New America the Sufferage of Men 02

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Lives of six men living in female-led New America.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/08/2018
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This story is about the intersecting lives of seven men living in the female-led New America government. It is primarily a CFNM story. Each new chapter deals with another of the six men, each living in a different male Classification or cast. Eventually the six men meet up and become a force for change. I recommend that you read the Prologue and Chapter 1 for background information for the story.

All characters engaging in sexual activity are age 18 and over.

This publication contains nudity and references and/or describes situations of humiliation of men in a female dominated society of the future.

© February 24, 2018 -- Trapezoid1976

Chapter 2

Males in Government -- Classification 1

From the Seat of Power to Powerless

William Johnson, who goes by Bill, was a first term Senator in the last years of the United States of America and witnessed, firsthand, the changes that occurred in the first term of Emmeline Watson's Presidency. He, as well as all males still in government at that time, felt seemingly powerless to stop the swift and radical changes that occurred within the government. After the reelection of President Watson and the further erosion of male rights, Bill found himself forcibly removed from his position of power within the New America Government. He was powerless to stop the passage of the laws that took his elected position and his personal rights. Having studied the laws he opposed while in Congress, Bill knew that under the new classification system for males, he had to either conform to retain the highest classification or be relegated to a lower and less desirable classification. Bill choose to conform. Bill kept his anger, raw emotions and dissatisfaction with what happened to him hidden and became the cooperative and subservient male required to be in and stay in Classification 1 of the male cast system.

Bill now holds the title of Research Assistant, what was previously considered an internship position in the former United States government. Because of his experience as a former Senator, Bill works for the office of Representative and Speaker, Caroline Gates. The Research Assistant position can be held by both males and females but males cannot be promoted. Females are usually young college students gaining experience to achieve promotion or other management positions in government. Males that are privileged enough to have the Research Assistant position are typically between 25 and 50 and have those position based on skill, education and prior experience.

Bill's work location is a large room in the basement level of the Capitol building. Within the large room are many demi-walled cubicles with space for nothing more than a desk and a chair. Bill was working in his cubicle on a research project one particular warm Washington early-summer morning for the House Speaker when he received a call from Caroline's Gates personal secretary, Rachel Fallon.

Rachel promptly said with a sense of urgency and without offering a greeting, "Speaker Gates demands that you report to her office immediately Mister Johnson, and you must also be divested."

Bill knew this was not good and he considered the reasons in his mind. Reporting immediately signified an urgent matter and based on prior experience, usually meant she was dissatisfied with something he had done.

Divested is a word meaning he was to report completely naked. And although being in Classification 1 meant he worked under relaxed clothing restrictions, he was also required, by law, to "divest" himself of his clothing upon the demand of his female superiors. As a male in the New American Government he clearly understands he is subordinate to any female, and even the secretary.

A panic set in when he recalled that he was running late that morning and had to hurry out of the house to catch the Metro. Bill hadn't shaved his pubic area that morning, as required by law for the entire male population. Though only a very short stubble growth from overnight, if inspected, it will still be apparent he hadn't followed the written law and therefore, be subject to discipline.

Worried and still seated in his cubicle, Bill quickly removed and discarded the few vestiges of clothing he was typically allowed to wear at work. Divesting himself of his clothes immediately got the attention of the other Research Assistants in the cubicle pool and they all stared at him from their own workspaces. Bill's blood pressure was elevated and his heart beat fast as he stood up in his cubicle and started toward the door of the room. Combined with his elevated blood pressure, being completely naked in his work environment caused him a sense of undue excitement and his penis became erect. As he navigated his way to the door the males cowered at their own desks, grateful it was not them being called on the carpet. The young college women, on the other hand, openly stared and smiled with an evil sense of satisfaction he was in some sort of trouble and likely to be disciplined. Bill avoided eye contact with any of them as he weaved his way down the aisles toward the door. To make the trek worse, Bill's desk was one of the furthest from the door, giving everyone a change to witness his humiliating exit.

Already red-faced, Bill finally exited the room of Research Assistants and started down the long hall. As he made his way to the elevators, Bill passed a number of women traversing the hall, who snickered at him in his naked state. Thankfully for Bill, the doors of the elevator opened just as he arrived at the end of the hall. Another group of females also snickered at him as they got off and as Bill stared at the floor while he yielded to them to exit and pass. He stepped on the elevator and quickly pushed the floor number and 'door close' buttons. To his disappointment, as the doors were closing a hand reached inside the door and stopped them from closing. A well-dressed woman, whom he did not know entered the elevator and stared at Bill's erect penis. Bill hastily hit the buttons again and the elevator ascended to the next floor. The door opened again and two more women stepped on to the elevator and stood facing Bill, who was now cowering in the back of the elevator.

When the elevator stopped at the House Speaker's floor Bill meekly asked, "May I exit please?"

One of the last two women that had just gotten on replied, "No you may not," and she pushed the button to close the doors.

A floor later all three women go off snickering and another two women got on. They just stared at Bill's penis as he turned toward the wall.

One of the women tapped Bill on the shoulder and commanded, "Turn around and face us you insignificant and subordinate male."

She of course interjected the words insignificant and subordinate to remind Bill of his place and he immediately, though reluctantly complied, letting them continue to stare at his private parts. Thankfully, when the doors opened this time at the Speaker's floor, the women in front of him got off and Bill meekly followed behind.

Bill walked down the hallway to the left toward the Speaker's office as the women who exited before him walked in the other direction. The hall was long and was once lined with paintings of great, but nearly all male, leaders of the former United States of America. That history has been erased and those painting were now replaced by photographs and portraits of women who ushered in the female-led New America Government. Another unwelcome reminder of his place in the new society.

When Bill reached the desk of Rachel Fallon his embarrassment was so intense that his penis was still fully erect. Grinning, Rachel stared at his penis while still talking on the phone.

Pausing and holding the phone away from her ear Rachel said, "Stand right there and I will announce your arrival to the House Speaker as soon I finish this call. "

In silence, Bill uncomfortably stood in front of the secretary for what seemed like an hour, though it was only a minute or two. Rachel never took her eyes off his erect penis the whole time. She finished up her call and then she buzzed into the House Speaker's office.

"Bill Johnson has reported and is divested as requested Speaker Gates," Rachel stated, still staring at his erect penis. She replied after a short pause while listening to the Speaker, "Yes he is Speaker Gates." She said smiling and after another short pause she responded, "Yes, I will show him in immediately Speaker Gates."

Ms. Fallon stood up and said, "Follow me Johnson," which was another form of demeaning him by using only his last name.

The Ceremonial Degradation

Bill felt like a bad little school-boy as he followed Rachel Fallon into the House Speaker's office.

Rachel held out her arms as if she was a game show hostess showing off a prize, and she announced as Bill entered the room, "Speaker Gates, Mister Johnson is here as you requested."

To Bill's surprise, seated around the Speaker's large conference table were nine other member of the House of Representatives, and except for the Speaker's, all eyes were trained on Bill and his engorged and fully erect penis.

"Anything else Speaker Gates," Rachel inquired?

Caroline Gates looked up at the secretary and replied, "That's all for now Ms. Fallon."

Rachel Fallon closed the door behind her as she left leaving Bill quietly standing naked before a room full of the New America Government's most powerful women.

Caroline looked at the downcast eyes of Bill and commanded, "Look at me Johnson."

Again with only the last name, Bill thought to himself as he looked up at her, trying not to make eye-contact with the other women in the room. He knew not to speak unless spoken to or asked a direct question, so he remained quiet.

Caroline asked, "Do you know why I called you here?"

Bill replied, "I am ashamed that I do not know why Speaker Gates."

Caroline continued her questioning, "Then do you know why you are here divested?"

Bill responded, "Again, I do not Speaker Gates but assume I have done something that is not to your satisfaction."

Caroline commanded Bill, "Oh, yes you have Johnson...Now come over here as stand next to me."

Bill dutifully did as she commanded and walked to the head of the table past the other nine women, still trying to ignore they were even there.

"That's a good submissive little man," was her demeaning complement to him. "Now turn and face my esteemed colleagues so they can get a good look at our one-time Senator of the former United States of America.

"Yes Speaker Gates," Bill responded, red-faced, as he turned to face the other women.

Speaker Gates addressed the women, "You see my dear sisters. We have finally triumphed over the male domination that plagued us for so many, many years in this young nation of ours. Yet still, there is much to be done to continue to strengthen our position and dominance. So much to be done to eliminate all vestiges of the resistance, and usher in full male compliance and submission."

She lifted her gaze to Bill and continued, "You know what full compliance means, don't you Johnson?"

He knew he was in trouble remembering he had now shaved that morning. "Yes Speaker Gates, I know what full compliance means and I beg your pardon for my omission this morning."

"Silence Johnson," she angrily scolded him!

She then tapped the intercom button and instructed the secretary, "Ms. Fallon, please summon the rest of my group of Research Assistance to my office and ensure all males understand they are also are to report divested."

Bill knew things were bad and about to get even worse with the Speaker expanding the audience about to observe his impending humiliation.

Caroline told her meeting attendees, "Sisters, we will be foregoing any additional business at this meeting under the current circumstances. You are welcome to stay and witness my method of demanding full compliance or you are free you go about your work."

Bill glanced around the room and none of the women made a motion to leave.

Representative Dianne Schwartz was first to speak up and responded, "I wish to stay, at your pleasure Speaker." Then the others chimed in with their affirmation as well.

As they waited for the Research Assistants to arrive Caroline Gates got up from her chair and cleared off the front of her desk that was positioned at the end of the room behind her seat at the table.

The intercom buzzed and Ms. Fallon said, "The Research Assistance have and all of the males have reported as requested Speaker Gates."

Caroline Gates replied, "Send them in Ms. Fallon."

As the custom in the new female dominant society, Rachel Fallon ushered the female Research Assistants first and then the naked and subjugated males. She directed the ladies to the right side of the room and the embarrassed and naked males to the other.

Rachel then asked, "Will there be anything else Speaker Gates?"

Caroline replied, "Please stay and join the young ladies over here Ms. Fallon," as she motioned to the right side of the room with the young female Research Assistants.

Rachel replied, "At your pleasure Speaker Gates," and then she lined up with the young ladies.

Caroline Gates walked over and grasped Bill's scrotum and she began to say, "I asked all of you to be here to witness insubordinate Johnson's discipline this morning because I demand full compliance with the laws of New America. Before I begin, I want to ensure we have no additional candidates for the same discipline."

She let go of Bill and walked down the line of naked men grasping each their scrotum's and penis' as she went. "Good boy," she complimented as she confirmed the shaving compliance of each of the embarrassed and naked men.

She then walked down the line of female Research Assistances and said, "I want and expect you young ladies to assert your dominance over all males. That is why I want you here to participate in the discipline of our non-compliant and insubordinate Johnson."

Bill's heart sank as she spoke. It was bad enough being a middle-aged man subjugated to women around his age but the thought of these young women, whom he labored along-side enjoying his discipline increased the level of his humiliation.

Caroline moved back over to her desk and called out, "Johnson, come over here!" Bill did as she commanded and she said, "Spread your legs and arms, and then lean over and grasp the front of my desk."

Again, Bill complied, exposing his bare buttocks to the entire room of people. She then grabbed a bamboo cane from the corner and called the first female research assistant forward.

"Young lady," she said, "please take part in this discipline by administering two blows of this cane to the ass of this insubordinate male. And don't go easy on him."

As the first blow fell upon his buttocks, Bill surged forward as a stinging pain caused him to tense his muscles. Before his muscles could relax, the second blow landed, causing stinging pain to radiate through his body. One-by-one each young lady was instructed to administer two blows to Bills bare bottom. If Caroline thought any one of them was not striking Bill hard enough, she was instructed to repeat the blows until Caroline was satisfied. Bill's bottom was glowing a bright red with many welts appearing by the time it was the secretary Rachel Fallon turn. Bill was certain he could not endure another blow of the cane. Rachel enthusiastically landed the hardest strike he had yet endured and Bill's knees buckled beneath him.

"Get up Johnson," Speaker Gates commanded!

Bill pulled himself back to his feet and Speaker Gates kicked his feet even further apart as he assumed his prior position.

"Proceed," the Speaker instructed Rachel Fallon.

Rachel then landed an even harder final blow of the cane to Bill's buttocks, again causing him to fall to the floor. Not knowing Rachel was the last in line for his punishment, Bill again pulled himself back into the position.

Enough is NOT Enough

Speaker Gates announced, "Now for phase two of Bill's discipline."

Bill was shocked because he had heard of the caning but had never heard of a phase-two discipline procedure before. Caroline instructed Rachel Fallon to retrieve the instruments and she soon returned with a bowl of cold water, shaving cream, a razor and a towel.

Caroline stated, "Since Bill neglected to fulfill the letter of the law this morning you young ladies shall fulfill it for him."

Bill was wincing in pain and now a new level of shock rattled his mind.

Caroline sat down at the head of the table and commanded, "Johnson, get over here and lie down on the table in front of me with your legs spread."

Bill reluctantly complied, lifting his stinging and sore buttocks onto the table and lying down with his legs spread wide apart in front of Speaker Gates.

Caroline stood up and said, "You ladies shall take turns shaving his entire pubic region to bring Mister Johnson into compliance with the law for the remainder of this day."

Bill wanted to cry but retained his composure the best he could. The first young Research Assistant took Caroline's place at the table. Bill's face now matched the color of his red buttocks as she lathered up his pubic region and began shaving him.

One-by-one, each of the young woman was invited up to the table to shave and then re-shave Bill Johnson's pubic area. Each time Bill would close his eyes to try to escape his dilemma, he was scolded to open them so he could see everyone in the room enjoying his embarrassment. Caroline stood over each young lady's shoulder and made sure each one fully shaved him and the process was repeated until each had participated in the phase two of the discipline. When they were done Caroline instructed Bill to remain in the embarrassing position he had already endured for much too long.

Caroline addressed the other embarrassed male Research Assistants saying, "Let this be a cautionary lesson for each of you subjugated males. You are cast into Classification 1 of the male population but are still wholly subordinate to all females, regardless of age. By law you are required to be subjugated to women and in full compliance with the law at all times. If you do not remain in compliance you will be disciplined in a similar manner. You have no rights here! You have no rights in New America! You belong to us!" She motioned to all the females in the room and then returned to her seat in front of the still spread-legged Bill Johnson. She then added, "As a stark reminder of this lesson, you also shall remain divested the remainder of the day, which is to include your commute home. Do you understand?"

They all nodded in agreement and said, "Yes Speaker Gates."

"Ms. Fallon, with the exception of Mister Johnson, please escort all males from the room and then rejoin the rest of the ladies in the room with me," Caroline gates instructed.

Rachel did as she was instructed and then rejoined the group.

Still seated between Bill's spread legs, Caroline addressed the female research assistants, Rachel and the other House Representatives. "Ladies, you have power we only dreamed of just a few short years ago. Embrace it! Use it! Make that power yours! This same Mister Johnson with legs spread naked before me was once a powerful man in the old and weak Unites States of America. In the nation of New America he is weak and powerless before you. But we are powerful! Remember that! Remember who and what you are, and remember the Sisterhood!"

Caroline then stood and said, "You young ladies may return to your work and enjoy the embarrassment of your divested co-workers." A smile spread across her face and a there was a twinkle in her eye. "Also, make sure you reinforce your superiority throughout the remainder of this day so they will not soon forget."