New Life for New Wife

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Wife turned into whore for couple's pleasure.
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Story Description: Petite newlywed wife turned into a whore for a couple's personal pleasure.


Kitty smiled and indiscriminately nodded her head towards the sexy young couple unloading their luggage. Random clusters of scribbled white shoe-polish were plastered like graffiti on the windows and contrasted against the glossy red aluminum; it was like a neon sign indicating the couple had just been married.

"Keep it in your pants, Jimmy," she said. Reaching down with her right hand, her fingers pinched the ridged protrusion tenting from his swim trunks. With a giggle, she added, "You can unleash your monster tonight dear."

Jimmy questioned, "You're sure about this? That newlywed looks to be in her mid-twenties. On top of that, the she has small breasts to match her size. Hon, you know I like 'em big. I'm beginning to think you have a fetish for petite woman. You remember what happened the last time we tried this with a woman her size. It would be in our best interest to avoid a repeat of that incident."

"Hummm, fetish or I like seeing petite twats stretched around your thick pole, husband," she replied with a queer grin.

Her eyes stared fixated with tawdry thoughts and malign intentions towards the young newlywed couple. She cocked her head to the side with a slight lean and gave him a nod. Her left hand moved down between her legs and she shivered upon inserting a naughty finger through the leg gap in her bikini.

Kitty purred, "Yes dear, she is most definitely what I want. That little woman looks absolutely delicious. There's lots of potential fun with that petite pretty one. Of course, with her small stature, we will need to administer the correct the dosage. It's no fun having a drooling rag doll like we had a few months back."

"What about the dead weight?"

She turned her amused eyes up to meet Jimmy's. "Oh, you know same as usual. We will need to introduce ourselves of course. We'll just play it by ear and determine how naive they are. Just think about how much fun we can have with these two if they are like the last. Yummy."

Jimmy's smile widened into a grin when the petite newlywed wife passed him by.


It was early morning, just a little past 1:00 am. Lisa was unaware of the couple staring from the shadows from the windy breezeway near the vacant pool.

Earlier this evening, a grand celebration had been held to honor all of the newly married couples vacationing at the resort. As time progressed, passions for loves greatest pastime lay waste to the bustling populous as they vacated to perform more romantic ventures. Now, the pool lay vacant with the exception of one lonely occupant.

She was deeply sad, alone and troubled over her new husband. At the pool edge she sat with her feet submerged in dimly lighted water. The breeze coming from the beach lightly caressed her short auburn hair and the scattered lights above, shined weakly on her slim frame.

A series of tears spasmodically trickled down her cheeks. That was to be their special night. That was the night that they were to consummate their marriage as husband and wife. She had been planning that day for some time with great anticipation of fulfillment. It had been their decision to hold off having sex before marriage. She could not foresee what would happen at the party and wished they had never gone.

Why did he get drunk and belligerent after only a few drinks? Did I marry a lush so easily mastered by a measured volume below a 6-pack? Why would he do this to me on our special night? I was fortunate to have met that friendly couple. They were so generous and kind to buy us drinks to toast our new marriage. There was absolutely no way I could have managed to carry my husband to our room without their help.

I'm deeply troubled by his inability to wake, but the couple said he would be fine. He only needed to sleep it off. Perhaps the drinks were too strong. I had no more than he, but even I felt woozy. My frustration and disappointment is understandable, but I don't understand why I'm so freaking horny. I'm so frustrated.

As if by chance meeting, the couple walked out of the shadows and casually strolled over to Lisa's side. "Look who's at the pool Jimmy, its Lisa. You know the newlyweds we met earlier this evening." Kitty sat next to Lisa at the pool and gave her a hug. "Oh my dear, what's wrong sweetie? You're crying."

Lisa was unable to hold back the bottled-up emotion and began sobbing; her initial words were broken and slurred. "He won't-- up-- was-- special night. I don't know what to do. I feel so... I don't know, sad I guess. I tried to go to sleep, but the room felt hot and uncomfortable. I took your advice and came to the pool to cool down and think, but I'm so... Agh! Never mind, it's not important."

Kitty held her tight and calmly said, "Sweetie, no worries. You will always have tomorrow night. Just let Kitty and Mr. Jimmy take care of you tonight. You shouldn't be all by yourself." Kitty puts her hand against Lisa's forehead. "My dear you're burning up. Jimmy, you get in the pool and help Lisa into the water. The water should help cool her down."

Lisa was unaware that Kitty had loosened and pulled the strings on her bikini bottom at the moment Jimmy lifted her petite frame up by the waist and into the water. Once her torso became submerged, Jimmy simply tugged the bikini bottom off as he pulled away. The warm water covered the fact that she stood bottomless in the pool.

Kitty and Jimmy were both aroused by the distorted visage of Lisa's shaved slit. Kitty was amused by Lisa's preparation for her wedding night. She's prepped that sweet pussy for her husband's wiener which sadly won't see its prize.

Lisa suddenly felt lightheaded and wobbled a bit.

Kitty had an expectation for this to occur and she simply said, "Oh dear, I think she may faint. Sweetie, grab on to the edge of the pool with both hands to steady your balance before you tip over and drown. You poor thing, you're just overwhelmed by emotional disappointment over your husband's inability to provide what you really need. Jimmy, help her please."

Jimmy said, "Ok little lady, hang tight."

He came from behind her and placed both hands on her slender waist, inconspicuously bent her forward and raised her slightly above his waist as he maneuvered her towards the edge of the pool. With intention, he wiggled his thick penis between her thighs, just enough to glide through with a light touch and rub against her clit. Lisa exhaled with a surprised 'Ohhhh...' and flailed her arms wildly until Kitty set them firmly on the edge.

The unexpected appearance of a man's penis between her slender thighs took her off guard. When it grazed up against her sex it was dramatic and it caused her to shudder and tingle with a chill.

Her mind felt fuzzy and her thoughts were slightly ajar. The weird event and odd arousal produced by that awkward rub had skewed her thoughts away from her nudity.

"Oh Lisa, I'm so very sorry, Jimmy tends to get aroused when he's around beautiful women. Don't worry, Jimmy is quite harmless. When he is aroused, his cock tends to go where it's destined to go. It was simply an unavoidable mistake on his part. He can't help himself. Please forgive him for his display; he is quite embarrassed that it grazed you accidently between your legs."

Lisa was more disturbed by her body's reaction to the incident and lacked an understanding as to why she became aroused by that brief encounter. However, when she observed Jimmy's embarrassed expression and concern over what he had done by unintentionally rubbing his erection across her shaved slit, she felt a need to alleviate any concerns over the incident.

"Oh, it's really alright Jimmy. There was no harm caused. I really thank you for helping me. No worries and I certainly understand."

Kitty purred, "Oh sweetie, it is our pleasure to be with you. Oh dear me, I see your staring at Jimmy's huge pleasurable cock. Have you ever seen a man's dick as large as his? I'm sure your husband's little wiener is nowhere near the size of my husband's, is it?"

When the incident occurred, Lisa's natural reaction had been to turn and look at the huge cock that had accidently speared between her thighs and caused that strange shiver. She was unsure why she seemed captivated by the water distorted image that pointed towards her. Her first impression of that lengthy cock was like a shark swimming in dim murky water.

Overall, she really had no idea of the size her husband's erect penis as they had yet to consummate their marriage. Other than heavy petting and intimate kisses, their brief romantic venture was a short whirlwind until the proposal.

Kitty continued to manipulate her. "Have you ever held a man that size in your hand? Have you ever held your husband's little wiener?"

The only time she had touched her husband was in the shower they shared a few days before they were married. Her husband's penis had been shriveled into a 2" nub and laid docile on top of his tightly compacted scrotum. The soapy hand she had used to wash him had produced no arousal from him or within herself.

Lisa stuttered, "I-- I-- No, I haven't." Her eyes began watering, producing tears.

"Oh dear me, I'm so sorry sweetie. I didn't know. It was very impolite of me to ask such a question. Perhaps you can compare them later. Perhaps you could hold Jimmy's cock in your hand and compare it to your husband's little wiener during a more intimate moment. What do you think about that idea? I'm sure if you ask Mr. Jimmy politely, he wouldn't mind."

Lisa was unsure how to respond. No one had ever asked her those questions. She had never touched her husband when he was erect. Last evening was her first opportunity and it had past. How would two different men compare? What would another man's cock feel like in her hand? This was certainly a tempting offer and all she had to do was ask politely.

Jimmy glanced over at his wife sitting nude at the pool edge. This was usually the time his wife completely discarded her swimwear. As usual, just like all the other women from previous encounters, she had her attention fixated on his cock as she contemplated a decision.

He smiled at Lisa's indecision, knowing her eventual answer.

With concern, Lisa asked, "I'm not sure if... I mean... Ah. Is it appropriate to do such a thing? I mean, I'm married now. I don't--"

Kitty realized Lisa was beginning to rationalize too clearly. Of course, that certainly couldn't be allowed to continue. It was time to use words to manipulate her into seeing this encounter from a different perspective.

"Sweetie, of course it's appropriate. He's my husband and I'm married to him. I certainly have no objections. It's not like you're having intercourse with my husband. If my husband were to plunge his beautiful husky thick cock into your vagina and pleasure you repeatedly, then I call that fucking. If the man does the action then he is fucking you. He would certainly never do such a thing to a woman without her consent. My question was whether you would like to feel his dick in your hand, not have him fuck you."

Lisa was thrown off guard and meekly responded, "Oh, I never implied-- I mean-- I'm sorry, I understand. It's just feeling it with my hands, right?"

"That's all it is sweetie. My rule as a married woman is that it's appropriate when the woman desires it to happen. The decision should always be up to the woman. No one will ever force you to do something you are reluctant to do. See, it's as simple as that.

"Lisa look at Jimmy, you can tell by his expression that he is hurt by your reluctant decision to touch him, like he is unworthy of your attention. I feel sorry for you dear, having to live the rest of your life, stuck with one man's puny wiener, never knowing how it felt to hold another. For shame, a missed opportunity, forever befuddled by that unknown question."

Lisa became transfixed by Kitty's friendly tone and the words expressed to offset her concerns. Although her statement was somewhat confusing, it certainly seemed to have some truth. Her concern that this would be a missed opportunity in relation to acquiring knowledge to the big question, allowed her to accept this as appropriate.

They obviously weren't forcing her to do anything she was reluctant to do. How could this be wrong? She would simply be holding another man's cock in her hand so she could compare it to her husbands. To accomplish this, she only had to ask politely and apologize about her hesitant worry over the matter. She certainly didn't want to hurt Jimmy's feelings.

"Please Mr. Jimmy; I really desire to hold your penis in my hand, if you would let me. I'm so very sorry, I never meant to hurt your feelings," she pleaded politely.

Kitty suggested, "Sweetie, what do you think about the three of us crawling out of this pool and moving over to that recliner near that overhead light? Jimmy could recline comfortably and you could sit across his legs facing him. This will allow you to hold my husband's cock right up next to you so you can examine it up close with better lighting. Don't worry, I'll look over your shoulder and offer guidance. We will all be comfortable and warm. Wouldn't that be a swell idea?"

Lisa agreed.

When Lisa exited the pool, she was slightly confused about her nudity from the waist down and began looking around for her bikini bottom.

Kitty interrupted her, "Sweetie, don't you remember? You suggested that we do something naughty and take all of our clothes off. I'm completely nude as is Jimmy, but you're not playing fair. Foolish girl, you're still wearing your top. Let me help you with it, and then I will allow you to hold my husband's cock in your hand. Isn't it exciting to be buck naked in nature while the warm ocean breeze blows against your body?"

Lisa had to admit that being fully naked out in the open with the wind blowing against her body did have a titillating effect. Her loins tingled and her nipples were really hard. It actually felt good being naked and she was glad that she suggested it.

Once Jimmy was reclined, Lisa squatted over him with her legs spread to each side of the recliner. Kitty smiled from behind Lisa; her smile was directed at her husband as their eyes met. Lisa's tight little rear was straddled widely across her husband's legs. Kitty felt giddy and aroused at the thought that this petite little pixie had no rational thought to the fact that her smooth little pussy was spread wide and gaping open with moisture.

Kitty snickered when the little newlywed slut scooted right up to the base of his cock to get a better grip. The little nymph had no idea she had unintentionally slid her gaped wet pussy and compressed it firmly against her husband's large warm balls. Kitty was pleased. It was just a matter of time before the pressure and movement of his warm balls against her moist opening and clit began working their magic.

As Lisa unknowingly masturbated her husband with both hands, Kitty helpfully guided her hands, giving her persuasive suggestions. She had told Lisa that Jimmy was unusual for most men because his cock was eight inches long and about three inches thick when fully erect. Lisa could feel the meaty weight and the throbbing pulse of its veins between her hands. She was in awe of the size of this man. Would her husband compare to this man? That thought was horrific, yet somehow appealing if it were true. Could there ever be a caparison to something this magnificent?

While she stared in amazement, both her hands worked up and down his length and occasionally her thumbs would run over and around the top of the large bulbous head.

It was time to step up the game. "Sweetie you're shivering. You just keep running your hands up and down my husbands cock, just like that. There you go, just get a good feel. While you're experiencing how another man's cock feels in your hands, I'll warm you up a bit.

"I have an absolutely grand idea. Look at my husband's cock and imagine what it would feel like to put that large round head in your mouth? I bet you're thinking your mouth couldn't possibly open wide enough to engulf a cock that big, aren't you? That definitely would be a challenge for someone as petite as you. How would a man's cock taste in your mouth? Could you lick the shaft and make him twitch? Lots of wondrous ideas to think about, wouldn't you say?"

As she spoke sweetly with persuasive suggestions, she straddled behind Lisa, pressing her warm body firmly against her back. Her large breasts sat heavy on the shorter woman's shoulders, overhanging like inviting melons.

"Sweetie, your nipples are so hard and cold. Don't be alarmed, I'm only placing both my hands on your firm little breasts, to help warm them up. There we go, tweaking those nipples, getting the blood flowing. Oh yes sweetie, you like that, I can tell by the sounds your making. You're an absolutely scrumptious delight my dear."

Lisa was now really heated from Kitty's ministrations on her breasts. The act of having a woman reach from behind and touch her breasts and nipples was producing strange desires. She found herself articulating in short moans of pleasurable 'Ohs and Ahs', her enjoyment of those touches. It was overwhelmingly arousing.

Lisa admitted she was sexually aroused by both the cock she unknowingly masturbated with her hands and the feminine touch stimulating her breasts. She could feel the warm wetness of her little pussy pressed against his balls and shaft and it was driving her mad with lust.

She now craved to know the answers. She quirkily begged for permission, "Mr. Jimmy, may I please put your cock in my mouth. I really want to know how it feels in my mouth. I'll try real hard to pleasure you if you allow it."

Lisa felt it was appropriate to ask politely as Kitty had initially requested she do earlier; it just seemed like the proper thing to do. She was unaware that her tone sounded a little bit more desperately pleading than before.

Jimmy simply nodded his head with a smile. With her torso so close, she realized that it would be more comfortable if she kneeled from the side of the recliner. Kitty guided her until she was on her knees with both hands gripping the base of her husband's cock. Lisa began to lick up and down the shaft with her tongue and wagging back and forth along the head as Kitty had instructed.

Kitty was amused by the little woman's lustful fixation for her husband's cock. From the side, the petite young lady really did look like a thirteen year old little girl licking a large lollipop.

"Sweetie, you're doing just great. Just keep licking that lollipop little girl. Having a man's prick in your hands and lathering it up to get it lubricated and wet really excites you doesn't it. Don't forget to try and put the head in your precious little mouth. See if you can get as much of it in your mouth as possible. No need to gag, sweetie, just start licking again if your jaw starts to ache."

Johnny was anxious for his wife to move it along. This little newlywed wife's attempts at trying to gobble his cock was driving him crazy and he feared he would shoot his load.

"Since you offered so politely to pleasure my husband, it seems only fair that I offer to pleasure you in return. I see by your head nod and your muffled 'Aha' that you agree. Kitty is going to lick your little pussy and get you all lubricated and wet, just like your doing to my husband. It's the least that I can do."

Kitty loved to lick pussy, but this petite little snatch was a prize she planned on giving extra special attention to. It wouldn't take much to push this little woman over the top.

The drug used on Lisa, and all the other previous women, affected their sensitivity to stimulus. Add in a dash of chemicals to offset their ability to think rationally and you had a concoction that made it easy to manipulate and direct them towards your goals. A simple touch to her genitals or light breeze across her nipples would produce great arousal. When aroused, simply manipulate them to make decisions based on a directed course of action that further increased their arousal. Little steps usually end up in a bang.