Oh Baby! What a Sitter! Pt. 03

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She steals his heart. He protects her. Love is in the air.
9.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/10/2015
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Here's another chapter for Todd and his, busty, sexy, horny babysitter Kelly.

I appreciate your patience. As always, send me your thoughts on this, as well as possibilities for their future, and please cast your votes.

Enjoy, and thank you for reading.


Five weeks can pass with surprising speed, especially when you're having fun. I know...you wouldn't expect me to be having fun...forced away from my new girlfriend and my little girl, by a job that I found tolerable at the best of times. Doing it in Toledo certainly didn't improve my opinion of it in the least.

Technically, I wasn't having much fun during the week. Tony was an okay guy, but I wouldn't have chosen him as a friend. Denise, the receptionist, was much more interesting. I still wasn't sure if her professed preference for women was true, or just a ruse to dissuade Tony from hitting on her. Truthfully, if my heart hadn't been kidnapped by my buxom little babysitter, I might have made a move on her myself. I wouldn't mind seeing Kelly camped out between her long, slim legs, but that was probably just hormones talking.

Adrienne was another matter. As subtle as Kelly had been with her initial flirting, Adrienne was the complete opposite, stopping just short of bluntly saying 'come fuck me, boss'. Her huge, pillowy breasts were on display daily. She had a way of coming into my office with papers for me to sign, then bending to put them in front of me. She wouldn't straighten up, instead remaining in position, that crease of cleavage clearly visible in my peripheral vision. Then she'd shake her booty on the way out. Her luscious, voluptuous body was quite obviously mine for the taking, and she desperately wanted me to take it. Maybe she was just horny, missing the attention of her real boss. I hoped I could resist, just a while longer.

But, I said I was having fun, didn't I? It's true. I was. Every weekend, I went home, and my girls were there to greet me. Kelly would play her part in our little domestic scene, convincingly portraying the role of Lynn's mother figure, and feeding me more than adequately. Once Lynn went to bed, however, the other Kelly came out.

The 'other Kelly'...she was an absolute hellion...an insatiable force of passion and lust, that fucked me into oblivion for two days, each and every weekend.

The weekends were just long enough for me to reconnect with my daughter. Any longer, and Kelly would have worn me to a frazzle. Sunday afternoon, I went back to Toledo to rest for five days, and the next weekend, we'd repeat the process. I had one more week to go.


Along the way...and by that, I mean while resting between protracted sex sessions...we made a few decisions.

The first one came very easily. It didn't really require us to do anything at all. Kelly was already living here, so the only thing required to make a permanent situation was, well, nothing. To the outside world, which was all those who didn't need to know our true relationship...in other words, everyone...she was my live-in child care provider.

I had a spare room, which would officially become hers, despite the fact that she'd never sleep there.

The second decision did require a little more discussion, and as often happened with us, that discussion took place in bed. We were laying there, hot and sweaty from having sex for the last hour. Kelly was resting her head on my chest.

"Todd?" she said softly.

"Mmmmm hmmm?" I moaned, stroking her dark hair gently.

"Do you ever think about the future?" she asked. "Our future...together, I mean?" She lifted her head, and focused those big brown eyes on me.

All the time, future Mrs. Stewart, I thought. Probably shouldn't say that, though.

"A bit," I fudged.

"When you do, what do you see?" she whispered, not satisfied with my generalization. "Are we together? Are we married? Do we have kids? More than just Lynn?"

Oh boy...how do I answer that? Truthfully? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. I'd love nothing more than to have you as my wife, and mother to my children. To have you, in my arms, and my bed...every day and night for eternity. Too much? Too soon? Definitely.

"I don't know, Kelly. I suppose, maybe, parts of that. How does that make you feel?" I asked her.

"Honestly?" she arched her eyebrows, then smiled. "All warm and fuzzy inside. It's all any woman could want, isn't it?" She closed her eyes, and sighed. "It also scares the hell out of me, not because of the kids, or the marriage...and certainly not because of you. What scares me...is me. I don't want to let you down. What if I'm a lousy wife, or a bad mother? I wouldn't expect you to stick around if I don't give you what you need."

Wow. How could she think that? She'd already proven that she was an excellent mother / babysitter, and a great homemaker, even if on a short term basis. As lovers go, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd put her at about a 63.4, give or take a few points.

So, in the interest of easing her mind, we decided we were just going to let things progress naturally between us, despite the fact that everything had happened unnaturally fast so far. No schedules, or expectations...just enjoy each other, and let's the chips...and the love...fall where they may.


I was enjoying my new app. It was fun, to just pick up my phone, touch the screen, and know that hundreds of miles away, she was feeling it, and knowing that I was thinking of her that very minute. I admit that sometimes, when I was bored, I went a little 'app happy' and would often toy with it while talking on the phone, the way some people doodle on scrap paper.

Except, of course, that doodling rarely causes orgasms.

One day, her text, begged me to stop ; I'd been playing with it for an hour straight while on a conference call with head office, without even realizing it. Apparently, you really can get too much of a good thing, and ten orgasms was at least one too many.

"Seriously, honey," she said that night when we talked, "I know you didn't plan to do it, but...wow! My poor little pussy just can't keep up with your finger on that screen," she giggled, rolling her eyes. "I can't even remember what I was doing when it started buzzing, but I sure couldn't keep doing it. Talk about a distraction!"

"I'm sorry, baby. You know, you could turn it off, or take it off," I laughed.

"Bite your tongue!" she gasped, then pouted like a petulant child. "I don't want to do that...I like it too much. I like the way it connects us...the way you have power over me. I like feeling that tingle, and knowing that I'm on your mind at that very second."

"You're always on my mind," I smiled. That was certainly true. As much as the vibrator had become a source of distraction for her, she was even more so for me. Every time I was reminded that I wasn't at home here...several times a day...I would see Kelly holding Lynn in her arms, as they waved goodbye to me each Sunday afternoon. Kelly's long, luxuriant, hair...pulled back, or better yet left loose to tumble over her shoulders in sexy waves of shine. Her smile, and luscious lips...so succulent, and kissable. Her big brown eyes, so bright and sparkling with life, even when she was wearing her glasses, which I found so sexy as well. I always saved the best for last, envisioning her large, deliciously soft breasts, and perky nipples, poking at her snug t-shirt. See? She distracted me so much, I forgot where I was in the story.

"So I gather," Kelly moaned, squeezing her arms together, making her boobs swell up in her t-shirt. "I never thought I'd ever say this, especially to a man I'm in love with, but...could you think about me a little less, or at least not for an hour straight?"

"I promise to be more aware of my random fingerings," I replied, holding my hand up as if taking an oath.

"Right, no random fingering, especially your assistant," she laughed. "Adrienne, was it, with the giant tits? Is she still hunting you?"

Yes, of course I told her about Adrienne. You didn't think I'd hide that, did you?

"I don't know if I'd call it hunting," I answered, "but there's plenty of bait available for viewing. Today, she was squeezed into this little blue dress, and she was spilling out all over the place. I think she's getting desperate, and she's going all out."

Indeed, today, she didn't even walk around my desk to get me to sign the papers. She just stood in front, leaned over, and opened the folder for my signature. No peripheral vision required...she just hung those huge jugs right in my face. It took a lot of willpower not to stare.

"Speaking of all out?" Kelly smiled. I hadn't noticed her disappear from the screen for a few seconds, but now she was back, and topless, holding one big, soft breast in each hand, and toying with her nipples. "You have my permission to fire up the app, and take me to heaven! I'll return the favour, as soon as you're back."

"Okiedokie," I said, scooping up the device. "Now you're gonna get it!" My finger tapped a few times.

"Promises, pro-ooooooahhhhh-mises!" she gasped.


The final week in Toledo went surprisingly easy. No hitches...not even Adrienne, who I suppose finally realized that I wasn't going to take her up on the offer.

The staff there threw Tony and I a little party on our last day. Damn! My first impression had been right about this place. You rarely saw them all in one room, but now that they were...this office really was jam packed with hot women. It was a veritable buffet of babes, with all hair colours and skin tones, and a variety of body types to choose from.

I knew Tony had been working his way through the menu. He had offered to share a few tales, but I had declined.

Looking back, it was almost as though my feelings for Kelly were being tested. I'm glad to say that I passed.


So, at last, I was home...just as the summer was ending. That was unfortunate. I was really looking forward to extended time with Kelly, but now she was the one who would have more things on her plate. School was starting quite soon.

That was one subject that had been left out of our discussions. I sensed that it was weighing on her mind a bit, and didn't want to force the issue.

I was sitting out by the pool one Saturday afternoon, when Kelly came out to join me. She was wearing a tiny black bikini... 'wearing' is a relative term, as she was spilling out of her top quite nicely... and took a seat next to me.

"Honey, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked softly.

See? We don't only talk in bed after sex...just mostly.

"Sure baby," I replied, peeking at her breasts. "What about?"

"School," she answered, with a sigh. "I don't know what to do. I was looking forward to going, and being with my friends...but now, I'm not sure I feel that way anymore. Things have changed."

"By 'things', I assume you mean 'us'," I said.

"Yes, but I don't want that to sound like a complaint," she said, looking concerned. She reached out, and touched my hand. "I love you, and Lynn. You two are my life now, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I just know I'm not finished learning, and want to continue."

"So go," I laughed. "I have no problem with it, and I still have my parents to help with Lynn during the day."

"You're sure?" she smiled.

"Of course, honey. You're allowed to have a life and a relationship at the same time. We're not in the 50's."

"Thank you," she giggled, and hugged me. I couldn't resist grabbing her breasts as she did. "Down boy," she smiled as she stood again. "Save it for later."

There was one more hurdle to cross, and it seemed to me, the longer we waited to jump it, the higher it would get.

Both our parents knew that Kelly had babysat Lynn during my absence in Toledo, and were fine with it. As far as they were concerned, that was the extent of our relationship, and now that I was back home, things would return to normal. Kelly would go on with her life, move back to her old address, go to school, and that would be that.

Hmmm. They're probably going to shit kittens when they find out the truth, but the kittens will get bigger if we wait. Better to get it over with now. Kelly agreed.

"So who do we start with?" I asked her. "Mine or yours?"

"Let's do mine first," she suggested. "They're farther away, so we can just call them. I think your parents, being in town, will need the face to face touch."

"Yeah, I was hoping to avoid that, but you're probably right," I replied. "Okay, let's get this over with. Call them."

I was grateful that Kelly's parents were old school, and didn't do the video call thing, because that would have been much harder. She picked up the phone, and punched in the number.

"Hi Mom!" she began. "How's it going?..." There was a long pause. Mrs. Richardson was the chatty type. Once you opened the floodgates, you'd better be prepared. I rubbed Kelly's shoulders supportively, and she turned into my arms, snuggling close. I could hear her Mother talking, in what might have been viewed as one long sentence, punctuated by the occasional 'uh huh' from Kelly. While I held her, my hands wandered around her back, caressing her softly. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her soft breasts felt wonderful against me. One hand moved down, cupping her butt firmly. She looked up at me, and grinned.

She pulled the phone away from her ear, and looked at it, locating the 'mute' button, which she held with her thumb. She stretched up on her tiptoes, and kissed me, still listening to her Mother. The kiss was more than a peck, with her tongue searching out mine for a little dance. I bent down, grabbed her ass with both hands, and lifted her up, depositing her bum on the kitchen counter, which made the kiss much easier on both of us.

Kelly released the mute button, and said a few words, her biggest part of the conversation, so far. Deprived of her lips, I looked elsewhere for entertainment, and grabbed both breasts gently, thumbing her nipples through her shirt. She closed her eyes and sighed.

Well, if she wasn't going to stop me, I was going to see how far this little game could go. I grasped the bottom edge of her shirt, and began peeling upward, watching her face for reaction. A smile tickled the corners of her mouth, and she raised her arms, allowing me to bare her fully. She knew what I was going to do, and if the height of her nipples was any indication, she was all for it. Her nips were little hat pegs, tightly puckered and almost purple with arousal.

While she continued the conversation with her Mother, I leaned in, and latched onto her right breast, suckling happily. She caressed my hair, and held my head close to her chest, enjoying it.

On to phase two.

She was wearing a pair of small, stretchy boy shorts, and when I put my hand on her thigh, her legs spread instinctively, giving me access to her little pussy. I palmed her mound, feeling the heat that radiated from her. A few gentle caresses over her clit elicited a soft moan, silenced by the mute button. She put her hand on my chest.

I thought she was bringing my play to a halt, but she just pushed me back, so she could closed her legs, and wriggle out of the shorts. It took a minute, as she had only one hand free, and was sitting on the counter still, but she eventually flicked the shorts across the kitchen with one foot. Her legs spread again, she smiled, and pointed to her nipple, suggesting I continue uninterrupted. I went back to suckling her breast, and slipped two fingers into her yummy little pussy. She continued the conversation with her Mother unabated. Finally though, Mom ran out of gossip.

"Yes, well, actually, I did have a reason for calling you, Mom," Kelly said, her voice surprisingly even despite my best efforts to make her cum. The puddle growing on the counter under her said otherwise.

"As you know, I've been looking after Todd Stewart's little girl, while he was working out of town" she started. "Well he's back, now, but I'm going to be staying here, with him and Lynn...no, I'm not moving back in with my other roommates... well there are a couple of reasons, Mom. He still needs someone to help him...no that's not the main reason," she paused, and took a breath. I had also paused my attack, to allow her to concentrate.

"Mom, I've...we've... we've kind of fallen for each other," she told her Mother. "Mom? Are you still there? Mom? Oh, okay...I thought I'd lost you... Yes, Mom, that means we've been sleeping together," she giggled. "Mom, it's not like that...I love him. He's a wonderful man, and a terrific father, and... Yes Mom, he's here...okay, just a second..." She looked at me, and handed me the phone, sliding off the counter. She left her puddle behind.

"Yes Mrs. Richardson?" I asked.

"Todd...what are you doing with my little girl?" she questioned. She didn't seem mad, just concerned.

Kelly had taken advantage of our role reversal to return the favour, and had unzipped my jeans, extricating my cock from inside them. She was currently sucking me gently, and looking up into my eyes.

I think the question really should be 'what is your little girl doing to me?' I thought. If you could see her now, you'd know she's no little girl anymore. Then you'd have a stroke.

"Honestly, Mrs. Richardson...none of this was planned. It just took on a life of its own. I hope you know I would never do anything to hurt Kelly. I love her, Ma'am. She's very special to me." Kelly sucked harder. I suppressed a groan.

"She's very special to us, too, Todd," she replied. There was a pause, then she exhaled and continued. "Look Todd, I suppose I can't really tell you, the two of you, what to do. You're an adult, and, as much as it pains me to say it, she is too. I guess, if we trusted you to look after her when she was younger, we should probably trust you to do the same now. Just be careful. I'm her Mother. She'll always be 'my little girl', to me."

"Yes Ma'am. I understand," I said quietly.

"Put my daughter back on, please?" she asked.

Really? Right now? She just got a really good rhythm going, I thought. Her lips feel soooooo goooood on my cock. I tapped her head, and wagged the phone at her.

"Yes Mom?" she smiled, wiping saliva off her chin and taking the phone. "No we haven't talked to them, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell them anything, just yet. Please, resist the urge to meddle, okay Mom?...yes, I know it will be difficult... I know... I love you too, Mom. Say Hi to Dad, and tell him this gently, okay?... Okay... Bye, Mom."

"There. That was easy. One down, one to go, but first..." she growled, putting the phone down. She grabbed my erection, and walked me into the bedroom, where she literally fucked me unconscious.

I did call my parents, and invited them for dinner the next night.

After I woke up, that is.


Dinner with my parents. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

I suppose it should have been, but I've actually met my parents, so I was expecting a few moments of drama. Still, despite the somewhat unconventional nature of our relationship, this was my second time. I had a daughter. My parents wanted me to find someone and be happy. It shouldn't have been a surprise.

I was in the backyard, playing with Lynn, when they arrived. Early. Kelly answered the door. I heard the commotion inside, and followed Lynn, who was already racing in.

By the time I got there, everyone was in. Lynn was going ballistic.

"G'amma! G'ampa!" she giggled happily. My father picked her up, and kissed her forehead. Kelly and my Mother were hugging. There was a lot of chatter. My father nodded to me, and carried Lynn outside.

"Hi Mom," I smiled.