangements could be made. However, you should be aware that my parents are Astrid's actual employers since they foot the bill for her salary and accommodation. In the contract of employment, Astrid is forbidden to entertain guests in her room without the consent of my parents. I have a feeling they might not consent in your case."

Robert replied, "That's no problem, as I certainly can entertain Astrid in other locales."

Accordingly, Robert did go out on some dates with Astrid throughout that autumn. After such times, Astrid seemed to be of a happier disposition, while carrying out her duties of looking after Laura. Diana was able to conclude that a happy nanny makes for a happy baby, so Diana had no complaints.

As Makayla was extremely busy during the first week of the new semester, the two friends did not meet for their regular weekly luncheon date until the second week. During that time, Diana was able to fill in the details of all that had been happening since the end of the previous semester. In particular, she described the birth of Laura and her adventures with Robert Morley.

After Diana's recounting of her activities, Makayla observed, "I believe that through these weekly lunch meetings, you have related all and every incident of sexual activity you have had since the start of our friendship. Is that not so?"

"Well, I haven't accounted for the times I've pleasured myself."

"Aside from that, which I'm not really curious about, you told me that you lost your virginity last November in a gangbang where you fucked 101 men and even one woman."

"Yes, that's true."

"Then, in January, you had sex with me, Keshaun and Dexter Hansen. A week later, you had sex with Brad Winters, whom you say you fell in love with."

"Also true!"

So then you had no more sex until your date with Robert Morley, which turned out to have occurred just before you gave birth, but not before you had, also, sex with two female musicians, world-famous in classical music, no less, plus three other guys."

"I guess if you phrase it like that, I will concede, that is a fair description of what has happened."

"Yes, and finally, you had sex again with this Robert Morley, but this time it included the nanny of your child."

"Right again!"

So then Makayla asked, "Does it not strike you that there is something unusual about your sexual history?"

Diana thought for a moment, before replying, "I guess since that is only five occasions of sex, all occurring over about ten months. It does not seem as if I've overindulged. Heck, considering the sexual mores of our time, given such few sexual events, I should consider myself as chaste."

Makayla couldn't help but break out in gut-wrenching laughter at Diana's absurd conclusion. Her laughter was so intense that tears were streaming down her face before she was able to continue.

She then said, "No, Diana, you definitely can't claim to be chaste. The point is that of your five sexual activities, only one of them was restricted to a coupling. On the other four occasions, you were involved in group sex."

"Well, these things happen!"

"Yes, but they seem to happen just to you a lot. You know, Diana, you are expected to be a hostess in November for this year's charity gangbang. So again, you'll be participating in group sex as a matter of course. Mind you, most of the sex will be blow jobs, but you will have chances for the occasional fuck or even an ass fuck."

"Oh yes, I'm aware, and I guess someone will get in touch with me soon, as I know I'm expected to sell tickets."

"Yes, that would be Hank Doran, who is in charge of organizing this year's party. As you know, Keshaun graduated, and was picked up by the San Francisco 49ers in the draft last April. Before he left for training camp, we had a farewell fuck date, whereby he advised me that Hank was running the Frat this coming year. So I got a hold of Hank, and after a date, he was grateful enough to allow me to be a volunteer again despite my previous stint in my freshman year. I still have a senior year to complete my education so that I could be a hostess again next year. That way, I'll have been able to participate in each gangbang in my four years at U of M, either as a volunteer or hostess. I'm geeked since I don't think any other woman has done this quadruple sex cycle before this."

Diana teased, "Oh! Hank was grateful that he was able to take you out on a date. So grateful, he agreed to allow you to participate in this year's gangbang again. That must have been a swell date!"

Makayla scoffed, "Of course, he was grateful. He should be, considering what a hot chick I am. It helped though that he acknowledged that our intimacy, occurring after our date, was, as he put it, 'the best fuck of his life.' I was not surprised by that compliment."

Both girls laughed at the hyperbole and the euphemism of Makayla's account of her date with the supposedly suave Hank Doran. The conversation, though, caused Diana to reminisce about the circumstances of how she became pregnant and prepared her to anticipate some more unusual sexual activity that was in store for her. At least, she mused, this time she would not become pregnant as a result.

At her first session with Dr. Hunter, her gynecologist, after the birth of Laura, she was advised that she should refrain from sex for at least one month, if not for six weeks to allow her vagina to restore itself to normalcy. Dr. Hunter confirmed what Diana had already learned in her Nursing School studies that post-delivery hormonal changes might make vaginal tissue thinner and more sensitive. Her vagina, uterus, and cervix have to have time to return to their average size. That was why she ensured she refrained from vaginal penetration in her sexual activity with Robert Morley shortly after birth. Given her lackadaisical focus when she initially started utilizing birth control pills, Diana made an appointment with Dr. Hunter for the first week in October to be fitted for an IUD. That way, after that, she need not concern herself with worrying about possible future pregnancies.

Also, during that first week in October, Hank Doran did indeed contact Diana to schedule an orientation meeting with the other designated hostesses to go over the details and their participation as hostesses for the upcoming Frat party and gangbang orgy. Accordingly, Diana, along with Mary Wilson, Debbie Steinberg, and Donna Anisimova, met with Hank and his assistant, Rudy Beauchamp, at the meeting room of the Frat house. Before the meeting started, the girls were able to exchange anecdotes about their participation in the previous year's gangbang orgy. All three of the others were able to relate that they subsequently went on dates with some of the guys that they had fucked at the orgy.

In Debbie's case, she was able to tell that one of the guys she subsequently dated was Jewish so that they had since become an item. Because of that, she was able to appease her parents, who were insistent that she refrain from dating gentiles. She acknowledged that one of the main reasons the orgy was attractive to her was the opportunity to experience an uncircumcised penis. For that reason, she was able to assure Sheldon Laskin, her Jewish boyfriend, that her participation in the orgy was simply a lark that had no bearing on her life goal of eventually getting married to a Jewish man and produce Jewish children to keep the race and religion alive and viable.

When it came time for Diana to recount her experiences after the orgy, they were all dismayed to learn that Diana had become pregnant as a result of the orgy, and had subsequently given birth to a baby girl. Although there was some criticism expressed that she had not utilized birth control protection, they were more amazed that she did not undergo an abortion. Even more amazing to the others was the fact that she had opted to keep her child and raise her instead of putting her up for adoption.

In this vein, Donna queried, "Aren't you even curious as to the identity of the natural father of your child?"

Diana answered, "I can't discover the man who had actually impregnated me, given the circumstances of the conception. There is no question that I was foolish in not ensuring birth control protection, and I certainly did not contemplate the possibility of becoming pregnant. So, I view my pregnancy as a circumstance I have to deal with in my life as a reality of becoming a mother.

"In that light, I believe, that the identity of the man who has impregnated me, is an immaterial factor in the upbringing of my daughter. It would be the same as any woman who has become a mother in circumstances, where the death of the father of her child takes place before birth. There was one guy I dated after the orgy, who I was so attracted to, that I got him to agree to a paternity test, to solidify a possible relationship. Unfortunately, he died in a car crash before submitting to a paternity test, so that whether he was the actual sire of my daughter, is now moot."

At this point, Hank Doran and Rudy Beauchamp entered the room to commence the meeting. Hank first informed the hostesses that each of them was expected to sell seventy-five special tickets at twenty-five dollars a pop, entitling the ticket holder a sexual episode with one of the attractive female student volunteers. To affect such sales, each hostess would be given a list of fifty names, with accompanying phone numbers, to make the initial contact to pave the way for a sale. The following was the suggested script each hostess would use in the initial contact:

"Hello, Mr. (full name) this is (full name). As you know, the (name) Frat will be hosting a charity house party at its premises in November on Saturday night one week before the Ohio State game. All proceeds of the party will benefit the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). The admission price to the party will be twenty-five dollars per person. At this time, there is an opportunity for you to purchase special additional tickets, at twenty-five dollars each, which would entitle you to special entertainment during the party, of ten minutes in duration, provided by one of our most attractive female student volunteers. Now, I can sell you up to three special tickets, plus general admission tickets, as well. I cannot, at this time, sell you general admission tickets without selling you, concurrently, at least one special ticket. Are you interested?"

Hank went on to explain, "The Frat has vetted each submitted name given to you. So, despite the cryptic sales pitch of the introductory call, the guys will be aware of the exact nature of what you are calling about. If they say yes, they would like to buy at least one special, you will arrange a mutually suitable meeting place to make the sale. Of course, if they purchase a special ticket, they would want to purchase admission to the party ticket as well. Otherwise, the special ticket would not be of any value."

Debbie Steinberg interrupted, "So, we will be responsible for collecting and recording the money we've collected for the ticket sales?"

Hank answered, "As we're well into the 21st century, you are unlikely to have too many cash transactions. But yes, you do have to make a paper record of cash sales from the forms we'll provide. In addition to those forms, Rudy will give you precisely programmed iPhones that contain the contact numbers you are to reach, and will record the results of each call. Also, the iPhones will have a port to accept a credit/debit card payment, and it does accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and even Diners Club cards. When payment is made by plastic, you need not do anything else but hand over the requisite number of tickets sold."

Hank continued with his instructions, "You are each expected to sell seventy-five special tickets, and so you have initially been provided with the contact numbers of fifty potential buyers. Now since a buyer can purchase up to three cards, it follows your quota can be reached by selling to only twenty-five buyers. On the other hand, you might require more than the initial fifty contacts provided, should most of your buyers want to purchase only one special ticket or two or even none at all.

"So, when you have reached your quota, please contact Rudy, and he will distribute your unused contact numbers to those who had not yet reached their quota and may have exhausted their contact numbers. In the unlikely event that all contact numbers had been reached and the total quota of sales had not yet been achieved, we do have one hundred other contact numbers that we can resort to. However, so far in the past, we've never had to succumb to such last resort, mainly because we had been successful in identifying those male students who we were aware would be willing to participate in our gangbang."

To this last statement, Donna Anisimova scoffed and suggested, "To compile a list of males interested in participating in a gangbang, all you have to do is identify males who are known to be gay, eliminate them, and voilà, you have remaining, a list of males wanting to participate in a gangbang."

Everyone laughed at that bold observation. Hank then continued when the laughter died down, "Be that as it may, let's now turn to the second item of our agenda for this meeting. At the party, each of you will dress in similarly provocative, sexy attire. The common denominator of each outfit is that you are not to wear a bra or any breast covering, as well as no underwear, save and except, you may wear a garter belt to hold up your stockings, should you so desire. The top half of your outfit must be sufficiently diaphanous, in other words, see-through, to allow a display of how truly magnificent your breasts are."

At this point, Mary Wilson protested, "I don't think my tits are magnificent. They're 'B' cup size and positively not as magnificent as Diana's!"

Rudy Beauchamp took this opportunity to intervene, and replied, "Ah, but sweet Mary, you're discounting the male psyche. For every heterosexual male, a woman's breasts are magnificent, solely because they are the attributes of a woman. As we're wired to appreciate the beauty of a woman, the sight of a woman's breasts is always arousing. If you and Diana are together parading around naked from the waist up, you will attract just as much attention from heterosexual males as Dianna, notwithstanding that your breasts may be smaller than hers."

Hank, thereupon resumed with the specific instructions, by saying, "The thing is, you will all be wearing outfits that are not off the rack but specifically designed for you. In this regard, our Frat has a special connection with the fashion design program at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. One of their faculty members, precisely, Arlene Lucas, had been a volunteer and a hostess of a previous Frat party and gangbang when she was an undergrad at U of M. As a result, in conjunction with her ties with our Frat, Ms. Lucas was instrumental in promoting an assignment whereby selective students were instructed to produce a unique sexually provocative design. The design must enrage the sensibilities of the straight-laced, moral arbiters, of chaste female clothing attire. Still, it would be automatically defended vigorously by the liberal political establishment, supposedly championing women's issues.

"Therefore, each of you will be given the name and number of a particular student at Eastern, who would be assigned to you. After a bilateral meeting, hoping that you and the student designer will come up with the desired item of clothing, and the student would be responsible for seeing to it that the outfit will be produced in time for the party/orgy. You will be able to keep the outfit permanently afterwards, since it had been specially made for you. Mind you, I'm not sure whether you might have another occasion where you might dare to wear it. "

Since there was no further reaction to this aspect of the orientation meeting, except for general laughter in reacting to the last droll remark, Hank Doran continued to the final agenda point for the meeting, which he wanted to nail down.

Accordingly, he said, "Finally, we need to assign to each of you, your participation on the night in question. It is the committee's opinion that Diana Van Buren should act as the receptionist and gatekeeper. In contrast, Debbie Steinberg should act as the hostess to direct traffic to the special entertainment venue, and that would leave Mary Wilson and Donna Anisimova to act as the main seducers to prepare the ticket holders to enter the entertainment room. It is understood that Diana and Debbie would naturally be assisting Mary and Donna in their endeavors, as the situation demands. There will be two air mattresses with bed covers at each end of the common area to accommodate any ticket holder that had not been satisfied by the volunteer girl. So they will be satisfied by any available hostess."

The blatant euphemism indulged by Hank Doran proved to be too much for the sensibilities of Diana's common sense outlook. As a result, she retorted, "So in other words, you're saying if Mary or Donna can't get their guys hard enough to ensure consummation of sex within the ten minutes limit of the rules of this gangbang orgy, it is incumbent on Debbie and me to jump in and fill the breach so to speak. In addition one of us would be expected to fuck any ticket holder not happy with the entertainment they received in the entertainment room."

Hank replied, "Considering that all of you were the volunteers in last year's charity party, it would not seem such extra duty would be too onerous for any one of you to comply with."