On Another World Ch. 02


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I was not sure, if this was getting stranger or if I might need getting used to it. Either way, I knew that it would take quite some time for me to become fully acclimated to my new life. One way or the other I would adjust.

Shortly after the bonding ceremony, Qij-jah and Qaj-jah faced one another and as they had on the previous day, touched their foreheads together.

Gilliam looked at me and said. "They are communicating so that Qaj-jah will be fully informed of your origins and mission. Also, she will now know your native tongue. She will need to know all of this...and more. Qoo-jans can communicate telepathically in this fashion. If you'll remember, they did this yesterday and a in a remarkably short time, were able to catch up on all the cycles they had been separated."

Qaj-jah jerked her head back from her sister and looked at me for a long moment in disbelief and awe. Then, resumed as she was before. After a few moments more, they both approached me and bowed gracefully.

Master, mine sister and I must leave you briefly and prepare ourselves. There is much to do today. We will return before you know it." They turned and left quickly to my bedchamber.

While I waited for them to return, Gilliam told me more about my status and position. My personal guard came to just under a hundred men. That included a doubling that he had insisted on. There was another battalion made up of just over 1,000 men camped outside the city. This was my personal entourage while traveling. Gilliam also told me that I wasn't the only one going to the practice field for training and evaluation, as the girls would also be participating.

"The girls? " I asked.

"Of course" Said Gilliam. "Remember, their primary mission is your protection. They have skills and have been trained. I think you will find yourself pleasantly surprised."

It was very nearly time to go. Qij-jah and Qaj-jah, who I began to mentally referred to as the 'Q-girls' joined me at the door. We were going to the training field, so they were dressed more conservatively albeit only slightly so. They were also dressed identically. The garments looked like they were made from long; rather narrow strips of a supple leather-like material just under a foot wide. There was a hole for their head and it was draped over their bodies hanging, front and back down only a few inches below their 'private areas'. Save for the belt-like sash, their sides were bare from shoulder to knee. Their footwear was also soft and supple so as to not hinder the gripping ability of their feet. They resembled moccasins and came up to within an inch or so of their knees. The outfits were a light tan in color, trimmed in bright red. There was a small emblem over the heart that matched the one on my tunic. Like many of the BDSM cultures on Earth, under-garments of any kind are apparently strictly forbidden.

I later learned that the outfits they wore had less to do with modesty than they did protection. The leather-like material was as resistant to cutting as my trousers, thus enabling the 'Q-girls' to better fulfill their duties... as least as far as protecting my life goes.

We departed my quarters to head to training field. When we stepped out onto the street, I was more than a little intrigued. What I saw was an odd mixture of things. The architecture appeared to be pure medieval, yet there were modern looking streets and sidewalks. Everything I saw seemed to be incredibly clean and well maintained.

Then our mounts were brought forward and such creatures, I had never in my wildest dreams imagined. I quickly assumed they were the Terranian equivalent of horses. Picture if you will, a much smaller four-legged mammalian T-Rex, with an even smaller head and a longer neck, and a still smaller mouth. They are called kyliahs. With thick legs and large clawed feet, they were quite formidable. The one I was to ride stood about over six feet at the shoulder. It had a saddle very much like a horse's which actually looked to be very comfortable. My kyliah was a war mount and was clearly larger than the others were. It was a deep reddish brown in color and its eyes were large, dark and intelligent looking.

I was about to grab the pommel and throw myself onto the animal when Gilliam put a hand on my arm, gave me a warning look and shook his head. I understood immediately that I might have drawn unwanted attention to myself had I done as I planning. It seems while many on this world are able to do so, it is just not done except on the battlefield or in extreme emergencies.

A young male Qoo-jan slave brought what looked similar to a decorative foot-ladder and set it next to the kyliah I was to ride. I quickly scaled it and settled on my beast. Then the boy, who looked no older than fifteen or sixteen started to move the stepladder to Gilliam's kyliah. But...apparently not fast enough to suit a small intense man, whom I correctly assumed was the stable master. He began to savagely beat the boy with what looked like a crop.

Almost faster than anyone could see, myself included, I pulled my katana with my left hand and hit the small man's wrist with the flat of the blade, breaking it with an audible snap. The crop fell to the ground. I looked calmly at the stable master. Then spoke softly. "You are to never beat a slave in my presence...or ever again ...period. Am I understood?"

The little man looked up at me with fear and anger, "Aye, M'lord, It shall be as you say."

I could not doubt that I had made myself a new enemy that day. This little fellow would bear watching.

"Now, go and have your wrist seen to."

"Aye, M'lord." He said sullenly and left.

I turned and watched as the 'Q-girls' quickly and with the help of their partially prehensile feet mounted their rides and smiled at me.

I took the reins and thought about how to get to the practice field. My beast turned and began to amble that way. Again, I had no clue as to how I knew where I was going, but it was getting to the point where very little was surprising me anymore. My kyliah was led as much by telepathy as anything else. These creatures were exceptionally intelligent and could take a rider anywhere as long as they knew the destination with very little, if any guidance.

As we rode through the city, I looked about taking in everything. All of those on the street were dressed in medieval-like clothing, but not quite that. It was an odd mixture of medieval and something like that looked like it came from the 1940's back on Earth...almost. Well, medieval from the waist up and some a bit different below. Also, their clothing was in brighter colors than I would have imagined. The skirts worn by nearly every woman in sight went down to about mid-calf, but were slit up the side nearly to the hip. The necklines on their tops plunged lower than one would expect. There was a great deal of cleavage and leg to be seen. The dresses looked to be cut to show more of the feminine form...to accent the female body. There were very few men to be seen anywhere. This was mostly due to the ten to one female/male ratio on this world.

For the first time ever I began to understand how some women on Earth disliked being ogled or stared at by the men there. I was certainly being 'checked out' by the women here. Being typically male however, I didn't mind a bit. Most, if not all of the women were quite lovely to look upon. There was one in particular; standing on a low balcony over the street, we were going down. She was in her own way, every bit as beautiful as Qij-jah and her sister. She, like me was white, but nicely tanned. Lustrous yellow-blonde hair hung to her mid-back and she had the bluest eyes I could ever remember seeing. She was as slim and graceful as a Qoo-jan slave girl. Though from her position on the balcony, it was difficult to estimate her height, I could still tell she was considerably shorter than I was. She smiled shyly at me and curtsied gracefully, saying in a very soft, but audible voice. "M'lord." I nodded to her, but said nothing. I could hear the 'Q-girls' giggling behind me, but chose to ignore it.

The rest of our short journey passed without any noteworthy events occurring. We arrived at the practice field. I threw my leg over the saddle and slid off my mount, landing on the ground as if I weighed almost nothing. This was just a little unexpected, being partially armored as I was. I figured that what I was wearing was incredibly light or I now possessed super-human strength...or a combination of both.

A large warrior approached me. His entire outfit, including his chain mail was white. He bowed slightly and said. "Good day to you M'lord Dee-Ess. I am Falko, the city's master swordsman." Then he handed me an ornately decorated open-faced helmet. I put it on my head. It was tight, but not uncomfortably so. "Now draw your weapon and stand ready." Falko ordered, obviously used to being in command.

I reached over my shoulder and drew both of the swords at the same time. The katana in my left and the shorter wakizashi in my right. Unlike what many are used to in the movies and such, I did not hold my katana in the two handed fashion usually depicted. I preferred to use both in a style calledNiten Ichi Ryu,which if memory serves in Japanese, means Two Swords, One Heaven School. I stood ready as Falko drew his sword. It was huge! It reminded me of I sword I saw a movie with the California governor. The movie was entitled "Conan, the Destroyer." He also held a large roughly diamond shaped shield.

Falko swung his sword with a speed that belied his size. As fast as he was, he still appeared to be moving almost in slow motion to me. I easily blocked the swing with my katana and moved in close attacking him with my wakizashi. He moved back quickly, causing me to miss him. He attacked again, and I parried him with an ease that was still surprising to me. All who watched could see that we were evenly matched. After a while, I began to test my limits, yet he was just able to counter my best moves. Try as he may, he was not quite able to get past my guard. I had no doubt that on Earth he would have been invincible. Falko and I fought over the better part of an hour, neither of us able to gain an advantage. Finally, near exhaustion I heard a 'zing' as by blade grazed across his chain mail at his shoulder.

"Hold!" Falko said. We both stopped, breathing heavily. "Never in all the cycles I have lived have I fought a warrior with skills such as yours." It seemed as if I had passed whatever test they had set for me. He looked at Gilliam and said, "M'lord, he is more than adequate for what needs to be done."

I looked at Gilliam and raised my eyebrows questioningly. I sheathed my swords and removed my helmet.

Gilliam smiled broadly at me and said, "Aye, you will do M'lord." He turned to the 'Q-girls' and told them to draw their weapons from the armory and began practicing.

After a short time, they returned, each carrying a pair of what appeared like kattari, short swords of Indian origin back on Earth. A kattari is a short sword with a wide, thin triangular blade approximately four inches wide at the base and going to a point making the blade 12 to 14 inches long. They were held by an 'H' shaped handle. Like me, they had bracers with narrow, built in shields. They were accompanied by two other Qoo-jan slave girls, dressed the same as the 'Q-girls', though their outfits were off white in color with no adornment. They squared off and began to spar. Once again, I was surprised and more than a little impressed with the skills they demonstrated. They moved so quickly, it was difficult to follow their actions. Their blades flashed in the sunlight. They practiced throughout the rest of the morning, taking only short breaks to rest. Based on what I had seen, they would easily be able to fulfill their obligations, as far as my protection went.

Finally, when the sun had reached its zenith, Gilliam suggested that we return to the castle and have lunch.

Qij-jah smiled sweetly at me saying, "Master, the Grey Ones chose wisely selecting you. I am honored to be thine as I am sure my sister is."

Qaj-jah enthusiastically smiled and nodded her agreement. "We have been blessed by Kriegor and all the other deities."

In a moment, we were gathered in a group hug, the girls kissing me and rubbing their bodies against me in a suggestive manner. Although I had my misgivings about slavery, they both seemed to be quite a bit more than happy with their situation. I learned later, that the Qoo-jan had been slaves throughout their known history. As far as anyone knew, they had never been a free people. Many millennia ago, they had been slaves to a terribly cruel race of people called the Tholarites. The Olygard had defeated them in a war more than 5,000 years ago and turned the Qoo-jan over to the Terranians. They even went as far as moving their entire planet half way across the galaxy. Qoo-jah, their world was now a moon over Terrania.

We mounted our kyliahs, and all rode back to the castle.


Later that evening....

After an early dinner, the 'Q-girls' excuse themselves to go change back into their more revealing outfits. I stopped them, telling them that I preferred what they were wearing now.

"But Master, we like the others better. We wish for our master to see as much of us as possible. Have we somehow displeased thee, Master?" I have no doubt that they would have preferred total nudity if I were to allow it.

"No...." I told them. "I'm thinking only of your safety. Has there not already been one attempt on Qij-jah's life? I understand that I may be important to you, but you are equally important to me. More important than you can know."

"Yes Master, it shall be as thou sayest Master." They both said.

Then they took me into the bathroom, bathed and shaved me, then Qij-jah escorted me, naked, back into my bedchamber. Qaj-jah had vanished with no comment from either of them.

After stripping off all of her clothing, Qij-jah kissed me softly yet urgently. It was clear to me what she wanted. Between the look in her eyes, they had turned bright gold and the emotional telepathy, I felt her need. "Master, I do not mind sharing thee with my sister; in fact, I very much enjoy it. There are times though when it is very nice to have thee to myself."

"Speaking of which, where is your sister?"

"On a mission of great import, Master."

"A mission? Who sent her and why was I not informed?

"I did...I.... Oh, forgive me, Master. It was not my intent to overstep my bounds. I did it for thee, Master. My sister is still within the castle and is not in any danger. Qaj-jah only went to see if she is availa...." Qij-jah suddenly stopped, seeming to know that she said more than she had meant to.

"She? Who? What the hell is going on here?" I said, none too pleased.

"Please trust me, Master. All will be revealed at the right time." She gave me her saddest forlorn look.

When it comes to women, I've always had a soft spot for a good pout and the 'sad puppy dog eyes' look, so I gave in and hugged her.

"She kissed me and said. "Tomorrow night, mine sister and I will pleasure thee in ways thou has never imagined...I promise."

"I'm still not quite used to all of this, Qij-jah." I told her, "Where I came from, for a man to have more than one woman is very rare, but it does occur."

"Ah, but Master...thou art no longer there. Our ways should now be thy ways." She looked at me expectantly.

I nodded reluctantly and shrugged, "I suppose you are right. I shall adapt for the time being. But...I will eventually want to end slavery on this world."

"Yes, Master." She kissed me again and pulled back the covers, finding that my cock was rigid and ready for action. She then grasped it firmly in her small hand, bent down and licked the head sensuously, her eyes never leaving mine. I found it a little strange that she was so very good at pleasuring me when just a few days ago, she was all but a virgin.

She took my cock into her mouth and a second later, she had taken me fully, her nose pressing against my stomach. For one with so little experience, she could sure give great head. She sucked me lovingly while caressing my balls softly. I very nearly came. She then mounted me taking my shaft into her fully. "Master, I adore thee more than thou canst know." The wet, velvet-like feeling of her sheath around my cock almost drove me crazy. She was as aroused as she had ever been. I knew this because of the emotional telepathy we shared. And as I expected, her arousal became mine as well. We thrashed on the bed, so close to coming. I could feel her entire body quivering.

"Oh...! MY MASTER!" She screamed to me while coming. Her cum literally gushed out of her. As I also came, I could feel her vaginal muscles gripping and milking my seed into her.

She collapsed on me and we dozed for a bit. It was much later when we were awoken as Qaj-jah slowly crawled into bed with us. She kissed us both, then snuggled up to me as we all drifted off to sleep.

The following morning started off pretty much as I expected it to. I went into the bathroom followed by the girls. What came then was a rousing albeit exhausting love making session. Then they gave me a bath, shaved me and prepared me to meet the day. This morning they both insisted on helping me dress. Today's outfit was like the one upon my apparent arrival here on Terrania. Later, we sat down to breakfast.

"Master...." Qaj-jah said. "...Please tell us of thy life before thou came to be here. We wish to know more about thee."

"Yes Master, please tell us." Said Qij-jah.

Over the next couple of hours, I gave them the 'Reader's Digest' condensed history of David R. Davidson. I glossed over my childhood and early years, telling them mostly of my time with the United States Marine Corps. I even told them of some of the classified missions I had performed. It was not as if they could tell anyone that mattered that I leaked top-secret information. Their eyes shone with pride at my many accomplishments. Next, I briefly told them of my illness. On both of them, their eyes turned grey and I saw tears run down their cheeks as I talked about my suffering. Then, I told them about my apparent 'death' and coming to on a new world...here. I said that I had no idea how long I was 'dead' or how I got here. "The next thing I knew I was standing right there...." I pointed.

"Master, I cannot say how long you were there either. You were already there when I came to you that day." Qij-jah said.

We finished our breakfast, and then I told Qij-jah that I wanted to talk to Gilliam. "At once, Master." She said. She did her little bow/curtsy thing and turned to leave. She pause long enough to give me a sultry kiss, then departed.

A short time later, she returned. "If thou wilt follow me, I will take thee to He Who Leads. I got to my feet and allowed Qij-jah to lead me to Gilliam's quarters. With me being senior to him in this world's political structure, normally would have been brought to me. But, his title being He Who Leads made him the Terranian equivalent of the Mayor of Tertapolis gave him a measure of status. I sat with him at his table, and then asked. "Who is second in command of the army I lead. Contact him and have him send me his best 100 warriors as quickly as possible."

"You are in command M'lord, but he will want to know why." Said Gilliam.

"I have something special planned for them. On Earth, I was a member of a very elite combat force. Their primary mission was reconnaissance and guerrilla warfare. I wish to have such a force within my army. Also, I want to see his adjutant. Before I arrive there, I want to have an understanding of how the Army is set up. I may wish to reorganize it to make it more efficient." I waited a brief moment to let that all soak in, as it were. By the way, what is the name of my second in command?"