Oh, What a Night

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Lingerie party and more.
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Nicole invited me to a lingerie party a friend of her's was hosting. When she told me her friends name I could not place her right away. It was only after I saw the host of the party; I recognized Maria. The party's theme that evening was "Sexy is Back"! I said sure I'd go, and was given a catalogue and a program to look through. I was surprised at the items and topics that would be discussed at the gathering. Nicole asked me if I saw something that I was interested in buying. I let her know I had a few ideas, but asked what was up with the sex topic.

The idea behind a lingerie party is to show off the sexiest and hottest new Lingerie available and give you an excuse to let your hair down and have a little fun. Whether it's a nice piece of lingerie, a sexy costume or that grown-up toy you have been wanting but too embarrassed to go into a store to buy it. It doesn't matter what you look like or how old you are, there is something for everyone.

Nicole went on to inform me the party would be a good way to meet new people and maybe even start a new friendship while we indulged in the exploration of sexuality served with tasty snacks and a few nice bottles of bubbly. This also would loosen people up for the night and help everyone share their innermost secrets.

Who are we? We are your mother, sister, aunt, cousin, grandmother, great grandmother and so on. If you love your body and love sexy pieces of clothing, then you should have a lingerie party. Some women rather buy sexy garments at a party instead of parading around in a store where the lighting or the mirrors are not flattering. Besides lingerie parties have stepped up their game. The industry sells more than sexy wear they sell toys to women in the privacy of their own homes. I listened attentively as Nicole pitched her sale to me as she continued to talk about lingerie and the adult industry products.

The parties can be fun and informative, and give you the time and a comfortable location for friends to get together to talk, laugh and share intimate stories and secrets about great sex. Or in other words get drunk as hell and bring out the slutty behavior of the women at the party including the consultants and the host. It's not your mother's party where bloomers are the sexy wear of today. This is about sexiness and beyond. Nicole even made a banner for the party "whatever happens at the party stays at the party." It bought humor to the night as we prepared to transform from nice girls to naughty sluts. Nicole was good at what she does and went about handing out the brochures to the neighbors in her subdivision. She invited them to join her for a night of adult play, food, and an open bar for those with the acquired taste for liquor and naughty products to purchase. She didn't have to persuade the women too much; they told her she had them at food and liquor.

I knew before going with Nicole to the lingerie party it would definitely be more than sexy underwear. They would be pulling out all the stops, bringing in consultants who could talk you into buying fragrances for the five senses that will drive your man wild. They found a knock off Dr. Ruth to talk about new sex tips that your mother would never tell you. I've heard of her well-known motto "Remember ladies - sex is perfectly natural, but not naturally perfect."

Upon Arrival I was handed a brochure with a list of sex topics in the foyer of Maria home. A bartender was taking orders and mixing drinks. I have left few parties with Nicole where I did not wake up with a wicked hangover. I asked Nicole if Maria had thought of any remedies for those who may experience hangovers or the morning after blues like yours truly. Nicole said she had remedies and let her take care of the morning after aches. I said all right and settled down for a night of sex education and great conversation amongst the women at the party.

The consultants and guest arrived around seven for the introductions, appetizers and cocktails. Afterwards the lights were dimmed and we settled down for our first lecture in sex education, lingerie, and fragrances for those special occasions to make your man melt. The cocktails started to bring out the wild and crazy side in this group of conservative ladies by day and women gone wild by night.

The first topic of the evening was an oldie but goodie "vibrators". The market had changed and there was so much to choose from. We saw several new ones and those brave enough to be the guinea pigs were used as training aids. I'll let you guess who volunteered to demonstrate as a model for us; Nicole, of course. I didn't mind since she is a dominatrix and loves to buy toys, she would be the perfect person to show us.

There were traditional vibrators that claimed to be fun, effective and easy to use. The rabbit vibrators suggest great clitoral and vaginal stimulation during adult play, G-Spot vibrators are curved at the end for direct contact to your special spot; finger vibrators the consultant explained are attached to your finger for more kinky play.

It was turning into an interesting night. The drinks warmed our souls and the dimmed light in the room hid the flaws of our not so perfect bodies as we undressed to our panties and bras. We went through every topic on the brochure, and items ordered were from vibrators to kinkier sex toys. I even bought several girl toys to try out.

As the night went on some of the older ladies were ready to leave. Maria being the perfect hostess called a cab; she paid for the fare and assured the ladies their cars would be fine over night at her place. It was her responsibility to make sure the women were safely returned to their families without incident. It was a smart woman taking the safety measures so no one would be accuse of drinking while intoxicated, especially since she is a member of MADD and takes the necessary precautions to protect friends and family.

After the older ladies left, Nicole suggests we go for broke and play a few adult sex games. She volunteered to start with a game titled "Strip blackjack and get that 21" If you are winning in black jack, the gangster babe (Nicole) will strip for you. If she has nothing more to take-off, she will do some sexual favors for you. Leave it up to Nicole to take the party to another level. What surprised me is that everybody wanted to play, hell we were stripped down to our undies anyway so why not go for it.

Another game high on the list to play was called "Dare." before the game starts everyone writes as many dares as they can think up. You try to include tame dares (kiss the person on your left) a dare may be "Tell us the last place you had sex". Or "No dare this turn" and one or two "draw two dares" All of the dares are put into a bag. When it's your turn draw a slip and do what it says, what really makes it fun is that the inventive person always runs the risk of getting a dare they thought up.

One of the ladies in the group ask if anyone ever heard of a game called "pass the vibrator" Nicole hand went up and explained how the game is played. You have to pass the vibrator around the group using your chins. You cannot touch it with anything else. Maria thought it was not much you could to do with passing the vibrator around and suggested another game for us to play. The game is called the "Handbag." Every woman has to take two to three items from their handbags and place them in a paper bag or plastic bag. The host then opens each bag in turn and the others have to guess who the items belong to.

Another game we played was called "Condom Crazy." You use glow in the dark condoms the winner is the quickest to completely cover the courgette using only their mouth. The winner will get to choose from a list of prizes a lollipop condom, candy garter, or a lipstick vibrator.

One of the consultants had her eye on the bartender the entire evening and suggests we play the game "Suvorov's Vodka." The players manufacture Suvorov's favorite vodka. It must be the strength of 47 proof. Each participant is given a half of the glass of water. They must manufacture vodka of 47o by tasting it. The bartender checks the correctness of the strength with the help of the alcoholmeter.

I was damn near passed out by now. The walls in Maria living room were spinning as I tried to put faces to the laughter of the women in the room. The last thing I remember was Nicole handing me my fifth Tequila Sunrise cocktail. I can't recall if I drank it. I awoke the next morning in Maria's guest room sprawl across the bed with Nicole feet across my back. I had a wonderful time that night. During breakfast with the ladies we raised our glasses of Nicole special hangover remedy to Maria as we thanked her for bringing back something we somehow let slip away because of work, family obligations and so forth. I told Nicole to RSVP me for the next one if it's anything like Maria's party for I will never forget the faces, and laughter where women of different ethnicity and size came together to express their sexiness and had fun doing it as well.

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