NWMD!: Marnie & the Mystery Woman


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"You're in pretty good shape for maybe a thirty-five year old?" She said, continuing to pry.

"Thank you. You are perceptive." Marnie said, soaking in the built in compliments.

"Well, I hope I look as good as you when I'm that old. Those breasts, did you have them done? They look great and barely sag for the size." She asked Marnie, uninhibitedly.

Marnie's nipples began to get erect with the attention drawn to them, and wanted to cover them, but didn't see the gain in doing so at that point. "No, they're all me. Just lucky, I guess."

"Would you mind if I felt them? They are so tantalizing even to a woman." She said, and noticing Marnie's polite reluctance, continued. "You wouldn't have to worry, or anything, I'm not gay. I just can't believe they are real."

Marnie didn't respond verbally, she just stopped what she was doing and stood with her head turned and her hands behind her back. Beverly took that as an invitation and put her hands on Marnie's ample breasts. She hefted them, then she kneaded them, and finally she circled her areolas with her fingers, paying particular attention to Marnie's hard nipples.

"I just can't believe how nice these are. I hope you don't mind my feeling them. It looks as though big breasts like yours are just as, or maybe even more, sensitive than smaller breasts like mine. You can feel mine if you like. I wouldn't mind." She said, as she took her hands from Marnie's breasts and pulled her tank top up, revealing a firm pair of young breasts without any sag. Her whole body was in perfect tone and she didn't have any tan lines on top. "Here, see what these feel like to you."

Marnie didn't have sexual feelings for her at the moment, the way she would with her husband, Roger, but as she gazed upon those firm tan nubile breasts jutting out from the young woman's chest, she did have an urge to sense what they would feel like. She reached up and cupped them with her fingers spread across the top outsides and her thumbs on the inside and squeezed and pulled to feel their firmness. She could feel the warmth radiating out and Beverly's heart beating, from under her chest. Marnie seemed to go into trance as she began stroking up with her thumbs across Beverly's nipples to feel the hard nubs pushing out at her.

"Wow! We'd better stop this before you make me forget about men all together." Beverly said, as she backed up half a step and pulled her top back down, right as the door opened.

Jeff walked in with supplies and scoped out the two ladies near each other, wondering what they were up to. Then he noticed the erect nipples on each and felt a wave of confusion wash over him. Beverly sat back down and Marnie began to unpack the supplies. Jeff sat down on the couch as near to her as he felt he could get away with to watch the show.

"You know Jeffery, this lady has been working awfully hard for you while you were gone. I hope she gets paid a lot for this. How much are you paying her?" She challenged.

"Err, ah, fifty bucks?" He replied.

"That's not fair of you. For that amount, I think you should be helping her."

"But, . . ." He started to say.

"Not only is what she is doing for you hard work, but she has to do it in the nude too. I think it is only fair that you take off your clothes and help her out." She said with insistence. "What do you say? Are you a fair-minded person? That's something I look for in a man, fairness." She said, sensing she had successfully set the hook.

"But, I . . ." He tried to say but was at a loss for words, confused, and mixed with emotions.

Beverly slid over next to him and started to unbutton his shirt. "See, it's as easy as this." She said as she pulled it open and off of his arms.

"But, what about you?" He finally got out.

"Oh, I've seen it all before. There is nothing on you that I haven't seen thousands of times at the nude beach on other guys." She said dodging his objection and now beginning to undo his pants.

"Beverly, . . ." He started to say, but she now had his pants and underwear down to the floor.

Marnie covered her laugh with a rubber-gloved hand holding a paper towel. Beverly pulled the pants out from under Jeff's feet; he covered his groin with both hands, and she gave him a swat on his butt.

"Now go over there and help her. Just do everything she asks you to do, she's the professional." Beverly insisted.

Meanwhile, Marnie had filled a bucket with water and Spic n Span. Jeff stood waiting for instructions, still holding his hands over his genitals. Beverly was enjoying the developing red mark she left on his butt.

"If you'll give me a minute here to sweep this floor, I'll have you scrub the areas that won't come clean with just a mopping. How's that?" Marnie said, and then looked over at Beverly with a smile. When she finished the sweeping, she gave Jeff the bucket in one hand and a scrub-brush in the other, which required him to expose his half erect uncircumcised penis to Beverly's view. "Now there really isn't anyway to do this other than getting down and putting a little elbow grease into it." Marnie instructed.

Jeff looked a little sheepish and slowly went down to his hands and his knees, dipped the brush in the solution and started to scrub. His balls were hanging and swaying between his legs for Beverly to watch as he put some effort into working off the accumulation of stuff on the floor.

"Good job, Jeff. I think you'll be pleased with how nice your place is going to look." Marnie encouraged.

"Yeah, way to go Jeffery. I admire a man who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty." Beverly said, but saved her snicker for when Jeff was looking away.

Jeff took these words as encouragement and actually lost himself in the task, but didn't lose the hardon he was sporting. The constant swaying of his cock and balls had brought back the state of arousal Marnie had left him with in the car on the way there. Marnie brought in two baskets of laundry, which looked like they had been cleaned but in need of folding.

"Good job Mr. Larcher. I'll mop it all clean now and you can fold these, since you know where they should be put away." Marnie said supervising.

Jeff reluctantly stood up to go to the baskets of towels, sheets and things set down in front of Beverly.

"On my, Jeffery, it's going to be tough folding those towels with that sensitive tip getting in the way. You'd better give it some relief now, and get it down, so you can get on with your work." Beverly said, with almost convincing concern.

"What me? Here? Now? In fron . . .?" He said embarrassed.

"It's a natural thing that guys need to take care of from time to time. Don't try to tell me you've never put your hand on it and brought it off before. I think I've even seen you do it when you've looked at me through the windows." She said, calling his bluff.

Jeff turned deep red and fought the instinct to hyperventilate.

"Come on. Show me you are a real man, and do it right here, right now, proud of this phenomenon, which only Men can do, to keep the entire human race alive." Beverly said, in her best motivational tone.

Jeff was kind of mesmerized by this approach and slowly placed his hand on his cock and held it there, staring at Beverly's tits through her cut-off tank top. With her left arm up on the back of the couch, just the beginnings of the round bottoms of her breasts had come into his view. Marnie was so happy with Beverly right now, she could have walked over, grabbed her head with both hands, and given her an appreciative smack on the lips, but she stayed out of Jeff's consciousness as much as possible.

"That's it. A little motion should do the trick now. That's it. A little faster now. Imagine me changing my clothes, oop. I think I'll take a shower first. Now you have me in your sights with my clothes off, walking around trying to decide what to wear, what would turn Jeffery on as I leave my place. That's it, faster now. Now you have to use your imagination for a few minutes because I'm out of your sight in the shower. But it is easy to continue to view my naked form in your mind. You have it memorized. That's it faster, faster. Now I'm out of the shower and I have walked into your sight drying my hair, exposing my breasts to your view. But you suddenly realize, faster, harder, that soon, very soon, I will have my clothes on. You must cum now if you are to do it while you can still see my naked body. Oh yes! You've done it just in time. Oh, aren't those after surges wonderful memories of the blissful eruption you've just had." She said, having orchestrated his solo effort in front of an amazed Marnie. "Oh, boy, now some of those things are going to have to go through the wash again."

Jeff, who had been bucking and lurching wildly on tiptoes, was forcing open his eyes and gasping for breath as his shuddering wound down to almost total relaxation, just enough to keep him standing.

"Now, don't you feel better, getting that out of your system? You came like a real man." She said patronizingly.

Jeff really didn't know what to think, feel, say, or do at that moment. He was so sufficiently confused by what he just experienced, that he just sat down at the other end of the couch from Beverly, with his hands between his knees, and just stared at the floor with his mouth open for a while.

Marnie and Beverly talked by the kitchen for a while. Marnie felt the rushing blood around her pussy tingle every nerve there. She was taken back to the truckers and her moment, where she was asked to fly solo in front of an audience. She needed to cum now too. She needed to leave so she could get back to her life, take care of her needs and be with her family. Her nipples were erect again. The inside of her legs were glistening from the moisture there, and the unmistakable scent of a woman in heat was wafting up from her crotch. Beverly started to stare at Marnie as they spoke, looking for ways to calibrate what she was sensing about her then.

"You know, I think it is time for me to go. It has really been interesting, to say the least." Beverly interjected.

"No!" Jeff piped up. "Don't go. Please don't go. Ah, you know, ah this lady here needs to cum really bad too. You could make her do it too." Jeff said in desperation.

Beverly stared intently with questioning eyes at Marnie, while she answered Jeff, "And, how do you know that?"

"Uh, I don't know, but I know she does, ask her."

Now burning holes into Marnie's being with her questioning looks, she said, "Is that right? How can he be so sure?"

Marnie just looked down submissively. And didn't answer.

"Mind if I check something?" Beverly said as she put her hand between Marnie's legs, in a bold move to test her excitement level. Still staring, "Jeffery, come over here." He stood with them to make a trio. "I'm going to give you a chance to touch my body, the body you try to watch at night."

Jeff was falling back into that trance-like state, from this unexpected tact Beverly was taking.

"If you were to imagine that this beautiful woman here, now, was me, then you could have a chance to feel and touch me right here, right now, like you dream of doing when you look at me through the windows, like you do when you sleep at night. Now, hold out your hand to her, who is now me. That's it. Now, you would treat me gently and respectfully, now wouldn't you? Yes of course you would, or I wouldn't let you hold my hand like this. Now, you might guide me over to the comfortable bed you've made for me out of the couch, yes gently like that. Now, you may have me lay down comfortably on this beautiful bed you have prepared for me. Yes like that. Now, that you have me comfortable and safe in your place, you would probably try to further relax me by gently caressing me all over my body. Yes that is nice. You are nice to me. My breasts, Jeffery, my breasts are very sensitive. You can get me all excited if you tune into my enjoyment while you try to maximize my pleasure with my breasts."

Marnie was beginning to get into the trance so she could get past the fact that the Larcher kid was sensuously groping her. She slid down into he couch a bit finding a more comfortable position amongst the cushions. Then she parted her legs.

"Now, you might show how much you appreciate my letting you touch me so, by kissing my breasts. Yes sucking works too. Oh, your tongue is so nice. Now I might turn over on my hands and knees to let the air cool my nipples, that you have warmed up with your mouth."

Marnie followed suit, by getting on her hands and knees. The more she allowed Beverly to be in control, the more she was enjoying the sensations.

"Your lips and tongue are exquisite. Before I would let you kiss my most private part, I would have you prove your devotion to me by having you kiss my anus. No, you wouldn't hesitate; you would rush to do it to prove to me that you really do appreciate what I am going to let you do. Yes, like that. Your tongue would lick it clean, would set my nerves on edge so you could ravage me later. Yes. Now you would force your tongue in to test the tightness. Yes in and out, imagining what it would be like someday, if I allowed you to place your love tool in there. For now, your tongue is your love tool working the hole into a frenzy. Your taste buds provide just the right amount of friction to almost send me over an unbearable brink. Yes you want to send me over that brink. You want to see how unbearably pleasurable you can make it for me, to drive me mad with lust for you. You see, I am ready for you now, as I swing around to the edge of the bed, my legs spread up in the air. I am ready for you to come to my love center. No, not with that, with your tongue, that wonderful tongue. You trace my love center all around with your tongue. You learn about it, the taste the texture the scent, the ridges and valleys. Yes that's it. You enter that sacred tunnel with your tongue. You learn what it will be like someday to be in it with your love tool. No, don't cum yet. Oh, I want to cum very badly. I almost can't stand it, but you haven't explored the little spot that, when you suck it, and flick it, and lick it, yes, oh yes, I won't be able to resist, oh my, now I don't think I can hold out any longer. Now I am going to have to cum. NOW the floodgates have opened and the waters are raging. They are taking all of the tension, the pent up urges, the frustrations and disappointments with them as they gush out of my body. Yes you have done it. You have given me the wonderful gift, of your loving attention to my needs. I hug your head to my breasts in appreciation, then let you sit beside me, but not touching me so I can luxuriate for the moment. By not forcing yourself on me before and now, I will appreciate you and want to explore moments again with you in the future."

Marnie and Jeff both just sat slouched with their legs apart on the couch staring sort of blankly at Beverly as she blew them a kiss and let herself out the door. Jeff's hardon was not going to go down soon and Beverly had mentally handcuffed him from forcing Marnie from doing anything about it now, if she didn't want to. Jeff sat with his memories of his mythical lady, with throbbing cock, while Marnie basked in bliss she had never experienced like this before.

When she realized where she was, whom she was with, and what she had been doing in reality, she snapped to, sat up on the edge of the couch and said, "Mind if I go now?"

Jeff sat blankly on the couch and shock his head almost imperceptibly answering that he didn't mind. Marnie got up, put on her things, scrounged around and found her keys, took one look at Jeff's place, then a look at Jeff, and left. She couldn't help but feel that she had come out a winner in some fashion that day. She had new feelings about passing trucks on the highway, and haunting memories of the young mystery lady, Beverly.

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