Obsession - Sister

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Jan sees his older sister in a different view.
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All persons have surpassed 18 years. All events and characters are made up. The schooling system is Swiss. The events are taking place around 2012. English is not my first language, please keep that in mind when you point out orthographical or grammatical errors to me.



The school bell faded out and the place was gradually filled by groups of people who gathered around the ashtrays. Jan was listening with half of his attention to a discussion evolving around forged absence entries and real diseases. From the corner of his eye he noticed a familiar shape and turned towards it. Rebecca, his older sister was leaning on an iron pillar that supported the roof, hands behind her back, a wide grin in her face, while entertaining her squad of five people. He could make out their laughter that exploded after she had finished her story, even through all the voices and noise around him. The expressions on her face were so vivid. Jan had no doubts, she would have been a born comedian, were it not for those attractive lineaments on her face, the joyful eyes and her hair that looked as red as fire. Of course the color of her hair was dyed. She was a brunette by nature. But that didn't got around the fact, that it fitted her really well. She really had all the energy that her hair advertised.

Jan caught himself asking, why he wasn't able to entertain five people the way she did. She seemed to do it without any effort, without real intention and maybe this was precisely what made it so lovable. Theoretically he had almost the same genes as her, so where was the problem? Sure, he had friends, sure, he could engage with them in all kinds of conversations. But to really entertain a whole group was a different story.

"Jan doesn't need a disease to be absent, right? His head is stuck somewhere else constantly", he heard Cedric saying. "Why are you attending school, if you're not here anyway?" There was not a trace of kindness in his grin.

"What about you? With your mental illness, you don't belong outside either", Jan answered cheerful, while patting him on the back.

Instead of responding Cedric turned to Julia at his right side, who wiped out her cigarette. Without any emotion Cedric pointed with his thumb to Jan while raising his shoulder. What can you say to that, meant this gesture probably. Julia just blew the remaining smoke through her nose without any interest.

Jan didn't like the guy. He thought of himself as tolerant, but this Cedric always had something to niggle about him.

After finishing high school he wasn't able to commit himself to one profession and had decided to do it as his sister, who had entered the "Handelsmittelschule", some sort of commercial college. It was an education that would enable him to approach a wide set of office jobs. It took three years and while he was in first grade, she was just one above him, even though she was two years older than him.

Jan liked the silence after coming home from school. Backpack into the corner, door shut, on to the bed and just rest for a while. One of the best moments of the day. A free evening laid in front of him like a small piece of undiscovered land. Slowly the tension began to lift. Now he felt his cut-short sleep from yesterday.

He closed his eyes.

Sometimes - not always, but quite a lot - the relaxing situation alone was enough for him to get aroused. Even without thinking about sex. Even without doing anything. And sometimes he would use this opportunity to deepen the relaxation.

His hand stroke above his trousers and he could feel an extending bulge. Sure, he had some stimulating stuff laying around on his hard drive, but he felt too exhausted to get up and switch his desk computer on. Somehow, right now he felt weary of them anyway. His soldier underneath his clothes didn't mind. Pleasant, blissful feelings emerged; slowly, steadily.

The door swung open.

"Jan, dinner is ready in fifteen, did you hear me?"


His older sister.

He put his hand away. Rebecca hadn't seen where it were, right? One second he hesitated. He did not want to look in her eyes, but it had to be. Ashamed he raised his head and looked in an empty door frame. She seemed to not have even glanced into his room when she had called him. Probably had just pushed the door open without looking at him.

"I'll be there", he answered delayed.

Then a relieved grunt escaped him. But before closing his eyes again, he remembered the open door and shut it swift but quiet.

Rebecca, his two years older sister, had always been a little bit on the chubby side and Jan had believed, she wouldn't be able to get rid of her puppy fat for the rest of her life, but he had been wrong. It could be because of her sportive activities that she was doing all the time, together with her new found friends. Jogging, cycling, swimming, badminton, all sorts of stuff.

During the months she had started to loose weight, Jan didn't even notice at first, but recently he had to admit, that she had become a decent young woman. He recalled the moment, when this had occurred to him for the first time.

It happened when he was on his way back from school with his friend. Marc was in third grade. They had known each other long before HMS, since they had attended some fighting sports lessons together. Now they were driving this road on their old bicycles every day. On one occasion they were engaged in a discussion about soccer when she was crossing their path on her bike. His schoolmate, Marc, couldn't help diverting his attention towards Rebecca, who sped past them. "Hot chick this one. Isn't she in our school as well?"

Jan was surprised. "You've got the hots for my sister?" It was no accusation, but serious wonder. Marc had only risen his shoulder and said: "Sure, man."

"Huh", Jan only could answer. "Yes, she's in second grade." He had remained silent afterward.

"Dude! That's a stunning one!", Marc had continued. "Great ass, nice tits, hot eyes." He then had looked at him from the side. "You really never even got any ideas with her? Man, if my sister was such a model.."

Bah, he didn't even know her! Marc should have seen her, one or two years ago! He wouldn't have dreamed to drop a line like that back then! Besides, she was his sister. She used to be more like a creature then a women to Jan.

But these days, she was not so much of a nuisance the way she used to be few years ago. And basically everything Marc had said was true: Her body was in good shape, especially her ass, that had a nice roundness. Marc had exaggerated her bustyness though. Her breast size wasn't that impressive. At least, not that Jan had noticed. Rebecca hid it always underneath her cut less shirts or pullovers. Now, that he thought about it, it must have been a while since he had seen her breast naked. But he doubted, that they were much more than two slight elevations with nipples.

That boner had not calmed himself down; more like on the contrary.

Good god, he thought. I imagine my big sister naked and I've got a hard on. Fucking sick!

He had not touched himself since she had called for dinner. And still his dick was standing as if he had massaged it intensively.

Think about something else!

But now everything evolved around the naked Rebecca. Did she have a lot of pubic hair? Jan knew, she was shaving. There were lots of evidence in the bathroom. But maybe she was just shaving her legs and her armpits? He was younger than her, but he had quite the bush that he used to cut down from time to time. Maybe she was also just trimming it. But maybe she was completely shaved down there, between her long legs.

Now he was so hard it hurt.

How the hell did that happen? His sister never had been a turn on to him.

Let's go eat. Now!

He glanced at his watch, theoretically he had five more minutes left.

Fuck, fine then! Maybe he'll be more reasonable afterward.

There was no lock on his door, which was why he shifted the sheets over his legs and was getting into action beneath it. Zips down, dick out, rubbing.

She could enter through his door at any time. She would only see the blankets, but she probably would get what went on. Didn't matter.

His excitement grew once more.

Rebecca, in underwear, in his head letting him touch her without resistance everywhere, from head to toe. Along her arms, over her shoulders, to her bra, beneath her bra, over her stomach. He wouldn't just feel up her belly, he would caress it, explore her navel with his tongue. During that she would hold him very tight and gasp from bliss. Then he would slide her slip to the side and put his greedy dick into her crack, the crack of his sister.

Oh, Rebecca.. Rebecca!

He came like a torrent, below the sheets into a paper tissue, but there must have been a lot spillage. Sleeping wouldn't be very comfortable tonight.

While cleaning up, the well known bad feeling after masturbating emerged. But this time it weighed far more heavily than usual.

He had thought about his sister!

How broken one had to be!

He was shaking his head while he threw away the paper tissues.

Dinner was basically as usual. Jan didn't speak much. He felt no sexual stimulation thinking about her. Shame, and the confusing feeling as if others could see his immoral deed, were stuck on him through the evening.


As the doorbell rang, Jan had no clue who it would be. A delayed postman maybe.

He opened and gazed upon the eyes of a guy his age. Black framed glasses, the geeky kind.

"Hi", the stranger said.

"Hi." Jan really made an effort, but still couldn't figure out who this guy was. He was caring a tight backpack on his left shoulder and was holding a folder under his arm. In his hand was an iPhone that had the navigation app running.

"Is... Becky here?"

Jan's brows raised themselves at the same time as his head slit to the front. "Who..."

"Rebecca. Am I in the right place? She asked me to bring her book she left behind."

Ungentle Jan was shoved to the side.

"Yes, Phil! You're in the right place!"

He calls you Becky?

"Oh, good! Thought I misspelled the address." A large grin. His previous shyness blown away.

"Nope, that's just my brother. Come in!"

He nodded to Jan, still grinning and entered. Jan replied the nod curtly.

"You know", Rebecca continued cheerfully, "I have no idea what I'm gonna do in this accountancy test tomorrow. For real. Except maybe jumping out the window."

Yep, fits. Really looks like an accountant!

"Well, it's not that hard really. I could explain it to you, if you've got the time."

"That would be so kind of you! I was already going nuts!"

They went upstairs, towards her room.

Without losing his cool he let the door fall back shut. Then he flopped on the couch and pressed the green button on the remote.

Greece probably wouldn't make the new deadline. The markets were insecure, driving the prices for bonds up to new heights. What should you do? Give them even more loans? Lock Greece out of the monetary union? Tie the debts of all EU-countries together to a single bond? This Phil would know for sure.

And Rebecca - Becky! - The way she drove her fingers through her beautiful red hair when she smiled at the guy.

That would be so kind of you!

"Yeah, that would be tooo kind!" Somehow, his own voice sounded more depressed than he thought it would.

"Who are you talking to?"

Jan raised his shoulder and changed the channel. "To myself, mother." He haden't heard her enter.

"You don't like Rebecca having friends?" Mischievous laugh.

Don't start pissing me off as well!

"What? I don't care who she's hanging out with!"

"Can't fool me, boy. I know how it's like."

A part inside of him froze.

"You know how what is like?"

"I just know. I was the youngest of three siblings!" Her smile was dreamy. "The attention of my older brother meant more to me then I'd admitted at the time."

Jan said nothing.

"You are jealous", she said in a melodic whisper, even though no one would have been able to hear them on the next floor behind the closed door of her room. And it wasn't as if they would have been bored enough to listen to them.

"Dream on, Ma."

She was probably right. But she probably didn't have the same daydream about her brother for a week.

"Alright, keep lying to yourself." She grabbed a book from the shelve and sat down on the deck chair in the garden.

The channel was showing an old Two And a Half Men episode. Classic. But he'd seen this one too often. He hit "+". The Simpsons. Also classic. Also seen too often. He zapped on and remained on a music station, that really still showed music clips and haden't yet switched to foreign, insufficiently translated reality shows.

Depeche Mode - A Question Of Time. Everything kept in black 'n' white. It must have looked old even when it came out, since that motorcycle cruising through the desert had that ancient looking sidecar attached to it. The song was quite fast paced and sounded alright. Then he paid attention to the text.

"I've got to get to you first...

before they do...

it's just a question of time...

until their hands are on you..."

So true, he thought.

He kept watching TV after that clip, but couldn't find anything interesting. So he decided to do some battles online in his room and switched it off. He left the living room, went up the stairs and as he walked past her door he could hear her laughter.

What a lucky guy. I mean, how many girls are into those accountant geeks anyway?

Quite a fair amount of time passed until he heard how Rebecca was escorting that nerd to the door and finally was saying goodbye.

At least he didn't stay over night.

Some time later dinner was served.

"He was here quite a while", Jan said chewing his bread. "When are you moving in with him?"

Rebecca didn't even flinch, just as if he didn't say anything. After she finished chewing her sandwich she shrugged her shoulder. "Maybe he'll move in here."

Jan's eyes widened. "And where would you want him to live? Under your bed?"

"Oh, I was thinking of giving him your room." She continued chewing. "Because, if you have more of those questions, it will be vacant soon."

Mother was smiling joyfully. "He looked quite nice. I wouldn't mind."

"Why do women always conspire against me." Jan looked away and glanced to the news.

"You're just an easy victim", Rebecca said. "Sometimes it feels refreshing to dominate this kind for a change."

A sudden image revealed itself before his eyes. Naked Rebecca riding his face while swinging a lasso. He tried to get rid of it, but it stayed there for quite some time. He kept looking at the screen and said nothing.

As he was sure that both women were watching the news, he observed Rebecca with short glances. Since he was having those fantasies about his sister, he was seeing her with different eyes. How sportive she had become! And how gentle but still tight her skin was, when she moved. And her eyes... They were like a twin turret laser. He wouldn't be able to survive direct eye contact for long. They were of a majestic beauty, but at the same time still childlike and challenging. The longer he stared at her that evening, the more beautiful she became to him. And the more beautiful she became the more arose a feeling of powerlessness inside of him. After all, what was the possibility really, that she would be his, one day? What was the possibility, that her thoughts about him were as sick as his were about her? He was that easy victim to her, if at all. And that wasn't something, that a woman would be turned on about.


As he was about to take a shower, he noticed the laundry basket. By intuition he opened it and obviously found worn laundry. He was looking for clothes of a certain someone. First he found a shirt. He held it in front of his nose and breathed in violently. Her smell was so clear. He took another breath. Unmistakable, it was her hot, tender girly smell. He was looking for the spot where her nipples would have had touched the fabric. Maybe he was just imagining the difference to the rest of the shirt, but something was there on that spot that made his dick rise up.

He continued searching the basket. Finally he found panties. He was sniffing carefully; he didn't want to catch one of his mother's. Nope, bulls eye here as well. He could place the fragrance without a doubt. Again he held it in front of his nose and took a deep breath.

The intensity robbed him almost of his senses. His dick wasn't begging anymore - it was screaming for touch and Jan wasn't withholding it any longer.

This was probably the non plus ultra. He would never be closer to her vagina than this. Her sex smelled just like herself, but enhanced by one hundred times; spiced up by slightly bitter-sweet additives, that wouldn't let him do anything else than jerking off. What wouldn't he give to be between her legs with his mouth right now! His breathing accelerated, his pulse was racing and he approached climax fast.

Part of him wondered, what would happen now, if the door opened and Rebecca caught him, holding her underwear under his nose. She would look down on him and see his big cock. Her mouth would open in an attempt to question but she wouldn't be able to get one word out. She would stare aghast while he was stroking his dick. Then he would moan loudly, would still hold her panties in front of his face and pretend, he haden't heard her enter the room. He would just continue jerking off and she would witness him cumming while calling her name.

"Ah, Rebecca! Yes, baby!"

That one part of him was hoping, that this was really happening. But another part wasn't in on it. Their relationship would have changed forever. She probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with him ever again. Who knows, maybe she would even tell mother.

He took a last breath out of this delicious, slightly wet flower made of fabric and could redirect his dick just in time towards the shower before cumming in strong waves.

"Rebecca, you dirty bitch", he was panting.


Days went by and the craving after his sister didn't go away. If even possible, it got stronger. He ditched all porn, in his head was only room for her. Every other sexual stimulants had turned flavorless. The girl, the young woman, who since he could think, had shared his life, was dominating his head and made it spin, while he felt completely powerless. His sick fantasy had become an obsession. And Rebecca didn't notice a thing about it. She kept going to school, to the gym, went swimming and jogging.

She liked reading novels laying on the stomach, her stereo system on, lower legs crossed in the air. Jan never passed her room without glancing through the crack of the slightly opened door. This time he looked at her like this, completely immersed in her own world, the room floated by her favorite sound, her nose almost submerged into her reading. He could have stayed there to watch her for an eternity. Especially since he had a perfect view to her blouse, that hid her skin except for the V-shaped cut under her neck. He could see indications of her curves, tender and soft, he just couldn't do anything else than keep staring. Her areolae remained hidden by the thin silk, but even a blind man could have seen, that she was wearing no bra. Her breasts weren't super big; her tits had to be about palm-sized.

At that view he could feel his balls tingle and he quickly hid himself out of her field of view, only stretched his head over the edge of the door frame. His hand stroked over his jeans in order to press down his raising lust, which only contributed to turn him on even more. Blissful he closed his eyes.