No Way _ Mary: Alternative


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I had nobody to talk to about my feelings, and probably worse as it turned out, I had nobody to point out to me that I wasn't thinking about Mary's feelings. More important how she felt about that night. My brain wouldn't allow me to consider whether she'd actually enjoyed it, though my ears should have told me she did.

If she hadn't, then why had she done three of them that night?

Her need to find out how other men felt inside her. Had her experience satisfied that need, or had it simply inflamed it?


It was about a month after that infamous evening, and Mary seemed to be spending more and more time with Tracy. Hardly surprising since I wasn't the best of company. It was OK when the kids were up, but after they'd gone to bed, a silence descended.

That night she'd gone off to Tracy's after the kids were in bed, leaving me at home babysitting.

I chose that moment to decide to try to make an effort with John. I rang him, knowing that Mary would be there with Tracy, intending to invite him over for a few beers.

"Sorry Tom," he answered my invitation. "I'd love to really, but Tracy and I are going out tonight. Maybe tomorrow night. Maybe we could have a beer or two down the pub?"


"Going anywhere exciting," I asked tentatively. It was after all, none of my business.

"No Tom," he replied. "Just popping over to see her parents."


I couldn't bring myself to ask the question.

But then I didn't have to did I?

Mary wasn't there was she?

If not, then where the hell was she?

All the feelings of nausea and uncertainty that I had managed to put behind me returned with a vengeance.

I realized that there was probably a simple explanation, but knew at that moment that that's how life was going to be from thereon.

I didn't trust her.

Mary came back in that evening just before midnight, and there was nothing odd in that. I tried to say nothing, honestly I did, but I couldn't get that noring feeling from my gut.

"How are John and Tracy?" I asked nonchalantly. That was typical of the limit of our conversations by then.

"OK," replied Mary. Typical again.

"You didn't go out anywhere with Tracy then?" I asked carefully.

"No," she replied. "Just stayed in and chatted.

The limit of out conversation.

The end of our marriage?

I was right not to trust her.


Mary's next evening out was scheduled for a few days later, her weekly night out with the girls. It wasn't hard to keep my suspicions from her, as we were hardly talking more than a few words at a time.

By the time I got home from work she was ready to go out, dressed quite modestly in jeans and a loose top. I gave her an hour or so head start, then took the kids over to her parents, telling them that I'd had an emergency at work. I then made my way through town to the pub where I knew they met up, and got there probably an hour and a half or so after she would have arrived. Her group wasn't at all hard to find. They were all dressed more or less the same as she had been, and a pretty bunch they made. I kept myself hidden, but I almost need not have bothered, as Mary wasn't there.

What to do?

I'd drawn a blank, but it was a blank that told me everything.

I saw Tracy sitting there with the group of them and decided to find out what I could so I took my mobile phone from my pocket, and dialed Tracy's number. I saw her take her phone from her pocket, and look to see who was calling.

"Hi Tom," I heard through the earpiece." Are you after Mary?"

That puzzled me, as it wasn't what I expected to hear.

"Yes. Is she there," I replied thinking quickly. "Her mobile 's not responding."

"She's just left on her way home Tom," Tracy informed me. "Good as gold she has been. Never stops out more than an hour or so these days. Not since ........" Tracy hesitated realizing no doubt that the other girls were around her. "Well not since the last couple of weeks," she finished.

"Thanks," I replied and cut the phone. I didn't need any more information; Mary had got home well after midnight every week lately, just as she had done before.

She was using her night out with the girls as a cover.

All I had to do was find out what it was she was covering, and hiding from me.

Oddly enough when she came home that night Mary was in a really good mood. The best she had been in my presence for some time. The next day she became quite chatty, and despite my doubts I responded. That night we sat and watched television hand in hand, and it seemed quite natural for us to go up to bed together, where she undressed rather sexily for me.

We made love, and it did seem like love, not just sex. The first time for some period, but it was all still there, and by the following morning as if by magic, we seemed to be back were we'd started.

I wondered, no, hoped really, that my suspicions were unfounded, and that we could carry on as a couple. The loving couple that we had been before.

I still didn't really trust her though, and I knew that the solution would be more difficult than one night of good sex.

The week passed pleasantly enough, and it was again time for her to go out with Tracy and the girls. Yet again I parked the kids with her parents, and yet again I made my way over to the pub where they met. This time however a little earlier, but I'd only been parked outside for ten minutes or so, and I spotted Mary leaving the pub, and getting into her car.

I'm no expert at trailing people, so it was just as well that she only drove half mile or so, then pulled into the Rose Garden Hotel.

Well at least she had taste, as it was without doubt the best hotel around, far better even than the one that our saga had started in.

Mary got out, still dressed in jeans and tee shirt and just a large handbag, and I carefully followed her into the reception area. Mary must have not had a care in the world, because how she didn't spot my clumsy efforts to shadow her, I'll never understand.

"Hi, has my husband arrived yet?" She asked the pretty receptionist, who obviously recognized her, adding, "Tell him I'll meet him in the bar when he arrives," when the receptionist replied that he hadn't.


What husband? Which husband? What was going on?

I watched in astonishment as Mary sauntered over to the lift, and while she waited for it to come, I took the stairs two at a time, and hid myself at the corner, hoping that she got out at that floor. There were only two floors, and I was lucky. Mary alighted from the lift, and I counted carefully how many doors she walked by till she stopped.


Once inside, I crept quickly along, and checked out the number ____ 214.

I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do, but there was quite clearly nothing to be gained by standing there and waiting. Catching Mary coming out of her hotel room would certainly embarrass her, and prove something. But what? Even I didn't know.

Accordingly, five minutes later found me back in the lobby, behind a newspaper, surveying the place and the people coming and going.

If Mary's 'husband' did arrive then I didn't see him, or if I did, then I didn't know it. The place was full of smart businessmen, and it could have been anyone of them, or for that matter I could have everything wrong.

I didn't have a plan of any sort, and truthfully I was very nervous and felt a bloody fool.

All I could do was keep my eyes open for Mary to come back down again. I just hoped and prayed that she would come back down again or else I was lost. But as much as I searched every woman that passed, not one was dressed in jeans and tee shirt, and as time passed, I started to accept that I'd blown it.

Then "Shit that was close!"

God she nearly caught me, and how damned embarrassing would that have been?

The vision in front of me, walking straight towards me, was anything but dressed in jeans and tee shirt. The beautiful woman was clad in a short black evening dress and high heels.

Simple but effective __ she looked stunning and my heart gave a jerk. Mary looked as beautiful as I'd ever seen her, and her eyes sparkled with life.

I whipped the newspaper up in front of myself, and she strolled past me, within three feet of me, and never so much as noticed.

I decided that surveyance simply wasn't my thing. Apart from nearly being caught yet again, I didn't think my heart could stand it.

The next bit was easy enough, as Mary walked just inside the bar, and straight up to well-dressed guy of forty or so, reached up on tiptoe and pecked him on the cheek.

I couldn't hear what she said to him, but it was short. I guess it was something like, "Hello darling."

He turned to face her, put his arm around her waist, and pulled her up tightly against his body. Mary offered no resistance, moulding her soft body up against his.

It looked for all the world like what she was pretending it to be.

A beautiful young wife greeting her loving husband at the end of the day.

I felt sick!

I took in a number of slow deep breaths till I managed to control my breathing. Controlling my heartbeat was not so easy however.

I wanted to go and punch him on the nose. I wanted to shame Mary in front of everyone there.

But I didn't. I just sat there and watched the two of them as he introduced them to two other guys who he had been talking to.

Mary shook hands with them like a dutiful wife, and within a few moments they were smiling and laughing as the two new chaps so obviously complimented her on how good she looked.

She reached over to each of them in turn, and put her hand on their shoulder or their chest, leaving it there just a tad longer than would be normal. Flirting with the two of them fairly innocently, but flirting none the less. Within three minutes, Mary had them eating out of her hands.

I didn't know she could do that.

I was trapped and still didn't have a plan. No idea what to do.

The two other chaps made to leave, and I took that opportunity to get up and walk away, still no ideas coming to me.

I found myself back on the stairs, and then outside her room. That was no good of course, so with my heart pounding, I walked further down the corridor and half hid myself in another doorway.

It would be just my luck if someone opened the door and I fell in.


Bloody hell __ I just knew it would be them, and sure enough the two of them made their way arm in arm along the corridor towards room 214, stopping only to kiss passionately when they got there.

Mary got the key card out, and offered it to the door.

I knew it was there and then or it would be too late. I knew that if I didn't react immediately then I'd be going home with my tail between my legs.

But other than embarrass Mary as much as possible, I still wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do.

"Well fancy meeting you here Mary," I called out with far more confidence than I felt, as I made my way down the corridor towards them.

The guy looked up and smiled. Not a big friendly smile of welcome, but a smile none the less. After all, he had no idea who I was.

Mary froze. Physically froze, and even from the distance I was still at, I saw the look of utter panic on her face.

That at least made me feel good ___ really good.

"Pleased to meet you Sir," I greeted the man pleasantly enough, holding out my hand. He took it and we shook hands, for all the world like a normal meeting between the woman's husband and an unknown friend.

But which was which, and who was who?

"Mary's husband I presume," I asked the other chap.

"Mary?" he queried looking puzzled, and glancing across at my wife. "This is Gina."

"Ah!" I exclaimed heartily, throwing up my hands. "That explains everything nicely then doesn't it."?

He continued to look at me in puzzlement, while Mary, or was it Gina, stared at me like she'd just seen death.

"Then you must be Gina's husband then," I continued. "Which helps quite a lot, because Mary here is actually MY bloody wife."

Nothing could really be worth losing a wife for, but if anything was, then the look on their faces came close.

The other 'husband' took a step back, and Mary let out a sob.

I had enough sales experience, and of closing deals to know when to keep quiet. I simply stood there and stared at the two of them. The next move was up to them.

"Look old chap," he recovered enough at last to say. "Must be some sort of misunderstanding here maybe."

"No misunderstanding," I replied. "It just seems that you get to fuck my wife whatever her name might be."

"Don't be crude," mumbled Mary without looking up. "There's no need to be crude Tom __ no need for that."

Stand off!

Silence reigned as all three of us wondered what was going to happen next.

I certainly still had no idea, as though I was feeling pretty good about the way it had gone up till then, I was yet again lost as how to proceed.

Mary set the ball rolling.

"Look Michael," she said looking round to her 'other hubby'. "I think it might be better if you pushed off. I'll give you a ring tomorrow when I've sorted this out."

"Gina," he said to her calmly. "You should know me by now, and I'm not the sort of guy who you tell to push off."

"Oh my God what a mess," Mary mumbled through her gathering tears, as she covered her face with her hands.

The guy looked sternly at me, obviously still not entirely sure whether this was all straight up or not.

I shrugged my shoulders at him ___ I was almost beginning to enjoy myself.

"There's a small matter of several hundred pounds as well old chap," he told me without any embarrassment whatsoever. "Gina always demands payment in advance."

At that point I nearly lost it.

Up till then I thought that Mary had tasted some strange, enjoyed it, and was having an affair behind my back.

But no, not at all. The bloody cow was a prostitute. She was on the game.

Then everything clicked into place, and for the first time that evening I knew more or less exactly what I was going to do.

A hooker was she?

Already been paid had she?

Then our friend Michael would have to get his money's worth wouldn't he.

Grabbing the key card from out of Mary's hand, I swiped the door, heard it click, and pushed it open, ushering Mary quite roughly inside.

"Come on then Michael," I called to him. "Come and get your money's worth."

I dragged my wife over to one of the sumptuous armchairs, pushed her roughly over the back of it, then went round to the front of it and grabbed her hands, trapping them so she couldn't escape, her bottom stuck up ridiculously in the air.

"Come on Michael," I encouraged him. "You've paid for it, so come and get it."

He stood there in the doorway, unsure whether to come in or not. I guess at that point he might have thought that he was involved in some scam, and that we were a pair of tricksters.

"Come on Michael," I called to him again, and reached forward, grasped the hem at the back of Mary's short dress, and yanked it up towards me with one hard tug. There was a distinct ripping sound, and the dress came right up and half way off of her, leaving her exposed and naked from her waist except for her little panties.

She thrashed about trying to escape, her cries of anger muffled by the folds of the dress that was by then right up over her head. Her high heels were hardly able to reach the ground behind her, and they swung around hopelessly as she tried to get a foothold.

"By Jove," said Michael, at last making a decision. He stepped up behind her, took the sides of her panties in each hand, and suddenly slid them down her long bare legs.

I could feel Mary going frantic beneath me, but I held on tightly and she had no chance of escape.

Michael reached forward and stuck his hand up between her legs, played with her pussy for a few moments, then pushed his thumb quite firmly and deliberately straight up into her.

Mary jerked violently under the dress, and Michael started to work his thumb in and out of her.

Mary's movements didn't reduce, but they did soon change. Within moments she was pushing her bare bottom up for more attention between her legs, and the muffled cries of anger changed to moans and screams of another kind altogether. Her legs still waved wildly about, but no longer was she trying to get a foothold, or making any attempt to keep them closed.

"She seems ready to me old chap," said Michael, more to himself than me, and undoing his trousers and letting them drop, he was soon offering his cock up to her eager pussy.

I watched dispassionately for the next ten minutes as another man gave my wife a good rutting. He was really quite robust in his treatment of her, and it became more a question of me simply balancing her than actually holding her down any longer.

"Fancy a go now old boy," asked Michael when he had finished with her. "We'll swap places if you want."

It hadn't been my intention at all really, but as I'd said all along, I never really did have a plan of any sort.

"Why not," I replied, and I did.

We exchanged places, and I rammed into her as if there was no tomorrow. There was no love in it, just raw sex, and I thrust and I thrust till I shot my load into her, not caring a damn for her or her needs.

I pulled back, and pulled my things back on, while Mary just lay there.

"Are you really the husband?" asked Michael.

"For the time being," I replied. "Only for the time being."

"Super," he said almost to himself. "Bloody super."

I watched with cynical amusement as Mary straightened herself and fought to get her dress back down from over her head. Even Michael ginned widely as we watched her, naked from the waist, stumbling around blindly on her high heels, unable to see were she was going.

At last giving up, and she tore the thing right off over the top of her head, the rip in the side widening as it came off.

She flung the ruined dress away in a temper, and stood there fuming, naked except for her high heels which had miraculously stayed on. Whether she'd lost her bra in the struggle or not bothered to wear one I had no idea. Neither did I care.

"Bastard!" she eventually spat at me. "Why did you do that?"

"Sorry Gina," I retorted. "Just giving your other husband what he'd paid for."

She glowered at me speechless, unsure what to say.

"My names not Gina," she mumbled at the floor dropping her gaze.

"As far as I'm concerned you're now Gina," I told her. " I grew up and married a girl called Mary, but I don't see her in this room at the moment."

"Splendid!" commented Michael under his breath.

With one last look at her, I spun on my heels and made for the door without looking back. The last thing I heard as I closed the door was Michael.

"Come on old girl," he was saying. "Let's see what we can do to make you feel a little better."

Strange, but I had nothing against Michael, and personally I quite took to him ___ seemed quite a nice chap really.


The final confrontation was a bit messy as it happened, and took place right outside our front door. Fortunately the kids weren't around, though a few of the neighbors no doubt heard it all.

She hadn't come home that night, and she wouldn't have got in if she had. I was just leaving the house, when Mary pulled up in her car.

"We need to talk honey," she said calmly as if we'd just had a minor argument about her scratching the car or something. "We've got to sort this out, and see how we can get over it."

"Sorry Gina. I've nothing to say," I replied.

"If you're going to be silly about this, and keep calling me Gina, then we're not going to get passed this," she said angrily.

"Got the message then have you ___ Gina?" I delighted in answering.

My wife shook with rage, her face going red, having a job to control her temper.
