No Ordinary Love Ch. 02

Story Info
Continuation of a man falling in love with a porn queen.
15.1k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 08/18/2002
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I know that was it, I literally parked one block away from were my parents live. I put the top up and we got out.

"Nice area here. Is this were you used to live?"

"Yes." We started walking down the street, and we passed my parents apartment.

"That's were my parents live."

"Nice building. Aren't you going to stop by and say Hi?" She said very sarcastically.

"They're not home."

"How do you know?"

"A day like this, their out walking around, trust me. We'll bump into them."

Within two minutes of me saying that, who do I see walking about one block away coming to us, my parents.

"You wanted to meet my parents, there they are. She looked ahead and smiled."

"They are so cute!" My heart began racing. I truly don't know why I was afraid they would disapprove of me. I hadn't lived with them in five years. I talk to them about once a month. But I guess, it's that thing that children go through.

"Aren't you going to tell me something?"


"Not to tell them what I do for a living."


"Why not?"

"I know you wouldn't do me like that, so there is no need for me to tell you that."

"You're alright Jay, you're alright!"

We walked up to my parents and they gave me a hug and a kiss.

Mom dad, this is a friend of mine, Tera. Tera gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said that I had told her a lot about them. "Were are you guys going?" I asked them

"To get something to eat." My mom said.

Tera chimed in almost seamlessly, " So are we, why don't you join us. It will give me the chance to get to know you both better. Dinner will be on us."

We walked about five blocks down to a TGI Fridays. We got seated and the conversation between Tera and my parents just went on and on. It seemed they didn't even know I was there. I don't know whether they purposely did it or not, but I was totally omitted from their conversation, except for the occasional," Please pass the salt." They talked about everything, values, morals, religion, pre-marital sex, I watched in amazement. I thought to myself, this girl can BS with the best.

The question was eventually asked. The question that I had dreaded. My mom asked, "So what type of work do you do, Tera?" Oh God, I thought.

"I'm a RN."

"Oh , a nurse. That is wonderful." You just don't know how hard it was for me not to laugh. I mean technically, she was, but just,..... a non practicing one.

"Are you in private practice or do you work in a hospital?" My father asked.

"No I work in a hospital."

"Which one."

"Beth Israel, in Manhattan." My god, she can lie quick on her feet.

"My mom asked if she did any modeling."

"Yes, when I was younger."

"I thought so, you too beautiful, just to be a nurse." Tera smiled and thanked her.

"You know, you both raised a very wonderful young man. I have never meet a person with good values and morals like Jason." She was really shoveling it tonight. I tried my best to keep a blank face, because my parents, could read me like a book, and if I showed that even I was amazed at some of the crap, Tera was saying, they would know this girl was lying to them, if they didn't know already. We sat there and ate and talked and talked, for hours. I think all in all they really liked her, which was all I wanted.

"So how long have you both known each other?" My mom asked. Tera let me answer that one.

"We just meet last week."

"But it seems we've known each other forever." I think that was the first truth she told tonight.

"How did you meet?"

"I checked her in at the hotel, and I thought I would never get a chance of seeing her again, so I asked her out."

"Do you live in New York Tera?"


"Why did you check in at the hotel, if you live in the city?"

"There was a big medical conference there and they put everyone who was apart of it in a room for the night." Damn she's good! I thought.

It had reached , about nine o'clock, and we still were talking. I looked at my watch and said that we had to get back before it got late. I paid the check and we all walked back to where I had parked the car.

"Nice car." My dad said.

"Thanks. It was a gift from my family when I got my degree." My parents gave Tera and me a hug and a kiss, and told us to be careful going back. Before I got into the car, my mom pulled me to the side and told me that I better take care of this girl. I couldn't believe it, she had successfully pulled the wool over my parents eyes. I mean it wasn't something I was happy about it, but it was better than saying she fucked for a living.

We both buckled up and I pulled off.

"How did I do?" I turned and looked at her, and shook my head.

"Did you want me to tell them the truth?"

"Not at that moment."

"So why are you so pissy?"

"I don't know. I guess it's the fact that I LIED to my parents for the last four hours."

"You didn't do it, I did."

"I knew the truth, so it was just the same."

"Things will work out. Things will work out. They always do." She grabbed my hand, and held it.


We made it back to New York, around eleven thirty. I parked the car in the garage and we took the elevator to her floor.

"You tiered?"

"Yeah kind of."

"Me too." We both took our clothes off and laid on the bed. She put her head on my chest.

"Jay, I got to go away for a few days."


"To St. Tropez." I had to laugh, because nobody says they have to go to St. Tropez. They say I'm going. She made it sound like a chore. Well it probable was, I mean she was going there to work.

"Photo shoots, or movies?"


"How long?"

"Just until Thursday............ Are you mad at me?"

"For what?"

"For leaving you so soon, after we've meet?" I rubbed her hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"No. I knew you would eventually have to go somewhere, it's your job. I said that I would accept that about you. For me to get mad, would mean that I would be breaking my promise." She moved on top of me. She put her chin on my left shoulder.

"Why couldn't I have meet you, three years ago?"

"Three years ago, I'm not who I am now." She began kissing my neck. Her hand went between lightly tugged on my cock and put it in her. She began moving very slowly up and down.

"You want to make love?"

"Let's just talk."


"Us. You said that you see a future with me. What do you see?"" She thought for a second, took a deep breath and said,

" I can actually see, the lust that we have for each other, turning into love. When you look at me, it's like, I see in your eyes you really care about me. From the first time we shared each other. You don't talk to me like I'm a slut, you talk to me like your in love with me. You touch me like I'm a fragile piece of China. I haven't meet anyone like that in long time, I've never been treated like that in years."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty four. Why?"

"Just asking." I , at that moment realized that she was physically a woman. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt how to please a man. But inside, inside she was a girl. She grew up to damn soon, she experienced things in life at that age, that most people would take years to experience. I made a vowel to myself at that point, that I would not do anything to her to degrade, or shame her. That meant when we made love, I would have to do just that, love her, hold and caress her. I would make it my aim every time to make love to her, like I was making love to her for the first time.

"How many men have you slept with?"

"You've got to be kidding?"


"Oh god, I don't know. It's been that many. How about you?"

"I've never been with a guy."

"You know what I meant."

"Counting you, ........................YOU!" I didn't look at her face, but I could feel her reaction. I knew what she was thinking. I mean, I even wonder why I waited, or how I was able to do so.

"You're lying, you're lying, you're lying." She leaned up and looked at me. "What we did, or what we do is by two people who have experience, you can not lay there and tell me you were a virgin until Friday. Tell me the truth!"

"I told you I could not lie to you, that is the truth. What I told you is the truth."

"Why did you want to give something special like that to me. That is supposed to be given to someone who you love, not a one night stand."

I leaned up and touched her face. I ran my hands through her hair, and looked her in the eyes. I saw she had a tear moving down her face. I gently kissed it as it ran down her cheek.

"I knew you would be special to me. I knew you would not be a one night stand." She began to cry.

"What do you see in me? What do you see?"


"This can't be happening. This is not suppose to happen. I, I can't take this Jason. I'm feeling things that I can't feel because I'm in this business. These feelings will interfere with my livelihood . I can't do it."

"Do you want me to leave?" She began crying even harder than before.

"I told you this would not work out. But instead of it being you, it's me."

"I'll leave." She grabbed my neck, and wrapped her arms around me. I kissed her neck and rubbed her back.

"You have to get yourself ready for your trip. You have to prepare yourself, you'll be no good if I stay here tonight. Tera you know where I work, you know were I live, you know my phone number, you know I will be here whenever you are ready."

I put on my clothes and left. It was about two thirty in the morning, by the time I made it to Newark. I entered my apartment, and saw the three piles of dirty clothes on the floor that I had been washing for two weeks. I laid on my couch, thinking if I would ever see her again. "Damn. I left my uniform in her closet. How was I .............She didn't ask for the keys to her apartment back. Before I go to work tomorrow or tonight, I'll stop by and get it and leave the keys there. I tried not to cry, I felt I was truly falling in love with her. Something told me not to tell her. Why did I? Why did I? Everything happens for a reason. What was this reason? Only God knows.

A long night

It's bad enough that I have to stay awake for eight hours a night when most people are sleep, but to do so when your emotionally drained, is painful. I tried not to look like I had been through emotional hell in the last twenty hours, but those who knew me knew something was wrong. But I had a job to do, so I had to do whatever to make it through. I had another uniform in my closet, so I didn't have to go to Tera's place to change. My shift overlaps with the mid-day shift so when I got to work, I saw and talked to a lot of the guys that I worked with Friday. A few of them, hooked up with a couple of the porn queens and got their fantasies fulfilled. Basically, that was the whole scope of the conversations when I got there and when they all left two hours later. Mid-night rolled around and the overnight shift was the only ones left at the front desk. One guy called out so it was just myself and Jeb.

Now when you hear the name Jeb, one tends to think of a red-neck southerner who's father owned slaves and a cotton plantation. But this Jeb, was a three hundred and forty pound black guy from Brooklyn, who's never been to the south and doesn't have plans to go to the south. He said his father gave him that name so that he would be different from all the others in his neighborhood. This guy looks very intimidating but when you get to know him he turns out to be the biggest pussycat there is. But he is no push over, he has told me that he is a reformed pimp. Every time he says that, I just laugh. Some of his stories are truly amazing and entertaining and to my surprise, can be verified. So when I have different questions to ask, about life, I listen to him because this guy has lived and seen every thing. I wanted to tell him about Tera, but I just couldn't. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel comfortable talking about my personal life at work. Everyone there thinks that I'm a "Vanilla" type of guy, because I just laugh at all the crap they go through in their relationships and all the "Babymamadrama" they have. But this was different, I had to talk to someone. The lobby had quieted down, and Jeb and I were the only ones at the desk.

"What did you do today , Jeb?"

"All man, I fought with my daughters mom today, she was crying about some shit her new boyfriend was doing to her. She is so stupid, she let this guy who is a drug dealer move in with her and wonders why the cops are always harassing her. Sometimes I just don't get women, do they think before they do stuff? And then I say to myself no, because if they did , they wouldn't do the crap they do. And if they thought they would rule the world. I mean if every woman in the world thought and agreed for just one day to not give any pussy to men, they would see just how much power they had. But instead they just are too damn emotional, that's why there will always be whores in the world, because whores are just to damn emotional."

OKAAY! Every thought that I had to confide in this guy just went out the window. Sometimes he would have the most twisted outlook in life. Most of the times he made good sense about life and love, but tonight he must be really messed up in the head.

"What about you're girlfriend, how's she doing."

"She's giving me drama because my ex keeps calling me asking about a job. So because I don't tell her to stop calling she's mad at me."

To understand this conversation, you have to understand , urban English and Jeb. Jeb truly was a player in his youth. At the age of thirty three, he says he now regrets everything that he has done while young. He is in a love / hate relationship with a young woman who is just to damn paranoid, and on top of that he has three kids from three different mothers. His oldest kids mother turned out to be the biggest slut he's ever encountered. He really is not sure if the kid is his or not but he takes care of it just the same. That kids mother is in and out of jail for selling and using crack, so he is in court trying to get full custody of that daughter. This woman is referred to as his oldest daughters mama. You know what? I'm not even going to try to explain the rest of his life's drama, I'll just say that his headache is coming form his oldest girls mother and his current girlfriend.

Well he's all stressed out about that stuff so I won't bother him. I walked back to the PBX room and thought of talking to the operator there. Her name is Sam. Sam is in her mid forties and has been on the overnight shift for the last fourteen years. I don't know how this woman does it, but she is always, happy and awake. Should I tell her?

"How was you're weekend Jay?"

"Not bad. And yours?"

"The same. ..... Hey did you hear about JoJo in housekeeping?"

"No. what?"

"They caught him stealing some stuff from a room." I didn't know how true that was, because jo had been fired before for having sex with a guest in the elevators, well in the rumor mill he was anyway. So this new story about him was kind of hard to believe. If I tell Sam about my new love life, God it would be all over this hotel.

I walked out of the PBX room and went down the hall to the managers office. There was Kim in the office. Kim is cool to work with, as long as she's not upset, if she's upset, all hell will break loose. As I walked to the door of the office, I saw her slam down the phone, and curse under her voice "GOD DAMN GUEST, MOTHERFUCKERS GOING TO MAKE ME LOOSE MY MIND." OKAAY! I thought she's not in the mood to talk, so I slowly turned away and quietly walked back to the desk. The lobby was still empty, and Jeb was on the phone talking to his girlfriend. I looked out into the empty lobby and thought if I would ever see Tera again. I didn't do anything wrong to her, I just got her a little over emotional. The clock on the wall said it was two am. The phone rang and from the caller id on it, I saw it was an outside line.

"Guest service's. This is Jason, how can I help you?"

"Why did you leave?" I didn't pick up the voice right away, but from the question, I knew who it was.

"I , I thought that's what you wanted."'

"Did I ask you to leave?"


"Did I tell you to leave?"


"So why did you think, I wanted you to leave?"

"I don't know. I just thought that's what you wanted, to be left alone."

"Don't leave me like that that again. I need you to pick me up around five tonight at J.F.K."

"I thought you were there until Thursday."

"There is a bad storm about to hit, and they are getting everyone out. So I'll be coming home early. Can you pick me up?"

"I thought you wouldn't be here so I told them I would work a double."

"What time do you get off?"

"Eleven o'clock."

"Just meet me then at my place when you get off."

"Are you mad at me?"


"You just sound kind of pissed off, that's it."

"You would too if you flew half way around the world, and told to go home after you land."

"Good point. Hold on, for a second." A family of four came to the desk and checked in. I gave them the room and told them the different ammonites of the hotel. They asked a couple of questions and eventually left.

"Hello , you still there?"


"So did you guys do anything?"

"We still had to do our photo session, and we shot a few indoor scenes for a movie."

"Oh yeah. Like what?" She paused. I heard her chuckle.

"You don't want to know."

"You're right, I don't want to know. Hey listen, I gotta go. There's a lot of people coming in, what do they think this is, a hotel? I'll see you, tonight. Be careful coming back."


Damn these people are a pain coming in here at two thirty in the morning, but if they didn't, I'd be out of work. Thank you for choosing the New York ..................

It was ten o'clock AM. by the time I punched out. I had to back by three.

Why the hell did I agree to pull a double?…… Well its not all that bad, they do put you up in a room, give you room service, and two movies for doing this.

I ordered room service and turned on the TV. Flipped through the channels, nothing on. What do I expect, it's ten thirty in the morning. People come to this hotel not to watch TV, it's in the middle of time's square, it's New York! Pay per view. What movies are on. I turned the channel to the pay access channel. There was absolutely nothing I wanted to see. Then I check to see what type of adult movies they had.

Happy hookers pt3

Ron Jermy and the temple of poone.

God these title are HORRIBLE!

I flipped through the titles, and to my relief none featured Tera. I turned the tube off and just picked up the news paper. About ten minutes latter my food came, and I gave the server a tip and signed for it. I only ate half of what I ordered, when I get upset or disturbed emotionally it effects my apatite. I looked at the window, and saw the busy people of times square. It always amazes me that in the middle of the work morning, there is that many people in times square, and I always think "Why aren't these people at work? I eventually laid down and fell asleep. When I woke up at two thirty, it had started to rain and hard. I knew that Tera's flight would be either cancelled or delayed, because of the weather. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

I caught the elevator to the eighth floor and went behind the desk to punch in.

"Damn you look tiered, Jay." One of the girls behind the desk said.

"You just don't know." I took my station and started checking in people. It was very busy which made the night go quick. By the time I knew it the time was ten o'clock. One hour to go. Thank god I don't have to come in to night.

Fifteen minute later, my manager told me I could leave if I wanted. He didn't have to tell me twice. I banked out and locked up my money. Before I punched out, I was told I had a phone call. I looked at my watch it was ten forty.