Home 01: New Holiday Home


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Will skipped back to the vehicle, his pockets bulging with candy. "Did you see Santa Claus, Mommy? I got to go home and write my letter to him right away! Can we go see him someplace? I want to sit on his lap and tell him all about my new bike."

Tara reluctantly pulled her eyes from Rae's, slipping off the tailgate with slouched shoulders. "We'll go write your letter, honey," she promised, stroking his hair off his forehead. She helped into the car without looking at Rae. Rae slithered off the tailgate and closed the hatch of the car, walking thoughtfully to the passenger side. Tara did not look at her friend until she had cranked the car. "Where to?" she asked in a meek voice.

"You promised me dinner," Rae answered without hesitation. She couldn't resist Tara's begging eyes and pouting lips. Tara beamed, a motion that cause Rae's spirit to lift. She put the car in gear and steered toward the small apartment she shared with her son.

Tara had done what she could to make the tiny room a home for her and Will. Will slept in the only bedroom while she folded out the couch every night. The kitchen, living room, and dining room were combined. It was clean and she had added several personal touches to make it comfortable for them. Rae studied a picture that looked like it had been taken at the beach that summer. Will appeared to be about the same age in the picture that he was now. Tara wore a bikini and Rae allowed herself to linger on her friend's tan, smooth, slim body. Billy stood next to Tara with his arm around her waist and a blissful, clueless smile on his face.

Rae jumped when she felt Tara's breath on the back of her neck. "Our last vacation," she whispered. She trailed her fingertips over Rae's back. "Will is asleep." Her hand glided over Rae's arm until she found the taller woman's hand.

She gave a tug toward the couch and Rae helplessly followed. "Why such a small place?" Rae asked, looking around the tiny space. Surely there hadn't been room for Billy, too.

"Billy didn't have good insurance," Tara sighed. Rae sat down in the corner and Tara sat next to her, resting her right hand on her companion's thigh as she flipped through the television channels. "We had to sell the house to pay for the bills." Her fingertips made small circles on Rae's thigh. Rae tried to concentrate on the television, but Tara's casual caress was driving her to distraction.

"Do you have what you need to get Will that bike for Christmas?" Rae asked with concern, her hand dropping to Tara's shoulder.

"I've saved for it. His grandparents will help. I'll accept their help for Christmas." She lifted her eyes to Rae. Their faces were very close together. She stretched up and kissed Rae's lips softly. "Thank you for asking," she whispered.

Their eyes still locked, Rae swept her tongue along her lips, tasting Tara's sweetness. Tara blinked and pushed herself toward Rae. Their lips met again, a little less innocent this time. Tara pressed against Rae, their lips locked in a firm battle. Rae tilted her head and parted her lips, sucking Tara's lower lip into her mouth. She bathed it with her tongue before slipping it into Tara's warmth.

Tara met Rae's tongue with her own, the rough surfaces rubbing together and sending millions of sparkling sensations down their bodies. Tara shifted onto her knees without breaking the kiss, her tongue now fighting to invade Rae's mouth. Her tongue touched the roof of Rae's palate and swam behind the perfect white teeth.

Rae's hand went to Tara's waist, forgetting all the warnings that had been swimming in her head for two days. The kiss continued, intensifying with a mutual hunger. Tara, unsure of what to do, rested her hands on Rae's shoulders and upper arms, caressing up and down her biceps. Rae curled her hands around Tara's rib cage, the heels of her palms rubbing over the slight swell of the growing baby, toward the small breasts. She cupped the globes through Tara's sweatshirt, testing their weight. She moved her thumbs back and forth across the peaks, watching the outline of the nipples grow against the material.

Tara's hands hesitated as they moved to the top button of Rae's blouse. She paused, feeling Rae's hands grow firmer in their massage of her breasts, and then unbuttoned the top button.

Tara broke the kiss first, her lips dragging down Rae's neck to the opening the blouse created. Rae whispered soft encouragement, breathing the scent of Tara's hair as the small woman worked her way downward. Rae leaned back, her hands wandering back to the tail of the shirt. This time, they slipped beneath the thick material. She touched Tara's smooth skin, thinking of the bikini picture. Her skin, though naturally dark, would not be as tan now. She pushed upward, sliding the sweatshirt over Tara's belly till her hands found the small breasts again. She caressed the soft satin of the bra as her fingertips danced over the swollen nipples. Tara moaned softly.

Rae continued pushing the material upward and Tara pulled back so Rae could lift it over her head. Tara sat back on her knees and reached behind her to unhook the bra. She pulled it off while Rae watched, transfixed by the small girl's offering. She wet her lips, studying the dark B cup breasts. They were slightly lighter than Tara's stomach, but the nipples were dark and thick. Her arms hung limply at her side for a second. She made an effort to cover her breasts, turning away slightly.

Rae stopped her, forcing her to open her arms. Tara blushed, not meeting Rae's eyes. "Billy always said they were too small."

"Billy was a fool," Rae muttered, leaning forward and taking one small breast into her mouth. She rubbed the nipple with her tongue, dragging the rough surface over the puckered flesh. Tara gasped, pushing into Rae's mouth. Rae suckled softly, massaging with her lips and squeezing the long nipple between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

Tara put her hands on Rae's head, combing through her soft tresses. "Raegan," Tara moaned.

Hearing her name was a bucket of cold water to Rae. She jerked back, struggling for breath. Dazed and shocked, Tara blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden loss of sensation. Rae disentangled herself from Tara and the couch, standing up and combing her hands through her hair. She pressed her face into her hands, trying to focus her mind so she could escape without doing more damage.

"Raegan?" Tara repeated in a voice filled with confusion. "What's wrong?"

"I'm . . ." Rae began, stopped, tried again, "We're not ready. Billy's only been gone a few months. I still talk to Jamie." She stopped, shaking her head. "We're not ready."

"Oh," Tara muttered. She reached for her sweatshirt, pulling it back over her head. "So, what now?"

"I go back to Nashville," Rae answered, putting on her coat

"And that's it?" Tara snapped, intercepting Rae on the way to the door. "I have liked you for a long time, and it was fate for us to find each other this weekend. How else do you explain you going through my line Thursday morning and us seeing each other at the movies? It's like we were meant to be friends again. I would like more. I think I have made that very obvious. I understand if you think we are moving too fast, but don't shut me out." She took a step closer, gently caressing Rae's cheek. "Please, Raegan."

Raegan took Tara's hand in both of hers, kissing her knuckles. She reached into her pocket and withdrew her wallet. She opened it and pulled out one of her business cards. She passed it to Tara, then bent at the waist and kissed the corner of Tara's mouth. She pulled back to smile, brushing her fingertips over Tara's round cheek before she left the apartment.

Home for Christmas. Christmas at Rae's parents' house was much like Thanksgiving with presents thrown into the mix. Lacy would be awake before the sun. They would gather around the tree and open presents and Christmas would be over by 9:00 AM. The cousins would again arrive for lunch and the argument over dinner would undoubtedly be religious in nature.

Rae drove down the night before Christmas Eve. She spent the day helping her mother get ready for their guests and visiting distant relatives and old friends of the family. She glanced at her watch a thousand times as evening approached. An undercurrent of excitement coursed through her as she thought of the presents still in the back of her car.

When Rae had gotten home the Sunday evening after Thanksgiving, there had been an e-mail from Tara waiting. Over the next four weeks, they had e-mailed one another daily and talked on the phone multiple times a week. She had enjoyed getting reacquainted with her old friend. When they spoke early in the day, Will always wanted to speak to her. She was enamored with the young boy and his mother and she had barely thought of Jamie. Tara had called three times yesterday to make sure that Rae was coming to the apartment on Christmas Eve.

Her mother had not yet asked her if there was someone new in her life, but Rae knew that her mother was seeing the familiar signs. Rae was smiling and calling more frequently. She felt like her steps were lighter. Her anxiousness also contributed to her mother's suspicion.

She was finally able to slip away after supper without Mother asking any questions. Rae weaved through the town, her heart galloping. It had been four weeks since she had kissed Tara before darting through the door to the frigid air that had cooled her hormones. Over the month of December, she had sorted out her feelings and finally decided that if Tara still wanted a relationship, she too was ready.

She gathered up her packages and took the steps two at a time, her smile broad. She knocked on the door, juggling the three bags in her arms. Tara threw open the door, her smile equally broad. She wrapped her arms around Rae in an eager hug, planting a kiss on Rae's cheek. Rae hugged back as best as she could and did not release her small friend until they were inside the door.

Tara stepped back and helped Rae set aside her packages. When her arms were empty, Rae closed the distance again, running her palm over Tara's stomach. It was now more evident that Tara was carrying a child. She caressed the infant with one hand, the other behind Tara's back. Tara placed her hands on her hips, allowing Rae access. Her face was turned up and she wore a smile.

Rae looked around the room, her eyes searching for Will. She looked at Tara again, who nodded in assurance, reading her companion's thoughts. Rae bent and pressed her lips to Tara's, the kiss warm and steady. Tara lifted her hands to hold Rae's head and prolong the embrace. They finally broke away, their hands trailing reluctantly from each other. "Hi," Rae whispered.

"Merry Christmas," Tara greeted in return. "I've made cookies and we have Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer to watch before Will falls asleep." Tara caressed Rae's face and exhaled slowly. "It is so good to see you."

"You, too," Rae answered. She bent, gathered her belongings, and went to the tree. She knelt beside the plastic tree and unloaded her packages. She felt Tara's eyes on her, but forced herself to ignore the goose bumps that were forming over on her skin. She studied the tree and the meager packages underneath it. There was one present under the tree for Tara with Will's scrawling handwriting on it. There were two with her own name on them, one in Will's writing and the other in Tara's flowing script. "You shouldn't have spent money on me," Rae muttered, folding her shopping bags.

"I wanted to. I'm doing just fine." She squatted next to Rae and whispered. "Are you going to stay and help me put together his presents?" Rae nodded, glancing toward Will's room again. She stole another quick kiss and stood. She rose, pulling Tara to her feet. "Will! Guess who's here!"

The door opened and Will darted across the room, calling Rae's name over and over. He launched himself into Rae's arms, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck. "Hey Aunt Rae! It's Christmas Eve! I've had so much fun today! I got a game for the computer from my Uncle Jack. It's an ABC game, but I already know my ABC's. Uncle Jack got Mommy a bracelet that was really shiny. Come see me play my new game!" He scrambled out of her arms and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the computer in the corner. Rae glanced over her shoulder at Tara, but followed willingly. She sat down in the chair that Tara used every night to send her a message and pulled Will onto her lap, helping him load the game and play.

She was so involved in her interaction with Will that she jumped when Tara's hands touched her shoulders. Will was rambling about the game, leaning forward on Rae's lap as he maneuvered the mouse. Tara ran her hands over Rae's shoulders and back, then folded her arm around her upper body, kissing Rae's cheek. She squeezed and rested there for a moment, before standing and rustling Will's hair. "Hey champ, it's about time for Santa Claus. Let's watch your movie. The sooner you get in bed, the sooner Santa will come."

"Oh boy! Do you think he remembered my bike?"

"You sent him five letters and told him yourself every time we saw him, even when he was standing on the street ringing a bell, so I don't think he'll forget." He scrambled off of Rae's lap. All three of them piled onto the couch, Will settling himself on Rae's lap again. Tara smiled, tucking herself as close to them as she could and pulling a blanket over all three.

Will fell asleep before Rudolph found the Island of Misfit Toys. Together, they carried him into the bedroom. They tucked him into the race car bed and both bent to kiss him goodnight. He roused a little as they did. "Don't forget to let Santa Claus in, Mommy. He might need some help with my bike."

"I will, pumpkin. You sleep tight. Remember, no peeking all night long. If you see Santa, he'll take your bike away."

"Aunt Rae, will you be here when I see my new bike?" His eyes were already closed, so she didn't bother with an answer. "Don't forget . . . cookies."

The adults backed out of the bedroom. Tara pulled the door quietly to a close. "Aunt Rae?" repeated Rae.

Tara shrugged. "Does it bother you?" she questioned as she wrapped her arms around the taller woman's waist.

Rae shook her head. "Who's Uncle Jack?"

Tara sighed and rolled her eyes, breaking the embrace and crossing to the kitchen area. "I hate Will calling him that, but Jack insists. I guess that's why he's saying Aunt Rae. He thinks all adults are aunts and uncles." She picked up the tray of cookies. "He'll expect Santa to eat them all, so get started."

"You didn't finish your answer," Rae pushed, taking one of the cookies.

"He's my manager at Big Mart. He's a nice guy, doing some fatherly things with Will. He has asked me out on a few dates. Fortunately, Will doesn't give me much time for dating."

"Are you interested?"

Tara grinned at Rae, moving back to the woman. She slid her arms around Rae's waist again, looking up. "Do I look interested?" She stretched up and kissed Rae. Their lips lingered, tasting and nibbling. Tara extended her tongue, teasing Rae's lips apart. Rae opened to her, allowing Tara to explore playfully. Rae's hands wandered over Tara's back and butt. Tara's hungry mouth danced over Rae's. They lost track of time as they enjoyed the loving kiss. Tara finally pulled away, pushing closer to Rae. She rested her head on Rae's shoulder. "We have a lot of work to do before Will wakes up tomorrow morning." She patted Rae's bottom and pulled away, taking one of the cookies and indicating that Rae should do the same.

They worked together to put together a race track and set up other toys, including Will's bike. Rae slouched on the couch when they finished, munching on the last cookie. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She heard the door to the bathroom open and close and Tara move quietly across the room. Rae opened her eyes, slowly, and then sat up straight, her eyes wide.

Tara had on a red silk gown and a transparent robe. The gown barely touched the top of her thighs. It had spaghetti straps and followed the curves of her breasts. She had a Santa hat on top of her head. She trailed her fingers over Rae's cheek. "I sent a few letters to Santa myself. It looks like I got what I wanted for Christmas."

Rae wet her lips, momentarily speechless as she took in Tara's golden body. "Will?"

"He'll sleep through the night. Even if he doesn't, he wouldn't dare come in here without knocking. Santa might take his bike away. Now, do I need to go find some mistletoe in order to get a kiss?"

Rae put her hands on Tara's thighs, sliding upwards over the full hips and trim waist. She tugged and Tara sat down on her lap, her knees on either side of Rae's hips. Rae's hands danced along the bust of the gown, watching tiny bumps follow her touch. She bent forward, her mouth following the same path. Tara pushed forward, holding Rae's head and whispering words of adoration and encouragement.

Rae's mouth worked up Tara's neck and over her jaw toward her mouth. There was no hesitation or teasing this time. Her tongue led the assault, teeth clashing as she tasted. Their tongues dueled, twisting together in a sensual dance. She moved the tip of her tongue along the roof of Tara's mouth. Rae sucked Tara's lip into her mouth, massaging it.

She pushed Tara's sheer robe off her shoulders, dropping her mouth to the exposed shoulders. She slipped the spaghetti straps down Tara's shoulders, the bodice of the gown sagging a little.

Tara slipped off of Rae's lap, pulling her lover to her feet. Silently, they took the cushions off the couch and folded out the bed. Tara stopped in front of Rae, her eyes turned upward. She placed her hands on Rae's shoulders, sliding them downward to touch the round globes of Rae's breasts through the material of the buttoned blouse. She massaged lightly, timidly exploring supple curves. Rae moved her hands to the buttons of her blouse and released them slowly until the shirt hung open.

Tara smiled, placing her hands on Rae's stomach and working her way upward. She stepped close and pressed her lips to Rae's neck, feeling Rae's throbbing pulse. Rae closed her eyes and tilted her head back, her hands moving restlessly on Tara's waist and stomach and buttocks. Tara's mouth journeyed down Rae's neck, sprinkling kisses on her chest. She pushed her hands upward over Rae's ribcage until she cupped Rae's breasts through the lace of a bra. She nuzzled her face in the valley.

Tara's lips moved along the edge of the bra, kissing flesh and lace. Her hands journeyed down Rae's stomach again, stopping at the button to the jeans. She opened the button and lowered the zipper. Her mouth moved upward again to Rae's mouths, the kiss warm and intimate and long. Rae's fingers caressed Tara's bare thighs, pushing the gown upward as she did.

Tara broke the kiss first, her fingers leaving Rae's flesh as she backed toward the bed. Rae's hands dropped to her side as she watched Tara inch into the bed. Her eyes did not leave the small, pregnant woman. Without breaking the gaze, Rae shimmied out of her jeans. She shrugged the blouse off her shoulders. Tara was lying on her side, propped on her elbow as she watched Rae strip. Her legs were bent away from her body, the gown resting in a bunch on her hip. Rae put her knee on the bed, placing one hand behind Tara as she leaned forward, pushing her lover to her back as their tongues again engaged in a passionate duel. Tara wrapped her arms around Rae's neck, holding the record executive in place as they got comfortable on the bed. Their tongues melded, intruded, swirled, and withdrew. They switched angles and repeated the assault.

Rae's hands moved to Tara's thighs again as they deepened their kiss. She pushed upward, caressing the muscular legs and hips, sliding the gown over smooth skin. Tara lifted her body as Rae's hands caressed her back, raising her arms over her head so that Rae could remove it.