New Beginnings


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"Not just anyone would have welcomed a little girl into their home when she knocked. Not everyone would have bought her a cookie jar, and not everyone would have explained to her the difference between a house and her heart."

"My dad died when we were all pretty young. We had to move to a smaller house, and my mom worked constantly to make ends meet so we could have a home and food on the table. I wish she would have been around more when I was little, but I know she did what she had to do. I guess I just feel like Marie needs something extra, ya know?"

"Which is exactly why you're special. You're an amazing woman."

Brenda's cheeks colored slightly at his words, and she dropped her eyes again. Roarke chuckled, and pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms. His chin touched the top of her head, and Brenda found herself returning the hug. Every inch of him was warm, strong, and she fit into the shelter of his arms perfectly. She had to get a grip, or she was going to do more than fall in lust with him. Stupid holidays, having to be magical.

Roarke reluctantly pulled back. "I suppose we ought to get this wrapping show on the road."

"Yeah, it looks like you brought a store with you." Brenda started to clear off the island.

The next couple hours were spent wrapping gifts. Once Marie's were done, Brenda went and got some of her things for her family. Coffee was poured and conversation was had. By the end of it, the floor was littered with scraps of wrapping paper, and they'd managed to kill a roll of tape. Brenda sat back in her chair, arching her back against the ache. She'd been hunched over the table too long.

"Kink in your back?"

"Yep. Sat like that entirely too long."

"Me too." Roarke stood and stretched, then bent down to pick up the pieces of stray paper on the floor.

"Wow, is it really that late?" Brenda gaped at the clock. It was after ten.

"I guess it is. I should have paid attention to that. Now I have to drive home in a blizzard." Roarke had moved to the window. The snow was still falling just as heavily as it had been earlier that evening.

"If you want, you could stay in the guest room." Brenda bit the inside of her lip after she spoke. What on earth was she thinking? She'd never get any sleep tonight.

"I don't want to intrude. I'll be fine."

"It wouldn't be an intrusion, or I wouldn't have offered. And don't try to be manly and drive home in a snow storm to prove a point." Brenda stuck her tongue out at him.

"If it's really all right, then I'll stay."

"It really is. Let me go fluff your pillows." She rolled her eyes dramatically and flounced off towards the staircase. Roarke's laughter followed her through the entryway.

Roarke stood in the kitchen, still debating. He was so attracted to Brenda it wasn't funny. Marie didn't even really try to snoop; he just wanted a reason to see Brenda. They shared a lot of the same interests and conversation with the two of them flowed so easily. She was attractive, sexy, and she had no idea what she did to him. Even her heart was beautiful.

There was something special about this time of year, and he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with her in front a fire...or maybe the tree...and slowly strip her clothes from her body, learning every inch of her. Brenda seemed interested, but he wasn't sure if she liked him, or merely tolerated him because of Marie. That's why he had wanted to come alone. And he felt like he'd gotten his answer.

"All right. Your bedchamber awaits, sire."

"Thank you, dear lady. Where are we going to stash these gifts?"

"In the closet in the guestroom. It has the most space, and God knows you're going to need it with that haul. Spoil her much?" Brenda's eyes lit up as she laughed.

"Always have, always will. She's my only niece, and it's my right." Roarke stuck out his chest like he was the cock of the walk.

Together they carried the bags of presents up the stairs, and while Roarke stuck them away, Brenda went downstairs and turned off the lights and locked the door. The thoughts of him upstairs, possibly getting undressed make her face warm. Brenda laid a palm to her cheek and took a few deep breaths. She was acting like a teenager.

She climbed the stairs and saw that his bedroom door was still open. Part of her was relieved, the other part was disappointed. She paused in the doorway as he shut the closet and turned around.

"Off to bed?"

"Yep. Just stopping by to say good night." Brenda hovered for a moment longer.

Roarke came towards her, his stride purposeful. Her eyes widened as one arm wrapped around her waist and his free hand plunged into the hair at the nape of her neck. His lips descended on hers, molding, shaping, and finally his tongue slipped between the seam of her lips. Brenda took in a small gasp of air, and before she quite knew what was happening, her tongue was moving to meet his. Roarke pulled her closer, and she could feel his arousal pressing against her lower stomach.

Brenda made a noise in her throat, and curled herself into his embrace more fully. She clung to his shoulders, willing him to do more than kiss her. After a moment, he lifted his head.

"I've wanted to do that for decades."

Brenda huffed a surprised laugh, and released her hold on him.

"Good night."


Now how in the world was she supposed to get any sleep?

December flew by in a flurry of activity. Between work, shopping, wrapping presents, entertaining Marie and Roarke, making candy and baked goods, Brenda was an exhausted mess. She enjoyed every minute of it, but was secretly looking forward to December 26th so that she could get some rest.

Roarke stopped by almost daily, either for a cup of coffee or just to say hi. Sometimes he would help with some chore or another, but on the days she was baking he ran the other way. He swore he would ruin the batch of whatever it was, and would walk out the door laughing, asking her to call once everything was done so he could be the official taste tester.

His visits were also sprinkled with sexual tension and innuendo, not to mention stolen hugs, kisses, or caresses. Brenda was starting to think he was old-fashioned. She couldn't imagine a man waiting this long to make a proper improper move. A sliver of her appreciated him being a gentleman, most of the time, but the rest of her was dying for him to touch her. It was hard to deck the halls while fantasizing about kissing Roarke under the mistletoe.

The only glitch had occurred a couple of days earlier, when Marie picked up on the flirtatious banter between her uncle and her new best friend. The girl disappeared and returned with a letter for Santa. Roarke promised to put it in the mail, and asked what she had asked for.

Marie wanted Roarke and Brenda to get married and live in that house so she could come live with them and they could be a real family. Roarke's attempts to explain only led to tears, so he stopped himself short and finished with, "It's a magical time of year, sweetheart. Who knows what could happen?"

Brenda hadn't said it out loud, but she definitely wished that Roarke could be her present this year. The man was too perfect for words. Well, not perfect. He had the habit of leaving his shoes in the middle of the floor for her to trip on, and sometimes he'd leave the toilet seat up. But he was a good, gentle man, and that was enough for Brenda.

The day before Christmas Eve, Brenda was cutting up pans of fudge when Roarke walked in. He hadn't knocked since the night when they wrapped the gifts, unless the door was locked. Brenda looked up from her task and smiled a hello, but Roarke looked troubled.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you think we are toying with Marie's emotions? I've been thinking since the Santa letter incident that maybe this isn't a great idea."

Brenda laid down the butter knife. "What's not a great idea?"


"Is there an 'us'?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure. I think there could be. I'm just afraid we're getting caught up in the spirit of the season. And the spirit of a little girl wanting a family."

"That's not how I feel, Roarke, but if you aren't sure, I'd rather back off now." Brenda's tone was flat.

"Hey, don't take it personal. I'm trying to be honest with you."

"There is no way to not take that personally."

"I just don't want us to get hurt. Any of us."

"Then please collect your shoes from the middle of my entryway and go home. Let me know when you've figured it out. Life is about taking chances."

"I'm not going to play a game of chance with my niece, Brenda. She's been through enough. I thought you would understand." Roarke paced the length of the kitchen.

"It's not about Marie. I think you're the one that is scared and you're hiding behind her. I like you...a lot. I'm willing to wait for a bit until you figure yourself out. Just please go. I don't want to say things we're going to regret." Brenda picked the knife up and went back to her fudge.

When the front door clicked shut, she allowed her shoulders to slump. She knew he was too good to be true.

At eleven o'clock on Christmas Eve, Brenda sat alone on her couch, sipping a cup of tea, watching the fire burn in the fireplace. She silently apologized to Santa while a CD of Christmas songs kept her company. The lights on the tree twinkled merrily, and Brenda was disappointed in how alone she felt. The past month had been spent with a wonderful man and a delightful little girl. Instead of getting angry and defensive, she wished she'd heard him out a little better.

But, she had to look out for herself and her own feelings too. Her family had remarked that she wasn't quite as jolly as usual, and she had feigned a headache. Usually she stayed later than her siblings and their children, but this year she headed home so she didn't have to pretend to be happy anymore. Oh, she was still happy, and Christmas was still her favorite, but Roarke's announcement had sucked some of the joy from her holiday.

The one thing that hadn't been discussed was dinner the next day. Brenda still planned to make it, because she knew Marie wouldn't miss it for the world. She just didn't know if Roarke would show up. Brenda sighed disgustedly and set her coffee mug on the table. Stupid man. Stupid her.

She scooted so that she was lying down on the couch and closed her eyes, humming along with the music. Things would look better in the morning. If she ever got to sleep.

Sometime later, Brenda's eyes fluttered open. A quick glance at the clock showed it was one o'clock in the morning. Her eyebrows wrinkled together as she wondered what woke her, and she felt a cold draft of air. The fire had burnt down, and she shivered and decided to throw another log on. A shadow moved across her and caused her to gasp, and a familiar voice spoke.

"I didn't mean to wake you. You really should lock your door."

"You shouldn't break in to people's houses."

"I didn't have to break anything, so it doesn't count." Roarke moved to the fireplace and tossed a couple logs in.

"What are you doing here?"

"I snuck out of my parents' house once Marie was asleep. She had too much sugar." He smiled fondly and shook his head.

"But why?" Brenda stared up at him, her eyes drifting over the familiar planes of his face.

Roarke moved to the couch and dropped to his knees beside her. He lifted a hand and laid it upon her cheek, his thumb brushing across her lips.

"You were right. I was the one that was scared, and I was hiding." He paused, taking a breath. "I do worry about Marie, but it's a chance I'd take with anyone. I'd like it to be you. I know you wouldn't deliberately hurt her. Or me."

"I love her, and of course I wouldn't."

"I know. She loves you."

Brenda took a deep breath and looked up into his eyes. "And I love you, too."

"I was counting on that. That's the biggest reason I came; to tell you I love you." Roarke's thumb brushed back and forth across her bottom lip, causing a shiver of delight to shimmy up her spine.

"Then show me."

Brenda held her breath, hoping against hope that he would take her up on the offer. Roarke hesitated for just a second, then leaned down, capturing her lips with his. Her eyes drifted shut and she leaned up, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Roarke slipped one arm beneath her back to support her, and brought his free hand up to her ribcage. His lips molded against hers and his tongue took possession of her own, and Brenda knew she was a goner.

His hand cupped her breast, testing the weight of it, then he slid her shirt up over her stomach, tucking his hand inside. Her nipples rose to meet his palm as he teased her sensitive skin. Breaking off their kiss, Roarke helped her get the shirt off. He dipped his head, kissing and licking every inch of her breasts, stopping only when he reached her nipples. He ran the flat of his tongue over each, and Brenda arched her back, asking for more.

"I had thought about this...stripping you in the firelight." Roarke palmed her hips and tugged her pants and panties down her legs.

Brenda kicked her feet free and lay back. Roarke's eyes devoured the expanse of skin that was exposed. He leaned in again and kissed his way down her stomach. Goosebumps broke out across her abdomen, and her nipples tightened again as his breath blew across the skin he was dampening with his tongue. He stopped at the top of her mound, breathing in her musky scent.

Roarke moved farther down the couch and reached out to spread her legs. Brenda had a moment of shyness and tried to keep them together. She was going to be completely open, completely vulnerable to him. Roarke glanced at her face and stroked her inner thigh with his fingertips, reassuring her with his gaze. After a moment Brenda relaxed, letting her leg fall to the side. Roarke smiled, letting his fingers trail up higher...higher...until he stroked across her lips.

Brenda jumped a little even though she knew it was coming. Roarke kept his eyes on hers as he slipped his fingers between her folds, marveling at how wet she already was. Brenda wasn't surprised. The ache between her legs was a palpable thing, and she wanted nothing more than for Roarke to fill it. His fingers stroked, sliding easily as he teased her. He stopped at her clit, brushing his fingertip back and forth across it gently.

Her eyes fluttered shut and the longer he caressed her, her legs spread farther apart. She wanted him to have access, needed it even. Roarke leaned in while she wasn't looking and moved his hand out of the way, replacing it with his mouth. Brenda gasped, bucking up from the couch as he sealed his lips around her clit. He sucked lightly, and then pulled back. Lifting her leg up, he leaned in between them and laved her with his tongue.

Brenda urged him on with moans and gasps, her hips writhing on their own volition. He used a hand to spread her open, and teased her with the tip of his tongue. He sucked, he nibbled, and he licked up and down her slit, coming to rest on her clit once more. As he sealed his lips around it, he used his free hand and dipped a finger inside her. Brenda's muscles clenched as she shuddered while she came.

Roarke pulled back and stood, stretching his leg muscles. Brenda lay panting, and her eyes drifted open and she watched him strip off his clothes. Every inch of him was unrestrained masculinity, and his muscles ripped in the fire glow as he disrobed. Brenda sat up, scooting her butt to the edge of the couch and motioned for him to come closer. His cock sprang free from his boxers and he stepped out of them as he came to a stop in front of her.

Brenda reached up and grasped the base of his cock, the need filling her again. She wanted him inside of her, but fair was fair. She leaned in, teasing the length of him with her tongue. He pulsed in her hand and she took the head into her mouth, sucking gently. Her lips slid down...down...and Roarke groaned as she laved her tongue against him. She devoured him until her lips hit her fist, then she moved her hand, grasping his hips as she took his cock the rest of the way.

Roarke's head dropped back and his hips jerked, then she started moving her head slowly. Every inch of his cock was licked, kissed, and she used her teeth to graze along the length of him as she slid him out of her mouth. He started moving his hips, thrusting in and out of her mouth. Her tongue worked almost the whole time, and Roarke had to stop. He wanted to be inside of her and at this rate he would be finished in two minutes.

Roarke pulled back and grabbed her upper arms, hauling Brenda to her feet. He traded her spots, and lay back on the couch. He took her hand and helped her astride him. The couch was wide enough for his body and her knees on either side. He reached up and caught the back of her neck, pulling her face down to his. With his free hand he positioned his cock at her entrance, then let her take the wheel.

He kissed her with abandon, his tongue delving, drawing hers into a duel. Brenda moved her hips, feeling him penetrate her that first enjoyable inch or so. Holding her hips still, she kissed him back, shivering as her nipples grazed across his chest. She clenched her muscles around him, holding back a laugh as he moaned.

Enough was enough. Brenda pushed herself up so that she was upright. Her hair was a mess, her lips were swollen from his kisses, and Roarke had never seen a more gorgeous sight. Slowly, she slid herself down, impaling herself on his cock. The silken drag was more than she could take, and as she came to rest fully on his arousal, her muscles rippled around him as she came.

Roarke quirked an eyebrow and grinned.

"Shut up. You're not that good." Brenda laughed and squeezed his cock with all her might.

"Care to make a wager on that?" Roarke caught her hips and thrust up against her.

"I sure do."

They started moving together. Roarke pumped up into her, and Brenda rolled her hips. They got into rhythm quickly, and the intensity increased. Her breasts jiggled as she rode him, and after only a few minutes, she was wriggling against him, needing release but her clit needed attention. Brenda leaned forward, upping the pressure on her clit, but Roarke moved his hand to her sternum, pushing her back.

She gasped as the angle changed and all pressure was removed from where she needed it. Struggling slightly, she tried to lean forward. Roarke's strength was greater than hers, and he kept her at arm's length. He pounded up into her harder, more than ready to finish, but he wanted to feel her come once more. His free hand moved and he slid two fingers on either side of her clit, pressing against her.

Brenda whimpered and renewed her struggle to gain more pressure. Roarke released his hold on her chest and she lurched forward, grinding her hips against him frantically. Between his cock filling and stretching her and his fingers massaging her clit, once she leaned forward it took her all of three seconds to come. Her pussy pulsed around him, the muscles fluttering, surrounding his cock. With a ragged groan Roarke followed her over the edge, pumping his hips up into her.

Brenda leaned forward, resting her hands on his shoulders to hold herself up. Never had she had an orgasm that seemed to come from so deep inside of her. Her head dropped forward and she closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow. Her inner walls still flexed around him on occasion as aftershocks coursed through her system. Roarke groaned, pulling her down so that she lay on top of him.

Together they floated back to earth; their pulses slowed and their breathing calmed. Roarke's hands drifted up and down her back and sides, and Brenda sprinkled tiny kisses across his jawbone and neck. Long minutes later, she felt his cock soften and felt their combined fluids deep inside her. A brief flash of carrying his baby appeared in her head, but she shook it off. The timing wasn't quite right.