On Another World Ch. 07


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"Thou madest an absolutely heroic effort to save Tiq-qah, my Lord. She simply could not be saved. Thou cannot truly blame thyself, my Lord."

I nodded thoughtfully, slowly. "Nor could you have saved Lol-lah, Zeq-qoh."

He starred at me, started to speak, stopped and then nodded gradually. "I see, my Lord." He said finally. May I offer thee my sincerest apology?"

We'll talk about that later. For now, I need you to do something very important and I do not have time to explain yet. Come with us." I said, turning and then I strode back to camp.

A couple of minutes later, I looked out over my entire party. I couldn't resist an old joke I heard once on Earth. "I supposed you're all wondering why I asked you all here tonight." As I expected, nobody got it. I mentally shrugged and went on. "As I am sure, you all know by now that Seq-qah is carrying my child. While this pleases me beyond measure, it could cause a problem with our mission. The fact that her and I did conceive this child is apparently history making and we need to keep a low profile." I'm not sure they understood what low profile meant. I would explain in detail if any one asked.

I continued. "If any one, not a part of our party should ask, the baby is Zeq-qoh's. Tell any who may pry that I am breeding them." I pointed with my chin at Zeq-qoh and then at Seq-qah.

With my mind, I told Seq-qah. I would rather not do it this way, but for now, it is necessary.

I understand and agree, sweet Master, but I do not like it much.

I was about to continue speaking when a new voice entered my mind. Master, they are coming. Though the new voice spoke directly to and inside my mind, I recognized it.


Yes, Master.

Who is coming?

The Tushüks. Noj-jah said. The ones transporting thy first wife.

I turned and looked at Seq-qah who starred at me in wide-eyed amazement. I too, can hear her, Master.

That must be because of the bond we share. I said.

Yes, Master...that must be the reason. Noj-jah's voice echoed in my head sounding very happy to be able to communicate with someone other than me in this fashion. Seq-qah, art thou sure you canst hear me?

Indeed...easily, Noj-jah, sister. Seq-qah replied. Though they were certainly not related in any way, but many female slaves who have the same master often refer to one another as sister.

Noj-ah got back to business. They should pass by here before this sun reaches its zenith, Master. It is a very large party and.... She paused a moment. There is something else, Master. I know not yet what it is.

There could be no doubt that something of Njörun remained within Noj-jah. How many, Noj-jah?

A hundred...at the very least, Master. More, I am sure. Someone very important is traveling with them.

I looked about and realized none of the others could hear my telepathic communications. But, they all knew I had this ability with Seq-qah and appeared to be waiting patiently.

"Noj-jah, inform every one here what you just told me."

If anyone was surprised that I also spoke telepathically with her as well as Seq-qah, they did not show it. Noj-jah did as I asked and within a few minutes, everyone was up to speed, so to speak.

I picked it up. "As many of you know, Kahn...and maybe the Tushüks seem to be very well informed. Too much so. I have no way of knowing if my decoy has been uncovered or not. So, until this mission is complete, I am not Dee-Ess. I shall henceforth be called David." I said having decided to use the name I had on Earth.

Zeq-qoh stepped forward and spoke. "It shall be as you say David-Sir." He seemed to be his old self again, partially at least. Excepting the slaves, I would now be addressed as David-Sir. The 'Sir' would follow my name...unlike the title for knights on Earth. Sir is a title given to the lower ranked nobility on this world. Also used by anyone not a slave, when addressing his or her employer.

I was about to continue when I was interrupted by two voices inside my head. Master! It was Seq-qah and Noj-jah, of course.


We are being watched again. Seq-qah informed me.

By whom?

We know not, Master. It was Noj-jah this time.

"Oh happy days." I muttered to myself sarcastically. I suspected that it was the Tushüks, but I had no proof. It was just a feeling. I could not think of anyone else...except bandits and this was not their usual method of operation.

I thought quickly before giving instructions. "Seq-qah, you and Noj-jah finish filling in the others. Zeq-qoh, come with me."


As I lay in my bedroll that later that night, I felt a warm naked body slip in next to me. I turned to kiss Seq-qah, but was very mildly surprised to find it was not her. It took me a moment to recognize Quz-zah smiling at me. She whispered to me. "It is believed that we are being watched. This is for your safety, Master."

Quz-zah was easily the youngest of the girls on my chain, so to speak. As with all the others, she was lovely and eager to please. She was a little thicker in the body than the others were. Not quite chubby, by any means. But, she was as close to being fat as anyone I had seen on this world. She looked at me hopefully and asked. "Shall we, Master?"

"Shall we what?"

She lightly thrust her mound against my thigh, and then began fondling my rapidly hardening shaft. She grinning mischievously, she said. "A woman has needs too, Master." I was about to shake my head no, when she went on. "If we are indeed being watched...." She trailed off in a barely audible whisper.

"No!" I whispered harshly. Any other man...including myself many years ago would have jumped at a chance like this.

I could both see and feel her disappointment, but at least she didn't argue. "As you wish, Master."

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep when a loud commotion brought me wide-awake. I saw a figure running in my direction. A young man with a dagger in his hand. Then, suddenly a dart seemed to appear in the middle of his chest. He slowed, looked at the dart and then brought his hand up to his mouth. Two more steps and he fell face down next to the cook fire.

I, with Quz-zah and Seq-qah was by his side an instant later and rolled him onto his back. He weakly brought his blade up and tried to slash at Seq-qah. The blade of the dagger was coated with something...some kind of poison, there could be no doubt. I quickly stepped on his wrist, immobilizing it.

"That one...." He said looking at Seq-qah, "...that one killed my mate." He coughed and I noticed the inside of his mouth turning black.

I looked at Seq-qah. Poison...there is nothing we can do. She told me.

Who is he? I asked.

I know not, Master.

"Poor fool...." A female voice said. I looked.

It was Ayl-lah

"You know him?" I asked her.

"Yes, Master, I do. His name is...was Lu'uk."

I looked at the young man. He was dead. The blackness I saw before was spreading all over his face.

"I tried to take him alive, my Lord." Zeq-qoh said approaching. "Accept my apology."

"He took his own life, rather than be captured alive, Zeq-qoh. Do not concern yourself with his death." I told him. He shrugged and left us.

"He was not Tika's mate, but he loved her." Tika was the woman that Seq-qah had killed that night at the Tushük camp the night Tiq-qah was murdered. Memories of that night caused a wave of melancholy to sweep over me...along with guilt. I could not help but feel at least partially responsible for Tiq-qah's death.

Logically, I knew that I could not have saved her, but one's emotional mind is not always logical.

Ayl-lah smiled at me sadly. "Master...first, Seq-qah was right to kill Tika. She was a treacherous woman...mean and spiteful. She deserved to die. I have no doubt that she would have tried to kill you." She looked at Lu'uk. "He loved her unconditionally, even though she was cruel to him. Unbelievably cruel, Master. He was a nice boy."

Ayl-lah looked at me, her cheeks glowing in embarrassment. "I once offered him my virginity, but he only had eyes for her. Anyway, Tika would have never allowed it to happen."

"I know the type. There are men like that where I come from too. Not many, but there are a few." I looked down at the body and was somewhat stunned to see it almost fully desiccated and a dull black in color. A breeze blew in off the ocean without warning and the body turned into dust and was blowing away.

Seq-qah came to my side speaking softly. "It is the nature of that kind of poison, Master. It dries up every bit of moisture within a person's body...every drop of it."

"Is it painful?"

"I cannot say, Master. But, I have been told that there is no discomfort."

My next question was of more import to me. "Was it he who was watching us?"

"Perhaps Master, but I cannot be sure."

"Enough is enough." I muttered. No more of this bullshit. I just decided to do some things the way I wanted. Custom be damn. I looked at Seq-qah. Come girl, time to get some sleep."

But Master, your safety....

Now Seq-qah! I demanded.

As I climbed back into my bedroll, Zeq-qoh dragged the body away to be disposed of. Seq-qah timidly crawled in next to me. Master? Her mind whispered to mine.

Be silent, slave! Do not bother me further this night. I went to sleep feeling her fear and sadness. I know she felt my anger as a failure on her part. She hated to fail me.


I woke in the morning with Seq-qah curled up in the fetal position. I rose from my bedroll, went down to the stream to clean up and start my day. Again, Noj-jah and Quz-zah were waiting to assist me. Afterward, I returned to the camp and told Kôjar to start making ready to break camp. "We'll not be leaving right away." I informed him.

I went to my table to eat breakfast. Seq-qah was there waiting. As usual, she had not yet started to eat herself...waiting for me to begin eating. I started and we ate in complete silence. The rest of the morning passed without incident. We made ready to depart and waited patiently.

Shortly before noon, I saw them. Noj-jah had been correct. The party was quite large indeed. It was led by more than a few warriors, all wearing a type of armor that I was not familiar with. As they came closer, I starred in disbelief. The leader was riding a horse! An honest to goodness horse! On Terrania? I thought. Now, how in the hell did that get here? It was a magnificent animal...huge. I'm no expert on horses, but it guessed it to be a Percheron or perhaps a Shire horse. It came toward us, prancing more than walking with its rider. Black or a very, very dark brown in color excepting its lower legs, which were snow white. The hooves were deepest ebony.

The rider sat tall in his saddle and was himself quite impressive. His armor was exquisitely ornate...almost gaudy. As he drew closer, I got my first good look at his face, as he wore no helmet. He had an obvious Asian look about him. This was a little surprising as there are two races on the world that resemble the Orientals of Earth...both are quite rare. But no, he did not look like either of them. He appeared as if he might be Chinese...or Mongolian!

Kahn! It had to be him! My brain went into overdrive. Did Kahn lead the party that kidnapped my women himself? I both doubted and suspected it was so.

Master! Seq-qah's voice fairly screamed in my head. Kôjar says that the man in front was the leader as the assassins who stole thy women and attempted to kill thee.

I am not surprised, little one. That is Kahn.

Suddenly, even from several yards away, I felt her fear

Master, she told me. Your disguise only makes you look older; it does not change your face. I knew she was worried that Kahn might recognize me. I, myself had no such concern. I recalled that when my appearance was first altered, that I almost did not recognize my own face.

Relax, mother of my child. We will be all right.

Yes, Master. My term of endearment to her eased her fear, but only a little.

I trust you, my Master.

You'd better. I chuckled.

Major Kôjar appeared at my side. "M'lord, we must be cautious. That's...." He spoke softly.

"I know...Seq-qah informed me already." I interrupted him.

"Still, M'lord."

"I have a plan forming in my mind already. And, my idea calls for boldness, Major."


"There is a saying where I come from. 'Fortune favors the bold.' It has worked for me in the past."

Kôjar nodded slowly. "Perhaps you are right, M'lord. What shall we do?"

"Follow my lead." I told him as Kahn approached. I slumped my shoulders a bit and shuffled onto the road like an old man. I bowed my head and placed my right hand over my heart in Terranian salute. Disguising my voice, I said. "Good day to you, my lord."

He stopped his magnificent horse and looked down at me as if I were only an insignificant insect to be stepped upon. "What do you want, Slaver?" He asked me curtly as his entire party came to a halt.

"I would ask permission to join you party or to be allowed to follow behind it. We would have been long gone from here, but had a run in with bandits." It really grated on my nerves to act this obsequiously to my enemy, but I had a mission to complete and I was not in a position to do so at the moment.

"If you can keep up, your party can follow, but keep in mind that, it is not our job to provide protection to others." He said. It was as if just speaking to me was a large inconvenience. Then he looked at my slave wagon. Kahn's eyes passed over it seemingly with little or no interest. His eyes passed over Noj-jah then froze for a brief moment, and moved on. If I had not been paying attention, I might have missed it. I grinned inwardly. Ha! He wants her.

He likes you. I teled Noj-jah.

I know. She replied with perhaps a wee bit of snugness.

Noj-jah! I reprimanded her, but could not help smiling inwardly.

Forgive me, Master.

I turned to Kôjar. "Is all in readiness?"

"Yes, David-Sir. We wait only for your orders."

"The order is given."

"Yes, sir."

We fell in behind Kahn's party and followed the road northward away from the sea. The rest of the day's travel passed without notable event and we set up our camp just a few dozen yards from Kahn's. Seq-qah approached me. Master? Her word sounded very softly in my head.

Be silent, slave...leave me alone until you've learned to be fully honest...." I waved her away, but I could feel her heart breaking.

Yes, Master. She was weeping as she walked away. I hated doing this. I was gambling that I was more stubborn than she was.

I summoned Noj-jah who was standing near by. Prepare my evening meal, girl.

Yes, Master. She scurried away to do my bidding.


As I sat, quietly eating my supper, all the others tending to other meaningless tasks as per my instructions, a man from Kahn's camp approached me dressed as a slaver, as I was. "Good evening to you sir. I am Su'ak"

"And to you." I replied in a friendly manner. "I am known as David."

I looked at him closely. He was Tushük. His eyes were dark, his hair thick, black and wavy, almost to the point of being curly. Brown skin. He could as passed for an Arab back on Earth. "May I see what you have?" This was 'Slaver Speak' meaning he wanted to see all of my slaves. This was also precursor to perhaps making a deal to sell or swap slaves.

I looked at him a moment as if seriously considering his request. I then snapped my fingers. What happened next occurred as if it was pre-planned, because in truth, it was. All my Qoo-jans came forward and knelt in a line to my left. Zeq-qoh at the far end as was the custom. Seq-qah, who had special status as my physician, immediately to my right.

Su'ak raised his right hand, snapping his fingers. A long line of eight Qoo-jans appeared and knelt to his left. A woman also approached and took position to his other side. She wore the short skirt, sandals and bracelet of a slave, but she was not Qoo-jan. She was Tushük. The sides of her head appeared shaved and tattooed the same as Seq-qah's. Obviously, she must be Su'ak's physician.

As if reading my mind, she smiled at me with a look I can only describe as sexual frankness. "I am Say'ah, third physician to Kahn." At that, I mentally shrugged. Can't be right every time, eh? No need to concern myself with that. It did not really matter.

I looked back at Su'ak. "Well?" It was time to cut to the chase.

"Swap or straight out sale?" He asked me.

"It depends on which one you're interested in."

"My lord Kahn saw one that captured his interest, friend."

Of course, I already figured out that Kahn wanted this slaver to purchase Noj-jah for him. And while that decision had been made some time ago, I had to feign reluctance. "And which one is that?" I asked, pretending to be rather bored with the proceedings.

He pointed at Noj-jah casually. He too was acting. Then he indicated Ayl-lah. "And maybe that one as well."

I looked to my right. "Noj-jah, present yourself. And Ayl-lah, when she is finished.

Noj-jah stood, walked over to stand in front of Su'ak and smiled sweetly down at him. Next, she turned slowly before him, her hands behind her neck, fingers interlaced. A full 360º. When she was done, she knelt before him, within easy reach. Her firm round bottom resting on her heels with her knees spread impossibly wide to allow her prospective new master access to her. He groped and fondled her for a bit. Then he nodded his dismissal to her. Then the process was repeated with Ayl-lah.

As Su'ak put his hand between Ayl-lah's thighs, he licked his lips lasciviously. I instantly knew he wanted her for himself. I was not sure if I would be willing to give her up. It was clear that I allowed myself to become too emotionally attached to these girls.

Ayl-lah got to her feet when released and slowly walk back to her place in line. As she approached Noj-jah, she inexplicably tripped over her own feet and fell striking her head on Noj-jah's knee. All the others jumped up to assist Ayl-lah. I then noticed that they were shielding her from Su'ak's line of sight. Noj-jah and Ayl-lah quickly pressed their foreheads together which was a quick silent way from them to communicate. A moment later, all was as it was before.

Su'ak smiled at me. "I would like to procure those two." Of course, he pointed out Noj-jah and Ayl-lah.

With no warning at all, a fiendish idea popped into my head. "Well, I'm not too sure. Is it not the custom to show all of one's trading stock?"

A dark look flashed across Su'ak's features. "What do you mean, David?" Then I knew I was right. I had busted him. He knew it and did not like it.

Then he gave a smile that fell well short of his eyes. "I did not think you'd be interested in breeding stock. And yours?" He asked thinking to bust me too.

"I have but one, right now." I patted Seq-qah's thigh as if she was a prize bull at a livestock show. "And...." I said grinning. "She just recently became impregnated." I said casting a knowing glance at Zeq-qoh.

"Ah...thinking of getting into breeding?" Su'ak asked trying to cover his loss of composure.

"I am no longer a young man. I am seeking easier work for my twilight years." I told him. It is common on this world for some men the switch from slaving to breeding as they get older.

He shrugged and spoke softly to Say'ah, who got up and padded quickly away. While she was away, I looked over the slave girls that he had brought with him. As with all other women on this planet, they were all very lovely to look upon. Two of the eight were quite young, looking to be the Earth equivalent of perhaps 12 or 13. While another appeared to be closer to Seq-qah's age. The young ones looked at me pleadingly. Moments later, Say'ah returned with four more Qoo-jan women.