No More Swedish Meatballs


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The lady of the house would almost always be dressed up in a marvelous witch costume. Her children, which to the gang were older than Methuselah, but who were really only college aged, also dressed for the occasion. They looked like the original Addams family.

The main dining room would be all decked out for Halloween. There would be a buffet table spread out with Halloween treats. Sometimes there was apple cider or hot cocoa.

As the evening progressed the youngest children were dropped off at home to head for bed with chocolate covered fingers. Then the older children ventured out to the furthest reaches of the neighborhood. Every one wanted to end up with the biggest haul of goodies. It was all over by nine-thirty. The Hansen kids would come home sweaty and pleased with themselves, empty their bags onto the living room floor and survey their booty.

As the years passed, the older kids aged out of trick or treating. The group got smaller and smaller. Families moved away and new ones moved in. The magic dwindled and died. Kristen and Rita went trick or treating together one last time when they were twelve. They went through the entire neighborhood and then hit the new apartment complex next to the elementary school.

It wasn't like the early days when there were about twenty kids in a pack all jumping out at each other, laughing and joking. It was just the two of them, rushing through to get as much candy as fast as possible. They had a wonderful time. They stayed out way too late and scared the wits out of their parents. Their bags were overflowing by the time they got home and the candy lasted until Easter. It was one of their last really good adventures together.

Time always seemed to slow down after Halloween. The three and a half weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving seemed like an eternity. School dragged. The weather was dreary. Rita and Kristen were lacking in ideas about how to fill play time.

One year the neighborhood kids divided themselves into rival gangs and staged a war which lasted from Labor Day until the first heavy snow fall. That was one of the best falls in Kristen's memory. Ned and his friends built a two story tree house in the pine tree behind the Hansen's house. The other team had a little club house a few doors away. Rita and Kristen were spies.

This was during the height of the cold war. Secret codes and passwords were devised. Captives were taken. Secret alliances were made and betrayed. Ned and his friends invariably won since they had the height advantage. They brought up hoards of acorns and bombarded anyone who came into range.

Rita and Kristen learned the delights of tree climbing that fall and spent hours atop the pine tree on windy days seeing who could go longest without holding on. They built their own little fort at the top of the tree. It’s amazing they didn’t fall out of the tree and break their necks.

Ned was the only one who ever got hurt climbing a tree during the Hansen's childhood. Elizabeth never set foot in a tree. Rita and Kristen stuck to the pine, which was made for climbing.

Ned became adventuresome. One icy January evening when Kristen was eight, Ned decided to venture into the huge old oak tree on the far side of the yard. Evelyn was on her way to pick Karl up at work. Ned tried to drop from one icy branch to another and fell about forty feet, breaking his elbow on the way down. He was lucky to get off that easily. He came into the house white as a sheet.

Elizabeth was a natural born nurse. She knew exactly what to do. Ned was resting comfortably when Evelyn and Karl got home.

The whole family bundled into the car and off they went to the hospital. It was a forty five minute drive. What a nightmare. Karl went into diabetic shock during the trip because he didn't take time to eat before leaving the house. The kids were miserable the entire trip. Everyone was tired, hungry and out of sorts. Evelyn chain smoked the whole way.

After what seemed an eternity the family arrived at Bryn Mar Hospital. Then came the wait. It took hours, but finally Ned was seen by the emergency room doctor and x-rayed. More waiting. Ned got his cast and the family set out for home. Kristen was nearly fainting with hunger by then.

It had been bitterly cold that night. The excitement of Christmas was long gone. They were well into the darkest days of winter. During the ride home Kristen wrapped herself in memories of the recent holiday season. She’d finally been old enough to participate in all the action instead of being the baby who got closeted away with mom whenever mom declared “nap time.” In years past mom had used Kristen as an excuse for a break from the intensity of Karl’s Christmas preparations. When mom had had enough she’d declare “Kristen’s tired. I have to get her down for a nap before she gets cranky.” Truthfully, Kristen would never get cranky if it meant she could stay with Karl and her siblings.

Last year she’d almost thrown a temper tantrum when she was pulled away from the tree decoration. But that would have disrupted the cease fire between Evelyn and Karl. Even at age seven Kristen knew what to expect if she threw a fit. “Goddamn it” Karl would snap. “Can’t you keep her quiet?” Evelyn would snarl something nasty in response, and the day would be ruined. Or maybe Karl would turn on Kristen saying “hush. Don’t be such a baby. You’re making a scene.”

PCTS had been at its worst that year. You could cut the tension with a knife. Kristen didn’t know why Evelyn was mad all the time. The fights were loud and had scared Kristen until Elizabeth explained it was game adults played. Whatever it was, it was horrible.

The fact of the matter was that Evelyn and Karl were basically incompatible. They were only a month apart in age but they were worlds apart. Karl was raised in poverty on the eastern seaboard by an alcoholic father and a martyr of a mother. Evelyn’s kin were mostly Mennonites. Her mother was teacher, and a sanctimonious tea-tottler. Her father was a good provider, even during the depression. But he was a bit of a brute.

Evelyn was an unwanted child. When she was born they thought she dead so they wrapped her up in news paper and were about to throw her out when she emitted a wail. She was born an angry outsider and thus she remained until her dying day. Her childhood home was cold and loveless. But she was a bright child. School was her salvation. She was pretty with dark curly hair and whiskey brown eyes but had never learned to make friends. She spent her teenage years with her nose in a book, never going out on dates or attracting male attention.

She was an intellectual who hid her loneliness with good grades and a scowl. She graduated high school with honors in 1946. Somehow she managed to win a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania. Her father tried to stop her from going saying no daughter of his was going to college. She should stay home until she found a husband like a proper lady. But Evelyn was as stubborn as her old man. She braved his wrath and went off to Philadelphia to get her degree.

Her first year was wonderful. Evelyn loved the intellectual atmosphere. She hung out with the socialists who taught her to smoke, drink beer and argue. She sucked up the political dogma. She finally got the nerve up to go out on a few dates set up by friends she met in the student union. That’s where she met Max. Max was a darkly mysterious, older student who spoke quietly and ardently against the ruling class and spouted passages from Marx and Trotsky. He was fascinating; magnetic. Evelyn was drawn to his hard, rugged body and aura of danger. She felt sexy and exciting around him.

Max happily took Evelyn to bed. He was hungry for a lover and Evelyn’s underlying anger fueled his passion. He took her virginity with a smile on a steamy night in his grubby little apartment on the outskirts of Philadelphia. He had just gotten back from an assignment in Austria. He was still sweaty from travel when he called Evelyn at her dormitory.

“Hey,” he said. “I missed you.”

Evelyn was thrilled to hear his voice. It was deep and throaty. She hadn’t heard it in a while. “Hi. You’re back. Where’ve you been?”

“I can’t say. I’m starving, I don’t have a crumb in this apartment to eat and I’m dying to see you.”

Evelyn went weak at the knees. She looked at her watch. It wasn’t too late. It was Saturday night so she could go out for a few hours without getting into trouble. The rules for ladies at Penn were strict but not as bad as at some schools.

“I think I can get out for a while. What did you have in mind? Do you want to meet me somewhere?”

“No, love, here’s the thing.”

Love! He’s never called me that before,” she thought, her pulse quickening.

“I need a shower,” he continued, “and I’m pretty ragged from traveling. Do you think you could pick up something we could eat at my apartment? I’d give you the money back of course.”

Evelyn hesitated. She wasn’t stupid. She knew where this was leading. Did she want to go to bed with him? Yes, desperately. But should I? Oh God. This could be my one chance. I can’t risk losing him. But I might lose him if I give in. No. He’s not like that. He’s nothing like my father or the men I’m always reading about. Be

“Evelyn? Are you still there?” Max knew by the pause that if she said yes she’d be saying yes to everything.

“Yes.” Her voice was a little shaky. “What kind of food should I bring? And do you want beer?” Beer will make it easier.

“No. Wine would be nicer, don’t you think?” he said smoothly, “that is, if you have the cash. And maybe something Italian? I could really go for spaghetti. How does that sound?

“It sound’s great. It’ll take a little while though.” He heart was pounding furiously.

“Get here soon, Evelyn. I’m very hungry,” he said in a voice that was half growl, half laugh as he hung up the phone.

Evelyn felt a throbbing deep inside she’d never experienced before. Oh, God it’s hot in here, she realized she was drenched. I’ll have to bathe before I leave the house.

It was eight in the evening by the time she got to Max’s apartment. She’d stopped to pick up some sandwiches at a nearby deli but the liquor store had been closed. She was hot and sweaty and jumpy as a cat when she hit the buzzer to Max’s apartment. She’d never been there before.

He let her in with a sexy smile. “Food!” he exclaimed. You’re my savior!”

“The liquor store was closed. I couldn’t get anything to drink,” Evelyn said nervously.

“That’s okay. I found a bottle after I got off the phone with you. Can I pour you some?”

“Yes,” Evelyn replied. “Please. I’m dying, it’s so hot out. And humid. I can take the heat but not the humidity.”

Max poured some wine into a couple of jelly glasses. Then he led her to the living area where there was a dilapidated couch, a coffee table and an end table and a patched-up floor lamp. “Not very elegant, I’m afraid.”

Evelyn took a long sip from her glass and looked around the small, squalid apartment. “It’s great,” she said.
”Compared to my dorm room this place is heaven. You even have a balcony.” She pointed at the fire escape and laughed. “Are you hungry?” she rattled the bag of food. “It’s just sandwiches. I couldn’t get Italian food. Not on such short notice.”

“Starved.” He opened the sack and pulled out the sandwiches. “What have we got here?”

“Pastrami on rye with mustard or roast beef. You can have either one. I’m not choosy,” Evelyn said.

“I’ll take the pastrami.” Max bit into the sandwich hungrily.

Evelyn’s glass was empty.

“More wine?” he asked handing her the roast beef sandwich.


He divided the remaining wine between them. They ate their meal in silence.

Evelyn usually had a good head for wine but this evening her head was spinning. There was little ventilation in the apartment and the day’s heat hadn’t yet dissipated. It was stifling in the apartment. Evelyn thought she’d better leave. She started to stand. Max stopped her.

“You’re not leaving are you?” he asked. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her so she was facing him. He kissed her. It was a long, hot, sensual kiss. Evelyn’s body responded. She’d never felt such sensations.

They necked on the couch for a while. Max was an experienced and able lover. When he sensed Evelyn was ready he led her to the bedroom. He drew her to the bed and pulled her down on top of him. He unbuttoned her blouse and reached behind to unclasp her bra.

She gasped.

“Shhh.” Max said. They were kneeling face to face on the bed within a whisper of each other. Max removed her blouse, then her bra. He cupped her full breasts in his hands. “They’re lovely,” he whispered. He caressed her nipples and they hardened under his finger tips. Evelyn felt a jolt of desire. He reached under her skirt to unfasten her nylons. They came off easily. Then he touched her in a place so secret she never knew it existed. She almost fainted from the sensation. Her panties and skirt were gone. She didn’t notice.

Max sensed she was ready. He slid a finger deep into Evelyn’s vagina while he used his thumb to play with her clit. She jerked like she’d been struck by lightening. Her orgasm was hot, intense and she cried out loud as she came.

Max rolled onto her and entered her quickly. She felt a stab of pain and knew she was no longer a virgin. Max rode her with hard, bold strokes. She came a second time. He pumped faster and more urgently and yelled out her name as he poured into her. Evelyn!! Then it was over. They lay still for a while.

A storm came up as they lay together in Max’s bed. The apartment was dark except for the glow from their cigarettes and the lightening flashes which illuminated the room again and again. They listened to the thunder as the storm rolled in. It was short but violent, like their lovemaking.

When the storm started to let up Evelyn looked at her watch and sighed. 10:30. She was going to get in trouble for staying out so late. She didn’t care.

“I’d better get back to the dorm,” she said to Max. She slid out of bed and started to put on her clothes. Suddenly she felt shy and awkward.

Max lay in bed watching her dress. The evening had been a treat. Great sex: Both hot and earthy. “I’ll walk you back,” he said. I think I’ll keep her around for a while, he thought during the walk. They held hands as they walked through the misty drizzle which was what remained of the storm. They kissed goodnight under a streetlight. “I’ll call you soon.”

“Promise?” Evelyn asked worriedly. She knew the score. You got dropped if you gave it up too easily.

“Yes,” Max said, looking her straight in the eye.

Max was true to his word. He called her often and they slipped into an easy, casual affair. That was how Max played it. Max’s politics were ephemeral – at least they seemed so to Evelyn. He heatedly about the atrocities he’d seen in Europe during the war and of the challenge of post-war reconstruction. He talked about the hardships being faced by the Jews in their new state, Israel. He hated communism and everything that was happening behind the iron curtain. He drew Evelyn into a circle of friends who he said were taking action instead of wasting their time arguing and swilling beer. They were going to stamp out communism. Of course he never said how they were doing it. Max had a clever tongue and Evelyn didn’t think it was strange that most of his friends had Germanic surnames. None of his friends were Jewish, either, but Evelyn didn’t think anything of it. Not for many years to come.

Max came and went like a ghost. He would disappear for weeks at a time and come back smoldering with pent up rage. Evelyn never asked him where he went. Once in a while he would ask her to run a special errand for him. Evelyn found it thrilling.

Max knew he could depend on her to do what she was told with out asking questions. She was a real asset.

Evelyn’s scholarship ran out after junior year. She asked her father for tuition. He refused. He wanted Evelyn home where she belonged. Evelyn was furious. She told her father to go to hell. She never wanted to see him again. She could make it on her own.

And she did. She typed for a living and wore hand sewn clothes her mother sent her on the sly. She didn’t have much time to hang out with the crowd which made her pretty angry. And then Max disappeared. She was devastated but she put on a good show for her fellow students and went on to finish her degree.

After she graduated she landed a job as a Probation Officer in Philadelphia. Her father thought she was an unnatural female for not settling down right away to start a family. But the job was great. The Judge she worked for thought the world of her. And she got to travel, taking poor little Negro children to places like Baltimore and Corpus Christi.

She lived in a boarding house with a number of other single young professionals know as the co-op house. Max re-appeared in the summer of 1949. He had changed a lot. He was no longer interested in Evelyn. At least not as a lover. He was cool and hard, and very intense. He didn’t offer an explanation for his disappearance, or his change of heart. He never talked about politics or the war or, much of anything for that matter.

Karl Hansen showed up at the co-op house that fall. He was 26 and had just graduated from college. He’d missed out on the war because his job in Bridgeport was essential.

Karl Hansen was very different from Max. He was a shy, bookish young man. A scientist. He had a job in some corporation which he never talked about. He didn’t look very strong or athletic. He was almost six feet tall, had black hair, misty grey eyes and Evelyn was sure he was a virgin.

Evelyn was still in love with Max but Max rebuffed her advances. Inside she was furious but she swallowed her anger. She decided she’d take what she could get for the time being. She was sure she could bring Max around. Max, Karl and Evelyn became close friends. Sometimes they prowled the clubs at night. Evelyn loved the night life.

It was a very happy time for Evelyn except she was getting older and was still unmarried.

As Christmas approached Evelyn got to know Karl a little better. They had both grown up in house holds where education was sacred. They shared a love of books. Karl had been a sickly youngest child who had been dragged around from customer to customer and bar to bar by his father. The family lived off his mother’s salary. Britta was a Swedish immigrant who cooked in a Southern Italian restaurant. Every Christmas his mother toiled to set out a savory Swedish smorgasbord.

Evelyn had a lot on her mind on New Years’ Eve. Her New Years resolution was to find a husband. She yearned for Max. She was sure she was getting to him. The trio had decided to ring in the New Year together. Evelyn put on her finest attire. She made up her face. Fixed her hair. Gritted her teeth. I’m going to resolve this tonight she swore.

The three revelers went out to dinner. They drank and had a good time. They decided to go dancing. Evelyn pulled out all the stops for Max but he remained impassive. So Evelyn turned her charms on Karl.

Karl had little head for drink, despite the evenings of clubbing and cards. And he had no experience with women. He had been a sensitive child and a pudgy, overly intelligent youth. Karl was, in fact, a virgin. To sum it up he was ripe for the picking. It was a slam dunk. Evelyn had Karl in bed before the clock struck twelve. Sex with Karl was completely different than with Max.

Karl lost his virginity in a drunken haze which he barely remembered afterwards. He’d been hard from the moment Evelyn started flirting with him. When they finally got to his room he was in a frenzy of desire. He struggle ineptly with Evelyn’s clothing until she was ready to scream with frustration. Finally she helped him take off her clothes and slid into bed. Karl stood at the side of his bed in his underwear looking like a startled deer.
